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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


I feel like I want some new headphones too but even the more expensive stuff I've tried doesn't really sound any better than the RX700's I have, and love.

So looking around and reading, I glanced at this and was wondering are these:


Worth the money? I'll be honest, I'm 90% interested in these because of the aesthetics :lol
Did you just buy those on headfi?

Nah. I had my eye on them last night, and then just as I was gonna PM the guy this morning, he sells them. Anyhow, you can get a quote from this one site and they will sell for significantly less, $190 I think. So it's only $20 more than what the guy was selling for. Since they are likely gonna be a hot ticket item, I'm gonna scoop em up since it'll be easy to resell if they arent to my taste. Early buzz is very positive though, and the driver is massive
I've been using my Fischer Fa-006 for a few months now, and they're great. If anyone needs a pair of neutral, cheap closed cans, I'd higglhly recommend them.


Just picked up a pair of Beyerdynamics DT 880 Premium 32 OHMs. I know that the 250 or 600 may have been better, but the 32 were used with a Moon Audio Silver Dragon cord and Furtech gold plated jack for only $200, so I jumped on the savings.

The only thing that I am trying to figure out is whether I should get a sound card since I am going to be using them for gaming, if an amp/DAC like a Fiio E17 would be better to make sure I have the power for them. Are Fiio products any good at producing sound stage for gaming? (I don't know if that question makes sense though, kind of an amateur at headphone audio.)


Anyone else on this thread using their headphone with a X-fi Titanium HD sound card?
I have the most annoying situation going on and was wandering if the problem is widespread.


With the E6 can you wall charge it while using it? I just plan on rigging it up to the TV as I'm trying to get rid of my A/V stuff.


Junior Member
So guys, my DT880s just broke. I've been contemplating replacing them already, but now it's time.

Is there even anything else to consider? I've always found them perfectly neutral and fantastic. Is there anything that can compete?


With the E6 can you wall charge it while using it? I just plan on rigging it up to the TV as I'm trying to get rid of my A/V stuff.

E6 is charged by USB... you might need some USB plug to wall outlet power adapter. I'm not really familiar with those outside the ones that comes with the iphone.


E6 is charged by USB... you might need some USB plug to wall outlet power adapter. I'm not really familiar with those outside the ones that comes with the iphone.

MonoPrice has great ones for about $1.00. I own a handful of them and use them around the house for various things.

...but I can't find them on the site. I sure hope they didn't stop making them. You could always use the USB port on your PS3 or 360?
Called Matt at Springtree earlier today and chatted phones for a bit before proceeding to order the ASG-1. $190 poorer now, but some of the guys owning mucho expensive customs (including one who owns the JH 13, UM Merlin, Heir Audio 8.a, and other mondo expensive customs) are claiming that the ASG-1 is able to keep pace with some entry level customs (which start at $500-600), which... Is pretty fucking crazy. Time will tell I suppose, they appear to be very professionally crafted, as good as any pair of customs I've seen at the least. I should be getting them in on Monday, so hopefully they live up to the hype. I'm expecting a phone that'll easily dispatch of any number of top tiers including my SM3 at the very least. If so, I am going to recommending these to every single one of you guys asking for recommendations lol
So guys, my DT880s just broke. I've been contemplating replacing them already, but now it's time.

Is there even anything else to consider? I've always found them perfectly neutral and fantastic. Is there anything that can compete?

How about some Denon d2000's for a good closed headphone? Or maybe try out the DT990's. All depends on what you're using them for...


Just for kicks I went online looking for closed-back cans the other day and discovered a "new" offering from AKG that I had not seen before: the K550.

Claims to bring the best of the K701/2 to the closed-back type of can...I was skeptical but figured what the hell? Let's order them and find out.

This came today:




First - These are SEXY

Second - I am comparing them brand new to my K702's with roughly 80 hours burn-in and some ATH-A950LTD's with about 100 hours through a Fiio E7/E9 combo.

The K550's bring everything I love about my K702's (the mids and highs) to what I love the most about the 950's (the bass).

Simply put? I'm not an audiophile but with a direct comparison imagine a K702 with a closed back that actually has bass.

New favorite cans by far. I might be selling my others.


Are the Audio-Technica ATH-M30s listed in the OP still a worthwhile choice or is there a better pair I can get for like $60 or less?


Received the parts for my 18 year old Sennheiser HD 565 Ovation headphones today direct from Sennheiser USA!



Including a new pair of pads for my PX200's. The genuine Sennheiser headband in the bag with a handwritten part number was a surprise.





The headband was a complete nightmare to get apart - even with instructions found on Head-fi. It's much harder to get the end piece out. I ended up ripping the old headband foam (which has a stiff plastic backing that covers the metal sliders) out completely just so I could get the end caps off.

The headband was from the HD580's. Sennheiser don't offer the HD565 headband anymore, and I like the look of the 580 more than the 600/650. It's a little shorter than the HD565 one, so used some of the plastic backing from the decomposed headband as a spacer.

Very pleased with them now I've repaired them. They can go back to my sennheiser family of, HD480, HD480II, PX200, CX-300-II, HD565 Ovation and HD555 (modded to 595)


Hail to the KING baby
Coming back for another recommendation. Currently using the Klipsch in-ear Android/iPhone ones but I'm looking for something better (in-ear), especially now that I'm playing lots of Lumines on Vita. Money not really an issue, volume control and the like a plus but not required.
Coming back for another recommendation. Currently using the Klipsch in-ear Android/iPhone ones but I'm looking for something better (in-ear), especially now that I'm playing lots of Lumines on Vita. Money not really an issue, volume control and the like a plus but not required.

Which Klipsch phones are you using if you don't mind me asking? Genres listened to? If you can wait it out a bit, I may be able to answer in the coming week whether the ASG-1 is one of the hottest deals in audiodom going on at the moment.
Awaiting this. I've been following the posts here and now the ASG-1s as well.

Going from Shotgunshane, EricP10 and AlphaPhoenix's early assessments, it feels like the ASG-1 is a turbocharged SM3. More bass quantity that's tauter and more articulate, a similar "surround-sound" stage that is even more 3 dimensional and images better, soundstage height that compares to the $900 custom Merlins, better treble extension and presence than the SM3, more detailed on a macro and micro level, and they are more dynamic and handle transients better than the FX700 and Ex1000. Apparently Aurisonic's Dale Lott was using a proprietary software based laser scanning to image a human ear in order to etch out a sound bore for the custom 15 mm driver to achieve this type of technical performance. Monday feels Soooooo far away :l

I'll post pics of an unboxing and some early impressions against the SM3 when they come in. I hear Aurisonics sold out their entire shipment this week, and Springtree might not be offering the same intro price for them. Shotgunshane did PM saying he might sell me his cause the 3D soundstage wasn't to his liking, so you might be able to cop them off of him if you're interested. Pretty sure he'd let them go for about $170-$180 shipped.

How are you liking the Ex600 btw?


Going from Shotgunshane, EricP10 and AlphaPhoenix's early assessments, it feels like the ASG-1 is a turbocharged SM3. More bass quantity that's tauter and more articulate, a similar "surround-sound" stage that is even more 3 dimensional and images better, soundstage height that compares to the $900 custom Merlins, better treble extension and presence than the SM3, more detailed on a macro and micro level, and they are more dynamic and handle transients better than the FX700 and Ex1000. Apparently Aurisonic's Dale Lott was using a proprietary software based laser scanning to image a human ear in order to etch out a sound bore for the custom 15 mm driver to achieve this type of technical performance. Monday feels Soooooo far away :l

I'll post pics of an unboxing and some early impressions against the SM3 when they come in. I hear Aurisonics sold out their entire shipment this week, and Springtree might not be offering the same intro price for them. Shotgunshane did PM saying he might sell me his cause the 3D soundstage wasn't to his liking, so you might be able to cop them off of him if you're interested. Pretty sure he'd let them go for about $170-$180 shipped.

How are you liking the Ex600 btw?
I await the review. Ck 10s are my upgrade from re0s. These might even my upgrade from my eternal.


Left headphone went out on my HD600s and they're just 2 months out of warranty argh.....exact same thing happened to my 595s that I had years before (were still in warranty though and they just sent me a new pair). $65 to get them repaired isn't too bad I guess. My ears are gonna be sad for a couple weeks.
These: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B005M1KO1C/?tag=neogaf0e-20

I mostly listen to softer acoustic music.

I've never heard the S4, but I have experience with the pricier Klipsch X10, which I think is a pretty solid performer. I honestly think music like Cat Power sounds really brilliant on phones such as the Earsonics SM3 and HiFiMan RE262. There's a definite emphasis on ultra lush, and liquid smooth mids with those two that does great justice to realistic vocal delivery and instrumental timbre. Especially with the SM3, listening to stuff like Roy Orbison or Sufjan Stevens sounds amazing, anything that has vocals front and center has a very realistic and intimate presentation, as if you were sitting there in the studio with the performers.

I know it's rather difficult to imagine that, but you won't believe the difference moving to a phone that specializes in that sort of sound signature, it's seriously apples and orangutans. But definitely hold out a bit til I can get some time with the ASG-1, cause if the claims are true, these phones would be a stupid, insane value at their intro price. Especially since the SM3 are $365 or so.


I am thinking of getting a set of B & W P5's to replace my M50s at home and use with iPhone on the go.

I noticed they werent in the OP but seem to review nicely. Has anyone got any feedback on these?

My main concern is they are going to be updated soon since they were released in March last year and i don't want to blow a ton of dough then get screwed Apple update style.


I am thinking of getting a set of B & W P5's to replace my M50s at home and use with iPhone on the go.

A different headphone, but same company and same line, a friend of mine just bought a pair of the C5's and he loves them. I wouldn't call him an audiophile by any means (he consistently argues for Bose), but he has already told me they're a million times more comfortable than any other IEMs he's owned... if that says anything about B&W's headphones.


A different headphone, but same company and same line, a friend of mine just bought a pair of the C5's and he loves them. I wouldn't call him an audiophile by any means (he consistently argues for Bose), but he has already told me they're a million times more comfortable than any other IEMs he's owned... if that says anything about B&W's headphones.

Why is he comparing over the ear headphones with IEMs?


Hail to the KING baby
I've never heard the S4, but I have experience with the pricier Klipsch X10, which I think is a pretty solid performer. I honestly think music like Cat Power sounds really brilliant on phones such as the Earsonics SM3 and HiFiMan RE262. There's a definite emphasis on ultra lush, and liquid smooth mids with those two that does great justice to realistic vocal delivery and instrumental timbre. Especially with the SM3, listening to stuff like Roy Orbison or Sufjan Stevens sounds amazing, anything that has vocals front and center has a very realistic and intimate presentation, as if you were sitting there in the studio with the performers.

I know it's rather difficult to imagine that, but you won't believe the difference moving to a phone that specializes in that sort of sound signature, it's seriously apples and orangutans. But definitely hold out a bit til I can get some time with the ASG-1, cause if the claims are true, these phones would be a stupid, insane value at their intro price. Especially since the SM3 are $365 or so.

Ok thanks vm. ASG-1, I don't see it anywhere -- where can I find it?


I am thinking of getting a set of B & W P5's to replace my M50s at home and use with iPhone on the go.

I noticed they werent in the OP but seem to review nicely. Has anyone got any feedback on these?

My main concern is they are going to be updated soon since they were released in March last year and i don't want to blow a ton of dough then get screwed Apple update style.
I've had both the m50's and P5's. Neither were that great, but you know the P5's are basically sold by demos in the Apple Store and the B&W name. Not worth the $300 pricetag.

All that jazz about leather and metal is all BS, you don't get better sound or feel from the NZ leather. It's all made in China just like most other headphones.

I found that the m50's really stayed on my head but were too heavy in the end. The P5's have a tendency to roll off and they pinch at a weird angle. The P5's look retro in the pics, but they don't really match with clothes or provide isolation/noise cancellation. Nice headphones but not b&w-level like the speakers.
Ok thanks vm. ASG-1, I don't see it anywhere -- where can I find it?

Aurisonic is a new startup catering to professional musicians. The CEO and product engineer Dale Lott has extensive experience as a mastering engineer and has worked for 15 years in the Nashville scene with various artists, so there's not much info on them at the moment, but buzz has been very positive from those who have purchased the ASG-1.

I bough my pair from Springtree: http://springtree.net/catalog/aurisonics-asg1-generic-fit-digital-hybrid-inear-monitor-p-8439.html

Give Matt a call and he'll be happy to give you the hookup. They retail for $300 but I got my pair for $190 including priority shipping. Mention that you heard about them on Head-Fi and he'll give you the deal. You can feel free to chat about phones too if you've got any questions, he's a nice guy and easy to deal with.

Here's a link to the product page: http://aurisonics.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=23&products_id=132

As for B&W, it's in my experience with speaker manufacturers that they don't make for the best headphone manufacturers. So much of the markup goes towards paying for the "prestige" of the brand name rather than perceived performance. I'm sure HiFiMan's HE300 would wreck the P5 at that price point.


Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I decided to carry around a pair of MonoPrice's hifi headphones this week... they're comparable to the Klipsch S4's... maybe not as solid in the mids, and don't sound as sweet in the highs, but they still sound amazing for the $7 I spent.


I'd recommend these to anyone asking for headphones that are at least <$30. I would still be listening to these for the near future if I didn't know my EX600s weren't waiting on my doorstep.

Deleted member 22576

Unconfirmed Member
Just got my tracks. :eek: They got here quickly! Listening to them for the first time right now. I think I like them

Packaging was a bitch to get open though.
Can someone advice me on what headphones to get for PSV/PSP gaming.

I need something with good sound isolation to not disturb others in subway and block some of the noise from outside.

Sound wise I'd prefer neutral bass and good reproduction of high tones.

Budget preferably <60$

Thanks in advance


Does anyone have a suggestion for organizing a collection of IEMs? I have six pairs now, and they're all strewn across my desk because I have no ideas on how to organize (or display) them.

Also, what are the better digital audio players out there? I'm currently using my Droid Pro which has FLAC compatibility, and I use it to no-end, but I figure if my PC's sound can improve with a better sound card, there are probably better engineered audio players out there too...?

Why is he comparing over the ear headphones with IEMs?
Same company, and people don't post much on B&W here, that's why I said "If that says anything about their headphones." Just a reference to the company itself and not the headphones or IEMs in particular. Sorry about the poor clarification.
Aurisonics just came in. Incredibly fast dispatch considering I ordered them on Thursday. Just opened up the box. Fuck, the Otterbox case they come in could likely survive being run over by a car, it is so fucking tough. The phones themselves are incredibly high quality in build as well, they seem like they can take a thrashing easily. They are incredibly comfy too. Haven't heard them yet, but I'm extremely impressed with fit, finish and build. I'll chime in later with pics and early impressions
Headphone-GAF, I hope you can help me out:

I currently own a pair of Sennheiser HD-595 and Sennheiser HD-280 Pro. Both serve me fairly well: first one in the office, the latter especially because of the passive noise reduction it provides during long flights.

However, for some reason I've become addicted to my old PX-100's. They are falling apart, but that BASS is so addicting. The HD-280s are very flat, and I need to crank the bass before I even hear a low-end bass. Sadly, the new iteration (PX-100-II) is apparently not comparable.

Any suggestions for a set of cans that has a pronounced, clear bass, without overdoing it? I don't really have a preference for a brand (the Sen's are just a result of wide availability). Budget is also not really an issue, as long as if it's a significant improvement over the other cans.

Bonus question: what's the consensus on the Bower & Wilkins P5's? I admit, it's the design and comfort - I couldn't really judge the quality in the loud store I tried them.


Headphone-GAF, I hope you can help me out:

I currently own a pair of Sennheiser HD-595 and Sennheiser HD-280 Pro. Both serve me fairly well: first one in the office, the latter especially because of the passive noise reduction it provides during long flights.

However, for some reason I've become addicted to my old PX-100's. They are falling apart, but that BASS is so addicting. The HD-280s are very flat, and I need to crank the bass before I even hear a low-end bass. Sadly, the new iteration (PX-100-II) is apparently not comparable.

Any suggestions for a set of cans that has a pronounced, clear bass, without overdoing it? I don't really have a preference for a brand (the Sen's are just a result of wide availability). Budget is also not really an issue, as long as if it's a significant improvement over the other cans.

Bonus question: what's the consensus on the Bower & Wilkins P5's? I admit, it's the design and comfort - I couldn't really judge the quality in the loud store I tried them.

You’ll get serious bass from the Denon line, D2000, D5000, D7000.

The D5000 had too much for my taste but the D7000 was awesome. bass didn’t drown out the mids (which happens very, very easily with cheaper bassy headphones). if you can swing a sussed pair for 600, they are pretty awesome bass heavy cans. a little bit of fun, but still high quality sound all the way.

perhaps the HD 650 is something you could look at. I have not heard them, but they are supposed to have very good bass response (well, very good everything) for the price.

as for the P5. I had a used pair for a while then sold them. I do not think they are worth 300 dollars new. design and comfort are not enough for me to get over the mushy sound. it just wasn’t to my taste.

But, for around 160-200 used, they’d be around the same as the famous Sennhesier HD 25-1 II in terms of value. A bit less treble and details but better comfort and style.

but I would actually recommend the skullcandy aviators for around 150 bucks. My sister got a pair for Xmas and they’re really decent. I preferred their sound (didn’t get to hear a lot of it, mind you) to the P5 and they were quite comfortable. bass is a little boosted but it’s just fine for pop/rap music

If you can afford a bit more, try to get an Audio technica ESW9 for around 200 to 220. favourite sound I’ve heard from on-ear headphones. good bass, rich mids. treble is rolled off a bit but it’s not as bad as the P5 and it doesn’t sound mushy.


Contains Sucralose
just when I had the money for the m50s, they go back up in price. Saw the them around $130 last week.

The ath-a700 look nice too for about $120.
Thought I'd share some pics and impressions of the ASG-1.

At this point, I do believe these are the best sounding phones I have ever heard, which blows my mind, because the SM3 are a triple driver armature monitor and are currently going for $360. These ASG-1's are a single dynamic driver professional monitor, and can be had for the introductory price of $190 shipped. That's sound quality that outstrips the SM3 at half the price. Mind boggling. Now this isn't to say that they demolish the SM3, they don't. They edge them out, because when you get that high up in the performance bracket, improvements are really incremental. It's not a 50 percent better performance gain, it's not even 20 percent, but what it is, is that very last bit of realism, balance, and tone that's missing in the SM3. At the moment, I can confidently say that the ASG-1 outperforms the SM3 across the board; they extend lower, they are more controlled in the lows, and they have as good impact, if not better in the sub bass region, I understand these take EQ extremely well without distorting, so if you want to feel like you've got subwoofers lodged in your ears, EQ away. In terms of mids, these are more detailed than the SM3, but the details are more etched as opposed to the liquid smooth SM3, highs are not even a competition, the ASG-1's highs aren't as smooth as the SM3, but they extend further, and have this resonant quality that causes female vocals, and guitars to just soar. I can confidently state that vocal and instrumental timbre outstrips the SM3.

This blows me away because vocals are what the SM3 do best, they are stunning in terms of vocal reproduction, and yet the ASG-1 best them in terms of realism. Same goes with instrumental timbre, drums, guitar, strings, brass, woodwind... just about any instrument you can think of sound incredibly realistic and satisfying on the ASG-1. With the SM3s, their incredibly smooth sound could be a detriment where certain instruments were concerned, guitars for instance, can sound a tad bit glassy (too smooth) as the highs are rolled off to give this smooth sound that limits fatigue. The ASG-1 has highs that extend as much as possible without getting sibilant and fatiguing, this yields that very last bit of performance that renders guitar distortion in a most awesome way. I was listening to Sleater Kinney's "What's Mine is Yours" and when Carrie Brownstein digs into that guitar solo, the recreation of distortion was incredible. I've got a tube amp and an electric with TV Jones Pickups in my basement, and that's what a guitar is supposed to sound like. All of the grit, complex harmonic overtones, all of that lovely dirtiness was recreated perfectly.

The ASG-1s are likely the most coherent phones I've ever heard as well, they certainly edge out the SM3, which I considered to be top notch in terms of layering and instrumental separation. The ASG-1 instead feel closer to the detail freak Sony SA5000 to me. I am able to hear extremely subtle things that I never really noticed on the SM3, certain details such as the resonance of a room in which vocals are recorded are carried across in the ASG-1 more clearly than the SM3. Speed on the ASG-1 are about on a par with the SM3, but due to these phones' clarity, the demarcation of guitar riffs and singular notes in tremelo picking too are easier to perceive. Decay on the ASG-1 too, exceeds the SM3, beyond the initial attack, you can hear cymbals, guitar/piano notes, drum hits etc. slowly trail off into the void with ease on the ASG-1.

Surprisingly, both the ASG-1 and SM3 present music in a similar fashion, music sounds 3 dimensional in terms of soundstage depth due to the unique imaging qualities of both phones. The SM3 makes you feel like you are in the studio with the band or performer due to its extreme intimacy; so they are quite mid forward rather than recessed. Vocals and instrumentalists sound like they are in the same room as you, and in some cases, vocalists sound like they are right next to you. The ASG-1 doesn't present these positional cues in the same exact fashion as the SM3 (I actually prefer the SM3 presentation), but music through the ASG-1 shares that same "live" feeling, where you feel like the music is happening around you. A track like Kanye West's Lost in the Woods for instance, sounds absolutely nuts on these. The width of the soundstage sounds perhaps a bit wider than the SM3, which I always felt to be about the perfect size, large enough to feel like you are listening to headphones rather than IEMs. The two share similar soundstage height, which sounds strange to contemplate if you've never heard the SM3, which, outside of the ASG-1, is the only phone I've heard where sound seems to extend upward, likely due to its surround sound like presentation.

Live recordings and ambient recordings, the types that are recorded in concert halls and churches such as Beach House's Teen Dream or the Final Fantasy Distant Worlds Tour sound incredibly immersive and immense on the ASG-1. Dynamic range too is top notch; sudden shifts in volume can really take you by surprise on the ASG-1, whereas the dynamic range is definitely compressed on the SM3. Truthfully, it's definitely good on those, but not as good as the ASG-1.

In terms of construction, fit, and finish, it's not even close. The ASG-1 wins by miles. I love the rather technocratic design of the SM3, I really do, but its build quality does not really inspire confidence. The ASG-1 on the other hand, is built like a tank. The polycarbonate shell is thick and hard as rock, and does not suffer from flex in anyway whatsoever. The braided cable too is top notch, and shares the same design as the SM3's. It is detachable, and the plug is recessed so the pins won't be prone to snapping. The cable is supple and does not suffer from memory problems and does not kink up (a problem that the SM3 cable suffered from), and it's terminated in the same beefy right angle jack as the SM3. Strain relief at the y-split is also thick and can take a hefty amount of flex. To put it simply, it's the best cable I've ever seen. The otterbox case it comes in is truly ridiculous. The polycarbonate case is so ridiculously rugged and its panels are so thick that I wouldn't be surprised if it would survive getting run over by a car. It is advertise as being waterproof up to a depth of 100 ft as well as there is a rubber gasket on the lip of the lid.

All in all, the ASG-1 is a tremendous product geared towards the touring professional at a ridiculously affordable price. CEO and product engineer Dale Lott explains that the ASG-1 was originally a demo unit for the $600 AS-1 custom IEM developed for professional musicians, but due to popular demand from performers he has decided to make the AS-1 available in a generic fit format, thus, the ASG-1 was born. I can't tell you guys enough just how impressed I am with this piece of kit. The absolute best thing about these phones is that Aurisonics designed these phones in a modular fashion, so they are easily repaired and you are able to be upgrade to the company's forthcoming DUAL DRIVER unit should you desire. I mean... that is crazy. There is not A SINGLE non custom IEM on the market that allows for you to upgrade them, but since the design is held together by screws, they are easily upgradeable and for a price that will be less than outright buying the next Aurisonics phone that will succeed the ASG-1. Aurisonics definitely has a winner as far as I'm concerned, and anyone in the market for a genuine top tier, game changing IEM needs to look no further than the ASG-1


The ASG-1 is certainly more ergonomic than the SM3, given that Aurisonics designed them by using laser scanned images of hundreds of ears to determine a generic fit that would accommodate most.


Here you can see the huge 15 mm driver. Aurisonics is planning a ASG-2 that will pack in an additional 10mm driver to handle mid and high frequencies separately!


The ASG-1's cable uses a straight pin design rather than a rotary locking one


The right angle plug can stand up to a lot of flex. The cable is perfectly braided


The accompanying case is fucking huge and built like a tank

You can find a few more images as well as the full size ones here: http://imgur.com/a/GeNBl#0


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Headphone-GAF, I hope you can help me out:

I currently own a pair of Sennheiser HD-595 and Sennheiser HD-280 Pro. Both serve me fairly well: first one in the office, the latter especially because of the passive noise reduction it provides during long flights.

However, for some reason I've become addicted to my old PX-100's. They are falling apart, but that BASS is so addicting. The HD-280s are very flat, and I need to crank the bass before I even hear a low-end bass. Sadly, the new iteration (PX-100-II) is apparently not comparable.

Any suggestions for a set of cans that has a pronounced, clear bass, without overdoing it? I don't really have a preference for a brand (the Sen's are just a result of wide availability). Budget is also not really an issue, as long as if it's a significant improvement over the other cans.

Bonus question: what's the consensus on the Bower & Wilkins P5's? I admit, it's the design and comfort - I couldn't really judge the quality in the loud store I tried them.

Mate, I was in similar situation, I fell in love with the PX-100s and have loved the Koss Porta Pro's for many years, both have quite similar sound signatures, the PX-100s were made by Sennheiser to compete with the Porta Pro's, anyhow I wanted better audio quality but I didn't want to sacrifice too much bass, I tried many high end cans but wasn't satisfied, that was until a mate of mine brought around a pair of AKG K240 MKII's, I knew straight away that was what I was looking for, although I will stress that really need to be amped to get the best out of them, I use a DJ mixer to amp mine, no eq'ing and they sound great, good amount of bass, on head-fi I would be classed as a bass head and the k240 MKII's easily satisfy me in that department, if your coming from the PX-100 sound signature I'd say the k240 MKII's would suit you, they give you a very balanced sound, the sound stage is spherical and spatial, they are also bit warmer than most mid range cans I encountered which I think you'll prefer as that makes them a little less fatiguing.

My music tastes are trance, lounge, classical, jazz.
Going to blow my brains out for buying the EX600s so quickly (which I love anyway)...

... I plan on getting a pair of these soon. Hopefully the guy at Springtree still has the deal running ;)

Dude... if there was a way for you to return those phones, I'd do it. It's honestly not even close, I love the Ex600s, they deliver sound far above their price bracket and are well designed and exude quality, but they are just outclassed by the ASG-1 in every single way.
Thanks LCfiner and lowrider007 for the responses. I'll see if I can find a Denon or AKG dealer nearby. The AKG's seem to go for only 130 euros or so.

When I said "budget is not really an issue", I forgot to mention that I still have to go through the "...but I thought you already had a set of headphones" discussion... $1000 for the D7000? Ouch.


Dude... if there was a way for you to return those phones, I'd do it. It's honestly not even close, I love the Ex600s, they deliver sound far above their price bracket and are well designed and exude quality, but they are just outclassed by the ASG-1 in every single way.

Adding "ValleySeek - EX600 Return" to my list of calls to make today.

Update: Easy to deal with. I never got the name of the person I spoke with, but they returned my call quickly and are accepting my return; less shipping. They do tend to have great deals on a lot of electronics so I would recommend "ValleySeek" to anyone who might be considering them for a purchase.
Adding "ValleySeek - EX600 Return" to my list of calls to make today.

Update: Easy to deal with. I never got the name of the person I spoke with, but they returned my call quickly and are accepting my return; less shipping. They do tend to have great deals on a lot of electronics so I would recommend "ValleySeek" to anyone who might be considering them for a purchase.

Awesome. This will be the best decision you've ever made pertaining to audio, I promise you. Matt over at Springtree said that the deal will continue til the end of this month, you just have to mention "the end of the month headfi deal" when calling and he'll give you the discount.


Awesome. This will be the best decision you've ever made pertaining to audio, I promise you. Matt over at Springtree said that the deal will continue til the end of this month, you just have to mention "the end of the month headfi deal" when calling and he'll give you the discount.

As soon as the money shows up in my account from ValleySeek, I'll be calling Springtree. What amp are you using with these? What are you using to listen (PC, iPhone, etc)?


Thanks LCfiner and lowrider007 for the responses. I'll see if I can find a Denon or AKG dealer nearby. The AKG's seem to go for only 130 euros or so.

When I said "budget is not really an issue", I forgot to mention that I still have to go through the "...but I thought you already had a set of headphones" discussion... $1000 for the D7000? Ouch.

D7000 are overkill, for sure.

to be honest, I think someone could get absolutely wonderful sound from headphones - like real topnotch - for under 600 bucks. even less if you wait around for used equipment

I would go for something like an HD600 or HD650. maybe a Grado 325i, AKG 701 or Hifiman HE300 and then get a simple, 150 to 200 dollar combo amp/dac unit like the hifiman EF2A or the Fiio E17 Alpen.

Depending on what sound sig you prefer (bass heavy, flat or treble pushed) one of those options will make you very happy.

The range of headphones over 600 bucks and up may sound real good but you get a big chunk of that performance on the slightly lower tier pairs I mentioned. And as of a few years ago, some of those were actually flagships (HD650, K701 specifically)
As soon as the money shows up in my account from ValleySeek, I'll be calling Springtree. What amp are you using with these? What are you using to listen (PC, iPhone, etc)?

These are similar to the SM3 in that they sound great out of anything you plug them into. I honestly haven't even tried plugging them into else other than my iPhone 4. I'll plug them into my Kramer DAC later and see if they don't sound any better. I just can't be bothered to hook up the optical cables and all that crap when they sound great straight out of my phone. I hear these do respond well to amping and EQ though, so we'll see.

D7000 are overkill, for sure.

to be honest, I think someone could get absolutely wonderful sound from headphones - like real topnotch - for under 600 bucks. even less if you wait around for used equipment

I would go for something like an HD600 or HD650. maybe a Grado 325i, AKG 701 or Hifiman HE300 and then get a simple, 150 to 200 dollar combo amp/dac unit like the hifiman EF2A or the Fiio E17 Alpen.

Depending on what sound sig you prefer (bass heavy, flat or treble pushed) one of those options will make you very happy.

The range of headphones over 600 bucks and up may sound real good but you get a big chunk of that performance on the slightly lower tier pairs I mentioned. And as of a few years ago, some of those were actually flagships (HD650, K701 specifically)
Agreed on all counts, though I wouldn't really say the HD650 and K701 were flagship products really, not when both companies had the Senn Orpheus and AKG K1000 out before either of those phones. I'd say the 650 and K701 are definitely less esoteric, DEFINITELY more in the realm of affordability, and more consumer based offerings than their predecessors. Which makes sense, because the amount of current required to amp the HE90 and K1000 sound their best will bring any person's wallets to their knees lol
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