On that note-
I got this from Penny Arcade. Still the best thing I've ever read.
Obama, Clinton, JFK, James K. Polk, and FDR would form a deadly alliance. Then K. Polk would swiftly dispatch the rest. Having done all this he sought no second term.
That's damn good booking.On that note-
I got this from Penny Arcade. Still the best thing I've ever read.
Taft and Roosevelt would never fight. They were basically frenemies (Taft was the last person to leave Teddy's grave at his funeral, sobbing his eyes out the whole time). It would end up with them back to back fighting everyone else.
Again that is a made up myth. Dude was not too healthy by the time he got elected.. He had bad asthma and only one working eye.
Teddy the badass President was a made up myth. It's not real guys. Almost all of that was just photo-ops.
Does anyone read history anymore?
This thread is depressing.
Awwww shit he is in the top five then.Ford played Center for Michigan
There ain't no bullets in the thunder dome babyTheodore Roosevelt was shot and he gave what, an hour and a half long speech afterwards before seeing a doctor? Yeah, I'm gonna go with that guy.
hey went at it, and Lincoln just fooled with Armstrong until he had tired him completely out. Then he swung his long leg over Armstrongs neck and made Armstrong run around holding him up in that position. Jack finally begged off, admitting he was beaten and offered Lincoln the $10, which Lincoln refused to take.
Yup, Autopsy doctors commented how muscular his body was.
Also this from "Team of Rivals"
On that note-
I got this from Penny Arcade. Still the best thing I've ever read.
I feel like English hasn't changed THAT much since then. It's not like any of them speaks Middle or Old English. Trump or W might have a communication problem for other reasons tho.George Washington's English != Barack Obama's English.
There ain't no bullets in the thunder dome baby
Stop drop shut em down open up shop ohhhh nooooo that's how ruff ryders roll.Theodore Roosevelt easily. This isn't even a question. Rough Riders.
Lincoln tragically became a vampire after fighting them all his lifeAbe Lincoln slayed some vampires back in the day. Got to like that combat experience when taking on the other 44.
Also this makes me want to create the presidents on mount rushmore as wrestlers in 2K17 and have them form their own stable. maybe even get like martha washington or mary todd lincoln as female members to round it out
Stop drop shut em down open up shop ohhhh nooooo that's how ruff ryders roll.
This is the best thing I've ever read.On that note-
I got this from Penny Arcade. Still the best thing I've ever read.
Lincoln was a great wrestler, but Theodore had a black belt in Judo, so hand to hand they're on relatively even footing. Ultimately though, Theodore survived a bullet and Lincoln didn't. I say Teddy.
Benjamin Franklin
Nixon strikes me as the typical sort of pussy that writes checks his ass can't cash. Unless he did a sneak attack on the others when they were fighting maybe.What about Nixon?
Nixon might be the ultimate heel.
Not sure how it's not Andrew Jackson.
Of the strong fighters group, he's the only one ruthless and conniving enough to take advantage of others.
His only weakness is that he's too aggressive and puts a huge target on himself at the start, forcing people to team up on him.
I would say if we allow Special Canadian Guest Justin Trudeau in the match, he'd do surprisingly well.
My money is on Lincoln. As the stories already posted in this thread show that motherfucker was something else in the prime of his life.
Not sure how it's not Andrew Jackson.
Of the strong fighters group, he's the only one ruthless and conniving enough to take advantage of others.
His only weakness is that he's too aggressive and puts a huge target on himself at the start, forcing people to team up on him.