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50 Shades of Grey- The movie: Reviews

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I think the difference was, in the previous sessions he did some light whipping or spanking to tease or punish her. It was all still very sensual. She asked him to do the worst thing he could think of, and he actually hurt her, it wasn't fun or kinky, and she's finally like, "why would you do that?" She looked like Kunta Kinte on that table.
Lol. I can't wait to get drunk and watch this.
My friend wanted me to see this with her and I agreed but with one rule... I get some action after the movie.

She was cool with that and it was well worth it. Kingsman ended up being awesome!
So saw the film yesterday, was pretty terrible. But I do have 2 rather positive points.

A) The beginning was actually pretty funny. Like the hardware store bit was hilarious, also the contract scene was kind of funny. Esp with Elfman's score.

B) I think it's genuinely admirable how they handled the issue of consent. Everyone was saying this film endorsees rape culture, but I think that's bullshit. Grey from the start is very clear that he will stop with safe words, and Steele is very clear in what she will and wont do. Until the final scene, it seems she genuinely enjoys it and is consensual.

Also, She very clear and direct in her consent. For example, I was so sure the contract scene was going to end with them doing it. And after Anna was about to leave and Grey was like 'you want it' I thought, shit this aint good. But she is insistent and leaves. Plus at the end, she is very clearly saying no, and Christian responds.

I don't know, but while the film has a fuck ton of issues, Id say this one decent thing about.


1. The whole thing about "She said stop/the safeword and he kept going" wasn't in the movie. I dunno if that came from the books or something (I didn't read them) but people lodging that complaint at it need to do their research. There's definitely nothing rapey as far as the movie goes.

this discussion was not about the first movie, it was about 50 shades of grey in general. it's not in the first book either.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
My wife hated and she loved the book. I was pretty pleased witht the night we spent afterwards though. If you have any recommandations of great erotic movies, please share!
Yep, definitely one dull as dirt affair.

Handsomely photographed film with a few scenes displaying creative lighting and framing (scene with the ice), some really good music cues, and an ending that's a bit better than it had any right to be (movie didn't earn it)...but yeah, none of that could save this tripe.

I couldn't decide if this was supposed to be sexy or downright disturbing, because Christian did everything that was the opposite of sexy, bordering on restraining order territory.

I couldn't help but think about Shame as being a superior example of how to do a film with the "damaged and haunted man with sexual deviances and destructive behavior" subject matter.

I could gleam so much from the Brandon character and come up with so many hypothesis regarding his past...but with Christian I was just like "WTF? What, exactly, is your character?"


The ending of this movie had half the theater (I'm guessing we were the half that didn't read the books) going "wtf?"

There's barely any plot as it is, and the first movie didn't have a resolution so much as it just says, "see you next year!"

Overall the movie was better than it had any right to be considering how paper thin the source material is. The side characters are just window dressing; you're introduced to both character's families, and they don't do or say anything to advance the plot or change the characters in any real way. Same with Ana's roommate and Christian's driver. Ana herself hasn't evolved at all from her Bella source material. The only notable part of her personality is that she likes English lit; otherwise you're left to fill in the blanks on her. Perfect blank slate for audience insertion, no pun intended.

The plot boils down to:
Ana: Christian I love you and want to be with you like a normal couple!
Christian: I'll do couply stuff just enough to keep you around, but I need to beat the shit out of you because reasons.

There are literally 4 to 5 episodes of this playing out over the last 60 minutes of run time. The reason the movie is surprisingly decent is the cinematography. The sex is actually quite classy and the actress actually sells being really into it. I was expecting it to be far more risqué, at least to Sharon Stone levels, but it was just kinky enough to elicit a few "damn"s from me. The complete omission of Ana's embarrassing internal monologue really, really helps. Christian showing off his expensive rides also did a good job of capturing the beauty of the pacific northwest.

Now as to the real reason I went to see this... I'm not going to say that this movie got me laid, but I will say that the lady in question got super freaky mid-session and basically begged me to screw her as hard as I could. So mission accomplished I guess.

All in all, doesntmatterhadsex/10.
Yeah, girl i'm seeing said it was awesome and it made her wet and that it was very hard to watch.


Nintendo's Pro Bono PR Firm
Duke of Burgundy
Submission of Emma Marx
Submission of Emma Marx is pretty bad, secretary is ok and I haven't seen Duke of Burgundy.

Is that all there is? This genre is the worst represented of all, isn't it?


wishes it were bannable to say mean things about Marvel
Submission of Emma Marx is pretty bad, secretary is ok and I haven't seen Duke of Burgundy.

Is that all there is? This genre is the worst represented of all, isn't it?

Nine and a half weeks is another good one.


I'm shocked that this film is such a misfire in terms of it being erotic. I'm sure we could list older films that were actually erotic.

How did this film so miss the mark on it's biggest selling point? Even the leadup to them first kissing was rushed. The sex was terrible. The part where she told him she was a
had the whole cinema laughing the feeling of a Mary Sue was complete.

Which is a shame as outside the sex the leads worked well. The film was actually fairly funny. I've read the synopsis for the second book and it's going to be even more risible and hilarious. I can't wait.


It was a bad movie, I went alone to see it, probably around 40 females out of 50 total in the venue and all seemed to enjoy it judging by their reactions. It just wasn't made for my demographic, the characters were really awful, I found myself cringing at the cliches and dumb decisions made throughout the movie.

I can't say for sure that I will not watch the sequels, curiosity will get me.


good credit (by proxy)
The entire concept makes me feel gross. If im ever single, "do you like 50 shades of gray" might have to be a first date deal breaker.


Neo Member
Watched Secretary in what felt like a protest, on saturday. Soooooo good. Took me a while to kind of get it, but I thought it was awesome. Definitely going to start calling him the "real" Mr. Grey.


I'm so GLAD that my wife isn't a fan of these books. She also not a fan of Twilight.

She'll prefers to watch comic book movies and Disney movies.

Yeah, I think I hit the jackpot.


Watched Secretary in what felt like a protest, on saturday. Soooooo good. Took me a while to kind of get it, but I thought it was awesome. Definitely going to start calling him the "real" Mr. Grey.

I didn't even notice the male character's name was Grey in Secretary too. Is it supposed to be a coincidence ?
Watched Secretary in what felt like a protest, on saturday. Soooooo good. Took me a while to kind of get it, but I thought it was awesome. Definitely going to start calling him the "real" Mr. Grey.

I didn't even notice the male character's name was Grey in Secretary too. Is it supposed to be a coincidence ?

I wouldn't give the author the benefit of the doubt in this case.

Is this movie gonna make my date horny?

Yes. It's quite clearly the only reason I would recommend it to anyone.
I'm so GLAD that my wife isn't a fan of these books. She also not a fan of Twilight.

She'll prefers to watch comic book movies and Disney movies.

Yeah, I think I hit the jackpot.

Lucky you...my wife has read them/watched them all with the exception of the 50 Shades movie, which she'll likely go see. She's read erotica before, and straight up said that 50 Shades isn't exactly well put together, but it did a great job at opening up a market and making a statement. There's an audience for this type of thing that's very likely under served.

I don't think she'll go to the theater to watch it, but she'll definitely see it at some point. She likes to sneak Twilight in when I'm not looking. More power to her, I guess.


Watched yesterday with my GF. Half way through I was fucking bored and during the last 1/4 portion I was almost sleeping.
I could understand the appeal if the movie were a bit more focused on the drama side, but after the first sex scene it was straight softcore material.

I really don't see the appeal, except the guy being rich. The rest is just pointless.
I was pretty disappointed in this movie. Went to see it with the girlfriend, and she knew I wasn't into it, but I kind of enjoy watching really bad movies. Especially if I can just make jokes the whole time and laugh at the stupidity of it. So a movie with a certain kind of "bad"ness in it is actually really fun for me. This movie did not deliver that. The first quarter or so was actually going pretty well. Plenty of that cheesy quality I love. But after that, it just tried to hard to be dark and serious. All the levity was gone as the two main characters just repeated the same conflict for or five times. And then, suddenly, the movie just stopped. It didn't end. It just stopped happening.

My favorite part of the movie going experience actually didn't have anything to do with the movie. There was someone seeing the movie who must have had some sort of visual impairment, so he had those headphones that describe what's happening in the movie to you. But, his were turned up so loud that everyone in the theater could hear them. Problem was, although you could hear the talking, you couldn't hear what was being said unless you knew. It just sounded like some guy loudly talking through literally the entire movie. People were getting so pissed and yelling shit like "hang out your damn phone!" and groaning and whining. Eventually, three or four completely different woman got up to yell at the guy, and couldn't find him. Because they were looking for a phone, and this was just a blind guy with headphone. I was laughing so hard imagining the situation if they had found him. A mob of angry women going to yell at a blind guy in a movie theater. It was like something out of Curb. And I just kept laughing as I would hear "Christian takes off his shirt" followed by the guy pulling his shirt off. It was weird and hilarious.

So that was my experience.
Saw the movie. Enjoyed the movie, but it was a pretty safe middle of the road take.

I wanted to see it primarily for its social experiment value. So many people who haven't seen it, or haven't read the books were making value and content judgements on it that I wanted to see for myself what it was all about. I wanted to know how much of a "creeper" Christian Grey was and how abused and mentally tormented Anna was.

Basically Christian Grey is about as creeper as you want to mentally project on to him. To some his actions will be innocuous given context to others he will be a monster.

I found that Anna, on the other hand, was in absolute and complete control in terms of giving consent and allowing Grey and the two of them to do what it was they engaged in. The entire movie is really about Anna's unwillingness to give up control especially since much of the movie is centered around the contract.

In terms of an actual movie I think Grey's character was confusing and had too many swings. He keeps saying one thing and doing to opposite. I don't do romance, but here are some first print books, a car, a helicopter ride, a stay at a expensive hotel, a glider ride, etc. I don't sleep with you except the first time they are together, and the second time, and a time or two after that. Yeah it showed that his resolve was crushed from day one.

He also looked too puppy dog cute and had zero manipulation skill which is supposed to be the backbone of his character. He was also never really photographed as if he was in power. Too many shots of him had the camera look downward on him.

Anna on the other hand nailed her character. Deer in the headlights, naive, nervous, and then with an arc where she was able to stand on her own two feet and take control of her destiny. She became more Grey than Grey did, which I had expected was the point of the movie.

I had wished that the movie took some risks with the sex scenes but they were really safe and similar. The first piano scene was a total lost opportunity. How with the piano seat and piano there did the director not use that? Instead a routine was put in making the scenes be simple gradients blending them together.

The climax could have been so much better. A guy like David Fincher would have made that unforgettable. As it was Grey simply looked confused about the whole thing. I wish he, Adrian Lyne, or Paul Verhoven made this movie. It needed a stronger touch.

As it is I was happy I saw it. At least when people say how morally bankrupt the content is I can respond. Nothing in here is more than 9 1/2 weeks, Wild Orchid, or even Unfaithful levels. The Reader had more explicit sex and nudity.
Saw the movie. Enjoyed the movie, but it was a pretty safe middle of the road take.

I wanted to see it primarily for its social experiment value. So many people who haven't seen it, or haven't read the books were making value and content judgements on it that I wanted to see for myself what it was all about. I wanted to know how much of a "creeper" Christian Grey was and how abused and mentally tormented Anna was.

Basically Christian Grey is about as creeper as you want to mentally project on to him. To some his actions will be innocuous given context to others he will be a monster.

I found that Anna, on the other hand, was in absolute and complete control in terms of giving consent and allowing Grey and the two of them to do what it was they engaged in. The entire movie is really about Anna's unwillingness to give up control especially since much of the movie is centered around the contract.

In terms of an actual movie I think Grey's character was confusing and had too many swings. He keeps saying one thing and doing to opposite. I don't do romance, but here are some first print books, a car, a helicopter ride, a stay at a expensive hotel, a glider ride, etc. I don't sleep with you except the first time they are together, and the second time, and a time or two after that. Yeah it showed that his resolve was crushed from day one.

He also looked too puppy dog cute and had zero manipulation skill which is supposed to be the backbone of his character. He was also never really photographed as if he was in power. Too many shots of him had the camera look downward on him.

Anna on the other hand nailed her character. Deer in the headlights, naive, nervous, and then with an arc where she was able to stand on her own two feet and take control of her destiny. She became more Grey than Grey did, which I had expected was the point of the movie.

I had wished that the movie took some risks with the sex scenes but they were really safe and similar. The first piano scene was a total lost opportunity. How with the piano seat and piano there did the director not use that? Instead a routine was put in making the scenes be simple gradients blending them together.

The climax could have been so much better. A guy like David Fincher would have made that unforgettable. As it was Grey simply looked confused about the whole thing. I wish he, Adrian Lyne, or Paul Verhoven made this movie. It needed a stronger touch.

As it is I was happy I saw it. At least when people say how morally bankrupt the content is I can respond. Nothing in here is more than 9 1/2 weeks, Wild Orchid, or even Unfaithful levels. The Reader had more explicit sex and nudity.

I completely agree. Dakota Johnson is the main reason I feel this film is as strangely watch able as it actually was. Jamie Dorman was just not right for the part. I felt like they needed a more sinister and manipulative man to play Grey.


I completely agree. Dakota Johnson is the main reason I feel this film is as strangely watch able as it actually was. Jamie Dorman was just not right for the part. I felt like they needed a more sinister and manipulative man to play Grey.

They should have got that sinister and manipulative guy who expertly played the villian in The Fall alongside Gillian Anderson...
My favorite part of the movie going experience actually didn't have anything to do with the movie. There was someone seeing the movie who must have had some sort of visual impairment, so he had those headphones that describe what's happening in the movie to you. But, his were turned up so loud that everyone in the theater could hear them. Problem was, although you could hear the talking, you couldn't hear what was being said unless you knew. It just sounded like some guy loudly talking through literally the entire movie. People were getting so pissed and yelling shit like "hang out your damn phone!" and groaning and whining. Eventually, three or four completely different woman got up to yell at the guy, and couldn't find him. Because they were looking for a phone, and this was just a blind guy with headphone. I was laughing so hard imagining the situation if they had found him. A mob of angry women going to yell at a blind guy in a movie theater. It was like something out of Curb. And I just kept laughing as I would hear "Christian takes off his shirt" followed by the guy pulling his shirt off. It was weird and hilarious.

So that was my experience.

That's pretty great! XD
Interesting how this movie isn't very good but I haven't been able to stop thinking about it or engaging with it since I saw it. As opposed to Guardians of the Galaxy which I saw for the first time 3 weeks back and forgot about by the next day.

Still love the whole contract negotiation sequence. Such a clever setup with the zipper back dress, the glass table and all.
Horrible horrible movie. Bland, boring, and very little story. Basically a softcore porn with less skin and a worse storyline. Probably not a good sign when most of the theater bursts out laughing when it ends.


I found the first 20 minutes or so pretty stilted but I honestly didn't hate the movie. It was fun enough actually.


Just cane out from the cinema having watched this. It wasn't bad at all, and I will probably see the next one as well.

That said, it was pretty baren and not with a lot of story. Though I can sense there's development with Christian while Ana is learning about herself.

A little too much soft porn so it got a little repetitive but it wasn't too long either. I were actually caught by surprise when it ensws, maybe both because it didn't have much meat on it but also because the characters hooked me enough.


I saw this last weekend with a group of about 10-15 women. Honestly, I actually enjoyed this. It wasn't amazing, the plot is whatever, and the dialogue is often painfully thin, but it certainly doesn't deserve the crap flung at it by those who never intended to watch it anyway. It actually has some decent humor and Ana is a lot more in charge of the relationship than critics would have me to believe.

Out of my group the only person to hate the movie is the only one who read the books. The rest of us went out of curiosity and walked away having a good time. I will probably see the sequels but feel even more adamant that I won't be reading the books anytime soon.

Seriously, after watching this, the vast majority of the negativity flung is completely unwarranted. The BDSM stuff is obviously written by someone who has never tried it and at least in the movie, is incredibly tame.
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