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50 Shades of Grey- The movie: Reviews

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I would hope abusive relationships were not a fantasy.
Fantasies are fantasies: imaginary scenarios you have complete control over. There's absolutely nothing wrong with someone enjoying a fantasy in the privacy of their own mind, where real world consequences and issues of consent are totally immaterial. No one has a right shame someone else for how they use their imagination, or what kinds of fictional scenarios they choose to share with a trusted partner. I mean, where's the harm?


At least it would give him a personality. The only personality Autobots have, if you can call it that, is that they're the good guys.

I'm not sure you can call this 'personality'
Actual 50 shades dialogue said:
I don't know whether to worship at your feet or spank the living shit out of you

I want you sore, baby

He’s my very own Christian Grey flavor Popsicle

Why is anyone the way they are? That’s kind of hard to answer. Why do some people like cheese and other people hate it? Do you like cheese?

I thought it was chocolate hot fudge brownie sex that we had, with a cherry on top. But hey, what do I know?

I don’t remember reading about nipple clamps in the Bible.
I stared in shock at the movie screen when the ending happened, then all I could do was blurt out "WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT? WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT?"

The worst ending I have ever seen. Then my wife revealed she took me to this just to troll me, because of the ending.

The entire movie is such a weird experience. It was like I was watching something with blockbuster production value, but the dialogue and actions on screen were those of a bad fan fiction. "Holy cow." Holy waste of my fucking time. The movie is two hours of building up to nothing. Plus, almost condoning child molestation by barely arguing against it was so "lovely"...and by lovely I mean disgusting and upsetting. Twilight: New fucking Moon was a better movie, and that one nearly put me to sleep. And here I thought this movie may have been salvaged. Never getting fooled again. The positive reviews are full of shit. That problematic portrayal of bondage too.


The entire movie is such a weird experience. It was like I was watching something with blockbuster production value, but the dialogue and actions on screen were those of a bad fan fiction.
That's because Bad Fanfiction is literally what this is. Bad Twilight Fanfiction.


At least it would give him a personality. The only personality Autobots have, if you can call it that, is that they're the good guys.
Were we so different? They're a young species. They have much to learn. But I've seen goodness in them. Freedom is the right of all sentient beings. You all know there's only one way to end this war: we must destroy the Cube. If all else fails, I will unite it with the spark in my chest.

Is leagues better than anything you can find in those books.


Is leagues better than anything you can find in those books.

The dialogue goes against every action Optimus makes. He is one of the most fucked up 'heroes' in cinematic history. Dialogue only works if the long-term plan is Optimus as a genocidal, self-deluded supervillain.

Bold One

The male lead supposedly is conservative on what he's willing to show and won't do frontal nudity in the trilogy.

what?, there's more?

The male lead supposedly is conservative on what he's willing to show and won't do frontal nudity in the trilogy.

Jamie Dornan's already shown his goods in a fashion spread.

I suppose he's not comfortable doing it here because it's a major mainstream movie. But still, I'm pretty pressed about it.
The ending of this movie had half the theater (I'm guessing we were the half that didn't read the books) going "wtf?"

There's barely any plot as it is, and the first movie didn't have a resolution so much as it just says, "see you next year!"

Overall the movie was better than it had any right to be considering how paper thin the source material is. The side characters are just window dressing; you're introduced to both character's families, and they don't do or say anything to advance the plot or change the characters in any real way. Same with Ana's roommate and Christian's driver. Ana herself hasn't evolved at all from her Bella source material. The only notable part of her personality is that she likes English lit; otherwise you're left to fill in the blanks on her. Perfect blank slate for audience insertion, no pun intended.

The plot boils down to:
Ana: Christian I love you and want to be with you like a normal couple!
Christian: I'll do couply stuff just enough to keep you around, but I need to beat the shit out of you because reasons.

There are literally 4 to 5 episodes of this playing out over the last 60 minutes of run time. The reason the movie is surprisingly decent is the cinematography. The sex is actually quite classy and the actress actually sells being really into it. I was expecting it to be far more risqué, at least to Sharon Stone levels, but it was just kinky enough to elicit a few "damn"s from me. The complete omission of Ana's embarrassing internal monologue really, really helps. Christian showing off his expensive rides also did a good job of capturing the beauty of the pacific northwest.

Now as to the real reason I went to see this... I'm not going to say that this movie got me laid, but I will say that the lady in question got super freaky mid-session and basically begged me to screw her as hard as I could. So mission accomplished I guess.

All in all, doesntmatterhadsex/10.


at last, for christ's sake
these impressions, yuck. I thought I could at least have some fun in watching a so bad it's good movie, but it seems like I will just be bored out of my skull

I demand at least two blowjobs and some rimming after this


formerly Oynox Slider
Well, I've just come out of the screening...my brain dump:

1. As a film qua film, it's a bit of a non-entity. It felt extraordinarily sanitised.

2. There's very little actual sex in it and the sex scenes were very, very tame.

3. Consent and abuse are just irrelevant. The film belabours the consensual nature of their relationship. In fact, it forms the majority of what little plot there is.

Overall, I don't think it deserves the amount of fuss we've given it in this thread. I understand that the book is far more explicit. This felt very, very safe and Hollywood-y.

On the plus side, Jamie Dornan is hot and has a very sexy body.
I agree, Fifty Shades of Grey is misogynistic and awful. I haven't read it... and I won't read it... because it would be painful.. But everything I know about it is bad.. I know more than I would like to..

But then again... I'm a kink critical feminist. I guess I'm a radical feminist in many ways..


formerly Oynox Slider
I agree, Fifty Shades of Grey is misogynistic and awful. I haven't read it... and I won't read it... because it would be painful.. But everything I know about it is bad.. I know more than I would like to..

But then again... I'm a kink critical feminist. I guess I'm a radical feminist in many ways..

There was absolutely nothing misogynistic about the film. Don't get your knickers in a twist unnecessarily. It was just romantic fluff with a tiny bit of consensual spanking.

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make anymore.

50 Shades of Grey is EXTREMELY popular. 50 Shades of Grey is about a BDSM relationship. BDSM, by nature, is potentially dangerous. Therefore, 50 Shades of Grey is, in many ways, being irresponsible about BDSM, because, among its problems, it does not address consent.

(Just because you're doing BDSM with someone who you know doesn't make it any safer if neither one of you knows wtf is going on.

As to address people being better educated about BDSM-- yes, one of those key things about BDSM includes consent.)

If your argument is that it's okay 50 Shades of Grey glorifies an unhealthy, abusive BDSM dynamic, we're not going to ever agree since most of the criticism is that 50 Shades SHOULDN'T have depicted an unhealthy and abusive BDSM relationship, and should instead have depicted a safe one... or, if depicting an unhealthy, "bad" relationship, should not have glorified it.

Just wanted to quote this. I haven't read the novel except for a few blurbs, but the "no consent" thing is completely untrue about the movie. Consent is one of the biggest themes of the film, and there is a critical scene where the two mains discuss at length what she is willing and unwilling to consent to. And yes, they use safe words.

This criticism is unwarranted from what I saw.

Edit: I see sploatee came to the same conclusion. For those that have experienced both, is this drastically different from the novel version? Or are people judging this based on hearsay?


Now as to the real reason I went to see this... I'm not going to say that this movie got me laid, but I will say that the lady in question got super freaky mid-session and basically begged me to screw her as hard as I could. So mission accomplished I guess.

All in all, doesntmatterhadsex/10.

Heh, agreed here. My wife has never watched porn (and that's fine) but she had a similar reaction to when I used to watch porn with previous women.


So I saw Kingsmen and this Friday, paid for Kingsmen, hopped to this once King was done and fuck, this movie was boring, not even Dakota's nakedness made this worth sitting though. Dorman has the emotion as a rock and everything else feels really fucked up.


Just watch Secretary.


formerly Oynox Slider
Just wanted to quote this. I haven't read the novel except for a few blurbs, but the "no consent" thing is completely untrue about the movie. Consent is one of the biggest themes of the film, and there is a critical scene where the two mains discuss at length what she is willing and unwilling to consent to. And yes, they use safe words.

This criticism is unwarranted from what I saw.

Edit: I see sploatee came to the same conclusion. For those that have experienced both, is this drastically different from the novel version? Or are people judging this based on hearsay?

Yes, it's just a non-point.

My partner said the sex in the novel was far, far more explicit and there was far more of it. She also said the novel also went out of its way to emphasise consent.

I can't stress it enough really - those who are anxious about the film's depiction of consent and/or abuse are just worrying about nothing. More concerning to me was why we got quite a lot of boob and very little willy!


Just got back from it.

It wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen in my life (faint praise). I actually get Dakota's appeal now -- she brought me out of the constant reminder that this is a shitty script.

At the same time, the portrayal of BDSM is really fucked up. So, what? You're only into BDSM because you were beaten as a child and then molested by an older woman when you were 15? No. Everything about the BDSM in this movie was portrayal as deviant, wrong, and psychotic. Not great, Bob.

If you're going to watch something with a romance angle that is geared towards the female gaze, I'd recommend Outlander instead.

Amen to all of this, especially the Outlander rec.


I agree, Fifty Shades of Grey is misogynistic and awful.
I haven't read it... and I won't read it... because it would be painful.. But everything I know about it is bad.. I know more than I would like to..

But then again... I'm a kink critical feminist. I guess I'm a radical feminist in many ways..
I really wish people would stop making judgements about anything that they haven't experienced at all. Your second sentence completely invalidates your first one. Use your own brain to form your own opinions and please stop regurgitating what other people (who probably haven't read the material either) say. What is the point?


formerly Oynox Slider
I really wish people would stop making judgements about anything that they haven't experienced at all. Your second sentence completely invalidates your first one. Use your own brain to form your own opinions and please stop regurgitating what other people (who probably haven't read the material either) say. What is the point?

Exactly! It really truly was just a pass-the-time "chick-flick". It was nice to just to watch Jamie Dornan do his thing. Whether you love it or hate it as a film, there is simply nothing there to get so het up about. Especially if you're haven't even seen the bloody thing!
You can know a lot about something.. without having watched it.

I know more than I would like and I'm very much not going to read or watch it.


I really wish people would stop making judgements about anything that they haven't experienced at all. Your second sentence completely invalidates your first one. Use your own brain to form your own opinions and please stop regurgitating what other people (who probably haven't read the material either) say. What is the point?

To some extent, we should be able to rely on others' experiences and reviews to inform ourselves. Reading some excerpts and some solid reviews and analyses should really be enough.


To some extent, we should be able to rely on others' experiences and reviews to inform ourselves. Reading some excerpts and some solid reviews and analyses should really be enough.
Exactly, because everything else boils down to a "were you there" argument.

But in this case, you probably shouldn't extrapolate from the books to the film.


Gold Member
There is a scene in 50 Shades Of Grey where Christian dances with Ana to a Frank Sinatra song, which makes sense, whenever I have been alone with someone and wanted to set the mood right, I would turn on some Frank Sinatra. I was just so bored watching this scene (and film) that I asked myself, "When Frank was entertaining a woman, who would he turn on?"


Oft hope is born when all is forlorn.
omg, went to see this with my gf today. I have never seen such a boring, pointless, lameass, cheesy piece of shit in a theater. IN MY ENTIRE LIFE.

seriously what the fuck was that. Ending made me wish if I can get my money back. Saw it in UltraAVX fucking 16$.

Nothing in this movie makes any sense what so ever.

Oh I am virgin, but since you are a billionaire , you can fuck me.

No character development and actions are not justified what so ever. That ending man, elevator scene lmao.


There is a scene in 50 Shades Of Grey where Christian dances with Ana to a Frank Sinatra song, which makes sense, whenever I have been alone with someone and wanted to set the mood right, I would turn on some Frank Sinatra. I was just so bored watching this scene (and film) that I asked myself, "When Frank was entertaining a woman, who would he turn on?"

It was the woman who turned Frank on, entertainment would then follow.


You can know a lot about something.. without having watched it.

I know more than I would like and I'm very much not going to read or watch it.

To some extent, we should be able to rely on others' experiences and reviews to inform ourselves. Reading some excerpts and some solid reviews and analyses should really be enough.
I think it's perfectly reasonable to use other peoples' opinions to decide for yourself if you want to consume some form of media or entertainment (or anything really).

My problem is people stating as an absolute fact that this is "misogynistic and awful" or whatever even though they are only basing this off of someone else's opinions. Just saying it's awful, even though millions of women and men have read the books and for whatever reason enjoyed them, should never be accepted especially when it is such a minor thing to read the book and form your own thoughts.

And if you don't want to read it (or watch it in this case), stop talking about it and certainly stop saying that no one should like it because of someone told you it was bad.

That's really all I can say about it. So many of the posts in this thread are from people who didn't even read the book and have no intention of watching the movie but have made very strong opinions about it based off of …what? Someone else.


at last, for christ's sake
god dammit, it was just awful. Awful. At least the fiance seemed to acknowledge it as well, so i'm safe for the sequels


Saw it with the girlfriend, it was pretty shit.

However, a couple of things.

1. The whole thing about "She said stop/the safeword and he kept going" wasn't in the movie. I dunno if that came from the books or something (I didn't read them) but people lodging that complaint at it need to do their research. There's definitely nothing rapey as far as the movie goes.

2. The whole thing was just so dumb, Dakota Johnson was hot, okay, I can get behind that.

3. Going into point 2, maybe I just missed something, but (spoilers for the end):
She freaks out about him wanting to "punish" her by whipping her, which is that not what they just did like three times before in the movie?

My two cents. We both expected it to be bad, and weren't disappointed as far as that went.
Saw it with the girlfriend, it was pretty shit.

However, a couple of things.

1. The whole thing about "She said stop/the safeword and he kept going" wasn't in the movie. I dunno if that came from the books or something (I didn't read them) but people lodging that complaint at it need to do their research. There's definitely nothing rapey as far as the movie goes.

2. The whole thing was just so dumb, Dakota Johnson was hot, okay, I can get behind that.

3. Going into point 2, maybe I just missed something, but (spoilers for the end):
She freaks out about him wanting to "punish" her by whipping her, which is that not what they just did like three times before in the movie?

My two cents. We both expected it to be bad, and weren't disappointed as far as that went.
I think the difference was, in the previous sessions he did some light whipping or spanking to tease or punish her. It was all still very sensual. She asked him to do the worst thing he could think of, and he actually hurt her, it wasn't fun or kinky, and she's finally like, "why would you do that?" She looked like Kunta Kinte on that table.
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