Okay, now it have happened, was just about to start up La-Mulana to whip some asses, when the cable to my Beyerdynamic dt250 (80 Ohm) gave up.
The bass is nonexistent and I can't wiggle the cable a bit to get back the sound anymore
Luckily enough, it's very easy to just replace the cable, but there's a catch, the price.
The cable cost freaking
300 SEK (~ $46), which just seems kinda stupid.
I like the headphones very much, but it feels like I could just as well try some new headphones, because honestly, is it worth paying almost half the value of the headphones for just a simple cable?
Looking around in this thread, there seems to be a few excellent choices for sub-$100, even for almost the same price as the replacement cable.
For $60 I can buy that Takstar HI 2050 a few posts back
(thanks HiResDes), which seems very interesting.
Are there any more info/reviews about it? How well do you think it performs compared to dt250?
It seems to lack a bit in bass, which would kinda be a dealbreaker.
Maybe I should just go with a more established brand, like Audio Technica to play it safe?
Not looking to throw my dt250 away, just to buy a new pair of headphones to use until I find a replacement cable for a
reasonable price.
Also want a nice backup pair, so I won't be without headphones like now.