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3DS owners, what are you currently playing?

currently Braverly Default 102 hours in on 1st play through, JUST at the end of Chapter 5
but i have a backlog
I need to finish;
Donkey Kong Country Returns
Luigi's Mansion
Adventure Time: Explore that dungeon because I DON'T KNOW (so far its hardly worth playing)
Mario And Luigi Dream Team
Lego Lord of the Rings....

yeah i think thats it...if i don't include virtual console games


Well, yeah I played the hell out of it. But besides that, LM2 and Uprising there's not much for guys like me who like those kinds of experiences.
I'm in the same boat as you. There's nothing for me right now, so my 3DS is basically just sitting there collecting dust.
Just finished Link Between Worlds the other day, now I'm onto Mario & Luigi Dream Team.

Still have a bunch of other games I've yet to play, and the backlog is only going to grow when Bravely Default comes out in a couple of weeks.


Finished ALBW a couple days ago. Going to go back and play Hero Mode soon. Already finished Pokemon X at around 200 hours, not sure what I'd want to go back and do right now in that game. Tried the Bravely Default demo and it just wasn't my thing. Might give Metal Gear 3DS a shot...


I never got into Star Fox, I'd like to check it out though if you recommend it. I've played SFA for GCN and always felt it was one of the worst Rare games and a pale imitation of a good Zelda.

(BTW, DKCR 3D is incredible, packed with content, and was my GOTY pick for last year. It's especially recommended if you did not play the original.)

My choice was already leaning towards DKCR 3D, but you just helped tip the balance for good ! I'll be getting that as soon as possible. Thanks !

(and don't worry, StarFox 64 3D has nothing to do with StarFox Adventures, it's a fun and accessible on-rail shooter. I'm not usually fond of replaying the same levels over and over again to beat my high-score in games, but I always come back to this one because you just have to do multiple playthroughs to unlock all the different paths for the game.)


Maturity, bitches.
New Leaf everyday. Just when I feel I'm tiring of it, I find something new to do in my town.

Well it certainly saving me money not needing to buy anything else.


I have to finish Virtue last reward, Donkey kong cr, and shin megami tensei soul hackers.
Just finish Bravely default and Zelda ALBW.

2013 was a really great year


My choice was already leaning towards DKCR 3D, but you just helped tip the balance for good ! I'll be getting that as soon as possible. Thanks !

(and don't worry, StarFox 64 3D has nothing to do with StarFox Adventures, it's a fun and accessible on-rail shooter. I'm not usually fond of replaying the same levels over and over again to beat my high-score in games, but I always come back to this one because you just have to do multiple playthroughs to unlock all the different paths for the game.)

My pleasure, I hope you enjoy it!

And thanks for the SF64 info, I'll definitely add it to my list of games to buy once my backlog is cleared out a bit.


at last, for christ's sake
So KI:U is really that good? 'cause I vaguely remember a fairly lukewarm reception on release.

I'll go as far as to say it's the best handheld game ever made, but that's probabaly just me

seriously, ANY 3DS owner should buy it and make it the multimillion success it greatly deserves to be


a noob 3ds XLer here so playing phoenix wright and zelda on my new zelda 3ds xl. Not enough time in the day to play them though.
I finished A Link Between Worlds a while back, and currently, I'm still playing through the Bravely Default demo. Not too much longer now...


I'll go as far as to say it's the best handheld game ever made, but that's probabaly just me

seriously, ANY 3DS owner should buy it and make it the multimillion success it greatly deserves to be

currygan pls

send me a copy, it looks fun!

(stepping for for JC with your favorite catchphrase since he's banned)
I just started Kid Icarus Uprising on my 2DS and I find easier to hold the console.
When I played on my 3DS and 3DS XL, it always gave me hand cramps.
Now I can finally enjoy this incredible game!


Playing Fire Emblem Awakening finally. Bought limited 3DS with it, but got around to play it only now - after Phoenix Wright, Crimson Shroud and smth else. Gorgeous game, I'm seriously considering to start it again right after I finish the main game - to see who'll survive this time and what relations will come out of it all.

Pokemon X, SM3DL and Paper Mario wait for their turn. There's also a Zelda problem, but I hope I'll get to that too.
Just popped in ALBW yesterday actually. Next will be KI:U, followed by Layton at the end of February with Bravely Default probably coming in at some later date. Meanwhile I've also been replaying DKCR in short bursts during commute. Yeah, the 3DS is a beast.

Galactic Fork

A little fluff between the ears never did any harm...
I'm split between Devil Survivor Overclocked, Project X Zone, and Virtue's Last Reward. I just beat all endings for 999 2 days ago, so had to download VLR.
Finishing up Picross, then my second playthrough of Fire Emblem. I still have these games left to buy:

1.) Zelda: ALBW
2.) Mario 3D Land
3.) Kid Icarus
5.) Ace Attorney

I'm pretty much set for the entire f'ing year!
Still doing ACNL stuff.....i'm actually nearing 500 hours now.
Pokemon Y i've popped into a few times to check on stuff. Will probably play more when Bank comes out.

The newst game i've been playing is Chibi Robo. I havent quite finished it yet. Still need some more happy points to get the last fim cells i need.
It isn't just about finding missing gems or boos, it's that the mission based system harmed the flow of the game. With the original, I felt a sense of progress as I cleared rooms of both enemies and money. The lights of an area turning on after a boss fight and the (beforehand locked) door to the next area unlocking gave me a sense of accomplishment. The mini-bosses gave certain rooms that special charm they needed. The mansion felt huge and your step-by-step exploration of the areas only added more to the weight of it all.

With LM2 they're fairly small areas that you're going to have to visit over and over again, your room progress constantly resetting (aside from some obvious main objective changes, of course) and the mansion being full of constantly re-used baddies with barely any special enemies to counter that repetition.

It's not entirely about content either. Yeah, LM2 might have more things to do (aside from badly designed upgrades and whatnot) in terms of 'content', but its elements don't function as well as they should and in a cohesive manner. In terms of which game is better? I'm not sure, as LM1 was riddled with flaws as well. It's just that this game unfortunately did not live up to the high expectations I got from the praise and the high review scores. Mission based structure worked extremely well in games such as Kid Icarus and especially Fire Emblem, but it just doesn't work for me in LM2. I'm still enjoying the game and working my way through it, but I doubt it'll somehow manage to blow me away in the end.

I would have preferred if the constant, unnecessary returns to the lab were removed from the game and it instead took a design with better flow. Remove the mission-based system, make each area larger and let us play through the entire area. We'd still be completing the same objectives and E-Gadd could still keep us updated through the dual scream and we'd be able to transport certain equipment through the teleporter thingy without constantly having to go back. That said, if the game didn't force us to go back and replay levels, it would probably be over incredibly quickly. The game actually isn't that long, it's just made to feel this way because of the constant returns you make to the same area.

I dunno, I felt clearing an area in LM1 was equivalent to clearing a mansion in LM2. In that sense the level of satisfaction is equal. Each mission gradually opens up the mansions so there's definitely a sense of satisfaction and progress and just as much emphasis on exploration and puzzle solving. I can't agree on that front. LM1 blocks a ton of areas off early on and you really are just as limited in what you can actually explore. It gives the illusion of an open mansion but it is just as rigid as the mission structure in my opinion.

And like I said, E.Gadd interrupts you after clearing an area in LM1. This isn't something unique to LM2. There's even a results screen after beating the boss. The game isn't that long true, and I agree the mission structure was probably to prolong the duration of each mansion, but it's still quite a bit longer than the first game and packed with more secrets. Many areas are completely optional in LM2 even with the mission structure. And there's the added bonus of having instant access to a portion of the game which LM1 doesn't allow for. Like, replaying bosses or the bonus missions which let's you look around a bit more. I guess my point is that there was nothing about the old structure that I missed in the sequel. LM1 wasn't an open game at all.


Still doing ACNL stuff.....i'm actually nearing 500 hours now.
Pokemon Y i've popped into a few times to check on stuff. Will probably play more when Bank comes out.

The newst game i've been playing is Chibi Robo. I havent quite finished it yet. Still need some more happy points to get the last fim cells i need.

500 hours? Holy shit. How much content does this game have?
I have way too much to play right now. Finished Pokemon. Been working on Luigi's mansion, also animal crossing, kid icarus, smt4, Mario and Luigi, fire emblem, soul hackers, and several ds games. I have no idea how I'm gonna find the time to play everything and I also have several ps3 and wii u games I need to finish :/



just started


Took a break from LM2 (the mission structure and poor checkpointing was getting annoying...) and am now playing LBW. LOVING it. I also have to get back to AA5 and try out the Bravely Default demo.


Phoenix Wright 5 (Case 4, investigation phase)
Zelda ALBW (1 dungeon complete in dark world)

I was going to revisit Pokemon after those, but Bravely Default is just around the corner, so that'll get priority.
Pretty happy with the system right now.
In LM1 they didn't feel too intrusive as it didn't feel mission based or linear (Yes, it's an illusion, but that's fine).

Or maybe this doesn't make sense and I'm just weird.

...Yeah, that's probably it.

Nah, it makes perfect sense! I actually understand your problem with the mission structure a bit more now. I'm used to arguing with people who have entirely different set of issues with it and so kinda framed my defense around them, which was an error on my part. I'm not bothered by yours either, as I think the game is mindful of not making you backtrack too much by positioning pixel shifters in different sections of the mansions and transporting you there based on the mission objectives to cut on repetition. As you progress through the mansions this even becomes clearer. I think you redid a lot of things earlier because the first couple of mansions aren't terribly large so not much travel was needed to get to where you were supposed to be. As the missions get longer though (some going >1hr for me, but I am as obsessive explorer) they use the pixel shifters more often - so I thought they accounted for that potential problem, or at least they satisfied my own potential issues with them :p But it is true that the flow is broken up a bit more with the mission structure, but again I wasn't bothered since it seemed pretty justified; I like E.Gadd's dialogue and I like coming back with the spoils, gradually upgrading the poltergust and storing all them busted ghosts. :p But yeah I can see the issue.

As for the gems, well there's no reward in finding them (aside from crummy Luigi statues) but there's a satisfaction in completing the set because I thought many were cleverly hidden. The Boos though provide more tangible rewards since they at least open up an extra mission.


New Leaf is something I pretty much touch every day.

Finally restarted in casual mode in FE:A so I wouldn't hit a wall for hours and I'm really enjoying it. Will definitely want to try it on a harder difficulty once I'm done with it.

I'm really tempted to start playing Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia though.
Mario 3D land
Link between worlds
Animal crossing
Pokemon Y

All picked up over Christmas as I'd been neglecting my 3DS for too long. All of them fantastic games.


I was hard on pokemon, but I petered out on that, waiting for the bank to drop now. Currently I'm Playing Mario 3d land, which is amazing.
loving that they gave me 8 more worlds and Luigi after beating the first 8 wordls
. And to supplement that, I've been playing crimson shroud, which is just awesome.


I finally got Fire Emblem last week, but I actually came to promote Picross e1-e4 - I've spent more time with those games than anything else the last couple of weeks.


Just finished Pokemon Y and I'm still working on Project X Zone. If I just want a quick diversion, I'll load up SSF IF, or Animal Crossing.

Velcro Fly

Animal Crossing every day

Since I got my XL I'm tempted to replay stuff like Luigi's Mansion.

I bought and finished many of the first party games last year though.


There's so much variety in what everyone is playing on their 3DS. Some are playing SMTIV, others Luigi Mansion 2, others A Link Between Worlds, others Phoenix Wright 5, others Kid Icarus Uprising, others freaking Senran Kagura Burst. None of the games are alike. Another reason why is such a fantastic handheld.


Ten hours into Bravely Default, so awesome.

I'm kinda getting vibes of FFV and IX from it, loving every second, I just can't put it down. Every time I get stuck, I go off and toy with the job system for a bit, do some side quests, it's all good. I love the difficulty slider to increase/decrease battle frequency, that is such a good idea, speeding up level grinding to ridiculously fast, or toning it down when wanting to get out to a save point in a hurry.

I really can't recommend it enough if you like old-school JRPGs, it's redeemed Square for me. Well, a bit.
Nothing, but I still have the other half of Senran Kagura Burst to do. I'm currently waiting for BD to release before I really start playing my 3DS a lot again.


Nothing. I've played most everything I've wanted since getting it. I'm in the middle of ALBW, but stopped after a few dungeons. I haven't gone back to it since (a couple months). I also have AA5 and VLR on my backlog.
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