haha. well you are at the end of the line now. speakers are next.
i've pretty much settled with my stax lambda signature pro skm 1/2 combo and speaker stuff. i need to sell a bunch of stuff, but instead it just sits around.
my P200 IEMs i use at work broke this week and i can't even bring myself to look at head-fi to figure out what i should get. alas.
Speakers were last summer.
Salk Songtowers. I love them. At this point, I would need to review my amp and my room treatments (or my choice of room/ living space entirely) to get better sound. (I installed some 2' x 2' sound absorption squares on my walls but it had no noticeable effect.)
The stax stuff is really impressive. I can't see anyone already in the high end market moving away from them unless they really value portability or the convenience of 1/4" plugs over SQ
I would be curious to try their "low end" 2170 system to see how their sub 1000 dollar combo compares against similarly priced dynamic cans. If it's anything like the 4170 combo that I had originally tried, it should be a big step up in detail, tonality and soundstage compared to the similarly priced dynamic competition