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4Chan Rumor: The Last of Us Part 2 is rumored to be a story of revenge...

Hissing Sid

The Lezzed of Us. A story of the Nocockallowedonlipse.

A small group of survivors manages to make it into the sanctuary shelter of the Cathedral just as the first of the pursuing zombies hurls itself headlong against the the reinforced doors hurriedly closed by the guards.

Still panting from exhaustion one of the group looks up at the approach of a tall elderly man, his face lined with age, his eyes intense with worry.

The tall man speaks.

‘Brother Pannykin did you secure the supplies? The medicines? Why are there so few of you? Where is brother John?’


‘Your grace, they came upon us suddenly and without warning. We lost many in the initial attack and half our number again during the flight back to the cathedral...’

‘And John?’

‘I’m sorry your grace, the last I saw of your son he was surrounded by the undead.... We were.... we were unable to reach him....’

The man stumbles and is caught by one of the gate guards. The sentry gently lowers the old man to the ground and glances worriedly in the direction of the main doors. The din from outside is increasing. He speaks urgently.’

Your grace! We must get inside the inner compound. There’s a chance the doors will not hold and we cannot be here if they give way. Come, come quickly!’

The clergyman roughly knocks the outstretched hand away.

‘Leave me alone! My son is dead, I no longer wish to live. Go, leave me here. Leave me alone I say! ....’

Brother Pannykin gets to his feet and stands beside the guard.

‘Your grace there is worse news yet to report.’

The grief stricken father looks up through bitter tears and scoffs.

‘Worse? Worse you say? Worse news? Our bravest and best gone! Our supplies gone! Our medicines exhausted....! The world a living nightmare of screaming ghouls that exist only to rend the living flesh from our bones! .... And now .... my son, dead! ..... What words could you utter that could possibly be worse?’

The informant shifts nervously from foot to foot.

‘Your grace.... we dun gone found ourselves a lesbian!’

Complete, stunned silence.


Suddenly the main doors burst open allowing a sea of monsters to flood into the hallowed chamber.

Paralysed by homophobia, nobody moves.

A herd of giraffes stops briefly to examine the commotion coming from the large building before continuing profoundly on their way.

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So Joel dies just like that? Just for that mentally unstable psychopath lesbo girl? The so called impactful ending they tried so hard to simulate in the first game now just got ditched with some lesbian revenge story.

I hated Ellie in the first game, now she's officially a selfish bitch.


Oh, btw, this is probably fake as /v/Story conflicts with elements from leaked gameplay footage.
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There would be some people that would be lapping this up that it sticks it to the straight white dudebro action game but the reality is the audience that they are trying to force feed this narrative down the throat would not normally give a shit about this sort of storyline but the fact that it will most likely be used as some sort of shiny white sword of social justice that will punish actual gamers ....you have just pissed off the large group of people who will buy/play and enjoy your game...the ones who like this sort of stuff won’t do any of those 3 ...they are not actual gamers

get woke and go broke.....it’s not just a catchy slogan


Gold Member
I really doubt this is true. I can't imagine Sony going along with this.
Oh, btw, this is probably fake as /v/Story conflicts with elements from leaked gameplay footage.
I find the leaked story dumb as fuck and no way true. But you never know.

Maybe the delay has nothing to with coronavirus and selling games, but they are delaying it to rework the story and scripts.


Gold Member
Its the got damn apocolypse and people still have the forethought to be homophobic? I hope they found a way to make this make sense


Gold Member
Its the got damn apocolypse and people still have the forethought to be homophobic? I hope they found a way to make this make sense
Let me guess. The story will be bible thumpers talking about church scripture from the 1300s....

"All you gays and lesbians are evil! Evil I say for not being heterosexual and creating kids to repopulate Earth!"


For example?

one of the characters is supposed to be dead by the time she gets to seattle according to /v/, yet she is calling his name imlying he isnt dead yet In the gameplay.

& i think it is a videogame rule that you can have zombie fodder or cult fodder, but not both.
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OH wow another 4chan leak, let's believe it at face value because those don't have an overwhelming likelihood of being troll material.
It probably is made up, but they're probably not far off the mark. Normally I would say let them make what they want, but I can't stand a bait and switch. None of this shit was even hinted at until the dlc.
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Honestly if true, it seems like an a story from an american point of view that is concerned with some of the fundamental forms of christianity existing in the states and the social issues it's causing in the country. And like all stories it's amped up to make a point and it's actually interesting to have such tales in video games now. People have to accept that with video games evolving, it's narratives will too and most great movies except die hard are about societal conflicts and the power dynamics of systems/people and not just Russian fucking shit up. And of course people who would not play this game just because it's a gay revenge tale are boring. And as a european, it's just plain out weird to read about all this SJW name calling, some guys really seem to have their head stuck up their butts. And yes, of course all of this is intended by Naughty Dogs.
Yeah as a european as you point it out you dont have the slightest clue how aggresive these topics are over in north america.
Here every show every movie etc has to be either multi cultural sexualy diverse interracial white guy always bad white hetero couples always bad or broken but gay and lesbian and interracial couples always happy balanced cumbaya crap.
White christians always the devil all trumpies hicks rednecks etc.
All social media and any type of media is 90 percent some sjw shit to push the agenda people are fed up with.

Ricky gervais and shapelle showed these assholes what north america thinks of sjw propaganda from me too which run its course to wage gap nonsence etc.
And i elaborate the whole lgbtq community is also fed up with this shit as it only causes more tention and divisiveness.
Thats what the higher ups want . To cause hatred between all races and genders and religions so we are occupied and dont look at what they are doing behind our back.

Now they have to put this agenda into video games.

So from now on not only will i have to judge a game by graphics and gameplay for purchase no i have to decide if the subject matter is in line with my beliefs or does it offend me.

Fuck games are a way to leave this shit world behind and switch off and it should always stay that way.


Fight me.


I'm an atheist. It sounds cringe and cliché.

Different strokes different folks? I'm not saying it's the most original idea but to see one of the biggest gaming developers tackle such a story would probably garner a lot of wanted and unwanted discussion.

But this could all be for nothing, it's 4chan after all.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
This is a nightmare “extreme woke” scenario. I don’t think it’s going to happen, but it’s DEFINITELY not out of the realm of possibility — I just think it would be a really stupid narrative decision.

Game will be great either way, I just hope this isn’t the case.


Gold Member
I really hope this isn't true.
I'm not Christian nor do I really care how they are depicted in media, but this would be such an underwhelming and eye rolling direction to take the story.


Far Cry 5 had a Christian cult as the villains.. they can’t be the first or only game to have done that

and a lot of video games are about killing white men.. not a lot of black Nazis..


I remember a lot of people were pissed about it. If I'm not mistaken, even a Christian group petitioned to cancel the game. It was funny tho

Far Cry 5 had a Christian cult as the villains.. they can’t be the first or only game to have done that

and a lot of video games are about killing white men.. not a lot of black Nazis..
Far Cry 5 had a Christian cult as the villains.. they can’t be the first or only game to have done that

and a lot of video games are about killing white men.. not a lot of black Nazis..
They had a cult with Christian trappings, yes, but not a Christian cult. Dude literally presented himself as Better Jesus.

They also had the distinction of an actual Reverend being part of the opposition, which def helped public perception.
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Mass Shift

I really hope this isn't true.
I'm not Christian nor do I really care how they are depicted in media, but this would be such an underwhelming and eye rolling direction to take the story.

A lesbian protagonist trekking around in an ultra violent post apocalyptic world? What other direction did you think this franchise was going?

I imagine at some point in the arc Ellie will turn her attention towards something else. But for the time being If I were you I'd start getting comfortable killing fanaticals.
It doesn't sound like a particularly interesting, original, or thought provoking narrative but from what I can tell many of you are way over reacting.

Lots of salt in this thread from people like Naughty Dog just named the villains after Neogaf members.

Golgo 13

The Man With The Golden Dong
Bioware’s been a sinking ship for the last decade, since the doctors left. When you’re at the top of your game with strong leadership you have no need for the likes of Anita’s consulting services.
A studio is only as good as it’s talent, and %95 of the staff from the “Glory days” of the studio are long, long gone. It’s only really the same studio in name — like you said, the talent exodus happened a LONG time ago.


It doesn't sound like a particularly interesting, original, or thought provoking narrative but from what I can tell many of you are way over reacting.

Lots of salt in this thread from people like Naughty Dog just named the villains after Neogaf members.

Yeah, I get that there are "political" conflicts in gaming culture - I thought "Gamergate" was embarrassing for everyone on every side, but from what I could tell, the reporting was very slanted - as a result, though, it seems like there's a lot of overreaction when the changes at the level of actual game design are mostly minor and uncontroversial.


It's just kind of funny, on one hand, to see all the very well justified piss-taking at some attitudes omnipresent in far-left SJW-madness infested places, which often goes on here, like Kotaku, RE, etc, while at the same time here is a game about a gay revenge on Christians and people are losing their mind getting so worked up about it, calling this the reason to boycott the game.
Have you seen the gameplay? It looks FUCKING AMAZING. Why would such a plot ruin it so much for anyone is beyond me.

Usually plots in this vein are designed to preach to you and I do play games for the story. I won't buy the game if the title could be "the fantabulous lesbian adventures of Ellie in the apocalypse against evil white man...oh there are zombies too".


NaughtyDog Defense Force
After looking at the reports over the last year, the leak looks accurate, but it seems like some articles are putting their own spin to what's actually being reported.

Dina and others were attacked, but it doesn't say they were attacked because they were gay.

Seems like the WLF\Wolves are the main focus on this story and not the religious group. There are a lot of extremist groups that hold similar beliefs to Christians in video games, so as of right now, seems like this is a giant stretch to say this is agenda driven story line.


Far Cry 5 had a Christian cult as the villains.. they can’t be the first or only game to have done that

and a lot of video games are about killing white men.. not a lot of black Nazis..
So it's ok for 45kg Ellie to beat up muscular men but the enemies need to be realistic? Ok.

Also, most video game scenarios sound “cringe” and cliched - and a lot of them are, but go unnoticed when the play is absorbing..
To be fair you play games like this and Uncharted for the story.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
Honestly, this doesn't seem that hard to believe. It'll probably be a tiny element of the story though.

We all know she's dating a girl. And we know the girl suddenly disappears or dies, because Ellie goes off on some revenge story by herself in all the gameplay. So someone is killing lesbians, and they seem like they're human, or else she really wouldn't care about revenge against some monsters.


This is the most obvious bait I've seen. I cant believe this made news. That anon is probably laughing his ass off.
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