I rented this from Lovefilm this weekend, and while I'm only up to Mission 10 I've really enjoyed it so far. I really like the evade and counter manoeuvres - and while the story is nothing special, the dogfights with enemy squadrons and mystery fighters (ZOE) are cool...
What were peoples' complaints about Assault Horizon? Because in all the trailers it looks fucking awesome... I did play the demo at EuroGamer last year, and enjoyed my time with it, but I didn't do many levels. So if that's not worth picking up, what's the next best game that plays a bit like this? I gather this is based heavily on Ace Combat 2, being almost a remake of sorts, but looking at footage of that game - it looks much longer in the tooth, so what's the best one to try on consoles? Should I try Assault Horizon, or go to AC6 or something?
I'd love to see them do another one and maybe up the graphics ante a bit. This one looks fine, it looks great even in replays -- but with some volumetric clouds a la Kid Icarus or something, some normal mapping and metal shading - they could make a shit hot looking AC game for 3DS imo.
I like how all the Bandai Namco games have toys in little cases for their game icon on the home menu. Ridge Racer has a model car in a case and this has one of the fighter jets... its a nice touch of self-imposed consistency across their products.
Does anyone else feel that for under-appreciated games like this, it kind of sucks that the threads are left to die in the community forum?