Well I bought my AKG K702's some companions this week:
-Fiio E7 for portable Amping
-Fiio E9 for combining with the E7 and driving them at home.
-Fiio L9 LOD to connect my ipod to the E7.
Long and short = the sound is amazing. I had burned them in quite a bit and thought they sounded good with my E5 out of my laptop card but with the DAC in place...yup...However, these are very much open cans and I needed something that would allow me to listen in the library.
Hopped on Ebay and landed a pristine set of Audio Technica ATH-A950LTD's for $170 shipped (guy included a 1st gen 8gb ipod touch which I sold for $70 - headphones were about $100). Cans had been burnt in for about 20 hours and then went unused since (according to him.)
Much more of a "fun" sound and MUCH easier to drive than are the K702's. Much more punch in the base department but my .FLAC recordings lose some of their luster (to be expected I'd say.)
All in all though? I have the K702's now hooked permanently into the E9, the A950's ready to go out with me and to the library...my audio life is pretty good