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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
HD25-1 IIs are tempting but if I'm gonna go closed it'll be AH-D7000s. Of course, the issue is getting the money for them, and then I'm not sure how well suited my Schiit Asgard is to them.


HD25-1 IIs are tempting but if I'm gonna go closed it'll be AH-D7000s. Of course, the issue is getting the money for them, and then I'm not sure how well suited my Schiit Asgard is to them.

that’s one hell of a gap :)

I owned the D7000 for a while and, honestly, they’re not too hard to drive. A good amp will help tame the low end and remove some flabbiness in the bass but you don’t need a massively powerful amp, or something with tubes to “massage” the sound.

The Asgard is quality and will do well should you end up with the D7000 one day.


the holder of the trombone
They feel so cheap, though. I swear to god I thought the box was going to be empty when I opened it...

They're not cheap, they're utilitarian. :p

Hella tough too. Survived being bended to near breaking point in a pocket while riding a roller coaster.

But yes, one of the best portable/dj headphones ever made. Classic in design.
HD25-1 II initial impressions off of listening to half of a song that ruins my existing headphones bass-wise: Glorious

GLORIOUS! Vocal separation during harmonies are amazing and the bass is presented and not distorted...christ this is awesome.

The isolation is godly.

They feel so cheap, though. I swear to god I thought the box was going to be empty when I opened it...

YES! *skeet*

Edit: How the FUCK did anybody even consider putting these HD25's in the same category as the VMODA M80s? These things make those look like a piece of shit. The isolation of these HD25s makes the bass so much more enjoyable than the VMODAs, not to mention it can actually playback those insane sub-bass tracks that gave problems to both my P5s and M80s. The HD25s sound brighter, can get deeper...and have better impact.

God I'm so in love right now. What the fuck. WHAT THE FUCK.


Triple Edit: Hearing insanely minute details in tracks I've listened to a thousand times through P5s and M80s and IE8s that I haven't heard before. Beautiful.

Quad Edit: ...had these fuckers on reversed. This track has the sound of a person walking from right to left across your head and they were on the left. Owned me!

Damn, that upgrade bug bit you hard didn't it? ;)
picked up a pair of Sennheiser pads for my grado's. They seem to make a little bit of difference comfort wise. I only have a couple of hours on them since I got them earlier in the week, but damn do they start to hurt after a bit. Kind of new comfort wasn't going to be top of the list with these, but shit lol. At least these pads seem to alleviate that a bit, plus I like the way they look with them.


I tried this with my SR-80s, didn't like it, modified it a bit to open up the middle, still didn't like it. Went back to the original pads. YMMV.
If we're talking headphones, we need to know if you want closed or open headphones, but I would say you're going to want the Koss PortaPros for under $50 regardless.

Sorry 'bout that... I hate open ones, so... Closed please (thus rendering the PortaPros useless, here, I guess).

Also, something comfortable, please!


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Damn, that upgrade bug bit you hard didn't it? ;)
I've just never had such a clear example of amazing headphones before like this. It really is dramatic to the point of being crazy. For the longest time I kept thinking that the P5s and M80s would probably sound slightly different from these things and that it'd probably be a waste.

...not at all the case. I'm angry at the world for not making it brutally clear that the HD25s are the absolute best set of cans you can buy for the money. Probably regardless of personal preferences unless you are an extremely seasoned audiophile with dialed in taste.

These things set the bar too high for me now. It entirely removed any desire to upgrade. These will be the ones for a long ass time.

Still completely smitten.


the holder of the trombone
They've been recommended as one of the best portable headphones for awhile now man.

Also the Alessandro MS1s comes very close to it at around half the price.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
They've been recommended as one of the best portable headphones for awhile now man.
Oh I know...but everyone is always saying other cans come close or offer other benefits. The M80s have been described as being solid contenders and that couldn't be further from the truth. Not even close.
So to be clear here:
Your Xbox, PS3, Wii, what-have-you is connected to the TV, and your headphones are running out of the TV's headphone jack?

Precisely :).

Yes, there are options. We need to know how much you want to spend, and whether or not your TV has an RCA audio output (red and white composite).

Woo! :) Up to about £50 I would be entirely happy with. No more than £100 if I could use it for older CRT sets that are dedicated retro sets too.

I would honestly worry about upgrading your TV, though :D

Heh, I know but right now I do not have any real incentive to do so. I don't have an HD source of any kind so CRT is perfectly adequate if not preferable for my SD sources i.e. Wii. I barely watch television so....

However, I am expecting to move in the next year or so and will have a dedicated budget set aside just for A/V type stuff. So I am really just looking for something cheap and cheerful to improve my current situation in the interim.

Well...if your output on the tv sucks then running an amp from that out put wouldn't do much. If you have a RCA audio outs then sure, an amp could work. Another option would be to get a dac and hook up everything to that and then run the headphones out of it. That's a bit pricier though.

The only ports the tv has are two scart sockets [one RGB] for input, a normal televison aerial input and the headphone jack output. That's it! :/

Thanks for your helps so far gents! Much appreciated :).
I've just never had such a clear example of amazing headphones before like this. It really is dramatic to the point of being crazy. For the longest time I kept thinking that the P5s and M80s would probably sound slightly different from these things and that it'd probably be a waste.

...not at all the case. I'm angry at the world for not making it brutally clear that the HD25s are the absolute best set of cans you can buy for the money. Probably regardless of personal preferences unless you are an extremely seasoned audiophile with dialed in taste.

These things set the bar too high for me now. It entirely removed any desire to upgrade. These will be the ones for a long ass time.

Still completely smitten.

I've never seen someone go through as many cans as you have in such a short period of time! But hey, if it's resulted in finding "the one", then I'd say made out alright. Would you say that your sound signature has changed from what you originally preferred? Might you be preferring a more clear, balanced, if not warm sound sig now?
I've just never had such a clear example of amazing headphones before like this. It really is dramatic to the point of being crazy. For the longest time I kept thinking that the P5s and M80s would probably sound slightly different from these things and that it'd probably be a waste.

...not at all the case. I'm angry at the world for not making it brutally clear that the HD25s are the absolute best set of cans you can buy for the money. Probably regardless of personal preferences unless you are an extremely seasoned audiophile with dialed in taste.

These things set the bar too high for me now. It entirely removed any desire to upgrade. These will be the ones for a long ass time.

Still completely smitten.
It's subjective. The V-Moda V/M80s have less of a V shaped sound than the HD25s, are quite a bit cheaper and have considerably less sibilence. The strength of the M80's mids, without the harshness of the HD25s highs, mean it holds it's own in my experience. It all depends what you're listening to.

Though I'd take the Phiaton MS400s over both at that price range, tbh.


I've just never had such a clear example of amazing headphones before like this. It really is dramatic to the point of being crazy. For the longest time I kept thinking that the P5s and M80s would probably sound slightly different from these things and that it'd probably be a waste.

...not at all the case. I'm angry at the world for not making it brutally clear that the HD25s are the absolute best set of cans you can buy for the money. Probably regardless of personal preferences unless you are an extremely seasoned audiophile with dialed in taste.

These things set the bar too high for me now. It entirely removed any desire to upgrade. These will be the ones for a long ass time.

Still completely smitten.

I remember mentioning the HD25 before but I never thought you’d have this reaction to them compared to the other cans you’ve listened to. When I had them, they sounded very good but I didn’t think they were such a step above other closed cans in that price range.

But, still, consider it a bit of an audio blessing that you found something you are so happy with without breaking the bank.
My left earbud snapped off yesterday so it is time to buy a new set. I have used earbuds all my life but I want to take the switch to IEM's. There's a real nice list of good earphones in the OP, but I'd like to have some personal opinions by you guys. Any tips or other things I need to know?

Will be using my earphones for listening to music on my phone (Sony Xperia Arc) and because they will be spending quite some time in my pockets durability is a big issue as well.
My left earbud snapped off yesterday so it is time to buy a new set. I have used earbuds all my life but I want to take the switch to IEM's. There's a real nice list of good earphones in the OP, but I'd like to have some personal opinions by you guys. Any tips or other things I need to know?

Will be using my earphones for listening to music on my phone (Sony Xperia Arc) and because they will be spending quite some time in my pockets durability is a big issue as well.

I absolutely LOVE my Monster Turbines. I pair them with the Comply Foam tips and the seal is incredible - blocks out so much noise. I've had them for about 1.5 years now and they are holding up strong.
I listen to podcasts with them, but they also sound amazing with many types of music!

I also have the Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10's with the Comply foam tips. They sound better than the turbines of course, but they are so much bigger that it's awkward when you're on the go.
It's subjective. The V-Moda V/M80s have less of a V shaped sound than the HD25s, are quite a bit cheaper and have considerably less sibilence. The strength of the M80's mids, without the harshness of the HD25s highs, mean it holds it's own in my experience. It all depends what you're listening to.

Though I'd take the Phiaton MS400s over both at that price range, tbh.
You really shouldnt be encouraging him lol

Baconsaurus: what are your budget and listening preferences like?

Anyway, I tried calling around today to set up an appointment with an audiologist only to find that everyone is closed on weekends. So I'll have to wait until next Monday to get my impressions taken care of. It's a real bummer sitting here at work knowing my ES5's are just chillin on my desk :/
quote for new page.

Sorry for DP but I'm on my phone and can't multi quote.
The foam mod is just a simple mod to bring the performance of the 555 inline with the 595. It seems to just require a screwdriver to remove some foam. If you think the presentation isn't balanced or is lacking in clarity, its worth trying out. As for whether it'd void your warranty, that's your call on whether or not it's worth it. It seems as though the foam would be easily replaceable though for what it's worth.
My left earbud snapped off yesterday so it is time to buy a new set. I have used earbuds all my life but I want to take the switch to IEM's. There's a real nice list of good earphones in the OP, but I'd like to have some personal opinions by you guys. Any tips or other things I need to know?

Will be using my earphones for listening to music on my phone (Sony Xperia Arc) and because they will be spending quite some time in my pockets durability is a big issue as well.

I was looking for a cheap but decent pair just to use with my 3DS and other handhelds and went for the cheapest option in the OP:


I have been very happy with them and posted about it up the thread if you would like to see what I thought in more detail. I am using them with my Nano too now after my existing pair of Shure IEMs died but fortunately I got a refund on those as they were within warranty. In fact the sound quality from these new IEMs is superior to the Shure pair even though they were cheaper. They come with a decent case which is less fiddly and annoying to put them in than some I've had in the past.

One thing I would mention though. Are you okay with having things put right in your ear? Some people just completely freak and can't stand it. I actually find it comforting. If you're not sure I would stick both index fingers right in there for awhile and see how you feel. Obviously don't press them right in and hurt your ear drum! However, it would be a shame to buy a pair and then find that you can't use them!
For those using DACs, what is your audio source? Are you using (e.g.) foobar on your PC? Are you using an equalizer or DSP at all?

Maybe there's something wrong with me, but songs seem to sound better with my nice headphones directly out of my MP3 player (with a particular EQ setting) versus out of my computer with a headroom micro dac and amp.

Is it just the DSP? I played around with some VST plugins and it helps but I swear the Sony Walkman just sounds better.

For foobar I am using FLAC files.
I absolutely LOVE my Monster Turbines. I pair them with the Comply Foam tips and the seal is incredible - blocks out so much noise. I've had them for about 1.5 years now and they are holding up strong.
I listen to podcasts with them, but they also sound amazing with many types of music!

I also have the Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10's with the Comply foam tips. They sound better than the turbines of course, but they are so much bigger that it's awkward when you're on the go.
Thanks for the reply. They are way out of my price range unfortunately. I'm not really comfortable investing in expensive headphones when I'm only using them on the go.

I was looking for a cheap but decent pair just to use with my 3DS and other handhelds and went for the cheapest option in the OP:


I have been very happy with them and posted about it up the thread if you would like to see what I thought in more detail. I am using them with my Nano too now after my existing pair of Shure IEMs died but fortunately I got a refund on those as they were within warranty. In fact the sound quality from these new IEMs is superior to the Shure pair even though they were cheaper. They come with a decent case which is less fiddly and annoying to put them in than some I've had in the past.
I don't mind putting things in my ear. ;) (what a weird thing to say)

I went looking for the M2's but they don't have them on amazon.co.uk. They do have the M4's and they seem pretty similar. I'll keep an eye on those.

To be more specific:

- Price range: Around 50 euro's.
- Musical taste: I listen to rock music. This includes acoustic guitars, bass and high pitch electrical guitars.
- Needs to be slick and on the go. No annoying wires, do not like a volume control and needs to be built to last.
- Not looking for a big investment: I'm looking for great audio quality and durability for a comfortable price.

How are some Phillips, Sennheiser and Sony earphones? They're easier to get here and might be cheaper as well.


Thanks for the reply. They are way out of my price range unfortunately. I'm not really comfortable investing in expensive headphones when I'm only using them on the go.

They are about $50 refurbished on Monster's website. That is a pretty good price.
I'm looking to get some Wireless Bluetooth headphones and was looking for a couple to consider. My coworker has the Plantronics BackBeat 903+ and they look pretty good. Anyone have those?


I'm looking to get some Wireless Bluetooth headphones and was looking for a couple to consider. My coworker has the Plantronics BackBeat 903+ and they look pretty good. Anyone have those?
From my experience with BT you don't get any bass since that would drain out the batteries too quickly.
I have $200 to blow, and I'm looking for a pair of pretty good headphones (over ear) that have great bass. Will be listening through my MacBook Pro. I want to get them today, so they must be available at Best Buy or Futureshop. Any suggestions?
They are about $50 refurbished on Monster's website. That is a pretty good price.
Can't seem to find them because I'll get directed to the EU shop.

However, Monster Turbine High Performance In-Ear Speakers are 58% off on Amazon.com. Meaning that they're only 60 euro's. The shipping and import costs are screwing me over though so the total price is 102 euro's.

Am I making a mistake here? Not completely confident on making this purchase. I know that they'll sound good and I always take good care of my stuff but what if they break easily.
I don't mind putting things in my ear. ;) (what a weird thing to say)

I went looking for the M2's but they don't have them on amazon.co.uk. They do have the M4's and they seem pretty similar. I'll keep an eye on those.

Well that's good but some people do really freak out over things being put in their ear or eyes so it's not a really an odd thing to mention.

The M2's seem to be in stock from the link in the OP and my previous post. I bought them from there and the current price [with free shipping] is about 45 Euro.


Man, even at the reference level of the UERM, JH13/16, Westone ES5, FitEar 334 etc. you've got people trying to nitpick and rank them :l

That's because they all still sound different. You could argue that as the amount of money that you spend on headphones grows, you should be getting ever more nitpicky
assuming that you still have a concept of value for money
. You could make many many many $50 mistakes before it adds up to one $1000+ mistake :)


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Just posting to say that the honeymoon period with these HD25s is nowhere near over. Every song continues to open up in these cans...bass heavy or bright, it's got me covered.

Apparently these are V-shaped cans and the mids should be noticeably lacking or at least not as pronounced? Can't say I've noticed or cared yet.

Portability is great as I've taken these with me on the road in my iPad bag. A bit snug since they don't fold flat, but not a problem.

Still in love with the sound insanely. I'll be boxing up the P5's for return this week. Those are sexier looking, but the sound doesn't come close. Not close at all to my ears. Perhaps I've always been someone who prefers a V-shaped set of cans or something and didn't know it?

*goes back to listening to Pendulum*


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Where's a place I can try out those cans risk free? Probably amazon right? I must hear them...
I got mine from Amazon, and Amazon does has a return policy that you can make use of...just make sure the cans are being provided by Amazon and not through some 3r party retailer through Amazon.

I did that with the Ultrasone Pro 900s and it all went through without a hitch.
yeah, amazon sells them. best buy, too. they’re pretty easy to find.
I've actually never run into these at Best Buy or I would have bought them forever ago. Checking availability near me, they aren't offered anywhere.

Lucky Canadians...


Edit: As an aside, I do notice that songs that could produce sub-bass rumbling (James Blake's Limit to Your Love for instance) don't quite rattle my head in these...but it does play those sounds beautifully. You don't feel them as much as you do with Beats or the Ultrasones, but you HEAR them so much better. You still feel bass impact, but it doesn't rumble. Hard to describe, but I'm guessing this is the difference between "quick" and "slow" bass that I keep reading about.


I got mine from Amazon, and Amazon does has a return policy that you can make use of...just make sure the cans are being provided by Amazon and not through some 3r party retailer through Amazon.

I did that with the Ultrasone Pro 900s and it all went through without a hitch.

I've actually never run into these at Best Buy or I would have bought them forever ago. Checking availability near me, they aren't offered anywhere.

Lucky Canadians...

well, the retail stores here sell the adidas branded version most of the time. still, since there’s the easy return policy, someone could use the store to try them out and, if they fell in love with the sound, could return them and save some money getting the plain black version somewhere else where returns may not be quite so easy.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
well, the retail stores here sell the adidas branded version most of the time. still, since there’s the easy return policy, someone could use the store to try them out and, if they fell in love with the sound, could return them and save some money getting the plain black version somewhere else where returns may not be quite so easy.
Super jealous.

I would have taken you up on your advice to get these more than a year ago if I could easily get my hands on them!


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I’m looking forward to your inevitable upgrade to the Amperior.

you know this to be true
I'm hoping that the street price of those drops quickly and they offer them in less offensive color schemes. The silver and blue models do absolutely nothing for me. Give me straight black or red and we may be talking.

If I can really hear a difference in sound with those I'd be shocked. If I remember right they switched up the material for the pads which is less isolating? That's a huge red flag in my book since the extreme isolation is one of my favorite parts.

The main thing that attracts me to the idea f the Amperiors is the lower impedance and iPod cable :lol
I got mine from Amazon, and Amazon does has a return policy that you can make use of...just make sure the cans are being provided by Amazon and not through some 3r party retailer through Amazon.

I did that with the Ultrasone Pro 900s and it all went through without a hitch.

I've actually never run into these at Best Buy or I would have bought them forever ago. Checking availability near me, they aren't offered anywhere.

Lucky Canadians...


Edit: As an aside, I do notice that songs that could produce sub-bass rumbling (James Blake's Limit to Your Love for instance) don't quite rattle my head in these...but it does play those sounds beautifully. You don't feel them as much as you do with Beats or the Ultrasones, but you HEAR them so much better. You still feel bass impact, but it doesn't rumble. Hard to describe, but I'm guessing this is the difference between "quick" and "slow" bass that I keep reading about.

What you're hearing is controlled bass, the other phones you have listened to have bass bloat. Phones that are quicker as you say, are able to render the texture in bass more convincingly, this is what some people describe when they say, I hear details I never knew existed in songs, because bass bloat and bleed obscure portions of other frequencies. I'd wager that if you were to hear a set of phones that are mid centric instead of V shaped, you'd probably be astounded further by the immediacy of the sound, since you likely have been listening to fairly recessed phones from what I can gather out of the other cans you've been through.

But yeah, happy to hear that you found a set that suits you well... for now ;)


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
What you're hearing is controlled bass, the other phones you have listened to have bass bloat. Phones that are quicker as you say, are able to render the texture in bass more convincingly, this is what some people describe when they say, I hear details I never knew existed in songs, because bass bloat and bleed obscure portions of other frequencies. I'd wager that if you were to hear a set of phones that are mid centric instead of V shaped, you'd probably be astounded further by the immediacy of the sound, since you likely have been listening to fairly recessed phones from what I can gather out of the other cans you've been through.

But yeah, happy to hear that you found a set that suits you well... for now ;)
...for now, indeed.

I can tell already that you and LC (and my wife) aren't convinced I'm truly tamed at this point. Probably not...but at least I'm not longing for an upgrade because I run into certain songs that sound like shit on my existing cans. Everything I've thrown at them they've handled wonderfully.

I'm scared to think what would happen if there was an obvious upgrade out there like the Amperiors that everyone won't shut up about. I'll be watching head-fi closely as those start hitting the heads of audiophiles everywhere for more comprehensive commentary. The good news is that almost everyone is going to be comparing them to the Mark IIs so I'll have tons to absorb on the matter.

Happy for now!!!
...for now, indeed.

I can tell already that you and LC (and my wife) aren't convinced I'm truly tamed at this point. Probably not...but at least I'm not longing for an upgrade because I run into certain songs that sound like shit on my existing cans. Everything I've thrown at them they've handled wonderfully.

I'm scared to think what would happen if there was an obvious upgrade out there like the Amperiors that everyone won't shut up about. I'll be watching head-fi closely as those start hitting the heads of audiophiles everywhere for more comprehensive commentary. The good news is that almost everyone is going to be comparing them to the Mark IIs so I'll have tons to absorb on the matter.

Happy for now!!!

I knew you had it in you when I first saw you exhibit curiosity in this thread and went through your first three phones in a very short span of time. And also:

I'm scared to think what would happen if there was an obvious upgrade out there like the Amperiors that everyone won't shut up about. I'll be watching head-fi closely
This is far from over

I wouldn't be surprised at all if I read about you getting a pair of MG6pros or D7000s in the future. ;)


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Just for fun.

Teaching my 8 months old nephew how to dream right, early:


Just doing my part.

I had some Coltrane playing, should've been dubstep.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Time to test these babies through my E7 via L/O from my iPhone to see how they play with a little amping...Daft Punk's Tron R3configur3d album is already sounding beautiful through these.

Dat atmosphere....ugh!

Need to do a little apples to apples comparison with and without amping for certain songs so I can feel out where the amping is making a difference.

Also, the MG6Pro and D7000's are a ways away...that's some serious coin to drop! Also I'm still almost completely out of the IEM game with these HD25s. Was never a fan of how they felt in my ears with a variety of tips, but never did try customs. I like the look and ruggedness of full cans anyways.

Those Denons sure look like an amazing "at home" set, but I'm more a road warrior music consumer. Daily commute and at work will make up 95% of my music listening.


Time to test these babies through my E7 via L/O from my iPhone to see how they play with a little amping...Daft Punk's Tron R3configur3d album is already sounding beautiful through these.

Dat atmosphere....ugh!

Need to do a little apples to apples comparison with and without amping for certain songs so I can feel out where the amping is making a difference.

You should also see if you can notice a difference if you hook up the E7 to your Mac via USB so you’re bypassing the internal DAC of the playback device (you can’t do this with the iPhone and E7 - need a different pice of eqpt) and then plug in headphones to the E7. The E7 isn’t the best DAC in the world but maybe you’ll notice a difference compared to the on board DAC in the Mac.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
You should also see if you can notice a difference if you hook up the E7 to your Mac via USB so you’re bypassing the internal DAC of the playback device (you can’t do this with the iPhone and E7 - need a different pice of eqpt) and then plug in headphones to the E7. The E7 isn’t the best DAC in the world but maybe you’ll notice a difference compared to the on board DAC in the Mac.

Good call, keep forgetting that at home it'll get even better sound going through my MBP. Already loving the amped sound, though. May end up taking the E7 with me on the train again.

Fun. sounds awesome amped...even finer detail getting yanked out of these songs.

I don't like that I haven't started hearing music until now.

I promise to tone down the hyperbole soon...just loving the shit out of this right now

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