Rubx posted this back in June but its now released (according to amazon back in may). Looks pretty awesome.
Rubx posted this back in June but its now released (according to amazon back in may). Looks pretty awesome.
it’s about the same price (50 bucks cheaper) than the Fostex HP-P1, which does the same thing.
the main difference is that this V mode thing is iPhone 4/4S only due to the shape. the fostex amp/dac is carried separately (this seems like a big plus as you can use it with future iPods, iPads, etc).
then, of course, we have no idea how the v mode vamp actually sounds. the fostex has gotten good reviews for SQ. I have less confidence in Vmoda to match the SQ.
Rubx posted this back in June but its now released (according to amazon back in may). Looks pretty awesome.
Was listening to my Senneihser 555s today and I noticed distortion during lows, mostly hiphop stuff.
I unplugged my headphones from my amp and directly into my ipod. Still distorted.
Wondering if it could just be the ipod, I hooked my 555s into my pc. Still distorted.
Pretty bummed. I have no know-how when it comes to fixing these sort of things and pretty upset that I won't be able to replace them for months. I've wanted to upgrade for a while but have been hesitant due to being completely broke for the past few months.
I have a pair of those which I haven't used in a while. They don't do bass well and will distort/rattle on songs with a lot of bass.
Thanks for the reply. Sorta kinda comforted, but its only in the left side. What would you recommend as a 555 upgrade?
For a bass heads, I'd usually recommend something like the Denon series (D2000, D5000, D7000) depending on budget, as they're top notch in that department and have no trouble with any hiphop, but I'm assuming you're going to be traveling with these and the cords are far too long to use them for anything but desktop headphones.
What's your budget for an upgrade? I'm sure we can find you something.
Around $200. The bass on the 555s was my biggest complaint, but I loved the amount of clarity and detail, would be a little reluctant to sacrifice either for the sake of bass.
I do listen to a fair amount of hip hop but also listen to tons of punk/indie
Haven't visited this thread in a while, but what the fuck is up with the TMA-1s? I would have thought their price would have gone down by now...
Haven't visited this thread in a while, but what the fuck is up with the TMA-1s? I would have thought their price would have gone down by now...
Headphone prices rarely drop.
Got my flat ear pads for my Grado's today. They definitely make a noticeable difference in both bass quality and overall comfort. I wear glasses and the stock pads were pinching me a bit, but changing out to flat pads distributes the pressure to a wider area and thus increases comfort without pinching my ears against my glasses.
So, I'd say the rule of thumb for these is, if you wear glasses and/or want better bass, go for flat pads.
Rocking etymotic er4-p for on the go and grado ps1000 for at home. No complaints.
Damn you are living the life, and you can eat prime rib whenever you want? Jeez
I'm a bit of an audiophile. The top prime rib joint in DC is off K street where all the high end lobbyists, non profits, contractors, and NGO's keep offices. I work... off K street. Not whenever I want but I eat out on works dime at least two days a week in the area.
A guy gives you a compliment and you respond with a question mark, and a seemingly defensive explanation...?
Gonna go for the jvc's
Thanks anyway audiophile gaf
As far as comfort goes, there's not a better headphone than the XB500/XB700's.
Personally I'd go for the XB700's, if you can find a pair within your budget (prices have been all over the place lately) since they have a larger soundstage than the XB500's, and that's definitely going to be better for games.
PX100's are super comfy.
Yeah the XB??? series is like ear muffs and they are heavy.
Super dangerous to have heavy phones.The XB500's aren't my favorite headphone ever, but I still think they are pretty good, especially for the $50 price range. Obviously the bass is the focus on them, but their mids and highs aren't terribly recessed.
And I don't know how your ears can get too sweaty, since they do have air vents, but I've heard the complain before. I personally never had a problem with it though.
Still, I really would recommend the XB700's over them. Ear pads are larger, so they are even more comfortable, and have a little bit of a spiked treble range, which gives them a little bit more energetic sound. And, again, the soundstage is much larger.
I never got the complaint about heavy headphones. Do some people just have super skinny necks that have trouble holding up their heads? Even orthodynamics like the HE-500's or LCD-2's I could see myself wearing for hours at a time.
I never got the complaint about heavy headphones. Do some people just have super skinny necks that have trouble holding up their heads? Even orthodynamics like the HE-500's or LCD-2's I could see myself wearing for hours at a time.
Not over ear enough, that's the silliest thing I've ever heard. The Koss are by far the best headphones you listed, though they require a bit of amping to reach their full potential.Hello Headphone-GAF,
I've been doing a bit of looking around and thinking, and I was hoping some you guys might help.
I'm always the kind to really get some opinions before I drop money on something like this.
What I need, is basically over-ear, closed headphones. Price around £60/$100.
I will be using them for gaming/music so a good all rounder in terms of sound I guess.
And I will be wearing them for a long time, so comfort is quite important. I could be wearing them all day at my desk. Hence the over-ear aspect, on-ear headphones make my ears hurt after a while. I feel I have pretty normal sized ears though.
(also, I'm a sucker for a nice slick looking pair of headphones)
I've been looking at:
Any Senn 429/39/49 seem about right (WHY ARE THERE SO MANY)
(I tried a friends 555's and they were super comfy)
Koss proDJ100s
(got from OP, but I'm worried they wont be 'over-ear-enough')
Sony XB500s
Creative Aurana Lives
Shure SRH240s (these look pretty slick)
Edit- Also looked in Fisher Audio ones, they look great, and nice prices too.... out of stock.
Basically I was hoping someone might be able to say, "Those sucked" or "Those were really comfy", or make any other suggestions I might have missed.
Appreciate any help guys, Thanks.
Hifiman HE-400 are only $399Ok head-phone GAF - please advise me.
I've got a pair of Sennheiser HD380 pro's and have been very happy with them (i run them off a Sony A829 Walkman) and love the sound quality and noise cancelling ability.
I am looking for a new pair to use at home - where I don't have to be worried regarding other people hearing what I'm listening to (I'm a conscientious commuter!)
So, what are the best sounding headphones for around $500?
Has anyone ordered from Woo Audio in the past? How long did it take him to ship your amp?
Got my flat ear pads for my Grado's today. They definitely make a noticeable difference in both bass quality and overall comfort. I wear glasses and the stock pads were pinching me a bit, but changing out to flat pads distributes the pressure to a wider area and thus increases comfort without pinching my ears against my glasses.
So, I'd say the rule of thumb for these is, if you wear glasses and/or want better bass, go for flat pads.
Not over ear enough, that's the silliest thing I've ever heard. The Koss are by far the best headphones you listed, though they require a bit of amping to reach their full potential.
I meant purely as a size thing. They appear round in shape and I read several people saying they pressed on their ears a bit. I could be wearing these for a long time is all, I'm just worried about getting anything that is uncomfy.
Also I won't be using an amp (I might get one in the future, but I can't afford one now). Is it likely to make a huge difference without using one?
When you say a "size" thing, do you mean you want them to be huge like the Beyer DTs?
I had a pair of Klipsch S4's. Loved them. Only IEM's I could deal with comfort-wise out of the ones I tried. They're now missing, I believe they fell out of my pocket and someone scooped them up. It has been awhile, though...has anything else come out in the budget IEM range that I should look at? Comfort is my main concern. Buying a pair and making them comfortable with foam tips is a no-go, I tried Comply and they need to be replaced way too fast (I blame my gross ear canals, they output metric tons of wax.)
Is there a rough price ratio for amps to headphones? Like, if you buy 500 dollar headphones, you should be looking at 100 dollar amps, then 50 for $250 headphones? Or is that too difficult to do since portable amps are different than desktop amps?
there are tons of good cheap IEMs, what kind of genres do you favor?
I'd definitely check out the V Sonic GR06. Or you can hear to headfi and check out Joker's huge 244 IEM comparison thread and look at listings in your price range