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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread

Time to test these babies through my E7 via L/O from my iPhone to see how they play with a little amping...Daft Punk's Tron R3configur3d album is already sounding beautiful through these.

Dat atmosphere....ugh!

Need to do a little apples to apples comparison with and without amping for certain songs so I can feel out where the amping is making a difference.

Also, the MG6Pro and D7000's are a ways away...that's some serious coin to drop! Also I'm still almost completely out of the IEM game with these HD25s. Was never a fan of how they felt in my ears with a variety of tips, but never did try customs. I like the look and ruggedness of full cans anyways.

Those Denons sure look like an amazing "at home" set, but I'm more a road warrior music consumer. Daily commute and at work will make up 95% of my music listening.

I'm the exact same way you are. I got into this about 8 years ago and never could have imagined spending what I did. I sure as hell never ever thought I'd drop the coin to get the Westone ES5, but like you, a LOT of my music is being listened to away from home. I couldn't justify building a home rig, and spending money on amps and DACs etc. when I wouldn't be home to listen anyway. And yeah, customs are made specifically for you, so the fit is perfect each and every time obviously. As someone who has wonky, differently shaped canals like you, I get your pain. And... lol, if the MG6Pro is in league with the ES5 as I've been reading... any set of cans you're thinking of getting in the near future ain't gonna hold a candle to em. You can always demo a pair of customs if you live by Jerry Harvey Audio, Westone, or Ultimate Ears ;) /endpeerpressure


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I'm the exact same way you are. I got into this about 8 years ago and never could have imagined spending what I did. I sure as hell never ever thought I'd drop the coin to get the Westone ES5, but like you, a LOT of my music is being listened to away from home. I couldn't justify building a home rig, and spending money on amps and DACs etc. when I wouldn't be home to listen anyway. And yeah, customs are made specifically for you, so the fit is perfect each and every time obviously. As someone who has wonky, differently shaped canals like you, I get your pain. And... lol, if the MG6Pro is in league with the ES5 as I've been reading... any set of cans you're thinking of getting in the near future ain't gonna hold a candle to em. You can always demo a pair of customs if you live by Jerry Harvey Audio, Westone, or Ultimate Ears ;) /endpeerpressure

Grrr...you're feeding an addict, man...shits not cool! :lol

The thing preventing me from investing in customs has been not understanding how to get a pair of them made up. I was looking into getting custom molds for my IE8s but didn't know where I could go to get the impressions and then apply the molds. Kept reading about some company named ACS but was reading all kinds of weird results with them customer service wise.

I'm going to stick with these HD25s, damn you!
At least for like...a month...I mean, my birthday IS in less than 30 days...FUUUUU


Grrr...you're feeding an addict, man...shits not cool! :lol

The thing preventing me from investing in customs has been not understanding how to get a pair of them made up. I was looking into getting custom molds for my IE8s but didn't know where I could go to get the impressions and then apply the molds. Kept reading about some company named ACS but was reading all kinds of weird results with them customer service wise.

I'm going to stick with these HD25s, damn you!
At least for like...a month...I mean, my birthday IS in less than 30 days...FUUUUU

Just google around for an audiologist who should be able to take a mould no problem.

Grrr...you're feeding an addict, man...shits not cool! :lol

The thing preventing me from investing in customs has been not understanding how to get a pair of them made up. I was looking into getting custom molds for my IE8s but didn't know where I could go to get the impressions and then apply the molds. Kept reading about some company named ACS but was reading all kinds of weird results with them customer service wise.

I'm going to stick with these HD25s, damn you!
At least for like...a month...I mean, my birthday IS in less than 30 days...FUUUUU

lol... birthday. That's the perfect excuse right there :D Like Alucrid said, you just call around for an audiologist. Molds run about $50 for both ears. Make sure you tell the doctor or tech that you need an open mouth impression taken with a bite block. And remain still, and don't swallow or anything until it cures, even if you're drooling all over the place as that can cause minute changes in the shape of your ear canal. If you've got a Westone by you, you can ask to demo the ES5s for however long just to get a feel for the sound of customs. Just bring high quality encodes on your iphone and you're set.

I still need to get my impressions done actually. Gonna call up tomorrow and see if I can't set up an appointment for the following Monday. I'm using the ES5s with comply's til then but it's very much so a crapshoot in terms of isolation and fit, being that they are molded for someone else's ears
I asked earlier but it seemed to get lost in the shuffle, no big deal. But I'll ask again incase anyone has an opinion (I'll stop asking if nobody does):

I had a pair of Sennheiser 555s break (moving accident and eventually just snapped), are the 558s the next logical step if I want a little bit better sound quality and bass or should I just make the jump to the 598s? I'd like to keep around $250-300 max (less if the difference isn't too big).

Sennheiser is really the only brand I've had experience with and really like them. I think there was an Audio-Techinica equivalent of the 555s (and I'd assume 598s), are those considered better?


I asked earlier but it seemed to get lost in the shuffle, no big deal. But I'll ask again incase anyone has an opinion (I'll stop asking if nobody does):

I had a pair of Sennheiser 555s break (moving accident and eventually just snapped), are the 558s the next logical step if I want a little bit better sound quality and bass or should I just make the jump to the 598s? I'd like to keep around $250-300 max (less if the difference isn't too big).

Sennheiser is really the only brand I've had experience with and really like them. I think there was an Audio-Techinica equivalent of the 555s (and I'd assume 598s), are those considered better?

iirc the 558s are just cosmetic changes?
Nope, Just to listen to music on my ipod/laptop, but I want good sound quality. Waste of cash?

Certainly not, an amp is a game changer for some cans but sacrifices portability/convenience to do so. There's plenty of good choices that don't need an amp at all.

As for your two choices, the Audio-Technica ATH-ESW9A will be the easiest to drive without an amp, but lose out in detail to the HD25s.

The HD25s are clinical and detailed, designed for professional monitoring rather than a particular sound. The mids are somewhat recessed in comparison to the strong highs, which are again extremely detailed, bright and can be fatiguing/prone to sibilence.

The ESW9As are more colored/warmer all round, with a more laid back sound (only slightly forward bass, relaxed everything else) than the HD25s. They have a larger soundstage than the HD25s, but that's not saying an awful lot.

As for build quality, the Senns are bullet-proof, considerably more durable than the Audio-Technicas but you can tell that just by looking at them.

A few other recommendations to look into at the price range;
Shure SRH840 - Neutral with forward mids, very detailed, more bass than the HD25s. May be a touch uncomfortable.
Phiaton MS400 - Warm sound, richer and fuller bass than any can mentioned here, even more forward mids (fun sound compared to monitoring or audiophile sound). Also very sexy, probably my favorite on-ear portable headphones.
I would recommend either of these above the HD25s or ESW9As, especially without an amp.


So I was going to buy a Fiio E7 to hook up with my computer/iPhone, but I read somewhere that the E7 DAC doesn't work with iPhones? Even when connecting through the dock-connector on the bottom, it still uses the iPhone to process the music.

Is this the case? If so, any way I can surpass it?


So I was going to buy a Fiio E7 to hook up with my computer/iPhone, but I read somewhere that the E7 DAC doesn't work with iPhones? Even when connecting through the dock-connector on the bottom, it still uses the iPhone to process the music.

Is this the case? If so, any way I can surpass it?

With an iPhone, you need a digital transport to get the digital data off the dock connector. there are a few items that do this

you have the Pure i20 dock
you can get a peachtree product like the musicbox or iDecco

for portable use, you got the Fostex HP-P1. this thing is around 800 dollars and includes a headphone amp...
there's also the HRT istreamer. this works with an iPhone but it outputs 2XRCA so it's not exactly portable. you need to change the cable type from RCA to 3.5mm plug to use any sort of portable amplifier.

Note that for the iPad, you can use the camera connection kit and a USB cable to connect to lots of portable DACs (and pretty much any wall powered DAC). but the iPhone can't do this.
Dammit, my RE-Zero's already started acting up. One of the headphones is barely audible anymore, maybe 1/5th of the volume of the other headphone.


I am Homie
Certainly not, an amp is a game changer for some cans but sacrifices portability/convenience to do so. There's plenty of good choices that don't need an amp at all.

As for your two choices, the Audio-Technica ATH-ESW9A will be the easiest to drive without an amp, but lose out in detail to the HD25s.

The HD25s are clinical and detailed, designed for professional monitoring rather than a particular sound. The mids are somewhat recessed in comparison to the strong highs, which are again extremely detailed, bright and can be fatiguing/prone to sibilence.

The ESW9As are more colored/warmer all round, with a more laid back sound (only slightly forward bass, relaxed everything else) than the HD25s. They have a larger soundstage than the HD25s, but that's not saying an awful lot.

As for build quality, the Senns are bullet-proof, considerably more durable than the Audio-Technicas but you can tell that just by looking at them.

A few other recommendations to look into at the price range;
Shure SRH840 - Neutral with forward mids, very detailed, more bass than the HD25s. May be a touch uncomfortable.
Phiaton MS400 - Warm sound, richer and fuller bass than any can mentioned here, even more forward mids (fun sound compared to monitoring or audiophile sound). Also very sexy, probably my favorite on-ear portable headphones.
I would recommend either of these above the HD25s or ESW9As, especially without an amp.

Thank you, I'll pick up the Phiaton MS400's.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I love how at work the default volume of "10" on the E7 is more than enough, but on the train or at home I feel the need to crank it up to 30+

Probably going to blow up my head at those levels if this is what 10 feels like in normal conditions...

Looks like my routine is going to be HD25 -> iPhone for the train and then HD25 -> E7 -> E3 L/O cable -> iPad

Still in love...I will not be swayed!
Dammit, my RE-Zero's already started acting up. One of the headphones is barely audible anymore, maybe 1/5th of the volume of the other headphone.

Yeah, I'd probably get those returned... You seem to have the same issue I did with the HiFiMan build quality. I had a set of RE262s that shorted out in one week after owning them, so there are some QC issues apparently. The majority of the people who own their products don't seem to have issues though, so you and I might have just been unlucky :/

I love how at work the default volume of "10" on the E7 is more than enough, but on the train or at home I feel the need to crank it up to 30+

Probably going to blow up my head at those levels if this is what 10 feels like in normal conditions...

Looks like my routine is going to be HD25 -> iPhone for the train and then HD25 -> E7 -> E3 L/O cable -> iPad

Still in love...I will not be swayed!

Yeah... I'd probably dial back that volume if you want to keep enjoying music man lol

Still in love...I will not be swayed!
Here's a bit of advice for you if you don't want to suffer from the 7 month itch: Unsubscribe from this thread, and remove Head-Fi from your bookmarks :l


With an iPhone, you need a digital transport to get the digital data off the dock connector. there are a few items that do this

you have the Pure i20 dock
you can get a peachtree product like the musicbox or iDecco

for portable use, you got the Fostex HP-P1. this thing is around 800 dollars and includes a headphone amp...
there's also the HRT istreamer. this works with an iPhone but it outputs 2XRCA so it's not exactly portable. you need to change the cable type from RCA to 3.5mm plug to use any sort of portable amplifier.

Note that for the iPad, you can use the camera connection kit and a USB cable to connect to lots of portable DACs (and pretty much any wall powered DAC). but the iPhone can't do this.
Thanks for the info! But dang, some of those prices are more than I'm willing to pay right now.
I might still get an E7 purely for home listening... but I'll have to think about it. Most of my listening is on the go, and it seems to be quite bothersome if I want to surpass the iPhone processing. Thanks again for the tips though, I'll definitely keep it all in mind.


So close to ordering the HD25 off Amazon to try them out. I'm scared that I'll love them too much though and end up wanting to keep them, which I don't have the money for :lol


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
So close to ordering the HD25 off Amazon to try them out. I'm scared that I'll love them too much though and end up wanting to keep them, which I don't have the money for :lol

DOOO it! Little sexy sound gods on your ears humping your brain with sonic love all night long, baby! WOOOOO!!!
That's because they all still sound different. You could argue that as the amount of money that you spend on headphones grows, you should be getting ever more nitpicky
assuming that you still have a concept of value for money
. You could make many many many $50 mistakes before it adds up to one $1000+ mistake :)

Oh, I wouldn't doubt it. I know the JH13 and the UERM have a more clinical presentation than the ES5, but don't necessarily oust them at all when it comes to micro/macro detail, and that the JH13 is possibly unrivaled when it comes to classical. The JH16's the JH13 with the bass EQed to have more presence and bloat. After just falling in love with the SM3's liquid smooth mids, the ES5's even more ridiculously smooth and detailed mids are just the magical ticket I'm looking for. And hell, out of all the phones I bought in the last 2 years, I could have just saved it up to get the ES5 to begin with, but then I probably wouldn't have learned to appreciate the differences between different phones.

Time to test these babies through my E7 via L/O from my iPhone to see how they play with a little amping...Daft Punk's Tron R3configur3d album is already sounding beautiful through these.

Dat atmosphere....

Need to do a little apples to apples comparison with and without amping for certain songs so I can feel out where the amping is making a difference.

Also, the MG6Pro and D7000's are a ways away...that's some serious coin to drop! Also I'm still almost completely out of the IEM game with these HD25s. Was never a fan of how they felt in my ears with a variety of tips, but never did try customs. I like the look and ruggedness of full cans anyways.

Those Denons sure look like an amazing "at home" set, but I'm more a road warrior music consumer. Daily commute and at work will make up 95% of my music listening.

Thanks for mentioning this album. I really liked the original Tron album, and this is stuff is awesome too! I just now learned that electronic music sounds absolutely nutso on the ES5. I was blown away by how gigantic Derezzed (remixed by Avicii sounded) and Adagio for Tron sounded. The ASG-1 just couldn't render this soundtrack with the absolute smoothness of the ES5 and sounded really grainy in comparison. I've honestly been trying to find really dense recordings with tons of layers, instruments and tricky time signatures to see if I can get the ES5 to sound congested and trip them up... and I haven't been able to do it, they don't miss a beat. Listening to A Night at the Opera now, and Freddie and Brian sound so ridiculously good.

So close to ordering the HD25 off Amazon to try them out. I'm scared that I'll love them too much though and end up wanting to keep them, which I don't have the money for :lol
Hey if you never go, you'll never know /peerpressure
so my cheapo pair of Superlux HD662 kind of had the cord cut by I have no idea how, and now they only work if i can jiggle it into the right place. I'd like to move up a price bracket, but I'm not entirely sure what's what. I listen to a lot of different stuff, from Nirvana to Kanye, so I want something balanced. I also use an E7 as a DAC/amp so driving shouldn't be a problem. I've been looking at the Audio Technica ATH-AD700, and it looks like it's pretty solid with good reviews around the net. Would it be a good "proper" entry level pair?


Junior Member
So I need an external DAC/amp for my work-headphones. The integrated sound on this computer is useless, so I'm looking for an affordable DAC/amp solution via USB.

And are there any good contenders against the ATH-M50 in that price range? I'll be getting some headphones in that price-range for outdoor and work use. There were some Shure headphones I was looking at a while back, but the model eludes me. I also listened to some really neutral AKGs - the model was rather obscure, k201 hd? Something like that. I wouldn't mind some neutral-ish headphones.
So I need an external DAC/amp for my work-headphones. The integrated sound on this computer is useless, so I'm looking for an affordable DAC/amp solution via USB.

Fiio E17 an option? Maybe an E7?

I'll be getting some headphones in that price-range for outdoor and work use. There were some Shure headphones I was looking at a while back, but the model eludes me. I also listened to some really neutral AKGs - the model was rather obscure, k201 hd? Something like that. I wouldn't mind some neutral-ish headphones.

The Shures you looked at are probably the Shure SRH 840, they come recommended. Close to neutral but with forward mids, excellent detail across the spectrum. Seems to be a comfort issue with some, but I haven't experienced it at all. Should be around the same price as the M50s.

Another good neutral choice are the Brainwavz HM5s (rebranded Fischer Audio FA-003/Lindy Headphones). These are in the running for FOTM on Head-fi at the minute, but with good reason. Pure neutral sound, light, comfy and very cheap.

Between the two I'd go (and usually do go) with the Shures which seem to respond better amped, gaining more traction on the low end.

If you have cash to burn on a little extra though, then I highly recommend the Beyerdynamic DT1350s. These are a slightly darker/warmer Senn HD25s, with smoother highs and less recessed mids retaining all the detail. Superlative isolation too.


Junior Member
I'd love to go for the DT1350s, but I think one of my primary requirements is that they envelope the ear, not just sit on them. Thanks for the tips!

How different are the E7 and E17?


Thanks for the info! But dang, some of those prices are more than I'm willing to pay right now.
I might still get an E7 purely for home listening... but I'll have to think about it. Most of my listening is on the go, and it seems to be quite bothersome if I want to surpass the iPhone processing. Thanks again for the tips though, I'll definitely keep it all in mind.

I know what you mean. there's no simple, mobile and affordable device to bypass the iPhone DAC.

Personally, I've given up trying to have the best mobile sound quality. there's always some background noise on public transportation that would negate gains made with separate equipment. I just plug easy to drive (and pocket) IEMs into the phone and go. convenience has trumped SQ for me while on the go.

at home it's a different matter...
How different are the E7 and E17?

Well I can't speak with experience on the E17 as I don't have one (yet?), but from what I hear it should produce similar amp/DAC results to the not-portable E10. That being so, the amp should be far cleaner and it should have a better DAC (Wolfson maybe?) too, with 24 bit support.

The price difference right now is steep, so I really can't say if the E17 is worth it, especially since power-wise the E7 should be able to drive most headphones in your price range easily. Maybe a fellow GAF'er will have some experience with it who can advise.


Junior Member
Hmm. I might go for the E10, in that case. I don't really need a portable amp, due to many of the same reasons LCfiner said in the previous post.

Is the E10 the best amp in that price-range? Any other manufacturers than Fiio to consider?
Hmm. I might go for the E10, in that case. I don't really need a portable amp, due to many of the same reasons LCfiner said in the previous post.

Is the E10 the best amp in that price-range? Any other manufacturers than Fiio to consider?

Good idea, I'm with you and LCfiner on this one. At most I'll take an E5 with me on the go, often nothing.

I use my Fiio E10 religiously, in terms of the price range I'd say it's the best hands down. It's major "budget" competition is the much maligned NuForce uDAC-2, which can't even match the E10's 24 bit performance while in less demanding 16 bit. The next step up from the E10 is the HRT Music Streamer II which is several hundred dollars more expensive (last I checked) and you may as well use the E10+E9 combo in that case.

I say go for the E10 and don't look back.
so my cheapo pair of Superlux HD662 kind of had the cord cut by I have no idea how, and now they only work if i can jiggle it into the right place. I'd like to move up a price bracket, but I'm not entirely sure what's what. I listen to a lot of different stuff, from Nirvana to Kanye, so I want something balanced. I also use an E7 as a DAC/amp so driving shouldn't be a problem. I've been looking at the Audio Technica ATH-AD700, and it looks like it's pretty solid with good reviews around the net. Would it be a good "proper" entry level pair?

Those are open cans, so there will be a lot of leakage. Are you looking for closed like your Superlux's?


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Man...the latest offering by Bassnectar definitely highlights how these cans respond (or don't respond) to bass. So clean, not so rumbly. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want them to shake more when there's hard bass like that. You can feel it...you know it could be there...but it just isn't.

Still sounds great, just doesn't rattle the brain.

I swear to God, there is no headphone that just does everything you want, is there? :lol


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I think Denon's do a good job of having deep bass, with clarity and a bit of rumble.
Portability and isolation become my issue with those.

My perfect set would be closed, V-shaped signature, great bass rumble, low enough impedance to be driven by an iPhone, amazing isolation, solid construction, good portability (folds flat or just not too big)...and pretty.

The HD25s are pretty much all of that minus the rumble...DAMN IT!


Junior Member
So, I can't take the coiled cord on my DT880 Pros. I'd return them and get DT880 2005 Edition, but they're frickin' nowhere to be found. I could change the cable myself, but it goes against what you do with a new $350 headset. I have the necessary skills, but still.

Bah. Why do they design them with these?!


Portability and isolation become my issue with those.

My perfect set would be closed, V-shaped signature, great bass rumble, low enough impedance to be driven by an iPhone, amazing isolation, solid construction, good portability (folds flat or just not too big)...and pretty.

The HD25s are pretty much all of that minus the rumble...DAMN IT!

I've never heard a portable can that can get that low rumble right. In my experience, only a few top notch, full size headphones can get the rumble and not screw up the rest of the sound. It's really tough to do. You can get a hump in the frequency response for bass punch easily enough, but bass extension down below 100 Hz is rare.


I thought the Beyerdynamic DT1350's had pretty good bass rumble, considering their size. They're certainly no XB700, though.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I've never heard a portable can that can get that low rumble right. In my experience, only a few top notch, full size headphones can get the rumble and not screw up the rest of the sound. It's really tough to do. You can get a hump in the frequency response for bass punch easily enough, but bass extension down below 100 Hz is rare.

Arg...! I'd really rather not be buying some D2000s and carrying them around with me everywhere...they don't seem like they are really built for portability at all. The lower impedance is actually nice, but those things look pretty damn huge.


I thought the Beyerdynamic DT1350's had pretty good bass rumble, considering their size. They're certainly no XB700, though.
Those DT1350s are kind of ugly, and this review in particular threw me off them:

Headfonia said:
I guess the HD25-1 is lucky in this instance because without those issues the DT1350 would’ve really slaughtered the HD25-1 in this review. Really, the HD25-1 would’ve deserved it, and I really wish the DT1350 would’ve done that. Those of you who follow my Twitter can also testify that at one point I tweeted about being sick of making recommendations for the HD25-1. And the DT1350 really had what it takes to take on the HD25-1. The Tesla driver is a killer and everytime I take a listen to it, I wish things would’ve been as clear sounding on the HD25-1. But the issues, especially the way the mids are voiced, and how bass doesn’t go as low, makes me sort of 50-50 on which really is the better headphone.
I've never heard a portable can that can get that low rumble right. In my experience, only a few top notch, full size headphones can get the rumble and not screw up the rest of the sound. It's really tough to do. You can get a hump in the frequency response for bass punch easily enough, but bass extension down below 100 Hz is rare.

For rumble on portables without bass bleed and/or recessed everything else (ala AIAIAI TMA-1s) it has to be (again) the Phiaton MS 400s. I seriously can't recommend these things enough. They aren't as bassy as say, Sony XB700s, but you can feel the rumbles and it remains strong/impactful and textured right down to 30hz.

Those DT1350s are kind of ugly, and this review in particular threw me off them:

I'd say the Beyers and Senns are both pretty damn ugly :lol


I actually bought the Dt1350 based on Tyll’s review.

I didn’t like them. it is insanely hard to get a fit. you need to move them all over your ears to find one magic spot (cue Ferengi slash fic) and then press tight or else everything sounds echo-y and crap. I thought they were defective for almost an hour before I got it right. I’m not a dummy but those headphones are a pain to put on.

oh, and despite the FR showing a nice, extended bass response, I found the sound very, very thin. No bass at all in songs I *know* should have some thumping bass. The sound was a little lifeless even when they were situated right on my head.

They’re fast and clean but, frankly, I’d rather have a Grado SR60 for those properties and spend less than 100 bucks.

I returned them to the store (online) after around 2 weeks of testing on and off. I was bummed.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Oh what the hell... I just went to mess with the EQ on my iPhone to see of I could do some weird things with the sound...and that shit was set to Electronic...! These things have been artificially EQ'd all along since I got them!

I'd listened to them through my MBP + E7, but all that sound difference was likely from having a flat EQ instead of messed with setting.

Holy crap I'm starting over with these things. :lol


I actually bought the Dt1350 based on Tyll’s review.

I didn’t like them. it is insanely hard to get a fit. you need to move them all over your ears to find one magic spot (cue Ferengi slash fic) and then press tight or else everything sounds echo-y and crap. I thought they were defective for almost an hour before I got it right. I’m not a dummy but those headphones are a pain to put on.

oh, and despite the FR showing a nice, extended bass response, I found the sound very, very thin. No bass at all in songs I *know* should have some thumping bass. The sound was a little lifeless even when they were situated right on my head.

They’re fast and clean but, frankly, I’d rather have a Grado SR60 for those properties and spend less than 100 bucks.

I returned them to the store (online) after around 2 weeks of testing on and off. I was bummed.

I could see how getting a good fit could be an issue (with the strange foam and all), however I do think that with a good seal they provide plenty of bass. Not huge amounts of bass, and not super hard hitting, but accurate, and very well extended.


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
I must be stupid or something.

Why does bass and clarity sound better when I set the EQ back to flat instead of electronic which does this:


Magically there is a slight rumble and better thump in the bass and nicer sounding strings. I'm guessing with that EQ setting the bass was bloating and the highers were distorting or something?

God damnit... :lol


I must be stupid or something.

Why does bass and clarity sound better when I set the EQ back to flat instead of electronic which does this:


Magically there is a slight rumble and better thump in the bass and nicer sounding strings. I'm guessing with that EQ setting the bass was bloating and the highers were distorting or something?

God damnit... :lol

Yes, because you're EQing up.

EQ down and turn the volume up.


Not surprising that EQ'ing makes sound quality worse. EQ'ing up always adds distortion.

Is there a "level" option on itunes or whatever your using? That would keep the same curve, but set it to curve below line level, eliminating distortion.
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