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An opportunity has presented itself where I can purchase a pair of band new B&W P5 headphones for around half the usual asking price at my local hi-fi haunt. I recently bought and am in the process of rebuilding my home theatre setup with the Bowers & Wilkins 600 range of speakers and am chuffed to bits with them.
What say you, Can-GAF-Gods?
If you're a big fan of the looks and are OK with sound signature, I'd say go for it. They're definitely a great fashion piece, sound fairly good (if not a little stale to my personal taste, not enough bass definition or lower frequency response), and are built really well. $150 is a great price for those.
P5s will give you great isolation, an iPod cable, better looks, solid construction, solid sound...not at all a bad purchase.
On sound alone I think they leave a little to be desired personally, but I love them as a product in general.