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$4.99 games at Circuit City in store (YMMV)


Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Oh boy, I hope the CC in BK didn't get raided today...


works for Gamestop (lol)
More stuff:

PSO Episode I & II (GC)
PN03 (GC)
Boktai (GBA)
Aliens Vs. Predator (PS2)
Dragon Warrior VII (PSone)


I didn't see shit down there for 4.99... I guess they didn't bother to change the prices or maybe our store was one of the lucky ones they managed to pass on by.


works for Gamestop (lol)
kevm3 said:
I didn't see shit down there for 4.99... I guess they didn't bother to change the prices or maybe our store was one of the lucky ones they managed to pass on by.

Like I said before, Circuit City never changes their price tags 99% of the time. You better go in there with a list of what's $4.99, or know before hand what games you want that are $4.99. I think it's actually better this way cause people at the store won't know what's $4.99 and what is, which gives you a huge advantage


works for Gamestop (lol)
More games, some repeats but I think some here weren't listed before. I'm losing track of what's $4.99 so I'm just gonna copy and paste a bunch of games here

Crimson Sea
Dragon's Lair
Fatal Frame
Marvel Vs. Capcom 2
Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Motor Tren Presents: Lotus Challenge
Panzer Dragoon Orta
Star Wars: Clone Wars
ToeJam & Earl III
Voodoo Vince
DOA Volleyba

Beach Spikers
Mario Party 4
Mortal Kombat: Deadly Alliance
Resident Evil
Sega Soccer Slam
Smugglers Run Warzones
Tetris Worlds

Game Boy Advance:
Max Payne
Shining Soul
Super Street Fighter II Turbo Revival
Super Monkey Ball Jr.

PS2: Harvest Moon


Man i'm having a heart attack here too many games not enough money. and no way in hell i would ever find them all. My god what are they doing getting rid of everything but the newest games?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Fixed2BeBroken said:
is that...resident evil Remake?

I'm not sure. The original thread on CAG is friggin huge and it's a mess to see what's actually $4.99 or not

I think someone said RE0 is not $4.99, so it maybe REmake. Then again, it could be Code Veronica... ahh

And I think someone said they are opened tomorrow at normal hours

BTW, the list got posted on fatwallet.com. It's getting wide spread pretty quickly now


hyperbolically metafictive
just picked up dark cloud 2, onimusha 2, and megaman x7 at another store. er...i'm really not remotely interested in onimusha or megaman, but at $5 i figure what the hell. i'll probably play them briefly and then trade them in. or if anyone on the board's interested, i'd be willing to trade those two games for a used copy of mario golf gc.
Jesus christ. I just drove all the way across town to CC and left my fucking list at home. Agghh!!

I ended up getting some deals that would seem good if not for the other totally awesome stuff on the list: Voodoo Vince, Kung Fu Chaos, Dino Stalker, Devil May Cry 2, Haunted Mansion Xbox. And I got them to price match Fry's $9.99 Sonic Adventure DX and Unreal 2 for xbox, which is cool since the Fry's deal was supposed to be for the PC version of Unreal 2.

Also, Seattle/Bellevue residents take note - I had them look up Disgaea and Ikaruga in the computer and check store by store, and Lynnwood, Everett, Crossroads, Bellevue, and Southcenter are ALL out of them.

Now that the list has quadrupled I'm gonna have to turn right around and head back there. >_<


Mistaken iRobbery!
Just came back, scored:

-Dark Cloud 2
-Okage:Shadow King
-Pro Race Driver
-Smash Court Tennis: Pro Tournament

I'm actually more glad I got Dark Cloud 2 for $4.99 than Disgaea ^_^
Anyone want to trade for Mega Man X7, Chaos Legion, Robotech, Rez?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Defensor said:
Anyone want to trade for Mega Man X7, Chaos Legion, Robotech, Rez?

Rez here dude!

Oh you want to trade, haha. I got Skies of Arcadia Legends for GC, but I dont think you have a GC :p


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Eggo said:
Well I got powned. I went to the Circuit City in Santa Monica, CA and nothing was on sale. The titles in this thread were nowhere to be seen anywhere and we don't have a bargain bin. I suppose you have to go to some backwoods Circuit Cities to get deals. :(

This is usually what happens to me but if I get the chance I'm still going to check one out tommorow.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Shit, I'm going back for more tomorrow! There are a ton of CC stores around me, and they all seem to have most everything (including stuff like REZ and Disgaea).

Only thing they did not have that I wanted was GGXX...but oh well.

Orin GA

I wish I could hat you to death
Gonna Pick up:

Medal of Honor Frontline
Red Faction II
Timesplitters II
Viewtiful Joe
Panzer Dragoon Orta


works for Gamestop (lol)
Orin GA said:
Gonna Pick up:

Medal of Honor Frontline
Red Faction II
Skies of Arcadia Legends
Timesplitters II
Viewtiful Joe
Panzer Dragoon Orta

SoA:L is $10 at Fry's, not at Circuit City. Sorry for the confusion


Mistaken iRobbery!
They have Mega Man X7 at the website of CC for $30. If I bought that and some other games, returned them to the store, would they honor the $4.99 price?


works for Gamestop (lol)
Defensor said:
They have Mega Man X7 at the website of CC for $30. If I bought that and some other games, returned them to the store, would they honor the $4.99 price?

If you bought them within 30 days of this deal, you can bring the receipt and get it price matched. If you bought it from the website, I'm not sure. But if you bought them from the store in the last 30 days, you can definately go back and get your money back. I did this before with Shinobi when it went from $10 to $5


Those deals make me wish I wasn't living in canada.

GOD I HATE IT when they are such awesome deals and I CAN'T pbenefit from them :( too bad no one would like to help fellow canadians in here >_<
Defensor said:
They have Mega Man X7 at the website of CC for $30. If I bought that and some other games, returned them to the store, would they honor the $4.99 price?

I would gladly trade you Megman X7 for something. PM me! (or AIM, etc)


well not really...yet
I went to my Circuit City and they had no idea what I was talking about, not even one 4.99 game :(

Edit: they didnt even have the games I wanted regardless, so whatever


works for Gamestop (lol)
Most Circuit City employees don't know about the sale. Which I think is a good thing cause if they knew, they would have updated the price tags
DeadStar said:
I went to my Circuit City and they had no idea what I was talking about, not even one 4.99 game :(

Did you have them scan them into the computer? They're never marked down, the price comes up once you scan them.


In order for you to get the games for this price they have to input the UPC that is there only way of checking if they have stock of certain games and they can scan it but most will not.


works for Gamestop (lol)
Yeah, just bring the games that you feel is $4.99 and ask them for a price check. If it isn't $4.99, refuse. It's not like you have to buy them if they scan it for you. Who cares if you annoy them by making them scan 50 games :p


Mistaken iRobbery!
The chick that rang me up asked if I wanted Monster Rancher 4, Fantavision, Defender, and Bloody Roar 4 for the PS2(someone didn't want them I suppose) for $4.99 each. I declined. Bombastic was still $19.99 though... Crappy!
What the fuck is this? There is no Circuit City anywhere near this town. :( I'd have to drive 90 miles up to Tucson to try this. This is messed up, are they going out of business or something? I paid full price for several of those games, some of which I haven't even played yet. They better not have very many copies of Disgaea, otherwise this is going to KILL the value. :(


Junior Ace
The old guy who rang me up told these two manager guys about it because he thought I was somehow ripping them off. The manager looked at the receipt and was like "well, if they rang up at that price... have fun." Yeah, I hacked your computer system, you stupid shits.


works for Gamestop (lol)
The worst is when they try to charge you the normal $49.99 price because they believe the computer system is fucked up and won't give you the games at the discounted price


hyperbolically metafictive
this is ridiculous - looking at the updated list, there are probably another dozen games i saw and wouldn't mind having. i think at this point i should just give in to backlog guilt and let the deals pass me by.

...but not before i go back for fantavision. and maybe doa xvb. $5 sounds about right for a titties simulator.


Defensor said:
Just came back, scored:

I'm actually more glad I got Dark Cloud 2 for $4.99 than Disgaea ^_^
Anyone want to trade for Mega Man X7, Chaos Legion, Robotech, Rez?

Want to trade Chaos for Disgaea?=p

Went to 3 different CC in San Jose, got:

Chaose Legion
Dark Cloud 2
Ape Escape 2
Mario Party 4
Crimson Sea

Saw PN04 but I didn't know it was 4.99>_< Don't wanna drive out that far again, to get just that.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Neutron Night said:
The deal is instore only, sorry dude['quote]

There is no store anywhere around here. I want some of these games. Probably the next time I'll have a chance to go to a Circuit City is next week.

Justice has been served ;)


I got Rygar, Parappa the Rappa 2 and Bloody Roar 4. They weren't marked at all, but I figured it seemed to be all the $29.99 stickered games that were discounted. I forget to bring a list, but I couldn't find any of the ones I hoped to find. Tried two CCs today, going to try a third tomorrow.

Shit, Dark Cloud 2 is one of the discoutned ones? Well at least I know those are in stock around here.
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