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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


So I've been looking for new headphones in the budget range ($100, at most). I plan on using them for gaming and music, un-amped for now (probably will change later); comfort would be an issue, isolation wouldn't. After looking though this thread, the Takstar HI 2050, and Samson SR850 both appear to fit my needs best. I'm just having a hard time choosing which right now...

I like the look of the earpads on the Takstar best, but I love the removable cable on the Samson (if the Takstar had a removable cable, I'd probably have them ordered by now). Is there a reasonably cheap replacement pad for the Samson, something made from material more like the Takstar? On the product page for the Samson, it shows some very nice earpads on them, but on the Amazon page it shows different, less comfortable looking earpads. If I could find the ones from the Samson product page, that would probably solve my issue. One last consideration is that I would much rather buy the Samsons directly from Amazon, than the Takstars from eBay, or a third party Amazon seller.

By the way, feel free to recommend different headphones from those two if they would be better for the price (under $100).
Two weeks ago, JLAB had their $5 grab bag thing for their iems. I figured if I ordered 3 sets, I'd get at least something decent for the money. No, absolutely no. Two out of the three are garbage. Nothing but muddy bass, crappy treble, and no mids whatsoever. The third pair, the J6m, is at least somewhat balanced, but still can't compare to my monoprice 8320. I might just gift them all.


Check out the Somic MH463 with Turtle Beach X12 pads.

I could do that, but the only sites I see selling the headphones for under $100 are random Chinese sites... Is there anywhere in particular you would recommend ordering them from? To be honest I'm not a huge fan of DJ-styled headphones either, but could over look that if they sounded better.

I really like everything about the Samsons, except the earpads. How about these earpads for the Samson? Would they work?


I could do that, but the only sites I see selling the headphones for under $100 are random Chinese sites... Is there anywhere in particular you would recommend ordering them from? To be honest I'm not a huge fan of DJ-styled headphones either, but could over look that if they sounded better.

I really like everything about the Samsons, except the earpads. How about these earpads for the Samson? Would they work?
Focalprice is a good site


Focalprice is a good site

Awesome, looks like I'll go with the Somic MH463 then. I've never used Focalprice before, and there's a $8 of $50 or more coupon for signing up, so the headphones will only cost $62 by themselves (and about $70 with the TB earpads).

Thanks for the advice!


Hey, I'll be cross posting this here and in the Canadian deals thread but I was looking for some new headphones. I'm leaning towards closed ear, over the ear headphones. My price range is around 80 dollars, so a bit more or less is fine. My main requests are comfort for long listening and obviously good audio quality.

Any help is appreciated


Hey, I'll be cross posting this here and in the Canadian deals thread but I was looking for some new headphones. I'm leaning towards closed ear, over the ear headphones. My price range is around 80 dollars, so a bit more or less is fine. My main requests are comfort for long listening and obviously good audio quality.

Any help is appreciated
Creative Aurvana Live or the Jaycars in the OP.


Junior Member
I'm still having a hard time understanding how an upstanding American citizen such as myself can get my hands on a set?
I honestly have no clue?? Should I drop a mail to Philips USA? Because the rest of their crummy lineup is available, except for the one good offering.


Went through a box of crap from my old job and found a set of Sennheiser PC 360 - any way to use these with the PS3/Xbox 360 and get my wife to leave me alone about playing late at night? :D


Does anybody have any opinions on these?


I'm basically looking for headphones on a $30-40 budget, with good portability. Any recommendations?

Those are rebranded Fischer/Brainwavz HM3 with pretty good sound, but are not very comfortable at all and even then the sound can't quite much up to other cheaper portables like the JVC HA-S500 or even the Panasonic RP HTF600. Pretty good headphones nonetheless, eventually you might want to think about replacing the pads with these


I've been using Sennheiser HD595 for a few years for mostly for games and sometimes movies. I'm starting to look for a significant upgrade. Any suggestions gaf?
New phones just came in:


Also gonna copy pasta a little phone comparison I shared with LCFiner last night about the FitEar 334 vs. the Aurisonics ASG-2:

Anyway... in regards to the 334's sound... I haven't actually had much ear time with them to be honest with you. I got them in during a period where I also acquired a nice set of speakers, had hernial pain, and then E3 rolled around... and then The Last of Us came out. All these things served to distract me from the 334. I did grow to really enjoy their sound though. Previously, I'd really been a huge fan of the Flat-4 SUI. It's a funky Japanese IEM made by an ex Sony engineer who now runs a tea shop. It packs some crazy weird dual dynamic tech, itself the drivers are pointing towards one another, one driver serving to mask unwanted frequencies or some such. The result is a phone with an unbelievable dynamic range, gobs of detail, a very wide and incredibly layered soundstage, and really thumping yet fast and clean bass. It was the most engaging phone I'd ever listened to at the time.

The 334 is a whole other beast. It didn't actually impress me at the beginning. It was odd, but it sort of snuck up on me. It was a really unoffensive sound that didn't seem to do anything remarkable when I first put them in. It sort of reminded me of the Mad Dogs to be honest. I was testing out the new Daft Punk album RAM with it when I decided to flip over to the SUI cause I could have sworn they were a more engaging listen. That was the moment where I decided I should probably pay more attention to the 334. The Flat-4 sounded substantially thinner in the mid range than the 334, almost feeble in comparison. It really shocked me. As I spent time listening to the 334, I found them to possess a really weighty, powerful sound in the midrange and bass, with detailed treble that was recessed by comparison. I guess I should call the treble response "natural," as it didn't seem boosted in the way that the Flat-4's was. It wasn't ever harsh or strident. Vocals were very transparent. That goes for the whole midrange as a matter of fact. The 334s have remarkably good timbre and as a whole, is very cohesive. I honestly wouldn't suspect that they were a multi BA setup from how they sounded.

The bass is powerful, evenly split between midbass and sub bass, north of neutral but well controlled. People like to say its slow or whatever, but I honestly think its carefully tuned to provide more realistic decay. Drums and bass on the 334 are very realistic for instance, the 334 does drums like no other IEM I've ever heard. The soundstage is more chameleonic than any I've ever heard. It's difficult to get a finger on cause at times it can sound like a large headstage and at others completely out of your head. It's very adept at conveying the dimensions and ambience of the original environment in any case, and it's very much so 3D. It's more dimensional than any phone I've ever heard and I've been surprised more than once by how it portrays tracks that I'm very familiar with. So the 334 is in fact, a top of the line phone worthy of its stature.

Is it worth the $1,350? Well... this is where things get MIGHTY interesting. You probably remember me being this coming across like this crazy fucking shill for Aurisonics this entire past year no? Wait for the Aurisonics ASG-2 I'd say! Well... thanks to my buddy Eke here on the forums I actually got together with a fellow 334 owner here in St. Louis who was passing off Eke's ASG-2. I picked them up and spent the last few days listening to them before sending them off. I can tell you, that I was wowed from the moment I put them in my ears that night, you know why? They totally reminded me of the 334s. I was gobsmacked. I wasn't exactly sure of it, but I felt I knew the sig well enough to make that call at the moment. After taking them home, I A/Bed them against my own 334 and was floored to find that they didn't miss a beat against the 334s. In fact... I actually preferred them in some ways. We're talking about a $500 phone against a $1,400 one here.

The two phones are remarkably similar, with some differences that I feel play out to the G-2's favor. First of all, they both have really detailed but natural sounding midranges. I find the G-2 midrange to be every bit as transparent as the 334's, in fact, I think it's actually even more detailed since it's easier to delineate between different tones/instruments on the G-2. It just results in this really effortless sound. I wouldn't say it's analytical, because the phones sound extremely natural. The soundstage appears to be a wash between the two. The G-2 doesn't lose out against the 334 in size, and they image very similarly but the 334 tends to be more dimensional, the G-2, more linear, and I mean that in a lateral sense. There is definite depth to the G-2 and it can easily portray sound coming from behind and at all angles but not as vividly as the 334 I feel.

Bass... holy shit bass. The G-2's bass is very similar to the 334's bass. It differs in one key aspect: air movement. That gigantic 15 mm driver moves air like nothing I've ever heard. It absolutely floored me how effortless it was. I'd describe it as muscular and authoritative. It sounds like a subwoofer unit. Some of the best phones I've heard can dig down low, but you only hear the tone and if you're lucky, sort of feel the impact, the G-2 absolutely lets you feel it. It's very impactful bass. You can feel the vibration of a bass string and hear tones and textures in the bass in a way that I've never heard from any other pair of phones before. I think Kunluns' review nailed it on the head when he said the sound was like all these instruments coming together in a room to rock you. Like the 334, it's capable of presenting the ambience of a recording, except that air movement imbues every other aspect of the sound with this sense of realism. Vocals sound even more natural than the 334, drums are very, very close (I'd give it to the 334), and acoustic guitars sound amazingly realistic on the G-2. It has very good timbre indeed.

The other thing in which it excels in is breadth of dynamic range and low level listening. For the former, I was listening to Weezer's Only in Dreams the other night and there's that very slow and steady build up at the end of the song into a climax. The G-2 was able to extract every bit of that low level interplay between the guitars like it was a walk in the park, the Flat-4 and the 334 also manage this, but it sounds effortless on the G-2. I find that with the Flat-4 I tend to listen at higher levels to fill in that midrange and to give more oomph to the sound. The G-2 sounds the same whether it's at low levels or high, that bass still hits hard, the midrange is still full, and the treble still sparkles. Speaking of treble, that too is very similar to the 334. It's really detailed, has good timbre but isn't boosted. I find it actually has better note weight than the 334 which can sound a bit thin and tizzy. In any case, it isn't lacking in treble at all.

Amping the G-2 expands the soundstage and improves dynamics. The stage can sound pretty damned massive actually, and instruments, vocals take upon impressive height. The height, coupled with the natural sound and clarity was really impressive to me. I close my eyes and it sounds realistic in a way that other phones haven't been able to manage. It all makes for a very engaging listen. I guess that's the thing about the G-2. I was talking to Eke about this and I'd describe them as... I dunno. Emotional? I feel like I'm listening to an actual performance rather than a facsimile of one. Again, I attribute this to the sensation of air movement and natural sound.

I know you have the Senn IE800 and Eke has spoken of them in glowing terms against the G-2 so perhaps the G-2 is entirely redundant for you to own, I don't know. I just know that, at $500 it was a no brainer. The 334 was the redundant phone and I don't regret letting it go for the G-2. Even with a Silver/Gold 1P2 on the way, I'm more excited about the G-2. I think it's very nearly, my ideal signature.

Gonna give the 1P2 some decent run in time before I come to any conclusions about it but... just going off of the 20 minutes I've listened to them so far... I think the 334/G-2 is more my kinda thing. This is a crazily detailed sig but I think I connect to the G-2 more. It's just as detailed but it isn't at all fatiguing and is probably more engaging to these ears. I can't wait til my own pair come in so I can give it a more thorough listen/comparison.

Edit: I think the phenomenon I'm experiencing at the moment can be explained thru this phone's use of the TWFK unit to handle the mids/highs. There's something about the note weight that is off to me. The bass is powerful and incredibly tight but the mids and highs sound kinda thin and even kind of shrill to me, it's... etched? It's incredibly aggressive to me. If you wanna hear every single thing on the tracks you listen to, this is your ticket. As for me? Not sure I dig this much. But man this thing has got gobs of detail yeah?
I'm sifting through the OP and it's a lotta goddamn info. I have some ideas but what do you guys think are the absolute best ones you can get before reaching the $100 ceiling. Trying to go for best value here. Noontec Zoro seems good, audio technica m50 looks good though that's a bit above but if it's THAT MUCH better I'm willing to go slightly higher, but rather stay lower if it's not a massive difference.

Just looking for something that will last a long time and offers good value.


I'm sifting through the OP and it's a lotta goddamn info. I have some ideas but what do you guys think are the absolute best ones you can get before reaching the $100 ceiling. Trying to go for best value here. Noontec Zoro seems good, audio technica m50 looks good though that's a bit above but if it's THAT MUCH better I'm willing to go slightly higher, but rather stay lower if it's not a massive difference.

Just looking for something that will last a long time and offers good value.
Pyro, my man, what are you looking for and what is your use case for these headphones? Also, what kind of music are you listening to?
Pyro, my man, what are you looking for and what is your use case for these headphones? Also, what kind of music are you listening to?

honestly it's just for listening to shit at night casually, don't really like to wear headphones when I'm out and about. Might use it during gaming because why not. Hence why I'm not looking to spend a ton. I'm also not an audiophile at all clearly so I'm not picky. Would be nice if it had a mic on it but I guess that's not important because I can just buy those v-moda cables or whatever that I've seen.

So basically just something that's really good value and won't die any time soon for whatever reason. I take care of my stuff at home so it doesn't have to be super durable, just don't want something that will naturally die after a lotta use after a while.

Noontec Zoro seems like the obvious choice from what I've read but I just want to be sure. At least when it comes to price. The m50 looks good but its hard to find for a decent price in canada. Let me knowwww thaaaaanks brahhhh. Oh and I listen to 90% hiphop.


Noontec Zoro would be a good choice for sure. Youd also love the Creative Aurvana Live but the build quality is mediocre. Actually Amazon Canadian prices are ridiculous, I'd actually recommend just going to ebay and getting some JVC HA-S500.


honestly it's just for listening to shit at night casually, don't really like to wear headphones when I'm out and about. Might use it during gaming because why not. Hence why I'm not looking to spend a ton. I'm also not an audiophile at all clearly so I'm not picky. Would be nice if it had a mic on it but I guess that's not important because I can just buy those v-moda cables or whatever that I've seen.

So basically just something that's really good value and won't die any time soon for whatever reason. I take care of my stuff at home so it doesn't have to be super durable, just don't want something that will naturally die after a lotta use after a while.

Noontec Zoro seems like the obvious choice from what I've read but I just want to be sure. At least when it comes to price. The m50 looks good but its hard to find for a decent price in canada. Let me knowwww thaaaaanks brahhhh. Oh and I listen to 90% hiphop.
So HRD obviously knows what he's talking about here, so the only thing I'd point out is that the Noontecs and JVCs are on-ear instead of over-ear, which can be a comfort issue if you have a larger head.

Overall, though, I think the JVCs fill out your needs. Good price, solid build, bass city. Head-fi thread for more impressions: http://www.head-fi.org/t/621063/the-jvc-ha-s500-appreciation-fan-thread

I was digging around on some Shures and Brainwavz, but it seems like .ca prices really bite you in the ass with 30-50% markups there.
Thanks for the help, and yeah canada is fucked on prices. I'd either have to wait for a sale, find some sort of discount code I can use, or try to find a deal on ebay which there aren't even a lot of those for some of these.

So the JVC is the best value? There's nothing with notably better sound that's around the same price point? I'd be willing to go a bit higher if it means a different I'd actually notice. Also I notice the chord isn't detachable so I'd never be able to add a Mic on it in the future if I want?


Thanks for the help, and yeah canada is fucked on prices. I'd either have to wait for a sale, find some sort of discount code I can use, or try to find a deal on ebay which there aren't even a lot of those for some of these.

So the JVC is the best value? There's nothing with notably better sound that's around the same price point? I'd be willing to go a bit higher if it means a different I'd actually notice. Also I notice the chord isn't detachable so I'd never be able to add a Mic on it in the future if I want?

The JVC's have better bass than these, but these have a mic and sport better comfort. http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00AXE9LJO/

You are asking for a lot though at that pricepoint my ninja.
Yeah I guess I should add $50 (give or take) to that price to make up for the Canada difference. Mic doesn't have to come with it, but it would be nice to add it in the future by just buying a different cable.

I'd go to $150 if the difference warrants it. I guess for that price I can get the ATH-MH50 if those are really as good as people claim. I have no idea though.


JVC's sound better than the M50 overall, RHA are comparable, except the M50 have slightly better bass.

Comfort goes like this though:


Mid-Range is as follows




Given the jump in Canadian Prices I'd just go with the RHA.
Hmmm thanks a lot, guess I'll look into those and see what's what. If anyone has anything to add then go for it but yeah those look like good ones to choose from for me.

The RHA is looking good but when you say it's the worse of the 3 in bass is it saying much or is it a small difference?


Hmmm thanks a lot, guess I'll look into those and see what's what. If anyone has anything to add then go for it but yeah those look like good ones to choose from for me.

The RHA is looking good but when you say it's the worse of the 3 in bass is it saying much or is it a small difference?

At 200 CDN I wouldn't even consider the M50, especially when you can get the V-Moda M80, M-Audio Q40, Creative Aurvana Live and other headphones for less.
Leaning toward the RHAs for the moment. First world issues up in my mind.

I can get it for around 65 bucks. If they're really that good then it seems like a no brainer. Thanks for the help again.
Anybody have any recommendations for some good in-ears that are under $50?

I used to have a pair of V-Moda Remix Remotes but I lost them, so now I'm using the surprisingly decent Apple Earpods. I also have the Meelectronics S6("sport" version of the M6) but I don't like it. Comfort is fine, but the bass is too much and there's not enough highs... it makes Random Access Memories sound like crap on it so it's going to remain in my workout bag.

I'm not exactly looking for some high quality stuff, just a decent pair that sounds decent lol. I'd honestly buy another pair of the Remix Remotes as I really loved them but I wouldn't mind some alternatives if there are others out there.


Guys I have a pair of Senheiser PC350 with the bass mod.
How are they holding up compared with other more expensive sets but near it's price range?

I'm using them for music and gaming on my PC, but not sure if there are a more bang for buck headphones around


Anybody have any recommendations for some good in-ears that are under $50?

I used to have a pair of V-Moda Remix Remotes but I lost them, so now I'm using the surprisingly decent Apple Earpods. I also have the Meelectronics S6("sport" version of the M6) but I don't like it. Comfort is fine, but the bass is too much and there's not enough highs... it makes Random Access Memories sound like crap on it so it's going to remain in my workout bag.

I'm not exactly looking for some high quality stuff, just a decent pair that sounds decent lol. I'd honestly buy another pair of the Remix Remotes as I really loved them but I wouldn't mind some alternatives if there are others out there.
Soundmagic PL50
Soundmagic E30
Astrotec Am-90
VSonic GR02
Brainwavz M1


PC Gamers in this thread:

What settings do you use for gaming?
Bit-matched playback or do you use your Soundcard options to virtualize 5.1 to your Stereo headphones? (Like CMSS-3D)

For some games, I might understand the need of very good positional audio, which CMSS-3D can deliver, but I also like to setup stuff for the best sound case and forget.


Junior Member
PC Gamers in this thread:

What settings do you use for gaming?
Bit-matched playback or do you use your Soundcard options to virtualize 5.1 to your Stereo headphones? (Like CMSS-3D)

For some games, I might understand the need of very good positional audio, which CMSS-3D can deliver, but I also like to setup stuff for the best sound case and forget.

Binaural audio is way more powerful than any mixing of 5.1-7.1 audio. If a game does it well, never do virtual surround stuff. I know the Source engine has incredible binaural settings - if you put the audio to headphones, you can locate anything perfectly.
Soundmagic PL50
Soundmagic E30
Astrotec Am-90
VSonic GR02
Brainwavz M1

Thanks for the suggestions but I ended up getting the Monoprice 9927's. They're basically the black version of the 8320's with extra rubber tips and it cost me less than $10 bucks. I'll just save the remaining $40 and put it toward a higher quality IEM.


Binaural audio is way more powerful than any mixing of 5.1-7.1 audio. If a game does it well, never do virtual surround stuff. I know the Source engine has incredible binaural settings - if you put the audio to headphones, you can locate anything perfectly.

Opinions are very mixed about the binaural capabilities of the Source engine
Most people say it's just left/right separation.



There's a sale in a local store on the SteelSeries Frost Blue bundle - Headphones + Mouse + Pad

I wonder if I should get this, but $160 is a a lot of money :(
I've been looking for headphones for a long time, but I want ones that will work on my PS3 as well

The normal edition V2 USB can work on PS3 according to their website, but the Frost Blue can't because " SteelSeries Siberia Frost Blue headset is a native USB headset, it does not allow for the connections required to function with PS3 or XBox, or any of the SteelSeries Audiomixers."

Is that just a mistake on their part, or is there actually a difference? What does it mean "native USB?"

Anyway, how is the V2 in general? seems like they're really popular, but also a lot of people say they have issues with them like they stop working after a year (or the mic stops working)

The mouse in the bundle also has some great reviews, but I actually really like my current one


Well, that's really all you need.

Yes that's all you need
But you can get so much more.

With 5.1/7.1 downmix into a proper stereo signal you get a way better positioning of the sound than just "left/right"

If the game is OpenAL and you have CMSS-3D activated, then it's even better, you get 128 different signals to give you proper positioning into the stereo downmix.

Like this:


The theory behind it:

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