Any of you guys have a headphone amp/dac you like for your computer? My AKG K702's sound super flat plugged into my Mac Pro. Don't need anything crazy, just daily listening while working type of thing.
Just grab a FiiO E10 for now.
Any of you guys have a headphone amp/dac you like for your computer? My AKG K702's sound super flat plugged into my Mac Pro. Don't need anything crazy, just daily listening while working type of thing.
Just grab a FiiO E10 for now.
You have any experience with that? I was looking at the JDS C421... wondering if its worth springing an extra $130 or so for. I haven't heard anything by FiiO in person.
Ideally, amps and DACs are supposed to be as transparent as possible, so in your case, I'd just EQ to taste.Any of you guys have a headphone amp/dac you like for your computer? My AKG K702's sound super flat plugged into my Mac Pro. Don't need anything crazy, just daily listening while working type of thing.
Anyone?Are these headphones any good? Sennheiser CX 880
Got 'em on sale for $69, regular price is $179 apparently. Should I open them, are they good?
Well I would never pay $179 for them. But I got 'em for $69 and hoping I'm getting a good deal.
$179? Sennheiser iems seem to have terrible valuations relative to everything else performance wise
I'd read that impressions thread. The sibilance out of the box is concerning. Depending on how sensitive you are to that, it might be worth thinking over before opening.Well I would never pay $179 for them. But I got 'em for $69 and hoping I'm getting a good deal.
i got a bose quiet comfort 15 for christmas and its the best thing ever. now im getting curious about the headphone industry.
I've already posted earlier on wanting to upgrade my Creative Aurvana Live headphones, but I'm stuck on two pairs of headphones.
Beyerdynamic Custom One Pro or SoundMAGIC HP100?
I have a Fiio E7 already, if that makes any difference.
Got some Philips CitiScape Uptown headphones for Christmas. Not sure how good they are in the pantheon of headphone quality but they're certainly a big upgrade from the $5 buds I got at Grocery Outlet.
My HD280's have gone to shit for the PC.
Looking for a replacement. Anything good on sale?
Mainly for gaming/youtube.
Klipsch X10s on sale @ amazon....85 bucks!!!!!.
I've never noticed any. Sounds silent when I'm not playing anything.Well when you plug your headphones in is there any distortion or static noise when music isn't playing?
They're good phones, definitely tilted towards mids/bass, not much treble to speak of, and kinda muddy, but super comfy for sure. You could probably do better these days for the money though. The build quality of the X10 doesn't really inspire confidence eitherHow good are these?
I've never noticed any. Sounds silent when I'm not playing anything.
My motherboard was pretty good when I bought it but I have no idea how to compare the quality of onboard soundcards. It's an ASUS P8P67 Deluxe if that makes any difference.You probably have a decent onboard soundcard so I'd say no it's not necessary with those phones...And the whole separate DAC versus integrated DAC is kind of a complicated one, it depends. You'll never really need anything better than say an O2 DAC, while amps are a different story depending upon which phones you have. I like the way my Fischer FA-011's sound with my two hundred dollar EF2A, but they're really power hungry phones that have me considering selling things to upgrade to something more powerful.
All style, very little substance, I'm afraid. My wife bought a pair and trying them on revealed a surprisingly flabby sound. You'd assume a Marshall-branded headphone to be tuned for rock music, but the bass in the Majors is terribly muddy and smears itself across its sound signature. The treble is also weak, if you're looking for a pair of cans for rock music you'll be horribly dissapointed. I actually find these a better fit for dance music, which is rather pathetic, considering the branding.Bömb;45888629 said:![]()
My AKG 480 NC broke recently and I've been looking around for something new. What's the general consensus on the Marshal Majors? They look beautiful enough..
Hmm, of those two only the E10 appears to be available in Canada (and it costs almost twice as much). I think I'll look into the E10 a bit more.Well I mean there's no right or wrong. It depends on the phones you want. Not all higher-end phones are going to be super power-hungry but you'll still probably want to get a budget DAC/Amp combo sooner or later.
You could however get an E10 or Total Bithead in preparation with that money right now.
They're good phones, definitely tilted towards mids/bass, not much treble to speak of, and kinda muddy, but super comfy for sure. You could probably do better these days for the money though. The build quality of the X10 doesn't really inspire confidence either
Adorama has it for $52.99. Not sure how much shipping would be to Canada however.You can get it from head-direct for $78 but obviously you can't use your Amazon card.
Same price range?
For the Majors' pricerange try the V-Moda M-80, much better build quality, more balanced sound. Also quite stylish!
No. I don't mind if they're more or less. Just something good and conformable. A step or 2 up from the 280pro's would be fine. Again, gaming and youtube use only.
I'll be using onboard mobo audio so no sound cards and such.
All style, very little substance, I'm afraid. My wife bought a pair and trying them on revealed a surprisingly flabby sound. You'd assume a Marshall-branded headphone to be tuned for rock music, but the bass in the Majors is terribly muddy and smears itself across its sound signature. The treble is also weak, if you're looking for a pair of cans for rock music you'll be horribly dissapointed. I actually find these a better fit for dance music, which is rather pathetic, considering the branding.
For the Majors' pricerange try the V-Moda M-80, much better build quality, more balanced sound. Also quite stylish!
kinda stupid question, but I'm noticing on my cans and iems that any passages that are bright (ie. cymbal crashes galore), the mid/lows get really annoyingly subdued. Is this an issue with the recording or the headphones/iems? I don't really notice it on my speakers...
Sounds like clipping. I'm guessing it's the recording. Could also be an amping issue, though I'm a bit doubtful since it's happening on iems, which are usually pretty easy to amp. You may not be noticing it on your speakers because they are less revealing than headphones.