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45 U.S presidents enter the arena ... one leaves alive. Welcome to the Thunderdome

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My money is on Calvin Coolidge, I think he'd win just by standing really still and not saying anything. Everyone would just run around beating the shit out of each other and no one would notice him.
Then he opens his mouth and starts speaking and it turns out he was Black Bolt the whole time.


Can you explain how I'm wrong? It's been almost three hundred years since Washington died. Are you saying there wouldn't been enough linguistic drift in that time period to make talking to each other even a little hard?

A little hard, yes. Not "You wouldn't be able to understand George Washington if he showed up right beside you right now" hard. That's absurd, we have plenty of texts from the 1700's that shows language hasn't changed that much.
Yeah but Washington was President "only" 220 years ago. I am sure he could hold a conversation with Obama.

There are places in the US *right now* where the accents are too thick for me to understand.

A little hard, yes. Not "You wouldn't be able to understand George Washington if he showed up right beside you right now" hard. That's absurd, we have plenty of texts from the 1700's that shows language hasn't changed that much.

written text and spoken language are two completely different things. You can write in perfect english (or at least serviceable english) but be completely impossible to understand in person.


Andrew Jackson walks out alive. Meanest SOB of the 45. Vicious guerrilla fighter. Would kill you over the least perceived slight. A true bastard.

no weapons. And if you're the age you are when you were elected....lol...
I dunno about peak though, some of those dudes were fanatical athletes and a handful were skilled warriors. I think Washington has had more than his fair share of tomahawk kills.


no weapons. And if you're the age you are when you were elected....lol...

The rules say physical prime, which is important to take into account.

Side note:
I think FDR winning entirely depends if he ends up facing Jackson before the end. Most are too gentlemanly to kill a dude in a wheelchair, but Jackson totally would, and is probably one of the few assholes strong and cunning enough to do it.


George Washington bled himself 4 times, decided what will he wanted, and got dressed in new attire and sat down in a chair before he died

Dude was wild

AYF 001

Nah. Trump's a bitch. He'd hide in the corner and somehow end up in the top five by simple stint of missing the main bloodbath.
Except when his mask falls off to reveal that he's secretly a chimera of Putin, Bannon, and Hannity all fighting for control of the body.


Teddy got shot and just straight up continued his speech. He wins.

Trump dies first, his pussy tiny hand punches do nothing, the power of a baby fart. The rest of the presidents ganging up to kill the man that has sullied the office.


FDR dies first unless he's gonna ride on Teddy's back like Lothran and Lorian from DS3.

In reality it's probably gonna come down to Teddy and Andrew Jackson
Anyine who sucks at politics gets eliminated early on. You need a team player who is good at making alliances to keep from getting ganged up on. Anyone who tries to be threatening or posturing without the charisma to back it up will get stomped.

So out of all the presidents, who was the best at politicking?


Anyine who sucks at politics gets eliminated early on. You need a team player who is good at making alliances to keep from getting ganged up on. Anyone who tries to be threatening or posturing without the charisma to back it up will get stomped.

So out of all the presidents, who was the best at politicking?
FDR gotta be up there using that criteria. He tried to stack the judicary and broke two term tradition. He was still loved.
I still stick with Teddy whom I said early on the last page but I just remembered this actually happened for those who mentioned Trump.


This actually happened


I'm surprised there's not more talk about alliances here.

I could easily see it going

Founding Fathers

Southerners(excluding LBJ for his anti-racism acts)

Gilded Agers

Modern Presidents.

The real wildcards are the Progressives(Taft, FDR,Teddy), 1950's-80's presidents, and then the modern-day presidents with LBJ on their side.
no weapons. And if you're the age you are when you were elected....lol...
I dunno about peak though, some of those dudes were fanatical athletes and a handful were skilled warriors. I think Washington has had more than his fair share of tomahawk kills.

Physical peak. The man could take a ton of punishment based on his history, he was a psychopath, and a trained soldier.

The man went after an armed assasin with a fucking cane. I have no doubt he would be braining his fellow presidents with Millard Filmore's leg within a minute.

Your incredulity has no basis in history or imagination.
Washington seems most well rounded. Large, imposing, experience. I'd put Jackson at second only because he was a little wiry and not built like George. Third would probably actually be Harrison. Fourth is eh. I actually think Lincoln and TR are near the bottom of the top ten. Teddy might be closer to five. Lol at Obama.
Papa Bush is also probably an underrated contender here. In WW2 his plane was hit by shrapnel and caught on fire and his response was to finish his mission then bail. Not necessarily talent at murder but he's got nerves of steel.
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