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$500 cans on, this is how you dream right - Official Headphone Thread


well i ordered what I posted so ill have to test it out. I'll have to dig around for the y adapter.
The 2.5mm jack on the mixamp is for Xbox Live chat, it's an output to your controller.

Your headphones and mic need to be connected to the same jack (the headset jack), that's why the Y cable is needed. At least with the newer Mixamp. I think the original model also has a PC Mic jack on the top that can be used if you only plan on using it with a PC.

mr stroke

Anyone know If I run a headphone amp out of my Creative soundcard does it kill the 5.1 surround?

like this-

Creative Recon 3D PCI-e soundcard-->Fiio E07K Andes USB DAC-->heaphones

These headphones need an amp but the built in 600ohm Creative amp sucks, at the same time I don't want to lose the built in THX 5.1 surround decoding.


I'd like some help! I wanna get something while I'm in the US in July, but the main things I'm looking for is comfortability, like, 10 hours straight comfortability. I have Sennheiser PX100 and Koss PortaPro and they're really comfortable but I wanna get something for ~100$ (maybe more) that sounds much better than those two, without going down on comfort.
I went over the OP (really cool that it's still maintained!) but the comfortability aspect is hard to look for, so I have to ask here.


I don't think I have sound preferences, I'm actually kinda bad on audio discern-ability. I think it'll be ok as long as they just sound better than what I have. Those second ones you mentioned look pretty nice. Thanks man.


Anyone know If I run a headphone amp out of my Creative soundcard does it kill the 5.1 surround?

like this-

Creative Recon 3D PCI-e soundcard-->Fiio E07K Andes USB DAC-->heaphones

These headphones need an amp but the built in 600ohm Creative amp sucks, at the same time I don't want to lose the built in THX 5.1 surround decoding.

That should work fine I'd think. It's just simulated surround so it's actually stereo. I use an amp with Razer's simulated surround software and it's fine. I also use an amp with my Mixamp and it works nicely as well.

I'm no expert though!


The absolute best IEMs in that price range are probably Dunu DN-1000, which definitely sport that elevated treble of the Grado without the sibilance and even punchier bass. RHA MA750 would be my second choice

I ended up with the RHA MA750. Since most reports have the Dunu as having a bit more treble I think I made the right choice.

What I didn't realize was how far off the Shure E4 was from my ideal sound...the RHA 750 is almost like a shock. Where most consider it to be very smooth and if anything slightly subdued highs...I found them to have leaps and bounds more treble than the Shure. A few minutes in and I was extremely impressed.

I guess I had been trained to think IEMs just sounded "different". The RHA 750 sounds like real headphones. The Shure E4 is clinical and has a very forward and emphasized midrange...all about the vocals.

The RHA has far more impact, a more lively sound with far more extent on both the upper and lower end.

I would be blown away and ecstatic, but I am struggling a bit with fitment and isolation. The narrow E4 with a single balanced armature design and comply/black olive foam tips...the seal and isolation is exceptional, better than actual earplugs.

The RHA MA750 with a micro driver and shorter shaft just don't get in quite so deep. The provided foam tips are terrible, too stiff (uncomfortable) and don't soften or compress well with rolling. That leaves me with double flange or single silicone style. I know with my E4, neither style even came close to matching the comply foam.

So basically I am getting far better performance from the RHA in spite of less than ideal tip fitment. I ordered some sony Hybrids - if they don't do the trick I'll try complys (different size than the E4).


Neo Member
Just bought a used-like new pair of HD 650 off Amazon. Seller had 5 positives and 1 negative (claiming he never got the item)

I think i ll be okay :) gonna buy a Soundblaster zxr later on, i've been told that i ll be fine with its build in AMP


Watched 18 episodes in the last 16 hours.

This show is absolutely amazing! Can't wait to see the next episode :O

Edit: Wrong thread.


So my birthday's coming up and my dad just surprised me with these:


They'd been on my Amazon wishlist for a while, seems he spotted them there and ordered them for me. Enjoying em now. First headphones I've had in a while (I'm more of an IEM kinda guy, but I guess these are coming with me to the office on monday and they're not leaving anytime soon).


So my birthday's coming up and my dad just surprised me with these:

They'd been on my Amazon wishlist for a while, seems he spotted them there and ordered them for me. Enjoying em now. First headphones I've had in a while (I'm more of an IEM kinda guy, but I guess these are coming with me to the office on monday and they're not leaving anytime soon).

Pretty much the best brand for rock.

Hip Hop

I just got my ATH M50's and at first, I was underwhelmed.

It seemed like they had no bass at all compared to my old $20 headphones, straight flat sound with nothing special.

They were just hooked up to my PC. I tested them out on my MP3 player and they sounded much better and can now hear the bass. I'm assuming because of the equalizer these things have.

In my case, what would I need for my PC in order for them to pump out this bass? I have no clue in this area at all. Is it cheap?



Ship them back, buy something more bass heavy at a third of the price...I think you might be basshead. JVC HA-S500 or Panasonic HTF600 have good bass.


I can vouch for the HTF600, like em more than my Superlux HD668B (which sounds overly bright to me)

HTF600 seemed to get a lot of backlash on Head-fi though...I feel it's unwarranted.

For raw bass my modded Senn HD419 is still king though...for better and for worse.


I can vouch for the HTF600, like em more than my Superlux HD668B (which sounds overly bright to me)

HTF600 seemed to get a lot of backlash on Head-fi though...I feel it's unwarranted.

For raw bass my modded Senn HD419 is still king though...for better and for worse.
They seem to favor somewhat bright headphones over at headfi


I use these for working out since there's no cable that gets stuck everywhere.

Are there headphones like these that come with a dongle or something for PC use? I'm looking for headphones for my wife, and she'd like wireless. They'd primarily be used on the PC in fact, but being able to take them out with her phone would be a great bonus. These look really nice but her PC doesn't have bluetooth currently.


Are there headphones like these that come with a dongle or something for PC use? I'm looking for headphones for my wife, and she'd like wireless. They'd primarily be used on the PC in fact, but being able to take them out with her phone would be a great bonus. These look really nice but her PC doesn't have bluetooth currently.

In that case, just buy a bluetooth dongle. They're really quite cheap. Rather earphones that use a wireless standard than something proprietary.

Deadly Cyclone

Pride of Iowa State
So, now that I have two solid choices for my new headphones I have another question. What are some really good bluetooth headphones for work? Preferably under $200 but I'd entertain a bit more.

Also, with bluetooth headphones, if they somehow come unpaired would the music blast out of my speakers? I'd rather not have Eminem blast across the office...


In that case, just buy a bluetooth dongle. They're really quite cheap. Rather earphones that use a wireless standard than something proprietary.

Yea, I kinda figured that'd be the answer. Was just curious. Went ahead and ordered. Honestly may get a pair of those headphones for myself too if they're as nice as they look, for work/walks.
Asked a few pages back but didn't get an answer, my HE-400s have started randomly spitting out the most horrible white noise that you can imagine. Still sound great 95% of the time but sometimes when I choose to switch songs out of nowhere screeching comes. Might that be a cable/OS issue or are the headphones themselves to blame?


Thanks, is there a difference between the over ear version and the on ear version bit except for the fit (and price)?
The drivers are the sound I believe, but the cups change the sound a bit. The bigger cups sport more soundstage and balance, while the on-ears are a bit more v-shaped.

Doc Holliday

SPOILER: Columbus finds America
I just got my ATH M50's and at first, I was underwhelmed.

It seemed like they had no bass at all compared to my old $20 headphones, straight flat sound with nothing special.

They were just hooked up to my PC. I tested them out on my MP3 player and they sounded much better and can now hear the bass. I'm assuming because of the equalizer these things have.

In my case, what would I need for my PC in order for them to pump out this bass? I have no clue in this area at all. Is it cheap?


I've owned these for a while and kinda feel the same way. Boring is how i describe sound. Esp after using my esw9 and listening to a friends dt 880. Hell I think the JVC HA-S500 which i got for 40$ sound better. Good thing is they are built like a tank!


Knowledge is power, guard it well
I've always thought the M50 was mediocre. There's a difference between flat response, and lifeless. I think they're the latter.

Asked a few pages back but didn't get an answer, my HE-400s have started randomly spitting out the most horrible white noise that you can imagine. Still sound great 95% of the time but sometimes when I choose to switch songs out of nowhere screeching comes. Might that be a cable/OS issue or are the headphones themselves to blame?
Have you tried the headphones through a different source, to see if it's the headphones or just the hardware you're plugged into?


A little observation on the Beyer t50p... i have never tried a pair of cans so sensitive to positioning over the ear. Granted, it now takes me a couple of minutes to get them where they need to be on my head... but when i do... boy oh boy do they sound lovely. I am in love with being portable again (own a sr325 which are open, so i don't use them outside... and a German Maestro GMP8.35...AWESOME, can't stress that enough, but makes you feel like you have a helmet on).


Has anyone had a problem with Sony MDR-V6's crapping out on them? Specifically those that use them primarily as outdoor headphones? This is now the second pair of V6's that I've bought within the last 2 years that are now busted due to some sort of wiring issue. The first was due to the wire being pulled too hard.(sound only started coming out through one ear instead of both) That I forgave due to me blaming myself for it, but this one is odd and is really making me not want to ever buy a pair of V6's again(at least as my main headphones that I'll walk around with outside and such) The jack for the headphone can't stay inside any audio input jack for more than about 5 seconds before popping out. If held in, the audio that outputs though the headphones pretty much has its range cut in half(so bass is pretty much gone and most of the highs are completely removed). Pretty much, it's broken after only about 6 months of ownership(just like my last pair) and I have no idea why.

I've begun to think that the reputation they have for being very durable is only true if you wear them indoors at all times and don't move around with them that much. Because in my experience these things are not durable in any sense of the word as everyday outdoor headphones. I'm not rough with them, and I mostly use them for listening to my ipod when I'm not at home. What's worse is that the only way to fix the issue is to but a new pair since sony doesn't sell individual parts for thier headphones(otherwise I would have just gotten a new wire to replace my current one)


They're meant for the studio setting not really for moving around outside in, Sony makes outdoor headphones that are pretty good...The audio jack is meant to plugged into receivers and amps not portable sources that cause a bunch of stress on the cable. So yeah they're durable when used within their intended purposes.


They're meant for the studio setting not really for moving around outside in, Sony makes outdoor headphones that are pretty good...The audio jack is meant to plugged into receivers and amps not portable sources that cause a bunch of stress on the cable. So yeah they're durable when used within their intended purposes.

Any good outdoor sony headphones you could recommend that are at least close/equal to the quality of the V6's?
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