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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


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An opportunity has presented itself where I can purchase a pair of band new B&W P5 headphones for around half the usual asking price at my local hi-fi haunt. I recently bought and am in the process of rebuilding my home theatre setup with the Bowers & Wilkins 600 range of speakers and am chuffed to bits with them.

What say you, Can-GAF-Gods?

If you're a big fan of the looks and are OK with sound signature, I'd say go for it. They're definitely a great fashion piece, sound fairly good (if not a little stale to my personal taste, not enough bass definition or lower frequency response), and are built really well. $150 is a great price for those.

P5s will give you great isolation, an iPod cable, better looks, solid construction, solid sound...not at all a bad purchase.

On sound alone I think they leave a little to be desired personally, but I love them as a product in general.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
There are a lot of opinions out there, from people who prefer the TMA-1s over the HD25, while many lean the other way (just type the versus into Google), which is something I'm sure you all know.

Its signature might not be to your liking, but try to not completely trash the set.

The re0s have superb bass.
Yes. At times I prefer the R-ZERO w/ bass boost over my TMA-1s and HE-300s, because of how controlled its low end is.
Just got on the headfi tour list for the Redgiant A03. It won't be for another 2-3 months before I'll have them in hand since I'm #6 out of 9, but I'm pretty hyped cause they're a dual dynamic (!) set of in ears with a reputedly vast soundstage and stellar separation at the $150 mark. Could definitely be a very interesting set for the price. The Redgiant Malleous look like great phones for the price as well ($60ish?) and the build looks amazing on them. Hell, I'm pretty blown away that new companies are still coming out of the woodwork at this point...


Anyone know if the $100 difference between the Sennheiser 595s ($145) and 598s ($250) is worth it? I don't mind spending the extra money if it is and I'm sure there is a difference, but $100 worth anyone know?
The 598's were on sale for like ~180 dollars in December I think... been 250 for a while unfortunately. I was going to buy them at the lower price. But if you can wait you might see them drop again.


The 598's were on sale for like ~180 dollars in December I think... been 250 for a while unfortunately. I was going to buy them at the lower price. But if you can wait you might see them drop again.

I know Sennhesier has been more strictly enforcing MSRP on their higher end headphones (HD650s have been 500 for a while now - they used to be found easily for 350-400) so I would not be surprised if they're trying to do the same thing for their lower tiers, as well


There are a lot of opinions out there, from people who prefer the TMA-1s over the HD25, while many lean the other way (just type the versus into Google), which is something I'm sure you all know.

Its signature might not be to your liking, but try to not completely trash the set.

Yes. At times I prefer the R-ZERO w/ bass boost over my TMA-1s and HE-300s, because of how controlled its low end is.

Get a pair of ATH CK-10s and experience true nirvana

I know Sennhesier has been more strictly enforcing MSRP on their higher end headphones (HD650s have been 500 for a while now - they used to be found easily for 350-400) so I would not be surprised if they're trying to do the same thing for their lower tiers, as well

Does B&H still sell them for ~350 if you call them up? That's where I got mine.


So my MEE CC51P's are already breaking down after 3 months. They sound great, but the iPhone controller splits apart so easily revealing the inner wires it's as if it was need glued shut.

Also, the cord at the jack side is so sensitive to movement the right earphone goes out eve at the slightest touch.

I'm getting tired of earphones costing $50+ having such terrible durability.

Is there any Earphone that is actually good quality for under $100? Something that can actually last longer than 3 months?
Is there any Earphone that is actually good quality for under $100? Something that can actually last longer than 3 months?
Panasonic's HJE-900 has one of the best build quality I've ever seen at any price. Indestructable Zircon shells, really beefy cable that's got thick strain reliefs and is replaceable (you'll have to get replacements from Sleek Audio, but they aren't expensive $25 or so) and they sound good too. Only thing is they aren't being made any more. You can find them from time to time on Headfi's FS thread though for $90- $120. I think I saw one just the other day actually.

Redgiant's upcoming Malleus has got a shell made out of zinc alloy and packs the same high quality cable as their top of the line Ossicle as well. Price is about $60-ish. SQ seems to be U shaped and quite good from what I've read
So my MEE CC51P's are already breaking down after 3 months. They sound great, but the iPhone controller splits apart so easily revealing the inner wires it's as if it was need glued shut.

Also, the cord at the jack side is so sensitive to movement the right earphone goes out eve at the slightest touch.

I'm getting tired of earphones costing $50+ having such terrible durability.

Is there any Earphone that is actually good quality for under $100? Something that can actually last longer than 3 months?

Btw, contact support and ME will send you a new set.
The re0s have superb bass. Its clarity and extension is unbelievable. It is however very neutral, but it isn't not good.

If you want fun thumping bass grab a pair of eternas like des said or look at the hippos. The bass is more analytical for the hippos though.

I'm no audiophile, and I'm not sure what neutral means here, so you're probably right. But I'm having way more fun with the S4s personally.
I'm no audiophile, and I'm not sure what neutral means here, so you're probably right. But I'm having way more fun with the S4s personally.

Neutral means just that. No one part of the spectrum is really emphasized and it's close to flat, which is different from say... U and V shaped signatures, where the sound is similar to someone boosting the EQ band on both ends of the treble and bass and lowering the midrange.
Well after reading up on some post here & a few other reviews & thread, the go to earbuds for me it seems are either the Fischer Audio Silver Bullet or the Fischer Audio Eterna.
Both are hovering around $60, cheaper than comparable sets which are all $80-$100 & not as balanced as them either.

From what I gathered, the Fischer Audio Silver Bullet has better sound clarity. The Fischer Audio Eterna has better bass.

Has Anyone who owned both, give their opinion on them?
Is the Silver Bullet weak in bass as the RE0?


Junior Member
Well after reading up on some post here & a few other reviews & thread, the go to earbuds for me it seems are either the Fischer Audio Silver Bullet or the Fischer Audio Eterna.
Both are hovering around $60, cheaper than comparable sets which are all $80-$100 & not as balanced as them either.

From what I gathered, the Fischer Audio Silver Bullet has better sound clarity. The Fischer Audio Eterna has better bass.

Has Anyone who owned both, give their opinion on them?
Is the Silver Bullet weak in bass as the RE0?
In-ears, please. As an earbud lover, I must insist you call them what they are ;-)
Just e-mail their customer support e-mail and see what happens?

They'll tell you to either send your pair back, and they'll send a new one, or they'll ask you to destroy your pair, take a pic, and they'll send another one out. I'd wait for what they tell you before you destroy your pair though.


They'll tell you to either send your pair back, and they'll send a new one, or they'll ask you to destroy your pair, take a pic, and they'll send another one out. I'd wait for what they tell you before you destroy your pair though.

Even if these were a gift from my Mom that she purchased through Amazon (maybe from another seller) .. they still do that?

And destroying them .. my first thought was Mount Doom from Lord of the Rings. Hahah.


Well after reading up on some post here & a few other reviews & thread, the go to earbuds for me it seems are either the Fischer Audio Silver Bullet or the Fischer Audio Eterna.
Both are hovering around $60, cheaper than comparable sets which are all $80-$100 & not as balanced as them either.

From what I gathered, the Fischer Audio Silver Bullet has better sound clarity. The Fischer Audio Eterna has better bass.

Has Anyone who owned both, give their opinion on them?
Is the Silver Bullet weak in bass as the RE0?

Bullet better clarity, slightly less recessed treble...Eterna better midbass


Bullet better clarity, slightly less recessed treble...Eterna better midbass

Just wasn't quite the same visiting this thread without your input.

To add to the Fiio E17 talk that's been going on the last little while, mine came in today and I've been playing around with it for a few hours. So far the results seem entirely dependent on what phones you're using with it. Not as impressed as I had hoped to be with its iPhone performance with my M50s. I didn't know that it wouldn't bypass the iPhone DAC until it was brought up in this thread. The M50s seem to perform pretty well on their own with the iPhone, as was to be expected I guess.

That said, with certain IEMs I'm seeing a marked improvement even with the iPhone. Monster Turbine Pro Coppers sound much improved, and my new MEE A151s sound great as well, as do the MEE CC51Ps. No noticeable improvement with my Shure SE215s however. I'm not quite sure how to describe what I'm hearing other than to say everything sounds more crisp and full, especially with the Monsters. I'm a fan of neutral and clear sound in IEMs and the E17 seems to excel at highlighting clarity with the option of cranking the bass when desired.

The big improvement is coming from PC use, even for the M50s. I'm sure I'd see a similar improvement if I just went with a semi decent dedicated sound card but I wanted the option to use this at home, on the go when travelling, and in the office as well. Overall, very happy with the purchase.


Knowledge is power, guard it well
Get a pair of ATH CK-10s and experience true nirvana
I've been waffling over an IEM step up for months. I know it's going to take something in the $300 to $400 range to replace my faithful RE-ZEROs, and I'm weighing a range of options.

I kinda want to journey even further into the ultra-analytical massive clarity and detail spectrum, which is why I'm leaning toward the RE272. I want to eventually reach a level where I feel the sound couldn't get any more crystal clear, and this IEM seems to be the next logical step on my path.

That's probably a peculiar choice for someone who listens to Hip-Hop 95% of the time.
I've been waffling over an IEM step up for months. I know it's going to take something in the $300 to $400 range to replace my faithful RE-ZEROs, and I'm weighing a range of options.

I kinda want to journey even further into the ultra-analytical massive clarity and detail spectrum, which is why I'm leaning toward the RE272. I want to eventually reach a level where I feel the sound couldn't get any more crystal clear, and this IEM seems to be the next logical step on my path.

That's probably a peculiar choice for someone who listens to Hip-Hop 95% of the time.
Haha, you sound like me 8 years ago. Back then, my dream phone was the Qualia 010, or an electrostat set like the SR 007 MK II. I think the ultimate phone for you would be the SpiralEar SE5, one subwoofer, one ignition woofer, mid and hi tweeter, and a super tweeter, 5 crossovers, and 5 bores in the earpiece. AverageJoe says they have ultra high resolution sound even compared to his other 14 or so customs, an LCD2, T1 and an HD800. If that doesn't make you drool a little haha... But... They're quite the expenditure lol. Fun to dream though

And I never really bothered with the high level HiFiMan products due to the need for amping to get that final bit of performance. The RE262 sounded great straight out of an iPhone, but I had to crank the volume quite a bit. It really came alive with the extra juice from an amp though. I imagine the 272 is the same way, especially since it come with balanced plugs as well. The DBA-02 and CK-10 sound like phones you'd like as well


Junior Member
The HD25s are superlative for rock and so-so for acoustic (recessed mids hamper this). Would recommend them though. If isolation isn't an issue then certainly get some Grados.
The HD25s are pretty much closed grados.

Though I only have the Alessandro MS1 to compare. They are very similar cans though.

Also the portability and isolation of the HD25s are incredible.
Okay, ONE of you must be lying. But who?? o_O


Okay, ONE of you must be lying. But who?? o_O

The HD 25 have similar emphasis on the treble as Grados. Grados have a stronger midrange but it's the treble that ties them together and why people consider them similar.

HD 25 also have stronger, punchier bass than lower end Grados

But they're missing out on the cleaner, more open sound of Grados.


So I think I'm going to take the plunge soon and order,




From the reviews and user comments, it doesn't sound like I can do any better than these for ~$400 total. I plan on using them for music and also gaming using CMSS-3D Headphone off my X-Fi Xtremegamer. I've never really owned "audiophile" grade headphones before, so I'm expecting to have my knocks socked off!


Those might be too analytical for you especially for a first foray into the audiophile world...What kind of music do you listen to?


The K601 is a good alternative to the Q701. A slightly warmer sound, yet still plenty light and airy. They've got a large soundstage, but very intimate vocals. It lends itself well to vocal-focused music.


Hmmm....I'd definitely think about going with something less cold and analytical, but with a similarly pronounced mid-range.

Well I'm open to suggestions. I was originally just going to get an AD700 and plug it into the headphone jack on the back of my sound card. But once I decided I wanted an external DAC/Amp that I could use at work, I figured why not get some better headphones to match. I may be new to high end headgear, but I've bought plenty of electronics/AV equipment and very much believe in synergy between components.


in the same price rage as the K701, consider the Senheiser HD600. they're really good - I used them for about a week. very neutral but not thin sounding. a very slight graininess to the sound, but not bad at all for dynamic headphones. I think the HD600 has a smaller soundstage to the K701, but aside from that, it may be more enjoyable to you.

If someone wanted more bass and less treble energy, the HD650 is another option (but more expensive)
The speed, separation, detail and large soundstage of the 701's lend themselves to prog rock quite well, but the cold and analytical qualities won't mesh too well with indie which tends to be lo-fi. They aren't forgiving cans at all. The HE300s would be worth looking as well. They aren't as technically proficient as the 701 for a second, but they'll suit a wider range of music.


Hey, Gaf, I'm looking for some recommendations, if you wouldn't mind. I've been in here once before and have mulled over a couple models, but ultimately relented.

Here's what I'm looking for:

  • Over the ear.

  • Sold on Amazon (I've been sitting on gift card funds).

  • Comfortable for use over long periods of time.

  • Will last for at least a couple years (structurally speaking).

  • Would prefer $200 price and down.

I plan on using them in conjunction with my desktop to view movies and television programs, as well listening to music as I work.

Genres of music range from Rock, Instrumental, Film Scores, Jazz, Alternative, Electronic/Techno, and a bit of Hip Hop (mostly Gorillaz).

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Hey, Gaf, I'm looking for some recommendations, if you wouldn't mind. I've been in here once before and have mulled over a couple models, but ultimately relented.

Here's what I'm looking for:

  • Over the ear.

  • Sold on Amazon (I've been sitting on gift card funds).

  • Comfortable for use over long periods of time.

  • Will last for at least a couple years (structurally speaking).

  • Would prefer $200 price and down.

I plan on using them in conjunction with my desktop to view movies and television programs, as well listening to music as I work.

Genres of music range from Rock, Instrumental, Film Scores, Jazz, Alternative, Electronic/Techno, and a bit of Hip Hop (mostly Gorillaz).

Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
Would you like closed or open? Are you going to be using an amp?

The best over-the-ear cans in that price range are the Shure SRH 840s, imo. In fact, they remain some of my favorite at any price. Smooth and detailed with slightly forward mids. Some people find the headband uncomfortable but I haven't experienced anything similar even after several hours of use. Great isolation and sounstage. For your wide variety of genres this is really the best suggestion I can think of for SQ. Cheap too, leaving some cash spare for a highly recommended Fiio e10 etc.

More choices to consider;
M-Audio Q40. This really does need a dedicated amp to smooth out the top end though. Still they are comfy and have a nice rumbly bass.
Brainwavz HM5. Neutral sound signature, very light, very cheap, very detailed, very FOTM. Won't need an amp, but it helps.
Audio-Technica M50. Extremely overrated cans but still very good with aggressive highs and lows and recessed mids. Probably the least comfortable pads listed here, will make you start sweating after an hour or so. Doesn't require an amp.
Denon D2000. Dunno if these are sub $200, but they are great all round cans. Something to consider if you find them at a bargain.


Junior Member
The HD 25 have similar emphasis on the treble as Grados. Grados have a stronger midrange but it's the treble that ties them together and why people consider them similar.

HD 25 also have stronger, punchier bass than lower end Grados

But they're missing out on the cleaner, more open sound of Grados.
Treble emphasis does not make phones sound similar for me. I never found Grados offensive in that regard while my M50s and some Ultrasones... ouch.
Also, I don't remember them sounding anywhere near as fast as Grados.
So the comment "pretty much closed Grado" is pretty odd for me.

But, what's the difference between an Alessandro and a Grado??


The "treble reducer" EQ on iPhone is usually horrible, but it works wonders with the M50s. It removes the harshness of the trebles and in effect boosts the mids (which are usually recessed), while maintaining deep and punchy bass. It's absolutely transformed these headphones for me and they're so much more fun to listen to now. Vocals no longer sound tight and restricted, and guitars have bite again.

I know "treble reducer" sounds like it'd be bad, but I honestly think it fixes some of the problems people have with M50s. At least for a semi-portable (don't wear M50s down the street lol) listener like me, who plugs straight into an iPhone. It took some getting used to, but I'm glad I have.


Treble emphasis does not make phones sound similar for me. I never found Grados offensive in that regard while my M50s and some Ultrasones... ouch.
Also, I don't remember them sounding anywhere near as fast as Grados.
So the comment "pretty much closed Grado" is pretty odd for me.

But, what's the difference between an Alessandro and a Grado??

Alessandro's have smoother, less harsh treble. MS Pro apparently has a wider soundstage than the RS1. I owned the MS1i and think the treble comment is true compared to the SR60. I haven't heard the MS2 or MS Pro.

And Grado's do have harsh treble. Some people are sensitive to it and measurements back it up. I happen to be someone who enjoys their sound but those spikes in the higher frequencies are there and I guess that's why some people compare it to the HD 25 sound.

Personally, I don't think they sound all that similar mainly because of the more closed, congested sound of the HD 25. I couldn't get past that.


Junior Member
The "treble reducer" EQ on iPhone is usually horrible, but it works wonders with the M50s. It removes the harshness of the trebles and in effect boosts the mids (which are usually recessed), while maintaining deep and punchy bass. It's absolutely transformed these headphones for me and they're so much more fun to listen to now. Vocals no longer sound tight and restricted, and guitars have bite again.

I know "treble reducer" sounds like it'd be bad, but I honestly think it fixes some of the problems people have with M50s. At least for a semi-portable (don't wear M50s down the street lol) listener like me, who plugs straight into an iPhone. It took some getting used to, but I'm glad I have.

Alessandro's have smoother, less harsh treble. MS Pro apparently has a wider soundstage than the RS1. I owned the MS1i and think the treble comment is true compared to the SR60. I haven't heard the MS2 or MS Pro.

And Grado's do have harsh treble. Some people are sensitive to it and measurements back it up. I happen to be someone who enjoys their sound but those spikes in the higher frequencies are there and I guess that's why some people compare it to the HD 25 sound.

Personally, I don't think they sound all that similar mainly because of the more closed, congested sound of the HD 25. I couldn't get past that.
Whatever the M50 do with treble, it sounds really brutal to me, EQed or not. Never had this when listening to Grados for even extended periods. The M50 really set off my tinnitus.

I should prolly sell them, they lay around collecting dust :-\


Whatever the M50 do with treble, it sounds really brutal to me, EQed or not. Never had this when listening to Grados for even extended periods. The M50 really set off my tinnitus.

I should prolly sell them, they lay around collecting dust :-\
Fair enough. Though I do get the feeling I know the exact problems you're having, tinnitus and all. I really do think it can be fixed with EQ, but it's understandable if you don't want to bother with it.


Would you like closed or open? Are you going to be using an amp?

The best over-the-ear cans in that price range are the Shure SRH 840s, imo. In fact, they remain some of my favorite at any price. Smooth and detailed with slightly forward mids. Some people find the headband uncomfortable but I haven't experienced anything similar even after several hours of use. Great isolation and sounstage. For your wide variety of genres this is really the best suggestion I can think of for SQ. Cheap too, leaving some cash spare for a highly recommended Fiio e10 etc.

More choices to consider;
M-Audio Q40. This really does need a dedicated amp to smooth out the top end though. Still they are comfy and have a nice rumbly bass.
Brainwavz HM5. Neutral sound signature, very light, very cheap, very detailed, very FOTM. Won't need an amp, but it helps.
Audio-Technica M50. Extremely overrated cans but still very good with aggressive highs and lows and recessed mids. Probably the least comfortable pads listed here, will make you start sweating after an hour or so. Doesn't require an amp.
Denon D2000. Dunno if these are sub $200, but they are great all round cans. Something to consider if you find them at a bargain.

I don't have a preference between open or closed. First time buyer of over-the-ear headphones.

I've heard mention of amps in the OP and in posts throughout this thread, but I haven't looked into purchasing one. Are they absolutely necessary? I take it you'd recommend I purchase a FiiO amp?

How do the Shure SRH 840s compare to the Sennheiser 448s? I tried the 448 model in the store and found them to be fairly comfortable. I had my eye on the Sennheiser 558s at one time, but questioned the price tag. I've also looked at a couple of the Audio-Technica models.

At this point, I'm leaning towards the Shure SRH 840 or a pair of Sennheisers.


Yeah, when my M9P's broke they told me to sever the cable and send a pic, then they sent me a new pair.

So they offered me the same choice. I've never heard of something like this, it's definitely amusing.

The other option is RMA where I send the earphones back to them. Either way I lose the pair whereas "destroying" them I get a new pair quicker and save on postage.
Ok, Gaf force is trustworthy!!
Bought the Koss Porta Pro... Fucking amazing bang for buck!!! Thank you so much for the recommendation.

Now, phase 2: earphones. For use while working out with my new sansa clip+ (also courtesy of gaf, lol) I don't like in ear ones, and I'd like something comfortable, under 50$.

Work your magic gaf, headphone gaf!

Edit: I meant that I don't like in ear earphones. I preffer "regular" ones.
What's the Audio-Technica ATH AD700 equivalent to bass?

Like the AD700 has god-tier 3D effects, subtle sounds & soundstage when I play my videogames & movies, but it's pretty bad for music, sounds awful. I bought the M50 & they don't even come close to the depth the AD700 has when playing games, but for everyday use/music it's solid all around.

So what's the headphones to look for to get the AD700 videogame quality sound, but for music?

(same price range)


What's the Audio-Technica ATH AD700 equivalent to bass?

Like the AD700 has god-tier 3D effects, subtle sounds & soundstage when I play my videogames & movies, but it's pretty bad for music, sounds awful. I bought the M50 & they don't even come close to the depth the AD700 has when playing games, but for everyday use/music it's solid all around.

So what's the headphones to look for to get the AD700 videogame quality sound, but for music?

(same price range)

If you go used, you might be able to find a pair of AKG K601's for around $130. A little more expensive, but you might find they perform better than the AD700's (in every way).


I am not Max
So after less than a week of using my E17 connected to my PC i'm hearing crackling noise during music playback. I can't tell when it happens, if not just randomly. It sounds as if its adjusting to the frequency, I guess?

This is almost as annoying as the idle crackling I got from my onboard soundcard before I bought this, which wasn't noticeable while playing music...

Why is this happening?


So after less than a week of using my E17 connected to my PC i'm hearing crackling noise during music playback. I can't tell when it happens, if not just randomly. It sounds as if its adjusting to the frequency, I guess?

This is almost as annoying as the idle crackling I got from my onboard soundcard before I bought this, which wasn't noticeable while playing music...

Why is this happening?

How is it connected?
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