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50 Shades of Grey- The movie: Reviews

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So, what you're trying to say is, you don't care that the movie is a dangerous depiction of abuse masquerading as BDSM, and you don't know enough about BDSM to realize it is potentially dangerous in even little things like bondage and implement play, but dismiss the concerns of someone who actually is involved in the community and is knowledgeable about these practices.

.... okay. I think my exchange with you is done.
That's not what I'm saying, like at all.
Again, I'm saying that it's pretty much porn as far as I'm concerned, and I wonder if you hold porn to the same standard (which I trid to show would lead to what I think are absurd conclusions) and if not, why not.
You don't have to engage in conversation if you don't want to (it seem like you don't) but if you do, try to argue with the points I actually made instead of the ones you imagine I did.

Even if you believe in your hearts of heart that you're a BDSM super expert and anyone who disagree with you must completed clueless about the subject, appeals to self authority are unbecoming and never persuaded anyone in the history of the internet.
If this was just fantasy, it wouldn't be a problem. The problem is that BDSM is real. People actually do practice BDSM. 50 Shades is fiction. BDSM is not. BDSM is great.

You know what is delicious? Toro. Toro is amazing. However, if someone wrote a fictional work about a person that goes to the ocean and catches delicious tuna and slices it up right there on the beach and serves it to others...and the book became wildly popular, you can bet some sushi chefs, FDA inspectors, etc, would be like "wait a minute you're supposed to flash freeze the fish first to kill parasites."

No one is saying that BDSM shouldn't be arousing to women, or that women shouldn't be allowed to enjoy BDSM. What people are saying is that people should be aware of what is BDSM and what is abuse, as the two can look startlingly similar. There are differences amongst rape, play-rape, con-non-con sex, and rape fantasy. All four look similar. One is really bad. Two is real life kink. The last one is a fantasy.
BDSM is real, erotic fiction isn't, most people can tell the difference between the two.
I really don't think we should set the boundaries of what is acceptable in our society by the people who can't tell the difference between reality and fiction.

And for real, I think most women know the different between getting raped and not getting raped, and I seriously doubt one silly erotic movie is going to change that.

I'm pretty damn sure that the FDA are not going to comment on that theoretical tuna movie,
Basically what you are saying is that violence in movies influences people's behaviours. It's basically saying that people can't distinguish between reality and fantasy. We have been having this argument for like forever.

Now that I think about it, a documentary about the misrepresentation of media mentioned that violence against women in media can be deleterious for women IRL. But that's all I have to say about this subject.


Getting ripped in the reviews as expected but my fiancé says it's all about the experience of planning the whole girls day out (they have a planned out day with lunch and drinks and such). I'll be home chillaxing! :)


The book isn't even a good representation of bsdm. It's basically abuse hidden behind the safety of the term bsdm. It's bullshit.


Violence and War are more dangerous than BDSM, what is your opinion on movies that depict them? Do you hold those movies to the same standards you seem to be holding 50 shades's depiction of BDSM?

A more apt comparison would be how one would feel about American History X if it didn't have the introspection that Derek goes through, but instead idealizes it.
Or, more topical; a movie about a group of white cops that actively hunt and kill black suspects, and are depicted as heroes.

Would you be OK with that?

Metal B

My girlfriend read all the books and didn't liked it at all. She only went through it to understand the hype, which was everywhere. Her conclusion was, that an older target group didn't know much about BDSM, since it is kind of untapped theme in popular culture. So they were shocked and interest. But as an child of the internet era and being open-minded you aren't faced by it anymore. The theme beside, she said, the characters were very hollow, the love interest too perfect to be interesting and the main character very questionable, since she was much more interest into the money. So it just your typical cheap romantic novel under the latex suit.

It also surprised me, that people in Germany were shocked by Shades of Grey. Only a few years before Charlotte Roche released Wetlands, which was a big hit here. This is really a book, that breaks down many walls of sexual taboos:

The major part of Wetlands is made up of Helen's thoughts, reminiscences and sexual fantasies while confined to her hospital bed. A sexually active woman since she was fifteen, she has had sex with lots of men and boys and describes herself as continuously randy. Shortly after her 18th birthday she had herself sterilised without telling her parents about it.

Helen has an unusual relationship to her body. She abhors personal hygiene and enjoys many of the bodily fluids which are secreted or excreted from it, be it mucus, pus, earwax, smegma, blood (including menstrual blood), sweat, or tears, but also men's sperm, all of which she "recycles" by putting them into her mouth and swallowing them. She loves to attract potential sexual partners by parading, underneath her dress, her unwashed vulva and the smells emanating from it. In a series of interviews Roche explained that cleanliness and above all pedantic care for their own bodies, including the use of artificial scents such as perfume, have been inculcated upon women for ages; that this obstructs their—not just sexual—self-realisation; and that the fear of harmful "bacteria" has been vastly exaggerated.

Generally, Wetlands touches upon a number of taboo topics not only in the sexual arena but also those that can be found in the society at large, particularly in dysfunctional families. These include self-mutilation, amnesia triggered by recreational drug abuse, people's inability to deal with failed suicide attempts, and incest.
~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wetlands_(novel)

If you really wanna get shocked and see the borders of good taste, give it a read.


My wife has no interest in this whatsoever. She finds the books terribly written and therefore can't be bothered with the film. I'm jealous of the guys whose partners are "dragging them along" to see this, I'd have no complaints at all about my wife wanting to see a film that gave her the horn.


It's called fiction. Rape fantasies are hot.

Anyway... I don't know where to stand on this subject. On one hand I can see why people find it offensive and don't want to see it, they have the right to refuse it and they should if the find it so digusting. On the other hand there are so many people on a crusade right now almost demanding other people not to watch it?

In short: You are free to hate it and find it disguting, you are free to use your rights not to see it. But why force that opinion upon other people?


No gaffer impressions yet ?

A friend went to see and her reaction was basicaly "dear god that dude must have his own name tatooed on his dick" xD


My girlfriend read all the books and didn't liked it at all. She only went through it to understand the hype, which was everywhere. Her conclusion was, that an older target group didn't know much about BDSM, since it is kind of untapped theme in popular culture. So they were shocked and interest. But as an child of the internet era and being open-minded you aren't faced by it anymore. The theme beside, she said, the characters were very hollow, the love interest too perfect to be interesting and the main character very questionable, since she was much more interest into the money. So it just your typical cheap romantic novel under the latex suit.

It also surprised me, that people in Germany were shocked by Shades of Grey. Only a few years before Charlotte Roche released Wetlands, which was a big hit here. This is really a book, that breaks down many walls of sexual taboos:

~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wetlands_(novel)

If you really wanna get shocked and see the borders of good taste, give it a read.

Oooof, a bit of vomit nearly came up while reading that Wetlands description. Sounds a bit extreme.

My friend wants me to see 50 Shades with her (as she read the trilogy). Not sure I want to. Part of me is intrigued to know what interests her. Another part if me knows I'll be too critical of the shallow characters and "sex/piano/sex/piano" scenes to enjoy it (and I may piss her off with my snide comments and negativity).

the dialogue is painful.

James Dornan tries his best, but shots are often close-up quick cuts during conversations. Everything feels like 2 second dialogue bits snipped together, plus random *longing* gazes and pretty long sex scenes.

I was surprised at how much nudity was in the film, though knowing the target audience I shouldn't have been. The theater had pockets, about 7 or so groups of three or so people, 95% female, 90% drunk or in a *don't give a shit* mode.

It's a horrible movie.


Saw the movie last night. I went in knowing it was going to be a horrible movie and left surprised at how not horrible it was. I am male and my girlfriend who loves the books did not like the movies version of it.

Christian is portrayed as a psychopath. I don't know what people are talking about when they say that he is seen as romantic or heroic. He has crazy mood swings, can't control his temper, and has to have women sign a contract just so he knows where to set his limit for the relationship.

Anna is in full control for the entire movie. They introduce safe words, but she never uses them and ultimately enjoys everything done to her. The ONE exception is the last scene where Christian stops even though Anna doesn't use her safe word and from that moment one he completely obeys her every command.

The scene where he gets really jealous at Jose for trying to kiss her really needs to stop being hated on. Jose was the one going over the line there. I would have acted in a similar way as a total stranger if a guy was doing that to a really drunk girl at a bar. She wouldn't even have to drunk dial me first.

The dialog is shit. It's like the actors where on different sides of the planet at times.

I wish there was only a single movie. End Spoilers:
The idea of a normal girl getting involved with a rich playboy with major control issues and ending it on her terms after realizing what he truly enjoys is actually a very good story.

This movie was seriously tame. It's a kinky rom com. If you want to see some seriously over the top movies go watch these:
  • Cape Fear
  • The Secretary

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Weird but serious question: is there penis in this movie? Because the idea of a female sex fantasy that only has naked chicks in it seems kind of off.


I totally would have gone to see if this they did something interesting with the film and had it starring Idris Elba instead...


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
What right do you think you have to tell women what they should and shouldn't find arousing?

The only real negative I've seen so far with 50 Shades of Grey is that it that someone might end up getting into BDSM without any further research and break their twat bone. This is on the same level with the dangers of WWE and Extreme Sports movies, as in "Idiots may get hurt, who cares?"

anything else about it, that it's "A Rape Fantasy Disguised as BDSM" is just lol. As abusive and rapey the story is, dozens upon dozens of millions of women found it fucking awesome. You're seriously going to tell them that it's a moral outrage that they're into a rape fantasy?

I nearly spit out my tea at "twat bone", bravo.


A more apt comparison would be how one would feel about American History X if it didn't have the introspection that Derek goes through, but instead idealizes it.
Or, more topical; a movie about a group of white cops that actively hunt and kill black suspects, and are depicted as heroes.

Would you be OK with that?

Or American Psycho perhaps.

Edit: and I agree with what Odrion said.
The best part is hearing the reactions of all the disappointed women who went to see this movie and expected something more crazy than just some spanks and bed ties, all the other stuff is taken out compared to the book apparently.

Doesn't seem like the movie took its demographic of mostly women into account. You mostly see the girl's sexual characteristics rather than the dude's.




The best part is hearing the reactions of all the disappointed women who went to see this movie and expected something more crazy than just some spanks and bed ties, all the other stuff is taken out compared to the book apparently.

Doesn't seem like the movie took its demographic of mostly women into account. You mostly see the girl's sexual characteristics rather than the dude's.


Disappointing, but I suppose I'll still go and see what kinds of scraps they throw those of us who like men. I'll laugh if it turns out the Magic Mike movies deliver more for straight women / gay dudes.

Moar like "Fifty Shades of Hey! Where's the D?" amirite.


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
is the movie really that dirty? Hope its watchable at least, going with my gf tomorrow, though the movie sounds fucking terrible. Reviews are some of the worse I have read in recent time lol


I hate when the entire internet just circle jerks hate on things like this movie, Twilight, Justin Bieber etc.

Its fucking annoying.

Has anyone actually seen the movie?
What did you think?

When I watch it out of curiosity four or five months down the line, will I enjoy it?
I hate when the entire internet just circle jerks hate on things like this movie, Twilight, Justin Bieber etc.

Its fucking annoying.

Has anyone actually seen the movie?
What did you think?

When I watch it out of curiosity four or five months down the line, will I enjoy it?


I've seen the movie. It was bad. It was stylish, well-shot, well-acted, but on a horribly childish platform, that means ultimately you've wasted your time except for a couple of sex-scenes. The dialogue in the first 5 minutes somehow manages to get worse and worse as the movie develops. You may or may like it five months down the road as a shitty, trashy movie that is 'on'.


Disappointing, but I suppose I'll still go and see what kinds of scraps they throw those of us who like men. I'll laugh if it turns out the Magic Mike movies deliver more for straight women / gay dudes.

Moar like "Fifty Shades of Hey! Where's the D?" amirite.

The male lead supposedly is conservative on what he's willing to show and won't do frontal nudity in the trilogy.


The male lead supposedly is conservative on what he's willing to show and won't do frontal nudity in the trilogy.
WTF, I need to speak with casting.

Couldn't they have hired some fit punk with no prospects who thinks you need to show your balls to be successful in Hollywood? It's not like the role requires acting chops.
Me and my fiancée are both going to see it. We're both women in our early 30s, so totally the target market. We're going for the sex.

Itd be so good to see more female-centred fantasies up on the screen for a change. I hope it does well.

I would hope abusive relationships were not a fantasy.


The best part is hearing the reactions of all the disappointed women who went to see this movie and expected something more crazy than just some spanks and bed ties, all the other stuff is taken out compared to the book apparently.

Doesn't seem like the movie took its demographic of mostly women into account. You mostly see the girl's sexual characteristics rather than the dude's.


Some women like looking at tits. Sue them.


I would hope abusive relationships were not a fantasy.
Splain it to em. All of em. Fantasy and desires differ? Your brain broke, ah shit. You mean i'm not an aspiring serial killer after enjoying Doom mr.thompson?
But these... women can't be trusted to differentiate fantasy from desire can they?


I hate when the entire internet just circle jerks hate on things like this movie, Twilight, Justin Bieber etc.

Its fucking annoying.

Has anyone actually seen the movie?
What did you think?

When I watch it out of curiosity four or five months down the line, will I enjoy it?

I saw it. I liked it, but i went in with the mindset to think of it as a rom comso idk if that helps. The sex is tame think HBO stuff. The writing was hilarious at times. The entire plot could of ended in about 5 mins if the girl actually thought about it. You can enjoy it if your not looking for anything special.


Trucker Sexologist
*male gaffers everywhere watch porn on the regular, from hentai to cuckolding to incest*

*a movie specifically directed towards expression of female sexuality and common interests / fantasies including domination and a seasoned man with money and power gets produced, receives widespread interest*

female gaffer: "I'm going to go see this! It's great they finally made an erotic film specifically aimed at women!"

male gaffer: "You can't! Based on this handful of search results I got from desperately searching through Tumblr for counterpoints, 50 Shades of Gray demeans women! I mean, I get it's fiction, but what if it wasn't? It's one thing if I'm calling down airstrikes on giant monsters or playing Torture Simulator 2015, but a form of release that's not specifically geared towards male enjoyment? Hell, no! We can't have you guys being open about what you want! Then how am I supposed to brood about women being mysterious and not knowing what you all want?"
Part of consuming fiction is probing it for personal meaning. And some people did that and found some of the content to be toxic. This post essentially amounts to shouting those people down without even bothering to address any of the points, outside of some strawman about female sexuality. People have every right to disagree about the content in 50 SoG, and its meaning. But the only point of this post is to say that they don't even have the right to an opinion because they have a penis and watch porn. That's not even an argument.

Calling people prudes isn't a counter point either. It's lazy ad homeneim. Saying that people have no right to criticize because it's fiction isn't a rebuttal. It's perfectly valid to say that you've heard the points and you don't care because you enjoyed the movie. No one has to have their character attacked because they have some criticisms.


Just got back from it.

It wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen in my life (faint praise). I actually get Dakota's appeal now -- she brought me out of the constant reminder that this is a shitty script.

At the same time, the portrayal of BDSM is really fucked up. So, what? You're only into BDSM because you were beaten as a child and then molested by an older woman when you were 15? No. Everything about the BDSM in this movie was portrayal as deviant, wrong, and psychotic. Not great, Bob.

If you're going to watch something with a romance angle that is geared towards the female gaze, I'd recommend Outlander instead.
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