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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


anybody got an opinion on the TMA-1's? Been wanting a pair for a while now...





I've been pretty vocal here about what I think of them. For the price, I think you can do much better, namely the Sennheiser HD25's.

Their mids and highs are just too recessed for me to like them. They are a little like listening to music with pillows covering your ears. Just completely muffled and lacking any real detail.


You haven't mentioned if these are 'listen in private' or open headphones, or portable / listen in the office or closed headphones. The difference is in the amount of sound they leak. Generally open headphones sound better for a given amount of money. Also, you don't say what you will be driving them from. I would say the Grado 225s are not a bad choice - I own a pair myself, but I'd also consider Beyer DT-880s (semi-open) and Sennheiser HD-600s, but these will do better with an amp. Actually all headphones sound better from a good amp, but to varying degrees.

For closed headphones, the now on pre-order V-Moda M-100 is generating a lot of buzz... (of the good kind).

I will be listening to these in private as well as at my work office and some places that are generally quiet so I would like a pair of head phones that other people won't hear what I'm listening to. I cannot use an amp at work but I will use one in private at my house.

I know a little bit about closed and open but is it generally one leaks more sound from outside sources like people talking?


And my opinion of them is also known. Kukuk is completely off the rocker. They may be dark headphones, but the detail is fantastic. The mids are strong. The highs aren't going to be Grados but no duh.

Now, are they worth $225? No. I'd suggest over-ears instead of on-ears if you need quiet headphones in the office.
I will be listening to these in private as well as at my work office and some places that are generally quiet so I would like a pair of head phones that other people won't hear what I'm listening to. I cannot use an amp at work but I will use one in private at my house.

I know a little bit about closed and open but is it generally one leaks more sound from outside sources like people talking?
HD-25s are also closed. If you are going to be commuting, I'd suggest the TMA-1s. If you're not and just leaving them around, I'd suggest an over-ear unit as they'll be more comfortable for long durations than a portable on-ear pair.


And my opinion of them is also known. Kukuk is completely off the rocker. They may be dark headphones, but the detail is fantastic. The mids are strong. The highs aren't going to be Grados but no duh.

Now, are they worth $225? No. I'd suggest over-ears instead of on-ears if you need quiet headphones in the office.

HD-25s are also closed. If you are going to be commuting, I'd suggest the TMA-1s. If you're not and just leaving them around, I'd suggest an over-ear unit as they'll be more comfortable for long durations than a portable on-ear pair.

Okay, but which pair sounds the best. Sound Quality is more important than any of the other features.


Still under warranty? Call up sennheiser?

Unless the warranty lasts like 5+ years, nope.

I'm going to have to fix this by hand. I just don't know what materials I'd need to do so. I'm hoping someone else has fixed a similar issue in the past.

Would jamming the wires back in and hot-gluing it all together work?
Unless the warranty lasts like 5+ years, nope.

I'm going to have to fix this by hand. I just don't know what materials I'd need to do so. I'm hoping someone else has fixed a similar issue in the past.

Would jamming the wires back in and hot-gluing it all together work?
It'd be a terribly finite solution. I'd strip the wires on both ends so they're of even length, reterminate and resolder. It's not that difficult
I dunno, I see people praising the earpods but my wife just got a pair and I thought they sounded pretty bad. They sounded too heavy and muddy. No highs/mids. Definitely an improvement over the old shitty Apple headphones, but I think its just the better seal in your ear. She loves them though, and they are only $30 so whatevs.
Hey just a quick pop in here to see if anyone had recommendations around a specific set of criteria. So I'm looking in that $60 to $200 range that we have in the OP, but with a couple of specific requirements:

  • Durability - These will get tossed in and out of messenger bags and what not. My current pair has shredding ear cups and the plastic headband has broken in a couple of places.
  • Closed - With good reduction of outside sound. I like to be isolated, work can be noisy so sometimes I pop them on even without music on to just help focus.
  • Comfort (w/Glasses) - Over the ears can always feel a bit funny with glasses on, but one thing I like about the Sennheiser HD 280 Pros that I'm replacing is that they are big, soft, and squishy enough to still feel alright when I have glasses on.

Anything fit that bill? As I mentioned I'm currently using HD 280 Pros, I've enjoyed them, but they are like 6-7 years old and are getting a bit worn, so I'd like to retire them to home and have a new pair to go back and forth to the office with.
anybody got an opinion on the TMA-1's? Been wanting a pair for a while now...

Would recommend you look elsewhere if sound quality is important, the best way I can describe these are less stylish Beats by Dre.

Lopsided doesn't even begin to describe these cans. There is actually very little sub-bass at all on these and if there is, it's completely overshadowed by the massive thumping of the mid-bass. This bleeds terribly up into the mids making them sound even more veiled than they already are. Treble is almost non-existent and will give you a headache if you try to listen for it. This is backed up by headphone measurements.

The worst part about the TMA-1s is that they are bad at pretty much any price. You can get considerably better headphones, with better bass to boot, at $50 or perhaps even less. Let us know if you want a rec and what your budget is.

Hey just a quick pop in here to see if anyone had recommendations around a specific set of criteria. So I'm looking in that $60 to $200 range that we have in the OP, but with a couple of specific requirements:

  • Durability - These will get tossed in and out of messenger bags and what not. My current pair has shredding ear cups and the plastic headband has broken in a couple of places.
  • Closed - With good reduction of outside sound. I like to be isolated, work can be noisy so sometimes I pop them on even without music on to just help focus.
  • Comfort (w/Glasses) - Over the ears can always feel a bit funny with glasses on, but one thing I like about the Sennheiser HD 280 Pros that I'm replacing is that they are big, soft, and squishy enough to still feel alright when I have glasses on.

Anything fit that bill? As I mentioned I'm currently using HD 280 Pros, I've enjoyed them, but they are like 6-7 years old and are getting a bit worn, so I'd like to retire them to home and have a new pair to go back and forth to the office with.

Sounds like another rec for the V-Moda M-80s.

Failing that, you might like the gorgeous Phiaton MS 400s.

EDIT: I don't wear glasses, so I can't really suggest over-ear phones, someone else may be able to help if those are what you're looking.
I'll just add to Hix's recommendation by saying on ear cans are more likely to be uncomfortable with glasses. When I wear my m-80's with glasses, I move the arms above my ears a bit. Not a big deal though.


I know I've talked about these before but I've been using the noontec zoro all week at work with my iphone and it really sounds good. I recommend them to anyone loking for a closed, portable, on-ear headphone under 100 bucks.

I think it's listed at $100 on amazon but you can get it from ebay for around $75 including shipping. that's how I got mine.

I know it might be a bit annoying to some that the design is a total ripoff from the Beats solos but if you can get past that, you'll find the sound is very good. Not the most detailed things in the world but not mushy and slow either. decent bass that's only slightly tipped up (expected worse in a headphone like this) and a smooth midrange and unoffensive treble.

soundstage is not that great and there's a slight grain or echo-ness to the sound that I don't hear from my better headphones. But it's not bothersome unless you A/B them with something better. I might like a little more bass impact from drums but I'm fine with it as is. typically when a cheap headphone tries to get better bass impact, they end up messing up the entire balance. not the case here.

I guess it's just nice to have an on-ear headphone that sounds good without clamping too hard or having bright treble peaks or booming bass. And they're easy enough to drive from an ipod or other portable player.


You haven't mentioned if these are 'listen in private' or open headphones, or portable / listen in the office or closed headphones. The difference is in the amount of sound they leak. Generally open headphones sound better for a given amount of money. Also, you don't say what you will be driving them from. I would say the Grado 225s are not a bad choice - I own a pair myself, but I'd also consider Beyer DT-880s (semi-open) and Sennheiser HD-600s, but these will do better with an amp. Actually all headphones sound better from a good amp, but to varying degrees.

For closed headphones, the now on pre-order V-Moda M-100 is generating a lot of buzz... (of the good kind).

Oh if he wants closed the AKG K550 would be right up his ally considering his genres of choice. Open headphones will leak a shitload.


Is a shitty amplifier better than no amplifier?

Wow, good question.

It depends on the source, and the headphones, I'd say.

Grados, for example, are better off with no amplifier than a poor quality one; but I would say that there are some cans where the quality from marginal amplification is through the roof (there is always a peak, though).


Sony MDR V6. Industry proven for over 10 years. Crazy awesome sound for the price.

My MDR 7506 headphones were the best I've ever owned for sound quality, thinking about buying another pair some day...but uh, they were VERY uncomfortable after a couple hours =/.

Is there any difference in sound quality/comfort between MDR V6 and MDR 7506? They look like practically the same thing..


My MDR 7506 headphones were the best I've ever owned for sound quality, thinking about buying another pair some day...but uh, they were VERY uncomfortable after a couple hours =/.

Is there any difference in sound quality/comfort between MDR V6 and MDR 7506? They look like practically the same thing..

If I am not mistaken, isnt it just the 7506 is coiled cable and the V6 straight?


If I am not mistaken, isnt it just the 7506 is coiled cable and the V6 straight?

Maayyybe. I just looked this up in detail out of boredom and apparently there are differences in the wiring. The comfort issues is still there though...thinking about getting a pair of Sennheiser HD280's instead. I tried a pair on and they were very comfortable. Comfort is important to me because I intend to wear the next pair of headphones I get for hours at a time. They sounded good but I didn't really have the opportunity to test them as much as I would have liked.


Nope, V6 was based on the 7509 which is a larger headphone that fits around the ear and has better bass response. The 7506 just fits against the ear.

So the V6 actually goes around the ear as opposed to against it? That would probably solve the comfort issue I had with the 7506. So now it's a matter of the Sony MDR-V6 vs the Sennheiser HD-280 PRO and what sounds better. Opinions?


I will be listening to these in private as well as at my work office and some places that are generally quiet so I would like a pair of head phones that other people won't hear what I'm listening to. I cannot use an amp at work but I will use one in private at my house.

I know a little bit about closed and open but is it generally one leaks more sound from outside sources like people talking?

I think you are defnintely looking for closed headphones for now - in the future, if your budget expands and you get into one pair for home and another for work / travel, then you could look into an open pair for home use. Open headphones not only allow sounds in (i.e. they do not isolate / seal) they also do not produce a lot of sound for people sitting / standing near you (leak). It's generally the latter issue that's a problem. Grado's are amongst the leakiest and least isolating phones available in this price range.

If your budget is between $200-300, there have been a fleet of new announcements in the last few months for closed / over the ear portable headphones than focus on SQ and style in this price range. I personally think the Sennheiser HD-25-II is the golden standard (and it's been around for a while so you can find a used pair), but there are many challengers. Don't get frozen by indecision, I suggest signing up for head-fi, they have a very active marketplace to buy / sell headphones if you happen to be unsatisfied. Chances are, in the absence of direct comparison phones, you won't be disappointed, as long as you do just a little bit of reading regarding whether phones are neutral / bright / bass-heavy, and that jives with what you are looking for. For my money I'd get either the HD-25 or closely related Amperior, or the new V-Moda M-100.


My Grado iGi's wire is messed up near the plug tip. It doesn't play on one side unless I kinda push it bending one way. How can I fix the wire up? I don't wanna pay for a new earphone.


I'm sure this has been asked hundred of times but going through the thread is rather painfull.

What's the best pair of closed headphones who can play most music (read, no emphasis on bass, even though I listen to a lot of rap, I also listen to Salsa, live performances, french singers and classical music, extra bass kills them) in the 80-130$ price range?

It's important they're closed because I'd rather not disturb my coworkers with my music ;)


I'm sure this has been asked hundred of times but going through the thread is rather painfull.

What's the best pair of closed headphones who can play most music (read, no emphasis on bass, even though I listen to a lot of rap, I also listen to Salsa, live performances, french singers and classical music, extra bass kills them) in the 80-130$ price range?

It's important they're closed because I'd rather not disturb my coworkers with my music ;)
KRK KNS 8400
Unless the warranty lasts like 5+ years, nope.

I'm going to have to fix this by hand. I just don't know what materials I'd need to do so. I'm hoping someone else has fixed a similar issue in the past.

Would jamming the wires back in and hot-gluing it all together work?

Even if they are out of warranty, I would still call and politely inquire. Sennheiser are pretty cool dudes from what I hear. If not check out Canare cable and the recabling thread over at head-fi.


Looking for $125-200 headphones.

I primarily listen to Rap, but listen to many other genres on occasion. I just want a pair that looks nice, and works well enough in every category. Any recommendations?


slept with Malkin
Looking for $125-200 headphones.

I primarily listen to Rap, but listen to many other genres on occasion. I just want a pair that looks nice, and works well enough in every category. Any recommendations?

Sennheiser HD 25. Amazon has them for $200 right now.
Audio Technica ATHM50


I saw someone write in the pick-up thread that people who don't like Beats are stuck-up and pretentious about headphones...

...or maybe we have ears.

Nope, stuck-up and pretentious.

Dre Beats are decent mid-range headphones priced on the high end. They are worth it if you can get them on discount and appreciate the style. The main problem is just that they are grossly overpriced. Like the Bose of headphones.
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