What kind of device can I put between this and the xboxen that can control the volume?
What kind of device can I put between this and the xboxen that can control the volume?
Does your television have a headphone output? If so, you'd be using your TV to control the volume as your currently do. If not, you'll want to get yourself an amplifier with some kind of volume control. There are plenty of cheap options available such as the following:
- JDS Labs cMoy Amplifiers
They're small, easy to use.
- FiiO Amps
You'll want something with a control knob such as the E9
- Dayton Audio DTA-100a Amp
I like the way it looks, and it's ease-of-use
Those of you who know more, feel free to step in and give some more ideas.
Also, if your TV has an RCA (red & white) output that allows you to control the volume, you could jerry-rig your headphones to that, too.
It'll be on my monitor and it doesn't have any headphone output.
Are there any earbud options with in-line volume control? I can't do on-ear headphones because it hurts too much, and I feel that in-ear headphones will make me not hear the babies. I was hoping I wouldn't have to spend too much, but if I can't find what I'm after, I may have to buy one of these amps with a volume knob.
I've had a pair of Sennheiser HD 565 Ovation headphones for nearly 20 years - the earpads have gone soft, the foam in front of the drivers has disintegrated (this foam cuts out some of the high-end by design, they are too bright without it) and the headband has collapsed. One of the drivers had an buzz, that turned out to be caused by a buildup of 'gunk' on the driver face - once cleaned, the buzz was gone.
I picked up a pair of HD555's and did the 595 mod on them, but finally decided to repair the 565's. Ordered new ear pads, and the HD580 headband which can be adjusted to fit the 565. Will post pics when I get them complete! About $60 from Sennheiser USA, but I think it'll be worth it.
I've been reading some really good info on head-fi.org regarding IEM's and wanted to ask gaffer's what their thoughts are between the SE215 and the SE315. I'm leaning towards the SE215 because of the price but if the SE315's are better for a bit more, I'm willing to go that route. I listen to a lot of hip-hop so good bass would be sweet.
Thanks in advance!
I think the SE215 will suit your needs well, but I hear that detachable cable design is pretty problematic, like it causes static when it swivels in its socket, and can short out, etc. I know Shure has had a troubled history concerning its replaceable cables, but I'm not sure if they had addressed that with the latest batches of phones. So that would be worth researching.
From my experience, the HP FX-500, Radius DDM and Fischer Audio Eterna are excellent for hip hop if you are craving thunderous bass impact that's textured and extends really low.
All of Phonak's phones carry the "Audeo" moniker actually, they are distinguished by model numbers, 012, 132, and 232. I'm assuming you're referring to the 012. You can't go wrong with any of them in my opinion, but... (I hate having to mention this over and over), if you can, I would seriously try to score a pair of Sony Ex600s from Headfi's For Sale section. I've seen them go for as low as $105 shipped, and speaking from experience, these babies can easily hang with sets up to three times as expensive (They share much of the sound signature with the $600 MSRP Sony EX1000 after all). The fact that they have detachable cables and are quite robustly built is also a huge bonus in the IEM world. Grab a pair of those and you won't really be left wondering what a purchase in the $200-$300 range will net you in terms of performance. They're pretty much the only phones I've heard in a lower price category that don't make me want to rip them out of my ears in favor of the SM3.
Is there a comparable speaker/home audio thread to this one on GAF that I've missed? This is one of my favorite threads since joining.
Purchased a pair of EX600s today, new, for $120 shipped. Excited, thanks for the rec. Will be considering the ZO2 after a few weeks of listening.
Nice score! What was your source if you don't mind asking? I got mine for about $130 shipped about 5 months ago from Amazon when Head-Fi hype was ratcheting up, they have since leapt up in price. Oh, and I hope you've got some classical/jazz/vocals in your collection, cause that shit sounds amazing on the Ex600s. Any good recordings do as a matter of fact, they have really great dynamics that make you appreciate the energy of a performance.
Is there a comparable speaker/home audio thread to this one on GAF that I've missed? This is one of my favorite threads since joining.
Purchased a pair of EX600s today, new, for $120 shipped. Excited, thanks for the rec. Will be considering the ZO2 after a few weeks of listening.
There's an audiophile speaker thread. It's not very active though as there's only a few members willing to shell out a couple of thousand of dollars for a nice speaker set up.
There's an audiophile speaker thread. It's not very active though as there's only a few members willing to shell out a couple of thousand of dollars for a nice speaker set up.
I actually spied a pair of Ck10s go up on Head-Fi last night for $240. Just sayin....
Thanks. Yeah, looks a little discombobulated, but I'll follow it.
how are aiaiaiai products?
I already have some 595s but the aiaiaiai tracks look like really attractive compact walkin around headphones. the swirls seem ok too, by I always have bad luck with in ear devices.
actually try to read up that thread from the beginning, where there's a lot more speaker/hardware talk. the few of us already have our systems set up, so we dont spam the thread with the same stuff. but we can answer any questions.
I'm probably not going to get into the craziness as some of you gents, but was looking to get a solid pair of headphones. I don't listen to a ton of music, but would be used primarily for that and some videos.
From online reviews I've kind of halted at the Sennheiser HD558.
Any personal opinions on this model? Is there a cheaper line in the series that might give similar performance for a better price?
Girlfriend would like a pair of headphones with an in-line mic that's compatible with the iPhone. I bought her a pair of the MonoPrice earbuds, but I'd rather buy her something a bit nicer... what are my best opportunities in the $50 range?
Not to mention you then get to experience the full brunt of modern "production quality" :-\There's an audiophile speaker thread. It's not very active though as there's only a few members willing to shell out a couple of thousand of dollars for a nice speaker set up.
Actual headphones, iem's or earbuds?
I feel bad for never mentioning anything else, but the Meelec CC51p are really great. Should be around $50, sometimes less.
I own a pair of the Tracks. They're a tad bass heavy but not overwhelmingly so, which actually makes for a pretty fun sound signature. The problem with these headphones is that due to their open design they leak copious amounts of sound. I don't want to be that guy on the bus pissing everybody off with his noisy headphones so I've never taken them out. Damn shame.The tracks are some of -if not the most attractive headphones I've ever seen.
I really regret not pulling the trigger on those TMA-1s when they were 160. Any rumors of another sale or something?
Yes please I really want some too but don't want to drop $250.
I linked like 135$ a few weeks ago. It will probably happen again as the new models near release.
I am looking to try some different headphones than the Beats Solo headphones I have. I am looking to keep price lower than $250. They would only be used for listening to music. It would be nice if they are closed but it wouldn't be a big deal if they are not. Thanks in advance for the help!
I am a complete dolt when it comes to this stuff, but I just want to buy a simple and cheap amp to boost power/loudness of the headphones I have. Is there anything on the low end that can handle that?
I am a complete dolt when it comes to this stuff, but I just want to buy a simple and cheap amp to boost power/loudness of the headphones I have. Is there anything on the low end that can handle that?
hey, I know I mentioned a Fiio e11 or a cmoy in your original thread but if all you really want is some volume boost and nothing else, then you should give the fiio E6 a shot. 30 bucks.
You need to specify what time of music you listen to, to get a more specific response.
hey, I know I mentioned a Fiio e11 or a cmoy in your original thread but if all you really want is some volume boost and nothing else, then you should give the fiio E6 a shot. 30 bucks.