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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν


the holder of the trombone
The ODAC has been getting some very good impressions over at head fi.

I think that might be my next Hi Fi purchase.


V-Moda just released an iPhone Amp/Dac + Battery case for $650

Thing looks pretty decent, but at $650 I'm nowhere near interested in it.

Verge reviewer seems a bit luke-warm on it's capabilities as well, but I wouldn't really put much stock into their opinion on that bit.

That's actually cheaper than the fostex hp-p1 that does the same thing but costs around 750. This one is also more compact. However, we don't know if this one will have the same audio performance.

It's a surprisingly niche market that vmoda is entering with that thing.


Not sure if posted before, but:


AIAIAI TMA-1 Studio Headphones

I might have to pick these up. Look pretty decent for $249.99. What does GAF think?

Edit: Official Website
Hey guys I'm looking into buying some Alien Ear in ear monitors for just listening to my ipod. Does anyone have any knowledge in these? I'm looking at the low end $200 ones. They would be for just using at the gym, running, and around my office.


I'd suggest getting something cheaper if you're going to be using them at the gym and for running. IEMS in particular offer an immense selection of quality choices below the $100 mark.


Hey guys I'm looking into buying some Alien Ear in ear monitors for just listening to my ipod. Does anyone have any knowledge in these? I'm looking at the low end $200 ones. They would be for just using at the gym, running, and around my office.

You're bound to accidentally rip them out of your ears, drop your listening device-- what have you. You don't want to be doing that to $200 IEMs.

Check out the MEElectronics S6 (about $50), which are made for workouts and are simply a sport version of their well-regarded M6 IEM.

Also consider the Sony EX600s if you don't want sport-defined IEMs; they're awesome for the price (about $120).

The ODAC has been getting some very good impressions over at head fi.

I think that might be my next Hi Fi purchase.

Do it. Once these medical bills are behind me, I'll be close behind you in the O2/ODAC purchase.

It's not that easy for me, either.

although, it might be easier for me than for others since I don’t hear differences with headphone cables, power cords, interconnects or any DAC over a couple hundred bucks.

so that helps me focus :)

When I was younger I'd spend so much extra on things like cables/cords... I'm glad I'm over that stage. 'Twas expensive stupidity.
Thanks for the reply.

Do you guys have any opinions on IEMs that are fitted with an ear mold versus the MEElectronics S6 persay. Is it worth it to get a fitted pair or are the tips for the S6's basically good enough?
Would this be a bad place to ask for advice on some decentish cheapest headphones for watching tv on an iPad (not in ear ones)

I don't want to offend anyone and I know it may be like going in a fine wine thread asking about blue nun but I thought you may be able to help



ÏÎ¯Î»Ï á¼Î¾ÎµÏÎγλοÏÏον καί ÏεÏδολÏγον οá½Îº εἰÏÏν
Would this be a bad place to ask for advice on some decentish cheapest headphones for watching tv on an iPad (not in ear ones)

I don't want to offend anyone and I know it may be like going in a fine wine thread asking about blue nun but I thought you may be able to help

Don't want to offend anyone, eh?! Well enjoy your ban! Low grade filth isn't welcome here!!!

When you get back, I'm sure someone will help you out. No worries


Thanks for the reply.

Do you guys have any opinions on IEMs that are fitted with an ear mold versus the MEElectronics S6 persay. Is it worth it to get a fitted pair or are the tips for the S6's basically good enough?

The Comply T500 tips are "memory" foam and will form-fit your ears nicely. I have a pair of extremely heavy Altec Lansing IEMs that fall out of my ear because of gravity and the Comply tips are the only things that keep them in. I know Amazon carries a three-size set of tips for about $15, so you could find what fits best using either the small, medium, or large.

If you're truly dedicated to your headphones, though, and are willing to spend the money-- there's no reason to not get fitted ear molds (although you might want to make them universal fit from IEM to IEM so you can use them on more than one pair)

Oh, I'm sure you'll be in front of me. :)

Slowly saving though. Slowly.

No chance. I'm literally saving to buy a pair of EX600's right now... which I already owned once. A sad, sad state of affairs.

The Lamp

Any recommendations on the best pair of earbuds/in-ear phones for under $200? Do I need to buy a headphone amp for anything in the $100-200 range or will it work fine with just the regular iPod/iPhone?

And the EX600s are $179 on Amazon now and I don't know where else to find them :( it looks like they're not being made anymore or something?


My budget is $50 for a pair of headphones. I'm going to use this for gaming and music. Preferably they will be portable but that's not extremely important. I am not an audiophile at all, I just want some balanced headphones with decent bass and clarity. I wont be investing in an amp or soundcard for the forseeable future.

This is what I've been looking at from the original post:

Any opinions or different recommendations? I really appreciate this thread even though it's intimidating as fuck to read for non-audiophiles.
someone points out the bad in everything that gets mentioned haha


The Koss Pro DJ100's are excellent, excellent headphones. They may be $50, but I think they are very competitive with $150+ headphones.


I'll probably order the Samsons then. Out of curiosity, why are these better than the Koss without an amp?

Also, how much would a low end amp and DAC set me back?


I'll probably order the Samsons then. Out of curiosity, why are these better than the Koss without an amp?

Also, how much would a low end amp and DAC set me back?

The Fiio line up is generally go to recommendation here, $30-$80 depending on what you want.

The Lamp

Vsonic GR07 and the fischer dba02 are highly regarded as the best balanced iems in the price range

I couldn't find anywhere selling the Fischers. So you would recommend the Vsonic over the Sony EX600s? Do the Vsonics have good bass?

I'm not much of an audiophile as I haven't tried many different expensive headphones but I own a pair of Sennheiser HD 595s and the bass on those is disappointing. It plays trebles and mids nicely, though, from what I can tell, but I was wondering if I could maybe hear fuller bass on the earphones you recommended.
Lol, you're not gonna get fuller bass from the GR07 or the DBA-02 of all things. I'd recommend checking out the Radius DDM2, or the Atrio mg7 if you're looking for bass heavy phones (not at the expense of the mids or highs)


IEMs in this range tend not to be more balanced than say those at a hundred bucks even. The Sony EX600, GR07, DBA-02, and the Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10 all can go fairly low, however the bass is balanced and tends not to bleed in the other sound spectrums, which actually might be what you want...I get the sense you are a basshead in the making.

The Fischer Eterna seem to be out of stock, so I will recommend these instead. still saving you a bit of money though not as much.

Edit: Actually, he's right DDM2 are amazing, but be warned of somewhat awkward fit.

The Lamp

IEMs in this range tend not to be more balanced than say those at a hundred bucks even. The Sony EX600, GR07, DBA-02, and the Ultimate Ears TripleFi 10 all can go fairly low, however the bass is balanced and tends not to bleed in the other sound spectrums, which actually might be what you want...I get the sense you are a basshead in the making.

The Fischer Eterna seem to be out of stock, so I will recommend these instead. still saving you a bit of money though not as much.

Edit: Actually, he's right DDM2 are amazing, but be warned of somewhat awkward fit.

I see. Thanks everyone! The DDM2 goes to $300, but a pair of IEMs that have great bass without sacrificing mids or highs is exactly what I wasn't to give a shot. If there are any others I should consider that do that for under $200, let me know. Right now it seems that the Atrio Mg7 are what I should consider buying.

Btw, is the hz to khz range something to consider when comparing headphone quality? I notice some have 12 hz to 20 khz or something and not sure if thats a factor I need to keep an eye on.


Check out those Velodynes. Your cheapest bet might actually by these upon further review: V-Sonic GR02

....I really think you'll like those V-Sonics and it's a great value even though LendMeURears tends to inflate prices.

The Lamp

Check out those Velodynes. Your cheapest bet might actually by these upon further review: V-Sonic GR02

....I really think you'll like those V-Sonics and it's a great value even though LendMeURears tends to inflate prices.

Oh wow those are a lot less expensive. It'd be great if I didn't have to pay as much, but I'm willing to pay up to about $200 if it means better quality and sound. Is there not much quality difference between these and the Atrio or some of the other pricier suggestions?


Not a huge difference, no. They improve upon an older version of an IEM that I already liked, and I'm actually clamoring to buy these myself...But I just sold off a bunch to clear space, so I won't start collecting them again.


Any recommendations on the best pair of earbuds/in-ear phones for under $200? Do I need to buy a headphone amp for anything in the $100-200 range or will it work fine with just the regular iPod/iPhone?

And the EX600s are $179 on Amazon now and I don't know where else to find them :( it looks like they're not being made anymore or something?

Oh man, you're right. Just a few months ago they were going for $120 shipped on multiple sites. I'm sure Des has a good answer for the question.

I'll probably order the Samsons then. Out of curiosity, why are these better than the Koss without an amp?

Also, how much would a low end amp and DAC set me back?

FiiO E10, can be had for about $70 from various stores online.
Amazon thoroughly inspects their used headphones that they sell directly, correct? I'm kind of feeling like I should have ordered my M50s brand new due to all of the fakes available. I figure that if something seems off when they arrive, I won't have a problem returning them at least.


Amazon thoroughly inspects their used headphones that they sell directly, correct? I'm kind of feeling like I should have ordered my M50s brand new due to all of the fakes available. I figure that if something seems off when they arrive, I won't have a problem returning them at least.

If it's "Amazon Fulfilled" or what-have-you, then you should be fine.

Yes, there are a lot of fakes out there...
Amazon thoroughly inspects their used headphones that they sell directly, correct? I'm kind of feeling like I should have ordered my M50s brand new due to all of the fakes available. I figure that if something seems off when they arrive, I won't have a problem returning them at least.
I always check the company's website to make sure the seller is authorized. Amazon's usually fine, as long as it isn't through a third party seller.


I think the DT770 Pro's would probably fit your needs. They are a little warm sounding, much like the Porta Pros, but offer a little more bass.

Alternatively, if you're looking for loads more bass, and want a more forward mid range and high end, you might look to the Ultrasone HFI-580's or HFI-780's. They lack the comfort and isolation of the DT770 Pro's, but many people would describe them as being more fun to listen to, especially with rock and metal.
Thanks to you and Des for the feedback. After much reading up on Head-fi, I think I'm going grab a pair of Denon D2000 for bass heavy music and a pair of Alessandro Ms2i for metal. Going way over budget, but they are both going to get plenty of use and from reading around, it sounds like they'd be a good contrast with each other. FYI, for anyone interested, I ordered the D2000s off of J&R Music for $210 but they are back ordered at the moment. Thanks again. Threads like these are why Gaf is an awesome place.


Junior Member
Rah, waiting for my new pair of Blox M2C buds. Yeah, the same I fried by plugging them into a wrong jack in a plane.

The only properly resolving buds in term of layering I have heard.... my Shatter OST&Co need you!!

edit: DT770 warm sounding?? The tzreble is pretty raspy, nothing like the Porta Pro, where it's more smooth and soft.


Didn't like what my PC's on-board sound was offering so I decided to jump the gun on a sound card, specifically ASUS' Xonar STX. Since I'm getting an upgrade, I'd thought it be time to upgrade my headphones. Currently I have a pair of Sennheiser HD 280s that I've had for 5 or so years and a new-ish pair of Sony MDR-EX600s.

There will be plenty of gaming, movies/tv shows, but most of my listening will be music. Listen to a variety of stuff but hip-hop will be the main focus. Since this will be an important investment and something that will never leave the PC, I can spend a little more, somewhere in the $300 range.

Side-note, is that specific sound card overkill? Should I get something else and use that money for the pair of cans instead?
Nobody knows anything about these?

Do be aware that Etymotics phones tend to be extremely neutral, and as a consequence, clinical sounding phones. You won't feel bass if that's important to you, they'll have zero impact, but the bass that's there (low quantity) will sound extremely clean. They'll sound good with classical, and acoustic music, but something like rock, hip hop, pop etc. would be better served by phones that are warmer. Also, be aware that Etymotics are unforgiving with poor recordings, so if your music is really compressed, suffers from poor mastering etc. it'll sound bad.


^ Hahaha, what the are the chances?

HiRes, safe to assume that the 900s have great lows?

Edit: After some quick searching, yes, yes it does. These look like right up my alley. Have you used these before, HiRes?

They looked kinda small on Adorama but after looking up more pictures, they look perfect. By the way, greatly appreciate your help!


Naw only had them on for one session. Also keep in mind this was when I listening to Beyerdynamic DT770s everyday, which are like fucking pillows on your head. The Pro 900s definitely sounded better though.


Naw only had them on for one session. Also keep in mind this was when I listening to Beyerdynamic DT770s everyday, which are like fucking pillows on your head. The Pro 900s definitely sounded better though.

Haha, I feel like I would have to listen to Drake exclusively when I wear those. :p

But seriously, I think I'm going to bite. I want to order now so they can get here as soon as possible. Find it hilarious how electronics can get me all excited.

Thanks a lot, man!
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