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45 U.S presidents enter the arena ... one leaves alive. Welcome to the Thunderdome

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A time-travelling society has kidnapped American presidents from an alternate timeline. The only difference between them and our counterparts is that they're an inch shorter. Each President has been taken at the peak of their physical ability and dumped into a gladiator style-arena.

They have no weapons.

They have no other way out.

Who dies first? Who dies last? Who forms the strongest alliances? That's for you to decide!

I got the idea originally from Penny Arcade. Best thing i ever read came from there - -
I'm assuming that they come out in a ring, ordered by the time of their presidency, so Obama and Washington are side by side.

It would begin with a number of grudges being settled. Taft would start lumbering towards Teddy, Carter would attack Reagan like a crazy man, Nixon and Kennedy and LBJ would get into a three-way duel to the death. Clinton would try to opportunistically attack Bush Sr., but W would come to his father's aid. Obama would start running immediately, as John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, and John Quincy Adams began running in his direction (in all fairness, it isn't all "kill the black man"; a large part of it is fear of Andrew Jackson).

Andrew Jackson would draw first blood by brutally murdering Martin Van Buren, and then throwing his knife to take out William Henry Harrison as Harrison tried to flee. Jackson would pick up Van Buren's knife and then retrieve his own knife from Harrison's back. John Tyler would be looking agape at Jackson's murderous ways, and would completely miss James K. Polk, Zachary Taylor, Millard Fillmore, Franklin Pierce, James Buchanan, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, and Ulysses S. Grant charging towards him. His body would suffer more stab wounds than any other President involved in the competition.

Rutherford B. Hayes, James Garfield, and Chester A. Arthur would form a temporary alliance and encircle and kill Grover Cleveland. William McKinley would be stabbed by Benjamin Harrison as he slowly backed away from Teddy Roosevelt, who had first killed Taft and who was now in the process of gutting the corpse and pulling out the entrails. Woodrow Wilson would be set up by the alliance of Warren G. Harding, Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover; that alliance would be short lived as Coolidge attacked Harding, and then Hoover made an attack of opportunity on Coolidge.

Barrack Obama would run by this scrum, chased by several presidents.

Truman would assure FDR that he had his back, and then stab him as Roosevelt turned to watch his Republican predecessors battle it out. Disgusted by his old boss's actions, Eisenhower would attack Truman, and then perform a mercy kill on JFK (the survivor of the three way battle with Nixon and LBJ).

Having torn out Reagan's throat with his teeth, Carter would be cautiously approached by the duo of Bush Jr. and Sr. Carter would feint towards Bush Sr, and then pivot and stab Bush Jr. in the throat. He wouldn't recover fast enough to prevent Bush Sr. from stabbing his arm, causing him to drop the knife. Bush Sr. would pick up his son's knife and finish off Carter.

As Bush Sr cradled his son's body, ignoring the fray as tears slid down his cheeks, Barrack Obama would run by, chased by several Presidents. As Obama and the chasing Presidents passed the corpse of Taft (lying face down on the floor of the arena) James Monroe would step in a circle of Taft's entrails. The circle would quickly tighten around his ankle, knocking him to the ground, and pulling him screaming towards Taft's corpse.

Ford would walk up behind Bush Sr and put him out of his misery.

Andrew Jackson would jump at the Presidents still stabbing the body of John Tyler, taking out Polk with his right knife and Taylor with his left knife. The other Presidents in that pack would flee, past a sprinting Barrack Obama. Andrew Jackson would casually kill Thomas Jefferson as he passed by, then lick the sweet, sweet blood from the knife blade.

Barrack Obama would sprint past George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, who would be having a polite conversation. As he circled past the corpse of Taft, chased by a pack of Presidents, the pack would shrink by one as John Adams was dragged under Taft's corpse. Distracted by the sound of his father's death, John Quincy Adams would stop and turn, and an expertly thrown dagger would appear in his chest.

Barrack Obama would sprint too close to the pack of Presidents fleeing Jackson, and they'd pick up the chase. Benjamin Harrison would look over the bloodshed in horror, taking small stumbling steps. Sensing weakness, Jackson would kill him. Herbert Hoover would cautiously approach Eisenhower, lowering his knife and offering to make a deal. Having seen what Hoover did to his former allies, Eisenhower would know better than to trust the man at his back. He would take Hoover's hand, and then throw him to the ground and stab him. Ford would then approach Eisenhower, who would sadly agree to an alliance. Together, they killed Rutherford B. Hayes as he ran past chasing after Obama.

Franklin Pierce and Millard Fillmore would be dragged screaming under the mound of corpses growing around Taft's corpse. James Buchanan would be stabbed in the back by Ulysses S. Grant as they chased Obama, as would James A. Garfield. Andrew Jackson would take Andrew Johnson's head off when he fell behind, and then throw Johnson's head at James Madison with enough force to kill him instantly.

At this point, there would be eight Presidents standing on the field. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln would be politely talking next to Washington's entrance. Andrew Jackson, eyes wild, would be searching for his next victim. Ulysses S. Grant and Chester A. Arthur would be chasing Obama. Dwight Eisenhower and Gerald Ford would be considering their options. And Barrack Obama, running for his life.

The Ford and Eisenhower team would decide that Jackson was the largest threat remaining and would go after him. Even working together though, they'd be no match for him. Jackson would cut out Eisenhower's eyes, then hamstring Ford, and then finish them both. Meanwhile, Obama would slip on a patch of blood. As Arthur and Grant closed in, knives would appear in their throats.

Lincoln and Washington would have saved Obama. As Washington recovered his own knife from Arthur's body and Lincoln's knife from Grant's body, Lincoln would help Barrack Obama to his feet. ”I want you to know, son, that I am truly and deeply honored that the country has come to a point where a man such as yourself could become President." Washington would nod as he handed Lincoln back his knife. ”You've been a credit to the office," George Washington would add, shaking Obama's hand.
”Thank you, sirs, I-” Obama would start to say, and then trail off as Lincoln and Washington murdered him.

Cackling mad laughter would ring out across the arena as Jackson approached Lincoln and Washington. The battle would be epic. Legendary. But in the end, Jackson would win. Bleeding from dozens of minor wounds, his rage unabated, he would stand over the corpses of Washington and Lincoln and howl in victory, the last President standing.

Ignoring the jeers and the catcalls from the audience, he would look over the carnage for the corpse of John Quincy Adams so he could piss on it. Seeing it atop the pile of corpses in the center of the arena, he ambled over, flourishing his blades. And as he undid his breaches, THEODORE FUCKING ROOSEVELT burst out from his hunter's blind, duel-wielding battle axes he had fashioned himself from the thigh bones of McKinley and the knives of the other fallen Presidents. Screaming in fury, his fly down, Jackson would attack Roosevelt with his bare hands.

Roosevelt's left axe would be knocked away by Jackson, his right axe would embed itself too deeply in Jackson's leg to be removed. They'd fall to the arena floor, and Jackson would stab Roosevelt in the side. Roosevelt would sneer through the pain, and then close his hands around Jackson's neck. With a twist, he'd snap Old Hickory's neck, and then raise his foe's corpse over his head before smashing it down on his knee to break Jackson's back. Lying bleeding and broken on the ground, Jackson could only glare in hatred as Roosevelt would finish the job.

The victorious President Theodore Roosevelt would raise his hands and shout ”BULLY!"


Washington wins because he was unkillable

Something like 6 horses shot from under him, and that famous coin taking a bullet to save him.


Junior Member
Lincoln, Teddy, or Washington would be the last 3 standing. I think Washington would win pretty easily being a general and all.



Then again I've never seen Trump, Bush or Clinton shirtless so it's not really a fair comparison
Andrew Jackson walks out alive. Meanest SOB of the 45. Vicious guerrilla fighter. Would kill you over the least perceived slight. A true bastard.


Fail out bailed
Washington could give him a run for his money and I doubt Lincoln would go down that easily.
For whatever it's worth Lincoln was one of those bookish dudes that people tried to fight a lot due to him being big. If I recall correctly he was a pretty meek dude when it came to wrestling.


My first choices have already been named but with one glaring omission: Andrew Jackson.

Mofo beat people with his cane after an assassination attempt and would duel people. Mofo lined up his shot, got shot and then pulled the trigger. Bad ass.

No weapons? I'm sure the fury is enough to make it to a final four situation.


Lincoln, Teddy, or Washington would be the last 3 standing. I think Washington would win pretty easily being a general and all.

We have a ton of generals in the presidency though.

I feel Teddy would band together with FDR(on account of being his cousin), Taft, and probably Coolidge. He'd probably die trying to protect one of those three, which leads to all of their deaths.

Last Men Standing: Lincoln, Eisenhower, Andrew Jackson.


Presidents who ever saw combat:

George Washington
James Monroe
John Q Adams (i think?)
Andrew Jackson
William Harrison
Zachary Taylor
Ulysses Grant
Rutherford Hayes
Teddy Roosevelt
Dwight Eisenhower
George Bush

So there's where you narrow it down immediately.


listen to the mad man
(Teddy) Roosevelt was fit and loved tennis, wrestling, hiking, etc, but also severely asthmatic and blind in one eye by the time he was president. I think people have a view of his physical character that is more consistent with Roosevelt the Legend than Roosevelt the Man.

He was a fraud. The image of him as a robust sportsman was created synthetically, similar to Putin's. Dude was ultra insecure about being a sick weakling as a child.

This is overcompensation from the other side; he was an active outdoorsman in spite of his limitations. He played tennis constantly as president, still boxed fairly frequently, and famously played a game where he would point at a distant hill or landmark and walk in a straight direction to get there, climbing hills, swimming rivers, etc. I agree that the reason he was committed to physical vigorousness was compensating for his medical problems in his childhood, but that doesn't mean there was nothing there.


He was a fraud. The image of him as a robust sportsman was created synthetically, similar to Putin's. Dude was ultra insecure about being a sick weakling as a child.
He was weak only when he was a little kid. He was super tough in his 20s and 30s. You don't know what you're talking about.


Can we just get beyond Thunderdome, already?

Teddy Roosevelt, dude wasn't only a soldier, he also boxed in college and while he was in office (was actually blinded in one eye while he was president because of a punch) and climbed mountains (including the Matterhorn). Seems like the kind of guy who'd jump into fight with a lot of enthusiasm and slug it out until he drops.



1. Lincoln is enshrined in the Wrestling Hall of Fame.

The Great Emancipator wasn't quite WWE material, but thanks to his long limbs he was an accomplished wrestler as a young man. Defeated only once in approximately 300 matches, Lincoln reportedly talked a little smack in the ring. According to Carl Sandburg's biography of Lincoln, Honest Abe once challenged an entire crowd of onlookers after dispatching an opponent: ”I'm the big buck of this lick. If any of you want to try it, come on and whet your horns." There were no takers. Lincoln's grappling exploits earned him an ”Outstanding American" honor in the National Wrestling Hall of Fame.


Lincoln/Trump cage match!!!


I always heard that Abe Lincoln was surprisingly strong and a world class wrestler.

Supposedly a real tier A trash talker too.
I notice LBJ hasn't been listed, and good -- the man was a total wimp physically. Even though he liked to tower over people later in life and try to physically intimidate him, he had a long history as a child and young adult of starting fights and getting his ass whooped or crying before the fight could even begin -- read Robert Caro's "THe Path to Power."


Now what's the next step in your master plan?
Andrew Jackson as he was probably one of the surliest, meanest men around, let alone presidents. This is a guy who after a failed assassination attempt beat his would be killer.


Can someone explain why in the world a single person let alone nearly everyone in this thread is picking Teddy???

Did all of you fail history or something?

He is my favorite President but it is an absolute fact he was not healthy by the time he became President.

This idea of Teddy being this rough and tough outdoorsman President is a myth.

Dude had bad asthma and had basically one working eye.
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