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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


Buying a pair and making them comfortable with foam tips is a no-go, I tried Comply and they need to be replaced way too fast (I blame my gross ear canals, they output metric tons of wax.)

Keep a box of q-tips in your bathroom, use them after your shower. Problem solved, and your ears will be more comfortable.

I'd definitely check out the V Sonic GR06

Never heard them, but I'm on here and Head-Fi a lot and these are a very popular reply to the question... just backing up Dynamite.

Is there a rough price ratio for amps to headphones? Like, if you buy 500 dollar headphones, you should be looking at 100 dollar amps, then 50 for $250 headphones? Or is that too difficult to do since portable amps are different than desktop amps?

I really think it all depends on what you get. There are expensive amps that aren't worth it, and there are cheap amps worth much more.

Just by judging my favorite amp/headphone combinations... for cans it's gotta be close to 50%.

Spend $1200 on some GS1000s, spend $600 on a WA6...
Spend $600 on some RS1s, spend $300 on the O2/ODAC...

For IEMs, at least anything under $250, I wouldn't say they need anything more than an E6 (gasp!)

Mostly alternative, some electronic, lots of talk podcasts :/

I really like MonoPrice's offerings for those types of audio, honestly. The only other under $100 pair of IEMs I've found that are worth the money is the Altec Lansing UHP326's, but they're discontinued and wouldn't work well with electronic music.


Mostly alternative, some electronic, lots of talk podcasts :/

Meelectronic A161P or if you want to save some money the GR06, though you will have to wait a bit for them to ship. The strong mid-range and vocal clarity of the A161 should make it ideal. Also armature designs handle the speed of electronics rather well.

I had a pair of Klipsch S4's. Loved them. Only IEM's I could deal with comfort-wise out of the ones I tried. They're now missing, I believe they fell out of my pocket and someone scooped them up. It has been awhile, though...has anything else come out in the budget IEM range that I should look at? Comfort is my main concern. Buying a pair and making them comfortable with foam tips is a no-go, I tried Comply and they need to be replaced way too fast (I blame my gross ear canals, they output metric tons of wax.)

I'd actually recommend the GR02 Bass Edition, considering the sound signature of the S4, which is fairly V-Shaped

I meant purely as a size thing. They appear round in shape and I read several people saying they pressed on their ears a bit. I could be wearing these for a long time is all, I'm just worried about getting anything that is uncomfy.

Also I won't be using an amp (I might get one in the future, but I can't afford one now). Is it likely to make a huge difference without using one?

Well if you're not going to amp then I'd give the edge to the Creative Aurvana Lives in terms of sound performance, which are also light and fairly comfy...However, I think they feel rather fragile. May I also suggest the CAD MH310


Saw this and thought of this thread. I think I've done at least half of these without realizing it :lol



Alright, I am in need of headphone advice. I read the OP, but it's a lot of information and it's tough to try to imagine how something sounds. My cheap Sony MDR-NSC "noise-canceling" headphones only work in one ear and I've been going that way for about a month.

I'm willing to spend $130-$200, but if you have a good suggestion for cheaper I'm all for it. I think I'd prefer "open" headphones, but I don't think I've ever had a pair like that. How bad is the sound leak into the room? I don't want to be the guy on the bus who makes everyone listen to his music. I just like livelier sound and the fact that they generally look more portable.

I don't know how big of an issue this is at the higher price end, but I don't want a pair of headphones that advertise having "bass boost" or any gimmick like that. I am not against bass, but I'd prefer to have the music sound as close to the original intentions as possible.

I will be using them at the computer for the majority of the time, but also on the bus and biking, so the gigantic noise canceling ones are out of the question.

Saw this and thought of this thread. I think I've done at least half of these without realizing it :lol


You have to watch this.
Hey guys, I just got for an amp the FiiO E11, but the shielding on it is so poor that anytime my phone uses the Wifi, a lot of static is created. Is this a known problem with the FiiO E11? Will I encounter this problem with any amp? Is there a way to shield the amp so that when my phone uses Wifi or cellular (such as when I use iTunes Match on the phone), it doesn't fill the headphones with static?


Alright, I am in need of headphone advice. I read the OP, but it's a lot of information and it's tough to try to imagine how something sounds. My cheap Sony MDR-NSC "noise-canceling" headphones only work in one ear and I've been going that way for about a month.

I'm willing to spend $130-$200, but if you have a good suggestion for cheaper I'm all for it. I think I'd prefer "open" headphones, but I don't think I've ever had a pair like that. How bad is the sound leak into the room? I don't want to be the guy on the bus who makes everyone listen to his music. I just like livelier sound and the fact that they generally look more portable.

I don't know how big of an issue this is at the higher price end, but I don't want a pair of headphones that advertise having "bass boost" or any gimmick like that. I am not against bass, but I'd prefer to have the music sound as close to the original intentions as possible.

I will be using them at the computer for the majority of the time, but also on the bus and biking, so the gigantic noise canceling ones are out of the question.

You have to watch this.

Sounds like the Sennheiser HD25-1 II's would be right up your alley.

Open headphones leak just as if you had little speakers attached to your head, so if you were on a bus you would likely bother people. Not to mention the sound of the bus would overpower your music, making you need to turn up the volume, causing even more problems!

The HD25's would prevent that. They isolate extremely well, and are very portable. Their overall sound is pretty balanced, so I think you would be quite pleased with them.


Neo Member
Hey headphone gaf Just curious if any of you have any experience with the fiio e7? Thinking of picking one up to go along with my grado 125s. Eventually I would like to get the e9 dock to combine with the e7 for home listening. Any thoughts or recs for possibly a better portable alternative? Thanks in advance!


E7 is ok. Not the best sq but ok for the price considering it has a battery for use on a laptop. If you don't need the battery or dac, and want to stick to a budget, get the e11. Or e10 for amp and usb dac but no battery. They both have better sq than the e7.

But I would not recommend an E9 for the grados because of the relatively high 10 ohm output impedance. That has a tendency to provide less
Control and flabby bass. The e9 works better with higher impedance headphones over 100 ohms.

Plus the sr125 doesn't have high amping requirements.
So I'm here at Best Buy and they're selling the Beatport versions of the TMA-1s. Granted, I'm not super fond of headphones that rest over my ears, but I've been wanting to buy a pair of TMA-1s for a while and I don't really think having a mic is really that important for these.

So tempted right now...

Also, I'll be using a Fiio e6 to drive them until I get a new amp.


Hey headphone gaf Just curious if any of you have any experience with the fiio e7? Thinking of picking one up to go along with my grado 125s. Eventually I would like to get the e9 dock to combine with the e7 for home listening. Any thoughts or recs for possibly a better portable alternative? Thanks in advance!

My advice on the E7: Just get the E10.


Asking for a friend: is there a DAC/Amp that supports 7.1 & DTS? Mine is the NuForce Icon HDP but I'm pretty sure it doesn't do that.

He has the Astro amp but looking for a pumped up amp that's not just good enough. Any recommendations?

Witchfinder General

punched Wheelchair Mike

99.9% of DACs out there are two-channel types. The DACs on home cinema amps decode DTS/DD but the sound quality is usually serviceable at best unless we're talking processors from the likes of Bryston, Anthem, etc.

Besides, if your friend is using headphones then stereo is all he's going to be taking advantage of.


I literally know nothing about headphones and could use help with some recs. I've been using Klipsch S4i for a while but they broke. I did like them but I'm wondering if there are any better IEMs out there in the price range of $80-140. Available in or ships to Canada. Looking for something that won't break too easily and would prefer if it had a thicker cord but it isn't necessary. I generally listen to electro, hip hop, and folk but I listen to pretty much everything. Thank you in advance~


Wouldn't mind some help myself. I recently had to ditch my IEMs and would love some input on replacements. I just haven't had the time to spend doing the homework yet. So I was hoping for some advice.

The majority of the time I am using my ATH AD700s, largely for gaming and movies. Sometimes though I need the isolation, and there is the fact that wearing the AD700s well... anywhere outside of my house is a bit silly feeling.

So I had my Soundmagic PL30s. Lucked out that a local shop carried them and I had heard decent things. To be honest, I was very happy with them. Used them a lot for PSP and more recently for Vita. Sadly the casing near the I-plug came loose and the plug itself started to, well, basically flop around. I managed to get it close to fixed with some heat-shrunk tubing, but it just isn't going to last.

So there you go, looking for another budget set of IEMs with the same level of comfort, maybe a bit more isolation, rubber and foam tips, or with the ability to use Comply tips. I have heard the Monoprice IEMs tossed around, and was looking into those, but very welcome to a few options for me to look at. Readily available online (in the states myself) can't hurt either.

Oh, since 'budget' is relative, I will say the PL30s were around $50 when I grabbed them a while ago, so around there is fine.


Wouldn't mind some help myself. I recently had to ditch my IEMs and would love some input on replacements. I just haven't had the time to spend doing the homework yet. So I was hoping for some advice.

The majority of the time I am using my ATH AD700s, largely for gaming and movies. Sometimes though I need the isolation, and there is the fact that wearing the AD700s well... anywhere outside of my house is a bit silly feeling.

So I had my Soundmagic PL30s. Lucked out that a local shop carried them and I had heard decent things. To be honest, I was very happy with them. Used them a lot for PSP and more recently for Vita. Sadly the casing near the I-plug came loose and the plug itself started to, well, basically flop around. I managed to get it close to fixed with some heat-shrunk tubing, but it just isn't going to last.

So there you go, looking for another budget set of IEMs with the same level of comfort, maybe a bit more isolation, rubber and foam tips, or with the ability to use Comply tips. I have heard the Monoprice IEMs tossed around, and was looking into those, but very welcome to a few options for me to look at. Readily available online (in the states myself) can't hurt either.

Oh, since 'budget' is relative, I will say the PL30s were around $50 when I grabbed them a while ago, so around there is fine.

Soundmagic makes good shit, you could probably find PL50s for that price now. These would be my pick, but you're gonna have to wait for them to ship from singapore. Otherwise these are steal, but you need to order fast.


Damn it Des (and thank you!) The Vsonics were some that I had my eye on, I was half hoping you wouldn't mention them haha.

Since I am not in a hurry, I may just go with them regardless of the wait/shipping. I like the uh... sound of their heavier sound. Seems like it will be perfect for what I plan on using them for. I don't tend to go over ear with my IEMs so not being able to do that with this won't hurt. Oh, and I can get some Comply 400s for em. =)

Great advice as always (I have lurked this thread for a while now, only recently getting approval) and I have rarely if ever seen you steer anyone wrong. Thank you.


Hi, so I'm looking for some earbuds or in ear that have inline controls for music on Android. So far the only ones i can find are the Klipsch Image S4A. The thing is they only have one button and you need app to use said button. Is there anything that works well that has volume and track skip buttons for Android. I'm looking to stay in the $80 to $100 range.


whats the difference between the sport fi and the regular ones? i dont really need the arm band if thats whats causing the price increase. the M6-BK are about 30 bucks cheaper

i dont know anything about this brand, are they durable and long lasting?

They are supposedly sweat resistant as well and have a better cord.

Hi, so I'm looking for some earbuds or in ear that have inline controls for music on Android. So far the only ones i can find are the Klipsch Image S4A. The thing is they only have one button and you need app to use said button. Is there anything that works well that has volume and track skip buttons for Android. I'm looking to stay in the $80 to $100 range.

Meelectronics A161P
Hey guys, I just got for an amp the FiiO E11, but the shielding on it is so poor that anytime my phone uses the Wifi, a lot of static is created. Is this a known problem with the FiiO E11? Will I encounter this problem with any amp? Is there a way to shield the amp so that when my phone uses Wifi or cellular (such as when I use iTunes Match on the phone), it doesn't fill the headphones with static?

Thought I'd quote myself. Did I just get a bum amp, or is this a known issue with the FiiO? And, is there any way I can shield it better myself?
Thought I'd quote myself. Did I just get a bum amp, or is this a known issue with the FiiO? And, is there any way I can shield it better myself?

This is a known problem with amps in general, portable or not. My Leckerton is $280 and it still suffers from EMI. Just set your phone to airplane mode while you use the amp I guess is all you can do really


Neo Member
Does anyone know of a good pair of headphones (fine with any price) that comes with a high quality microphone, that won't pick up your breath? I need one to make gaming commentaries on youtube.
Also is is possible to have a detachable mic on a pair of headphones? That would be sick


My Meelectronics CC51p broke after just having them for a year.

Of course it was my own fault. Phone accidentally jumped out of my pocket and the buds where to tightly fitted in my ears so one just broke off and stayed inside my ear -.-

Is this still the go-to IEM with a microphone for under $100?
I see that amazon.com is having a sale on them, but i risk of getting hit with VAT then.

Any recommendations is welcomed. Preferably being available in Europe.
I listen to mostly electronic dance music (with some pop in between).
My Meelectronics CC51p broke after just having them for a year.

Of course it was my own fault. Phone accidentally jumped out of my pocket and the buds where to tightly fitted in my ears so one just broke off and stayed inside my ear -.-

Is this still the go-to IEM with a microphone for under $100?
I see that amazon.com is having a sale on them, but i risk of getting hit with VAT then.

Any recommendations is welcomed. Preferably being available in Europe.
I listen to mostly electronic dance music (with some pop in between).

Talk to MeElec. Send them an email, and see if they'll cover the pair. Its worth a try before you buy another one.


Talk to MeElec. Send them an email, and see if they'll cover the pair. Its worth a try before you buy another one.

Reading up on their site, it basically tells me to contact the retailer, which isn't located in my country.
I would provide a picture but i'm too lazy at the moment, but you could clearly see it's damage from misuse. The hassle of opening up a dispute with the retailer, sending it off shore only to be denied is something that isn't worth it.
I even think sending them back and forth would at least be the cost of half of what i payed for them in the first place.


Also, is there maybe any other durable option for me that i could wear with a hat or cap?
I figured only iems are the only option but any other tip would be nice.
I wouldn't mind skipping the microphone but a control on the cable is really necessary.
Whenever i can't be arsed fixing my hair i usually just wear a cap and having standard headphones together with that looks awful.
Reading up on their site, it basically tells me to contact the retailer, which isn't located in my country.
I would provide a picture but i'm too lazy at the moment, but you could clearly see it's damage from misuse. The hassle of opening up a dispute with the retailer, sending it off shore only to be denied is something that isn't worth it.
I even think sending them back and forth would at least be the cost of half of what i payed for them in the first place.

If you bought them through an authorized dealer, which are listed on the site, then they'll honor the one-year warranty. If they honor it, they'll either tell you to ship them out or destroy them and take a pic of them. After destroying them, they'll send you a new pair. I would at the very least see if you bought them through a dealer, and then send them an email. It might save you some money. They've been great to me over the years.
Damn, my Monster Turbines which I've been using regularly as my gym/go-to earbuds busted; the right ear channel doesn't work without cutting in and out depending on the movement of the string.
Is ther any hope in getting these fixed? I've had them about 1.5 years.
Otherwise, are there any other earbuds that compare?

I have the Ultimate Ear triple-fi 10's that I rarely use and dont have the intention on using those as my "gym headphones"

Or should I just buy another pair of the turbines?


If you bought them through an authorized dealer, which are listed on the site, then they'll honor the one-year warranty. If they honor it, they'll either tell you to ship them out or destroy them and take a pic of them. After destroying them, they'll send you a new pair. I would at the very least see if you bought them through a dealer, and then send them an email. It might save you some money. They've been great to me over the years.

Well i'll give it a shot but i'm not being hopeful.

In the mean time any recommendations would be helpful!


Man, I put my K271's up for trade on Head-fi, and I'm starting to think I couldn't give these things away! They just don't get much love, which seems weird to me, because I think they are a fantastic headphone, and much better than a lot of $150 headphones out there. I'll see them sell for as low as $75 used, which is absolutely absurd.


All you had to do was look above you...

Oh, are you talking about the A161P? I was under the impression that they didn't have a mic, but obviously i missed it.
Sorry about that!
I blame my hangover.

Since i tend to go through a pair of iem's a year, would there be anything that would be more durable that you could wear together with a hat? I remember seeing those headphones that would go back on your neck instead of over your head.


Been reading a bit about the Vsonic Gr06. They seem amazing. Looks nearly impossible to get a hold of in europe though.


Thought I'd quote myself. Did I just get a bum amp, or is this a known issue with the FiiO? And, is there any way I can shield it better myself?

It happens. Though I can't remember the last time it did on the e11 for me..I remember the e5 being really bad. Maybe if u wrap the amp in tin foil?


Wow! I just got an email from Meelectronics and all i have to do is provide them with a picture that i have severed the cable so the iem's is unusable and they will send out a replacement right away!

I didn't actually think they would accept that seeing as it was my own fault they broke but great customer service goes a long way.
I might actually take up on their offer to get the A161P for a reduced price instead, depending on how much they will cost.

Thanks for the tip, The Big Rig!


Thank you! Have never heard of either of these IEMs and am still undecided. Both have good reviews. Oh, I forgot to mention that I only have the S4i because it was the same price as the S4. I don't actually use the mic control feature. Would that make a difference in your recs?

Nope, lol.


Junior Member
My friend is looking to get a headset for <$120. I recommended a used sennheiserPc350. What do you guys think?
Wow, this has become really inexpensive compared to 2 years ago.
Perfect recommendation if you want closed. Though the 360 supposedly sounds much better.
Loving my Sony XBA-4. Have had them for over a month now and can't believe how good they sound. Fantastic bass (which I care about most), clean mids and highs. Love em.


Loving my Sony XBA-4. Have had them for over a month now and can't believe how good they sound. Fantastic bass (which I care about most), clean mids and highs. Love em.

I wonder how these compare to their other flagship given their armature design. The MDR-EX1000 is pretty much loved by all.


Hey guys, I've been using the HD 650 with the JVC Victor SUD-H1 for about a year now. The Victor unit I've owned for about 3 years.

Question- is there a good alternative to the Victor? Something which gives decent simulated surround sound. Although I've been happy with its performance, part of me thinks that it might be time for an upgrade.


Hey guys, I've been using the HD 650 with the JVC Victor SUD-H1 for about a year now. The Victor unit I've owned for about 3 years.

Question- is there a good alternative to the Victor? Something which gives decent simulated surround sound. Although I've been happy with its performance, part of me thinks that it might be time for an upgrade.

ASUS Xonar Essence One DAC & Headphone Amplifier
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