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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


This isn't a headphone question but I figure you guys would have the answer anyway. I'm using a speaker that doesn't have volume control and I was wondering if there was some sort of extra device I could plug it into that would allow me to change the volume.


This isn't a headphone question but I figure you guys would have the answer anyway. I'm using a speaker that doesn't have volume control and I was wondering if there was some sort of extra device I could plug it into that would allow me to change the volume.

LC's right, but what is the setup of the speaker? If it doesn't have a volume control it could be because it can't handle a lot of power and is built accordingly...

Does it have any power ratings written on it anywhere?


LC's right, but what is the setup of the speaker? If it doesn't have a volume control it could be because it can't handle a lot of power and is built accordingly...

Does it have any power ratings written on it anywhere?



I have a dreamcast hooked up a pc monitor but the monitor doesn't have any speakers. I bought this to hook straight into the vga cable. Some games let you adjust the volume in the options menu but most don't and the default level is super loud.


Finally got my K501s traded. Getting a pair of Ultrasone Pro 750s.

I've owned them before, so I know they aren't ideal for my music, but lately I've been playing games and watching movies more than listening to music. Plus, with warm weather coming up, I need a pair of closed headphones so I can have my fan roaring 24/7.

Naturally, I have to fucking wait, because every time I'm expecting something in the mail, it's around a holiday. Least it's not as bad as when I ordered my Little Dot I+, and it was Golden Week in China...


Finally got my K501s traded. Getting a pair of Ultrasone Pro 750s.

I've owned them before, so I know they aren't ideal for my music, but lately I've been playing games and watching movies more than listening to music. Plus, with warm weather coming up, I need a pair of closed headphones so I can have my fan roaring 24/7.

Naturally, I have to fucking wait, because every time I'm expecting something in the mail, it's around a holiday. Least it's not as bad as when I ordered my Little Dot I+, and it was Golden Week in China...
Weren't your K501s worth a bit more.


Weren't your K501s worth a bit more.

I was thinking so, but judging by the offers I was getting, I may have traded up. Most people valued them around $100-120, even with the silver cable. I figure if I get bored of the Ultrasones, I could probably sell them to a friend for like $200, since they are so bassy (and everyone loves bass!)


I recently purchased the Audio-Technica ATH-M50, but am considering sending them back. I just can't seem to get a comfortable fit with them. I replaced the pleather pads with Shure velour pads, but they feel heavy on my head and keep sliding.

Any recommendations in regards to comfort around the same price range?

334's are in the house. Finally getting a bit of time with them. They are very impressive indeed. Won't be able to get in any extensive listening in until Monday. Hope to be able to chime in with some impressions. Suffice to say, they pack a hell of a lot more bass than I was expecting, and the mids have a supremely effortless quality to them, it's a very weighty, powerful sound that makes my Flat-4 sound thin by comparison. They just sound very natural to my ears.
After about a decade of ownership, it seems I've finally done my long-lived set of Sony MDR-V6s in.

I guess I never realized it, but during the 11+ years I had the headphones, I would put the headphones on a table and let the cord and connector just flop on the floor. Turns out if you do this long and often enough, you'll eventually do this to the connector:

The sum of thousands of times I let the audio plug hit the floor. Straightening it out lets me plug it in, but the audio cuts in and out when I move around with it plugged into something.

I thought about buying another set of V6s, but after a decade I guess I can try something different. Tell me about the Audio-Technica ATH-M50s.


334's are in the house. Finally getting a bit of time with them. They are very impressive indeed. Won't be able to get in any extensive listening in until Monday. Hope to be able to chime in with some impressions. Suffice to say, they pack a hell of a lot more bass than I was expecting, and the mids have a supremely effortless quality to them, it's a very weighty, powerful sound that makes my Flat-4 sound thin by comparison. They just sound very natural to my ears.

congrats, you finally got them. very nice!




I have a dreamcast hooked up a pc monitor but the monitor doesn't have any speakers. I bought this to hook straight into the vga cable. Some games let you adjust the volume in the options menu but most don't and the default level is super loud.

Wow, that's a crazy setup you've got there. Instead of buying a preamp, you could just get one of these for the same price, or cheaper in most cases. There's no listing on that Radio Shack link of how many watts that speaker can actually handle, and I'm afraid it might not be that much :(

334's are in the house. Finally getting a bit of time with them. They are very impressive indeed. Won't be able to get in any extensive listening in until Monday. Hope to be able to chime in with some impressions. Suffice to say, they pack a hell of a lot more bass than I was expecting, and the mids have a supremely effortless quality to them, it's a very weighty, powerful sound that makes my Flat-4 sound thin by comparison. They just sound very natural to my ears.

Is the benchmark still the ASGs or are we at a whole different level nowadays?


After about a decade of ownership, it seems I've finally done my long-lived set of Sony MDR-V6s in.

I guess I never realized it, but during the 11+ years I had the headphones, I would put the headphones on a table and let the cord and connector just flop on the floor. Turns out if you do this long and often enough, you'll eventually do this to the connector:

The sum of thousands of times I let the audio plug hit the floor. Straightening it out lets me plug it in, but the audio cuts in and out when I move around with it plugged into something.

I thought about buying another set of V6s, but after a decade I guess I can try something different. Tell me about the Audio-Technica ATH-M50s.

They're worse than the V6s. While they have more bass, and the bass has better extension, it has a tendency to be present when not needed, and the mid range is crap.

A solid upgrade to the V6s is the AKG K271/K272HD. They have a little less bass than the V6s, with similar extension, a much nicer mid range, and smoother treble. Also, considering their closed design, they have pretty nice sound stage. Another nice thing about them, at least the K271 model, is they have a detachable cable (The K271 MKII model comes with 2 cables, and 2 sets of ear pads).

Oh, AND, they're more comfortable than the V6s and M50s, and offer much better isolation.


What sort of price should I expect to pay (in the UK) for something to get me started? I can't tell the difference between £200 headphones and £500 headphones so I don't need anything amazing, but would be looking to spend around £150 ideally. If it's really worth it I'll spend more, but I'm not sure I'll be able to tell the difference. I think Beats audio sounds good, but everyone who knows anything about headphones tell me they suck.
congrats, you finally got them. very nice!

Yeah, really wanna spend some time with them tomorrow during the holiday. Was listening to some New Pornographers, Evangelion 3.0 OST, Cat Power and Random Access Memories last night thru the Kramer DAC and they sounded very good. There's a sense of power and fullness/weight to the midrange that I haven't heard thru any other phone to date, mostly because most phones utilize a TWFK setup for the mids which sounds comparatively thinner as a result.

Is the benchmark still the ASGs or are we at a whole different level nowadays?

You might want to check out this thread here:


Wherein Eke compares the new ASG-2 to the FitEar 334, Flat-4 and Sennheiser IE800. He's gonna be getting in a pair of Rhapsodio RDB+ and maybe the Tralucent 1P2 as well. Long story short, the G-2 can hang with some of the heaviest hitters at about 1/3 the price. I'm going to be getting the G-2 in a few weeks from Aurisonics, so I hope to be doing some comparisons against Flat-4, TG334, Rhapsodio RDB+ 2v1 and perhaps the Tralucent 1p2.


Junior Member
A small review of my new setup

ODAC -> O2 -> Beyerdynamic T1
Oh man, I'm in headphone heaven.


Quick comparison of my FiiO E17 to the ODAC->O2:
This isn't right to do without a proper ABX test, so I didn't try and dwell into it too much. But from some quick changes between them, there's something that's just less harsh, more detailed and more precise about the ODAC -> O2. I haven't been able to say it's night and day, but I haven't tested it too much. There seems to be a better control of bass, and the probably biggest thing is an overall more neutral experience, which in this case means a smoother listening experience.

Quick comparison of my DT880 Pro and the T1:
Now, this is a big difference. Obviously, I can't do an ABX here, but the differences are pretty clear here, anyway. I thought DT880 was pretty close to the pinnacle of headphones. Friends that try them are pretty amazed by them. They've been my steady pair for so many years and three iterations. I know them, and I thought they were pretty darn awesome. Oh man, is this something different. Not only the DT880s sound muddy in comparison, which is bizarre in itself, but while the DT880s are like taking a detailed look at the music, the T1s just bring so much more clarity. More on the T1s later.

Let me just put this into context. I bought all of this when I went to Tokyo, because it was at lot cheaper than buying it here. While I was there, I had some late nights due to jet-lag after roaming the streets of the crazy city to go through the entire blog of NwAvGuy. I think he's turned the industry side-ways, and really wished he was still around, but it seems he's gone underground and decided to stay.

This tiny little box is damn impressive. I think the first thing we have to ask ourselves is what we'd like from a DAC. Pure precision, right? There's no reason what so ever to defend a product that's nothing but perfection in this department. Its job is to convert whatever happens to reside in the digital domain, and make it so that something can amplify it and serve it to us. There's no call for 'musicality' of a DAC. It's numbers. It's THD, cross-talk, intermodulation and all those fancy, reliable, scientific numbers that tell us something about how well a product reproduces the thing it is supposed to. And NwAvGuy has built this thing to perfection, as limited to the budget and appliance. One would wish for a dedicated power-supply for it, but after reading the ways he coped with a potentially unstable DC source that the USB-port can be, and seeing the results, I'm confident this is as good as I'd ever need. I'm not going to sit here and say it's night and day between this and other DACs, but I know I've paid a small price to know I'm getting as close to perfection as my ears will ever need. And it comes in a small, neat enclosure. It's plug and play. It's awesome.

I like the design JDSLabs have made for this box. I'm either migrating this to a box and slapping on a jack, so I can get away from using this jack->mini-jack pigtail that I'm using now, or I'm just replacing the volume-wheel with a different one, for some added "audiophile bling". Now we're in the land where audiophiles can scream for voodoo and maybe even snake-oil. But I decided to go for the scientific thing. I've been contemplating one day getting a tube-amp, but I might be a convert. Having seen the drama he's caused by taking pricey equipment, bringing it under the light, and finding performance issues, only to so often be shunned from an audiophile community that maybe otherwise stand for such things as "trust their ears" and "not believing that tests can prove how good audio-equipment is" might just show that the audiophile community has for many intents and purposes, sunken down to being a sort of inbred community where some are king, and price matters, and you can't argue that something might not be as good as someone feels it is, because they might be big on expectation bias in response to having spent several thousand dollars on equipment that might not even have been properly tested.

This guy does that. And he's proven you can make a headphone amp that's on pair with some serious reference models that cost more than I'd like to spend on headphone-equipment, even if I won the lottery. He's built a box with such a low Bill of Materials that it's quite crazy that it can even be in the same room with the DAC1 from Benchmark Media.

The convincing arguments I've seen on intermoduality, harmonic distortions that "create a new texture you haven't heard before" and otherwise other smoke and mirrors that can be in the audio industry, really shows that it's ripe for someone to bring out the hardcore testing equipment and start measuring.

I'm not going to even try and get into an argument on how products with testable imperfections might still "sound better" than those that provably do not, for discrediting such an inherently distorted and factually falsely reconstructing audio technique like the headphone tube amplifier might be going too far. I am interested in those too. But this is audio reproductive perfection. Or as close to it as you can get with some 12V batteries and materials for 30$. Which is actually is incredibly much further than you'd first expect. I'm so glad I haven't bought into some of the more expensive brands, and paid out for equipment that has been measured to not amplify the music without adding crosstalk and distortion. My most important thing to do now, was to get equipment I knew faithfully reconstructed the music I was listening to. If you'd rather go into a sphere of people saying "but this sounds better", then that's all fine. But me? I'd like to listen to the music the way it was recorded. The way it was made. I'd like for my equipment to be transparent. And now it is.

I don't think there's much more to say about the O2. Its input impedance is so low, dampening effects and the like are a non-issue. This is as good as headphone amps come without spending a fortune, if you believe in neutral sound.

Tesla T1:
Ah, my best investment yet. These things are quite breathtaking. At first I was slightly worried that the bass might be on the weaker side, but man, it is not. It's got such an accurate punch that it takes my breath away. It's perfectly present, without jumbling the mids or over-shouting the highs. I've never experienced such a neutral frequency response. But what it even more overwhelming, is the amount of room they can give to each other. Not only is the bass so controlled and present that it really makes you feel it, but the clarity of the rest of the spectrum stays absolutely untouched. The details soar through in what appears as some sort of slight of hand trick, reminding me of those containers with different density fluids, where the high frequencies can live ontop of a layer of medium frequencies, and so on. I don't get how things can be so clear, while the bass is pumping away.

And yet there's room for... room. The soundstage is so immense. I feels like you're just sitting in the room it was recorded. I showed it to my cousin, he's never paid interest in equipment like this, but he said he got goosebumps. The room presence, the clarity and the sheer awesomeness is goosebump-inducing. I saw them. He was breathless when I said the price, but after he had tested them, he said "now I understand that it's worth spending so much money on something like this". And that's what I do, too. I thought the DT880s were close to perfection and being neutral. They're like a muddy lake, now. It's quite strange, really.

I'm hugely satisfied with this investment. It further cements my belief for audio equipment.

Good headphones can add a quality from 1 to 100. The amp can add quality from 1 to 15. A DAC can add quality from 1 to 5.

That means this setup might be something like 80, 14, 5 = 99 points total. Compared to my previous equipment (FiiO E17) was probably something like 60, 12, 4 = 86. That means a T1 with the FiiO would be 96. Just to show the value of headphones over amps. That's just my two cents. I might not be trained enough to pick up the subtleties of amps, but I still think it's hard to defend that headphones aren't the most important part.

In short, I'm blown away.
They're worse than the V6s. While they have more bass, and the bass has better extension, it has a tendency to be present when not needed, and the mid range is crap.

A solid upgrade to the V6s is the AKG K271/K272HD. They have a little less bass than the V6s, with similar extension, a much nicer mid range, and smoother treble. Also, considering their closed design, they have pretty nice sound stage. Another nice thing about them, at least the K271 model, is they have a detachable cable (The K271 MKII model comes with 2 cables, and 2 sets of ear pads).

Oh, AND, they're more comfortable than the V6s and M50s, and offer much better isolation.

I looked into the K271, but people seem to complain about the lack of bass with these headphones. I do like bass, in fact I like bass in liberal amounts with good measure. I don't consider myself a 'basshead' but I do need for it to be there. I've always found the bass pretty decent on the V6s, which is why I thought of the ATH-M50 because reviews of that one says there's liberal amounts of it in good measure. Is there something else in this price range with more bass than the K271 which is also good?

I guess I can try to be a bit more descriptive here. My home theater is calibrated with Audyssey and a Radio Shack SPL meter. However, at volumes below reference level, I found the bass to be a bit weak. So I tweaked it and my home theater runs a bit 'hot' on bass, about +2 dB on the low end. So I guess this means I like a bit more bass than a purely flat frequency response, but not huge amounts of it.


I looked into the K271, but people seem to complain about the lack of bass with these headphones. I do like bass, in fact I like bass in liberal amounts with good measure. I don't consider myself a 'basshead' but I do need for it to be there. I've always found the bass pretty decent on the V6s, which is why I thought of the ATH-M50 because reviews of that one says there's liberal amounts of it in good measure. Is there something else in this price range with more bass than the K271 which is also good?

I guess I can try to be a bit more descriptive here. My home theater is calibrated with Audyssey and a Radio Shack SPL meter. However, at volumes below reference level, I found the bass to be a bit weak. So I tweaked it and my home theater runs a bit 'hot' on bass, about +2 dB on the low end. So I guess this means I like a bit more bass than a purely flat frequency response, but not huge amounts of it.

In that case, check out the Ultrasone HFI-580. In music and movies and stuff that have large amounts of bass, the HFI-580s are thunderous, yet when there isn't any bass, the headphones reflect that. I know it might seem like a silly thing to praise, but with the M50s I found there to be a near-constant bass hum.

They, too, have much better mids than the M50s, though not as good as the K271s. And because of the S-Logic "surround sound" they have pretty impressive soundstage.
In that case, check out the Ultrasone HFI-580. In music and movies and stuff that have large amounts of bass, the HFI-580s are thunderous, yet when there isn't any bass, the headphones reflect that. I know it might seem like a silly thing to praise, but with the M50s I found there to be a near-constant bass hum.

They, too, have much better mids than the M50s, though not as good as the K271s. And because of the S-Logic "surround sound" they have pretty impressive soundstage.

This is interesting. The reviews are positive for the HFI-580, good balanced sound with a strong but not overly exaggerated bass response. I was looking into them and noticed that Amazon was selling this headphone for $190, but it's identical brother the DJ1 was also available for $140. As with the V6s and their identical brother, the MDR-7506, I'll check out the cheaper of the twins. Thanks for the recommendations!


Oh Jesus, they got expensive. Looking at prices, they are more expensive than the HFI-780s. Weird. My friend bought them from a local store for like $130, a few years back.

They're a great headphone, though. Of all the Ultrasones I've heard (HFI-580, HFI-780, HFI-2200, PRO 750, and PRO 900) I think the 580s have the best mid range and most balanced sound.


I bought a 650 on the cheap about two years ago, and I think it's hot garbage. Quite disappointed with the cans :/

I have to ask if you used them with a decent amp or straight out of a computer headphone jack.

The 650 are very good but need more amplification power than most headphones. They're also a little "dark" and don't have a ton of treble energy. if someone is looking for a more exciting sound with lots of treble energy, the HD650 aren't for them.

But they are very good at creating a nice, wide soundstage and they have very good resolution and the ability to render subtle details.
This is interesting. The reviews are positive for the HFI-580, good balanced sound with a strong but not overly exaggerated bass response. I was looking into them and noticed that Amazon was selling this headphone for $190, but it's identical brother the DJ1 was also available for $140. As with the V6s and their identical brother, the MDR-7506, I'll check out the cheaper of the twins. Thanks for the recommendations!

I recently bought a pair of 580's and I can attest to the fact that they have a good amount of bass. My audio speak is that of a layman but I'm impressed with them. They do take some time to break in and they're not comfortable for more than an hour and a half so be aware of that.
I have to ask if you used them with a decent amp or straight out of a computer headphone jack.

The 650 are very good but need more amplification power than most headphones. They're also a little "dark" and don't have a ton of treble energy. if someone is looking for a more exciting sound with lots of treble energy, the HD650 aren't for them.

But they are very good at creating a nice, wide soundstage and they have very good resolution and the ability to render subtle details.

nuForce Icon HDP
I've also got Mad Dogs and Beyerdynamic 770s, both of which I like much more.


nuForce Icon HDP
I've also got Mad Dogs and Beyerdynamic 770s, both of which I like much more.

damn. well then... I actually had the MD and HD650 at the same time. I preferred the MD more, too. MD seemed tighter and more precise. But I liked the soundstage size of the 650. Although I guess I would put those two closer together in performance than you would.

Never had a chance to hear any Beyers.
damn. well then... I actually had the MD and HD650 at the same time. I preferred the MD more, too. MD seemed tighter and more precise. But I liked the soundstage size of the 650. Although I guess I would put those two closer together in performance than you would.

Never had a chance to hear any Beyers.

Ultrasone proline 650, not sennheiser HD650s. I took the Senn 600s for a test drive a couple of years ago and really liked them. The Senn 650s might be my next can purchase in a couple of years.

When I purchased the 650s, I was hoping they'd be an equal, but different, sound to the beyers. Instead, I just got a more tinny sound. The housing and pads also felt cheap. Everything was just a profound disappointment :(. That being said, I'll be down for getting a better pair of ultrasones in the future.


Ultrasone proline 650, not sennheiser HD650s. I took the Senn 600s for a test drive a couple of years ago and really liked them. The Senn 650s might be my next can purchase in a couple of years.

When I purchased the 650s, I was hoping they'd be an equal, but different, sound to the beyers. Instead, I just got a more tinny sound. The housing and pads also felt cheap. Everything was just a profound disappointment :(. That being said, I'll be down for getting a better pair of ultrasones in the future.

Oh jeesh. total mixup there. :) thanks for clearing that up

yeah, I have zero experience with Ultrasones. Always been curious, but not enough to pull the trigger.


I'm a headphone noob here so forgive my inexperience but I'm looking for noise-cancelling headphones for use on flights and well, "the google" has completely failed me. Thing is, I want to block out more of the higher pitched human noises rather than the drone of the engines, does such a noise-cancelling setup even exist?
I'm a headphone noob here so forgive my inexperience but I'm looking for noise-cancelling headphones for use on flights and well, "the google" has completely failed me. Thing is, I want to block out more of the higher pitched human noises rather than the drone of the engines, does such a noise-cancelling setup even exist?

If you can stomach IEM, buy them. They are small, and work wonders. My Miles Davis Trumpets,Triple-Fi's, and Etymotic ER4Ps worked magnificently for travel.
I know this is the headphone thread but would anybody here be able to point me to where I could get some advice for a 2.1 setup for a receiver? Google is not giving me consistent answers for what is "good."

The final suggestion is more what I'm talking about. I have some incredibly low quality speakers for my PC but my PS3, old game consoles and cable box are all through the TV speakers. I wanted to get a receiver (like this Denon one) to unify all of that but it doesn't come with speakers. Is that pioneer+sub combo still the best choice for that setup?
Hi Phone-GAF,

my AIAIAI TMA-1 cable seems to be on its way out and since they don't sell them separately I wondered if anyone can recommend something, preferably with iDevice compatible remote. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
I can't recommend the miles davis trumpets enough. They have a lifetime warrenty, and the RMA process is so friggin' easy....

They are overpriced at 300$, but if you can get them for 200$ they are easily worth it (imo, of course). Right on par with etymotic er4ps, and much better than the triple-fis I own.


Got my PRO 750s yesterday and have been playing with them since. Good ol' bass, I missed it.

Overall they sound a little different from what I remember. I don't know if it's just because I'm coming off of the K501s, but the treble seems really smooth. Very well extended, and a little accentuated, but not as forward as the K501s. The whole upper-mid through upper treble is like this, and makes albums that were unlistenable on the K501s listenable again.

Mids are about where I remember them. Maybe a little better, but the lower mids definitely leave something to be desired (though, I expected this). Mids definitely don't sound veiled at all, so they still work with most of my music.


A small review of my new setup

ODAC -> O2 -> Beyerdynamic T1
Oh man, I'm in headphone heaven.


In short, I'm blown away.

Congrats, looks like a great rig. I'm looking to build a new work / semi-portable rig myself. Just wondering what other 'phones you compared or considered before choosing the T1. I owned the T1 for a little while, and feel like I may have given it short shrift myself, so I'm always interested in seeing T1 rigs with synergy that owners like.


Junior Member
Congrats, looks like a great rig. I'm looking to build a new work / semi-portable rig myself. Just wondering what other 'phones you compared or considered before choosing the T1. I owned the T1 for a little while, and feel like I may have given it short shrift myself, so I'm always interested in seeing T1 rigs with synergy that owners like.

I'm definitely a Beyer-man, so I guess I was predestined to go the T1 route. I pretty much just tried reading up on all I could find of 'versus comparisons', of which the 800 and T1 are often pitted against each other. With it being hard to find some place to try other headphones, it did sort of come down to 800 or T1. So I can't say I did an exhaustive search for headphones within the range. But it would also probably mean, if they were a smaller company, that it'd would've been hard to find in Tokyo.

I like neutral. My first priority is a transparent setup. The DAC and amp are very, very transparent, so then I'll know what that is. If I start by moving into a world of interharmonics and lots of distortion, like a tube-amp or otherwise perhaps "built by ear" would give certain biases on what to expect from a setup. This way, I'll get adjusted to what neutral is, and I can relate to the 'imperfections' in a different way.

The T1 seemed to be the perfect fit. I already trust Beyer to go for neutral, and it seems the field where the 800 has an advantage is soundstage. Maybe one day? Or maybe something completely different?
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