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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


wow. Did you uh, choose these or were they gifts?

The QC15's are actually pretty solid headphones, even audiophile wise, unlike a lot of past Bose products. Sure they are very over priced, but they are still decent, and superlatively comfortable. Portable use and seal wise as well, they definitely excel.
Lost my iem earbuds for my iPhone and am shopping around for a replacement pair - mic and remote are a must.

Any suggestions? Looking to spend $200 max.


Btw guys I bought myself TMA-1s. I will be using my friends sennheiser neutral phones for sound recording but I realised that I wouldnt be doing a whole lot of audio work myself (he takes care of sound mastering anyway).

Still breaking into them. The sound out of them are spectacular. My ears are finally getting more comfortable with the over-the-year design.

Recommended. Also they are not as dark or muffled as I was led to believe.
sup guyz, my mommy bught me sum beatz by doc DRE 4 xmas, r dey gud? bettr then bose's? i herd dey r awsome but bose awesome mayb not..?


Moving on.

Well, they've been my little buddies since around 2008, but my Sennheiser HD 280 Pro's have finally broken and are now unusable.

I'm overdue for a major upgrade anyway. I've been going without them for about a week now and I can't take it anymore. I never realized how dependent I am on quality headphones.

I've been doing some research the past few days and concluded that I probably am going for another Sennheiser, or an AKG or Audio-Technica pair.

First I'll tell what I use headphones for on a daily basis.
  • PC/PS3 gaming - This is very important as I don't have a surround sound system at the moment, and rely on headphones for the best quality audio for gaming I can get currently.
  • Electronic music listening/editing - Primarily DnB, House, deep house, progressive house, jazzy house...you name it, they all have something in common, a constant thumping bass sound. I'm mentioning the genres because this will probably make or break some key choices. I need excellent, deep bass, but also not deep enough so that you can't make out classy piano sections for example.

On top of that, I live with others and play when they are sleeping a lot of the time when it's pitch quiet. So closed phones are almost necessary (I also like the deep bass closed phones give as opposed to other (dinky) open HP's that have a more "airy" and less deep sound.

Now before I list some HP's I was thinking of, I'll bring this up.
I was strongly considering upgrading to a pair of WIRELESS quality headphones, but then I realized...for quality sound, you pretty much need wired, right? It's not really a big deal, I'm at a desk almost all the time with my headphone use, it would only be nice for playing for example Child of Eden up out of the seat.

Budget is up to $300-$350 USD not including amp, but would be nice if I could get quality HP's + amp for that combined price total.

For example, here's one of Sennheiser's "flagship" wireless HP's, but how good are they compared to wired HP's in the same price range?:
Sennheiser RS 180


Now back to the main topic of quality wired headphones...

I was almost dead-set on the Sennheiser HD 598's until I found out they were open and also some people have been saying they aren't good for "fast" music (electronic, metal, etc) or bass as some others. Is that true, and exactly how much would these really leak sound?


I've always been curious about HP's made with some wood and the soundstage/bass etc it provides. Would they be relevant to my preferences, these for example?:

Audio Technica ATH-ESW9A

I've heard good things about AKG's
AKG K702


Remember, it doesn't matter what the headphones look like. I'm interested in quality over form (although the ones I posted above are pretty sexy, no?).
Once I finalize what HP's to get, I'll decide on a HP amp. That choice shouldn't be too difficult, I've heard good things about FiiO and Little Dot.
Edit: Guy above check out the Denon AHD2000 or the Ultrasone Pro 900

But how are the ones I brought up in the post? Crap for closed+electronic music specifications?
The Denon's look promising.
I see the Ultrasone is bass-heavy, but are these bass-heavy phones TOO bass-heavy? Remember, I need to accurately hear quieter sections as well.
edit: reading about the Ultrasone Pro 900's here makes me more and more craving to just put the order in now: http://www.head-fi.org/t/527451/ultrasone-pro-900-appreciation-thread Lots of electronic/bass talk, how did you know? I'm actually seeing lots of past Denon A2000 owners say the Ultrasone's are superior.

Any suggestions for a desktop amp for these phones?


But how are the ones I brought up in the post? Crap for closed+electronic music specifications?
The Denon's look promising.
I see the Ultrasone is bass-heavy, but are these bass-heavy phones TOO bass-heavy? Remember, I need to accurately hear quieter sections as well.
edit: reading about the Ultrasone Pro 900's here makes me more and more craving to just put the order in now: http://www.head-fi.org/t/527451/ultrasone-pro-900-appreciation-thread Lots of electronic/bass talk, how did you know? I'm actually seeing lots of past Denon A2000 owners say the Ultrasone's are superior.

Any suggestions for a desktop amp for these phones?

Definitely consider TMA-1.

They are definitely a lot of fun, because not only do they look sexy they even perform good. Especially for the uses you mentioned. And they are closed cans to boot.

For example,I was listening to this song:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOT2-OTebx0 (Limit to your love by James Blake)

The TMA KILLED it. The piano parts, the deep bass, the jazz progression. Everything felt delicious, and I think that is exactly the kind of thing you are looking for.

P.S. If you buy these for $200, you'll have $150 for an amp too. This could be a big win-win situation for you. :)
Remember, it doesn't matter what the headphones look like. I'm interested in quality over form (although the ones I posted above are pretty sexy, no?).
Once I finalize what HP's to get, I'll decide on a HP amp. That choice shouldn't be too difficult, I've heard good things about FiiO and Little Dot.

When i was shopping i listened to a lot. Top of range Grados, Beyerdynamic 880Pro or whatever...some sennheisers all in the price range you mentioned.

I listened to the Audiotechnica A-700s but in the end went for the A-900s. An absolutely fantastic set. The amp i got was the CEntrance Dac Mini which was on the front cover of stereophile.

its a really good setup and im totally happy with it. I posted it on the previous page.

The grado's were very clear but lacked the punch and power of the A-900s. I really didnt like the sennheisers or the Beyer's but i guess its whatever you are looking for.
Definitely consider TMA-1.

Yeah, that was another consideration.
I'll look more into that once I overcome the amp+DAC debacle...

Right now I'm confused as to what I need. Some seem to be amp+DAC combos while some are separate.

I'm hearing the FiiO E9 amp + E7 DAC combo is good, then I hear the HRT MS II blows it out of the water, but is the HRT a SUBSTITUTE for the E7?
How about E9 amp + E10 DAC?

AZ Greg

Yeah, that was another consideration.
I'll look more into that once I overcome the amp+DAC debacle...

Right now I'm confused as to what I need. Some seem to be amp+DAC combos while some are separate.

I'm hearing the FiiO E9 amp + E7 DAC combo is good, then I hear the HRT MS II blows it out of the water, but is the HRT a SUBSTITUTE for the E7?
How about E9 amp + E10 DAC?

I can only speak on the FiiO combos, but the E9/E10 combo is considerably better than the E7/E9 combo.
I can only speak on the FiiO combos, but the E9/E10 combo is considerably better than the E7/E9 combo.

I see, can the E10 dock into the E9 (as the E7 does)?
If not, how do you pair them up?

Also, I hear the E10 only supports USB while E7 runs from he E9's power (due to it being docked in it).
Would I be able to use E9+E10 with speakers that are hooked up to a monitor (this will be for PS3/360, NOT PC) in addition to PC?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
I see, can the E10 dock into the E9 (as the E7 does)?
If not, how do you pair them up?

Also, I hear the E10 only supports USB while E7 runs from he E9's power (due to it being docked in it).
Would I be able to use E9+E10 with speakers that are hooked up to a monitor (this will be for PS3/360, NOT PC) in addition to PC?

Don't worry about that boutique stuff, buy a nice external audio card from a proper pro brand and you're done with it.
Hm...I was dead-set on getting the E9 (amp) and E10 (DAC), you say getting an external audio card instead will produce better SQ from those HP's?

Also back to the other question as well, how exactly do I apply say, the E9 amp's quality boosts to just normal speakers hooked up to a monitor (this is what I use for PS3/console gaming, I just hooked my old headphones into the old dinky PC speakers port). Is it possible, or is this amp+DAC thing only really for PC audio?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Hm...I was dead-set on getting the E9 (amp) and E10 (DAC), you say getting an external audio card instead will produce better SQ from those HP's?

Also back to the other question as well, how exactly do I apply say, the E9 amp's quality boosts to just normal speakers hooked up to a monitor (this is what I use for PS3/console gaming, I just hooked my old headphones into the old dinky PC speakers port). Is it possible, or is this amp+DAC thing only really for PC audio?

SQ isn't magic - what you want is something that doesn't distort, has a flat response, low noise floor, good channel separation, etc... and you can get that everywhere. It's not like the E9 is a magic box that makes sound better.

The E9 outputs 1 watt so your loudspeakers wouldn't even move - besides, if those are your PS3 speakers, well... you'd have to find a way to route the PS3 signal through the Fiio 9 and it doesn't have an HDMI port ;D

If you want quality loudspeakers for your console gaming, amazon has the behringer 1030A on sale for just 99$... They're active so you don't need to worry about finding an amp for those.
Oh no, I'm not talking about speakers that I want. I'm not interested in speakers, I'm only interested in using headphones for PC/PS3 gaming at my current desk setup.

What I was saying was, is there any way to use headphones connected to the amp/DAC that will then apply to the PS3/console audio? Or must it go through a receiver or something (which I don't have)? All I have for audio for the PS3 are old PC speakers hooked to the monitor. I would then connect my headphones to the port of one of the speakers.

As far as PC though, I assume that's safe and set with no problems as far as compatibility for the amp/DAC goes.
Fuuuuuuuuccckkk was £30 shy of the TMA's in gift money and now they shot up too £160. God damn it. Hopefully HiResdeses buds come in the post this week though :)

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Oh no, I'm not talking about speakers that I want. I'm not interested in speakers, I'm only interested in using headphones for PC/PS3 gaming at my current desk setup.

What I was saying was, is there any way to use headphones connected to the amp/DAC that will then apply to the PS3/console audio? Or must it go through a receiver or something (which I don't have)? All I have for audio for the PS3 are old PC speakers hooked to the monitor. I would then connect my headphones to the port of one of the speakers.

As far as PC though, I assume that's safe and set with no problems as far as compatibility for the amp/DAC goes.

The PS3 has an optical audio out - you need something that has both a USB input (for the PC) and an optical input (for the PS3). I only know of the Asus Essence One, but the price is jacked up at the moment. You'll have to dig around.

edit: the m-audio fasttrack pro has usb and digital audio inputs, but I don't know wether you can use it for selecting which one of both those sources gets through the headphone amp... you'll have to ask someone that has it, try it at gearslutz or hydrogenaudio. If it works, you can find it for 250$ or so.
The PS3 has an optical audio out - you need something that has both a USB input (for the PC) and an optical input (for the PS3). I only know of the Asus Essence One, but the price is jacked up at the moment. You'll have to dig around.

Oh, I forgot about the PS3's optical audio out; it would have been a problem if only HDMI was possible. You sure there's no "two birds with one stone" solutions in a headphone amp? I saw many inputs in some of the amps, but almost certain the E9 doesn't have that input sadly.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Are you totally sure the E9/E10 lacks the ability to be connected to the PS3's optical out? I recall a "LINE OUT" port on the E10, the same as on that amp you posted.

Why are you fixated on the Fiio's ?

Dude, a line out is an output, not an input... what you should have been looking at is that the Maverick has both coaxial/optical IN for digital audio.
Yes, nevermind, it was an IN, not OUT. Looked at the ports again.

Well I've just been reading through threads, specifically the one for the headphones I'm 95% buying (Ultrasone Pro900) and all I hear for a majority of entry-level suggestions are the E7/E9 or E9/E10 combo.
I'm guessing the Maverick is both amp and DAC in one, and would drive even better quality to the headphones than the E9/E10 combo?

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Yes, nevermind, it was an IN, not OUT. Looked at the ports again.

Well I've just been reading through threads, specifically the one for the headphones I'm 95% buying (Ultrasone Pro900) and all I hear for a majority of entry-level suggestions are the E7/E9 or E9/E10 combo.
I'm guessing the Maverick is both amp and DAC in one, and would drive even better quality to the headphones than the E9/E10 combo?

I could get into a tirade about audiophoolery and audio myths but im not in the mood... Buy what you need and right now Fiio offerings won't serve you properly.
I could get into a tirade about audiophoolery and audio myths but im not in the mood... Buy what you need and right now Fiio offerings won't serve you properly.

You're saying they're crap, right? Please don't make me feel like I'm missing out if I don't buy one. Hah. Seriously, I'm just piecing this together as I go, just today I learned about DACs.

The D1 is just the DAC and the Maverick brand amp complement would cost another $200...

So I'm guessing it's logical to do the Maverick D1 (DAC) +E9 (amp) combo for my situation.
So I've ordered the headphones, and just need to finalize what I'm going to do with the amp/DAC solution.

I could go route A, and get the Maverick D1 which is a DAC+amp. However I'm seeing some complaints that the built-in "amp" doesn't have enough power to drive some pairs of HP's to their higher potential.
If it isn't satisfactory I could always buy an amp to complement it, yes? Or can you not since technically the D1 is an "amp" too?

Or route B, get the Maverick D2 which like the D1 but better tech specs but it's a standalone DAC, so a separate amp is needed.


So I've ordered the headphones, and just need to finalize what I'm going to do with the amp/DAC solution.

I could go route A, and get the Maverick D1 which is a DAC+amp. However I'm seeing some complaints that the built-in "amp" doesn't have enough power to drive some pairs of HP's to their higher potential.
If it isn't satisfactory I could always buy an amp to complement it, yes? Or can you not since technically the D1 is an "amp" too?

Or route B, get the Maverick D2 which like the D1 but better tech specs but it's a standalone DAC, so a separate amp is needed.

Um, what headphones? I have a D1 and it worked fine for what I needed. And yes, you can use it with an amp since it has RCA outs.
Um, what headphones? I have a D1 and it worked fine for what I needed. And yes, you can use it with an amp since it has RCA outs.

Ultrasone Pro 900's.
OK, it's good to hear from more D1 owners. What were you using it for/what type of music and what HP's did you use with them?
The thing that has me on the fence between the D1 and D2 is the D2's "superior" specs, it just complicates things as the D2 is a standalone DAC.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
So I've ordered the headphones, and just need to finalize what I'm going to do with the amp/DAC solution.

I could go route A, and get the Maverick D1 which is a DAC+amp. However I'm seeing some complaints that the built-in "amp" doesn't have enough power to drive some pairs of HP's to their higher potential.
If it isn't satisfactory I could always buy an amp to complement it, yes? Or can you not since technically the D1 is an "amp" too?

Or route B, get the Maverick D2 which like the D1 but better tech specs but it's a standalone DAC, so a separate amp is needed.

Dude lol. Who you talking with?

1 watt is all you need to drive headphones lol. Of course it can move whatever ultrasones you're buying.

Stop reading head fi, that site is 100% bullcrap.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Ultrasone Pro 900's.
OK, it's good to hear from more D1 owners. What were you using it for/what type of music and what HP's did you use with them?
The thing that has me on the fence between the D1 and D2 is the D2's "superior" specs, it just complicates things as the D2 is a standalone DAC.

What superior specs lol ?

You mean, it's more expensive?


Also I think the best bang for your buck DAC/Amp combo is going to be this:

Nuforce Icon HD, if you get the Denon D2000's then you won't need an amp really much at all. Alternatively if you get the Koss Pro DJ100s you can save a lot of money and receive comparable quality to phones twice their price as long as you get a nice amp.

If you spend the money on something mid-tier like the Nuforce Icon HD, then I'd recommend saving and getting the Koss ProDJ100, which scale tremendously.

...Most of the phones in your previous list were open btw lol.


I'm actually seeing lots of past Denon A2000 owners say the Ultrasone's are superior.
Superior in what way? Strictly bass or overall sound?

Why not just the E10?
The E9 is the better amp.

The PS3 has an optical audio out - you need something that has both a USB input (for the PC) and an optical input (for the PS3). I only know of the Asus Essence One, but the price is jacked up at the moment. You'll have to dig around.
The Matrix Cube has both. The Beresford TC-7520SEG Caiman does as well.

Bitmap Frogs

Mr. Community
Probably. Then if the budget is $200, the audio-gd NFB-12 might also be another option to consider.

The Maverick is more flexible... it has analog inputs and analog outputs...

edit: roflmao at that head-fi matrix cube review lololo:l smoothness boring analytical dry uninvolving deep impactful control energy creamy airy detail extension realism fun rich... not one of these words has any meaning n the context of a DAC hahaha.


Fuuuuuuuuccckkk was £30 shy of the TMA's in gift money and now they shot up too £160. God damn it. Hopefully HiResdeses buds come in the post this week though :)

Ouch! I've had a pair of TMA-1s for nearly a year now and I can't recommend them enough, especially for those who listen to electronic music. The bass is incredibly rich, but the highs and mids never become obscured, and they provide a surprising amount of balance between the three. They provide such an even, consistent tone no matter what the genre of music, but they truly shine when listening to techno and such. They also just get better and better the more you use them. I haven't felt the need to replace them at all since I bought them.


My mom is taking my ATH-AD700s. Is there a pair of headphones that would be an improvement over those without sacrificing the comfort, soundstage, and highs within $200? I was thinking maybe the ATH-AD900 - do they have stronger bass?
My mom is taking my ATH-AD700s. Is there a pair of headphones that would be an improvement over those without sacrificing the comfort, soundstage, and highs within $200? I was thinking maybe the ATH-AD900 - do they have stronger bass?

I can recommend the ATH-A900 which is slightly different to what you are asking. Theyre a great set and dont require much power to drive. Will you get an amp with it?

FYI - the A900's have fantastic base/drums/punch but i felt the higher end grado's had better clarity and vocals.
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