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$4.99 games at Circuit City in store (YMMV)


First tragedy, then farce.
just went back.. there was no restock at my local circuit city, but they pulled the games wed, I went back just in case when they opened this morning and grabbed Tony Hawk 2x (not on the list, but I saw a copy on the shelves and figured it HAD to be cheap by now.

Grabbed a copy of Raw, because its the last rasslin game with the hardy boyz in it..

and Turok , which was in their 5 dollar bin (along with 20 other copies), but was in fact not on sale at all.

glad I went on the 4th, but really wish I had known certain games were on sale at the time, I left a ton sitting there not knowing they were 5 bucks.
I just came back, and there was nothing but old sports games, and some puzzle games. Some of the games on Wario's list was there, but price checked for $19.99 or $29.99 and I didn't want any of them anyway.


Got there 15 minutes after they opened and a crowd had already formed around the $5 bins... Some lady w/a cart was making a scene because they had signs that said 1 per title/4 games per person only...Grabbed Unreal Championship and Headhunter and ran before someone tried to bite me... Saw Boktai, Lunar, Hitman, Thing, some Gundam game, Munch...nothing to exciting...


Well me and my friend went to the Fresno CA CC about 15 minutes before opening. There were about 15 people in total to crowd the two bins of games. There were not really that many "good" games, but there were enough for me to pick up the following:

*Vexx (GC)
*Grabbed By The Ghoulies
*LOTR: Two Towers (GC)
*Colin McRae Rally 3 (XB)
*Dragon Valor (PS1)
*Summoner: Goddess Reborn (GC)
*Mega Man X7

My friend grabbed these games:

*Voodoo Vince
*Summoner II
*Buffy: Chaos Bleeds
*Chaos Legion

We then proceeded to march down to Gamerush (after checking some of the games out of course). My friend traded in Summoner II ($10), Buffy($10), PN03($21) & Chaos Legion ($13) and picked up a new PS2 Network Adaptor & a used Socom II for $10 with the 2 used game trade in. I traded in MMX7 ($13), PN03 ($21), Colin ($10) and Summoner ($10), picked up Knights Of The Old Republic & Mario Golf (GC) for $10 each, bought a new Mario Golf for GBA for $25 (using a $5 off coupon) and I had $7 in credit left over as well....

Needless to say with a little effort and Game Rush everything turned out peachy :D

Dave Long

Jesus, that was a haul compared to what I would have expected anywhere today. I woulda bought most of those if they had been there.
I had a huge list of games. That even included the mediocre ones across ALL the systems. I was prepared to drop a few hundred. Anways they had NONE of them at the opening of our store here in OKC. My mom was pretty furious that CC would advertise for this thing and not have anything in stock on the day the sale officially begins. I think many were burned as well. Gamers were present at the deal and also came away empty handed.

I say (seriously) we file a class-action lawsuit against CC for several injustices including false advertising. Of course what am I thinking? I live in possibly the most lazy and unambitious generation in history. Whatever. When I get back to the states CC will feel my boomstick twisting in their ass. Suffer they will.


Dave Long said:
Jesus, that was a haul compared to what I would have expected anywhere today. I woulda bought most of those if they had been there.

Both me and my friend tried to pick out most of the decent titles, but we did leave a few like Wrestlemania XIX, Dead To Rights, Dino Crisis 3, Transworld Snowboarding, SWAT etc etc. I didn't want to 'break the bank' so to speak since I already hauled in some games last weekend. Needless to say, I've been spoiled by all the Gamerush deals of late. I just need to stop fiending now and just play :)

BTW Gamerush is in 12 states now I believe. In California, the largest amount of Gamerush locations just happen to be in my city for whatever reason. Check the website for more info at http://www.gamerush.com/


NotMSRP said:
Fongul, any more PN 03s or Summoner Goddess Reborns at your CCs?
Hell no theres nothing but Sega Sports games and crappy pSone games. I went back to try and get something, but it was priced at $29.99

aoi tsuki

It was my second time going (i also went on Tuesday) and it didn't look like they restocked. i arrived first and a friend came shortly after. A couple of guys with lists came up, along with a family, and a guy who looked like a gamer. The sales was reduced to two bins, and there weren't any really good games (i think Skies of Arcadia GC was the best game i got out of the whole deal). i picked a dozen games up before going to the shelves to see if a few games hadn't been put in bins (they hadn't).

There was this guy who bragged about snatching the last two copies of REZ on Monday and selling them on eBay for $100 a piece. Fucking asshat. He didn't bring his list that he had written down from the library and asked to see ours. If you're buying games with the sole purpose of selling them, then whatever. But don't fucking brag about it like anybody. All it does is make enemies and give others the idea of doing the same thing, hurting your business. If i see him again at another sale, i'll make sure to steal some choice games out of his basket.

On the plus side, the cashier we spoke to was really cool and let us know to bring up any games that we needed a price for, whether they were on the list or not. When i asked if he had gotten his stash he said he didn't really have time to get any by time he realized things were on sale. i got the last copy of Stretch Panic and he mentioned that he really wanted to play it. i'm definitely going back there the next time he works to just give it to him. At least he'll actually play it.


Unconfirmed Member
etiolate said:
Rock n ROll Racing GBA <-- yay
Sumos GBA
NHL Hitz 2k3

Not really worth getting up early for.
I saw the same shit except R&R racing which I would have snagged in a second.

I saw these two guys go up to the register with five PS2 games which where not the shit sports titles they had out in the bin. I think they had hid them earlier or something because they were giggling like little bitches and the clerk called his manager to get the OK on them. :)

EDIT: yeah, not worth getting up over :)


I snagged one of the numerous copies of NBA Courtside left on Sunday and got my Madden 2005 pre-order with 5 trade-ins, 2 of which were the aforementioned Courtside. Essentially, I paid $25 for Madden. I can't complain.

One note of interest, games that were on the list but not in the $5 bin were no longer $5. I pricechecked Freekstyle and it rang up as $14.99. :(

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Heh...almost forgot. Before I left i put about 3 new games that werent on sale in the 4.99 bin. :)


So now that this is basically over, does anyone want to stop and think how this sale benefitted Circuit City in any way?

-Selling tons of game for the rock-bottom price $4.99, many of which would have moved at less of a discount.

-Pissing off hardcore gamers by pulling what's left off the shelf mid-week because the sale was put into effect too early.

-Pissing off casual gamers because by the time they announced it and "restocked" shelves, there was nothing of interest left.

I think they managed to incur all the financial detriment of a huge sale, with about none of the consumer goodwill or full-price runoff sales.


Teddman said:
So now that this is basically over, does anyone want to stop and think how this sale benefitted Circuit City in any way?

-Selling tons of game for the rock-bottom price $4.99, many of which would have moved at less of a discount.

-Pissing off hardcore gamers by pulling what's left off the shelf mid-week because the sale was put into effect too early.

-Pissing off casual gamers because by the time they announced it and "restocked" shelves, there was nothing of interest left.

I think they managed to incur all the financial detriment of a huge sale, with about none of the consumer goodwill or full-price runoff sales.

They ran the sale to clear old stock, which they did.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
shoplifter said:
Anyone pick up an extra copy of Forever Kingdom that they'd be willing to part with for cost + shipping?

Wow, I'm shocked to hear a request for that. :p

I actually did grab a copy, but I plan on playing it. I liked Evergrace, believe it or not. It's just a shame that the framerate and animation went to hell in the sequel. Everything else seems to have improved...


Will someone drop me an e-mail, or IM if they picked up an extra copy of Mega Man X7 they want to part with, I'll pay cost + shipping.


Queen of Denmark
Ristamar said:
Nope, at least not at the 2 Wal-Marts in my area. They demand a receipt now. Perhaps they're more lenient around the holidays, as I did exchange games there last winter, or maybe they finally cought on to the scheme. However, it doesn't hurt to try if you have something you want to offload. If you do, let me know how it turns out.
Here's an update for Ristamar or anyone else who cares:

I took the two games I bought (Cel Damage and LoTR: TTT) to the WalMart near my house, and attempted to "exchange" them. Unfortunately, it didn't work because the customer service woman saw the sticker residue from the CC security tags that I had pulled off (WalMart games don't have security tags on them, since they're kept behind glass). She didn't yell at me or anything, because my story was that someone had bought the games for me and they weren't quite what I wanted, so I was trying to return them without the person's feelings getting hurt. She just said, "Find out where they get these games from, because it wasn't here."

So, I went home, regrouped a bit, and used a combination of cleaning solvents to get the remaining sticker residue off of the packaging. I got about 90% of it off, and it looked pretty passable. Then, when I went to a different WalMart, I placed the "return" stickers they give you when you walk in the door (if they see you're returning something) on the same spots where the security stickers were, to further mask any remaining stickiness. The return worked perfectly, and I ended up with a $45 gift card for WalMart -- not exactly the $100 I had hoped for, but still a $35 profit on the whole thing. Had I known how relatively painless it would be, I would've bought more shitty games to do the same thing with.

So, yeah, if you have the time and inclination, a WalMart exchange can be done. And don't feel bad about it, either (my girlfriend was trying to guilt trip me the whole time), because it's not hurting anybody -- Circuit City got their money, you get some profit, and WalMart gets to resell the games you gave them.

aoi tsuki

i'll probably try that. i picked up a few games for friends and they picked some of the up already, so i'm stuck with extra games. The eBay route wasn't looking too favorable, but seeing as how Walmart has some of these games for $20-$50, i'll check their inventory and see what i can offload.


Hmm. Perhaps certain Wal-Marts are less strict than others. I'd try again, but I already traded the games I didn't want. Good job, though. I would've liked to have snagged a copy of MGS:TTS via exchange.

aoi tsuki

It helps if you do it late at night. i get out of work at 12a or later, and around that time returns and exchanges are handled at the register. Most cashiers around then are too tired to care so they let a lot slip by.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Shameless bump, but Bombastic for PS2 is now $4.96. Just picked up my copy at Circuit City. For anyone in the area, there's 2 left at the Almaden location in San Jose. Both copies are placed behind Dead or Alive
So, yeah, if you have the time and inclination, a WalMart exchange can be done. And don't feel bad about it, either (my girlfriend was trying to guilt trip me the whole time), because it's not hurting anybody -- Circuit City got their money, you get some profit, and WalMart gets to resell the games you gave them.

of course, this is at the expense of your own honesty-something few people seem to value.


Wario64 said:
Shameless bump, but Bombastic for PS2 is now $4.96. Just picked up my copy at Circuit City. For anyone in the area, there's 2 left at the Almaden location in San Jose. Both copies are placed behind Dead or Alive
Good god that's a wonderful deal. Bombastic was easily worth the $10 I paid EB earlier this year.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Just picked up Bombastic along with Frequency at CC. They had some $4.99 games leftover but those two were the only ones that caught my eye.


hyperbolically metafictive
i just picked up bombastic as well. there were a few copies left at the circuit city in canoga park, if any of you are in la. i'm not particularly into puzzle games involving blocks or block manques, but for $5 what the hell.

also briefly played the hot shots 4 demo. scea have pulled a total butcher job on that one.
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