Hi Headphone GAF, I'm in need of some quality IEM earphones (although my budget is spread thin). My budget is about £30-35 and I would preferably like to purchase this within the next day or two. Also, it would be preferable to have them in the colour black.
I have no clue where to start really , so I was hoping you'd have some suggestions.
EDIT: It seems a lot of the earphones aren't readily available or even available in the UK on the low budget end of the list. These are the ones I have picked out at the moment that seem within budget and that I've heard about.
-Sony XBA1 (£25)
-Soundmagic E10/PL30/E30/EH11 earphones (£25-40)
-HiSoundAudio Crystal (£40)
- SENNHEISER CX 475 (£20)
- RHA MA450i (£40)
I'm still waiting on my Aurisonics Rockets : (
Well the 681 are semi open if I recall correctly whereas the 668B are the closed version so you might still have to turn them up pretty loud to block out the outside world. Moreover, if you were referring to the Apple Earpods they're earbuds, which aren't meant to isolate noise at all, whereas most IEMs are much more effective at noise isolation at lower volumes than most closed headphones.Just wanted to say thanks for keeping the OP updated over the years.
I'd been using the SONY MDR7506 since 2011/12ish. Had to replace the earpads in December.
Everything was fine till Spring Break a month ago when my ipad dropped with the headphones plugged in. The jack bent about 60 degrees. I'm sure it could have been fixed but the process seemed too intimidating. Didn't want to buy all the materials and end up making things worse.
The iphone earphones have been doing an okay job for the past few weeks but I hate how loud I have to turn them up. When I'm listening to music (or anything else really) I don't want to be able to hear the outside world. With over the ear headphones I can get that same effect at a much lower volume.
My budget's smaller now than when I got my last pair so I just ordered Superlux HD-681 from Amazon a couple minutes ago. Should be here on Monday.
Shure is a good brand, but I really don't think their IEMs are still a very good value considering how ridiculously stacked the market is nowadays.Got a pair of Ultimate Ears ue900 and Shure se535 ltd IEMs. Needed some IEMs quickly and shipping co. fell through so had to find a pair last min, hence 2 pairs...
anyhow, I really like the ue900s. Sounds very neutral, if anything maybe a hair brighter than the triplefi 10 and more subdued (not lacking) bass. The mids sound quite detailed but warm.
The se535 ltd in comparison sound way too bright to the point I might classify as a little painful for some types of music. I like clear mids and highs, but almost sounds like borderline bad noise sharpening's been applied...
At nearly half the price I got the se535s for, I'm way happier with the ue900 at the moment.
Was using a 1gen ipod touch with wolfson dac and a line out dock to a fiio e7 for reference. Might be sending the Shures back...a little bummed since I was expecting more from the Shures...
Check out the Spider PowerforceHi, HeadphoneGAF!
I'm in the market for some new headphones (not IEM) that ideally would fit several scenarios.
- I'm specifically looking for a portable model, with low impedence and high sensitivity so that mp3 players, videogame handhelds and other similar devices can properly drive it without problems in regards to volume.
- It should be a closed model, with good noise isolation. I already own three open "studio" headphones at home, including the marvellous and breathtaking HD 800, so I'm not looking for anything 'state of the art': just some good closed cans that attenuate outside noises well.
- They should be comfortable for long listening sessions and easily wearable while commuting.
- I'd like something that has adequate bass presence and doesn't emphasize treble too much, but I'm not a basshead at all, so I'd rather stay in the realm of a flat, balanced sound.
- As far as the budget is concerned, I'd prefer not to go past the 100 mark.
Well, thanks in advance for any help and looking forward to your recommendations!
Holy shit at that setup
Earfonia Review said:The Audio Technica IM series in this review:
- ATH-IM01 : Single Balanced Armature driver IEM (47 ohms)
- ATH-IM02 : Dual Balanced Armature driver IEM (36 ohms)
- ATH-IM03 : Triple Balanced Armature driver IEM (34 ohms)
- ATH-IM04 : Quad Balanced Armature driver IEM (14 ohms)
- ATH-IM50 : Dual Symphonic 8.8 mm dynamic driver IEM (10 ohms)
- ATH-IM70 : Dual Symphonic 8.8 mm dynamic driver IEM (10 ohms)
I have no issue with comfort, I found they are all very comfortable on my ears after some adjustment of the memory wire. Good fit, and I could wear them for hours without getting fatigue. But we all have different size and shape of ears, so YMMV.
I found that the BA driver IEMs require proper pairing with the headphone amplifier / player for optimum sound, more than the dynamic drivers. The dynamic drivers IM50 & IM70 in general are easier to drive. Some of the BA IEMs affected quite significantly with the output impedance of the headphone amplifier (including player's build-in headphone amp). Some BA IEM get veiled and muddy with the increase of amp's output impedance, some get brighter in the treble, and some get their optimum performance at certain output impedance. That's might be one of the reason we sometime hear very different opinions of the same product. Different pairings different sound. Although there are many other factors that contribute to the sound quality, in this review I found that amp's output impedance is one factor that's worth to be observed.
ATH-IM01, ATH-IM02, & ATH-IM03, are natural sounding IEMs with very good clarity & transparency, leaning more toward the analytical sound signature, when compared with the rest. IM02 is the most analytical, but in a good way, and also the most realistic & spacious sounding, that with proper pairing, sounds way beyond its price point. I vote IM02 as the best value among the three.
IM01 & IM03 are less analytical than IM02. And though still have a very good level of detail; they are more forgiving to recording & amps pairing. I vote for IM03 for being the most musical sounding between the 3 models. IM03 has a very good balance of detail, transparency, and smoothness, while offering the most natural tonal balance.
ATH-IM04 offers natural tonal balance & good bass in a different way: smoother, warmer, and very intimate. It seems enough to have 3 models within the variety of clean & transparent sound signature, IM04 took a different approach. While still offering good and smooth frequency coverage from bass to treble, IM04 sounds much warmer, very intimate on vocal, but less detailed & spacious than IM02 & IM03. I think vocal is what IM04 is good at.
IM01, IM02, IM03, & IM04 generally have good & rich sounding bass, but the bass level is on the natural level, not the level for bass head.
ATH-IM50 & ATH-IM70 have excellent, big and powerful bass, with very beautiful vocal sound. Bass head & vocal lovers should try these models. Tonal balance is pretty close between the two, rather bass heavy but overall tonal balance still sounds natural and in good balance. They have pretty good clarity too, no muddy midrange like I use to hear with other bass heavy IEMs. Both have smooth & organic sound signature, with very good & realistic dynamic. Vocal is very beautiful on IM50 & IM70, full bodied, nice balance between warmness & smoothness, with good clarity and silky smooth treble that extends pretty high. Although clarity is good, IM50 & IM70 are not as airy & transparent as the IM02 & IM03, and they are not the analytical type.
Well the 681 are semi open if I recall correctly whereas the 668B are the closed version so you might still have to turn them up pretty loud to block out the outside world. Moreover, if you were referring to the Apple Earpods they're earbuds, which aren't meant to isolate noise at all, whereas most IEMs are much more effective at noise isolation at lower volumes than most closed headphones.
Jealous,I miss mine, also you can really help the mids with a warm tube amp.Finally got these Fischer's from Germany
I have now found my official EDM cans. While they don't sound perfect(mids and highs are pretty recessed) the fucking Bass is so insane. The low end is pronounced and just so damn clean. These cans slap harder than any other headphone Ive used(including Beats or Denons)
I prefer the CALs the most out of those, but they don't isolate sounds all too well. A Asus Xanax, Soundblaster card or ASTRO mixamp might help the soundstage a bit, but don't expect anything close to surround sound especially out of those closed/semi-closed cansHm, I'd been lead to believe it was a viable alternative. I don't have the money to invest in a nice speaker system.
Thoughts on the headphones I picked out?
Well if you're okay with going completely open you could spring for these Takstar, which have a very wide soundstageI might have to make do with the CALs then, unless there's anything else in the same price range that's better?
Appreciate the feedback, I've never owned a good pair of headphones before.
Jealous,I miss mine, also you can really help the mids with a warm tube amp.
No, you want to build a good speaker setup. Just so you can realise how insanely bad the audio world is ripping you off left and right.Virtual surround sound is kind of bullshit. If you want that sound buy a good speaker setup. Closed headphones usually don't have really large soundstage anyway.
Virtual surround sound is kind of bullshit. If you want that sound buy a good speaker setup. Closed headphones usually don't have really large soundstage anyway.
Dolby Headphone is actually pretty good for directional sound if you had headphones with a decent soundstage. Better than speakers for that purpose imo.
Better than 5 discrete speakers? I somehow doubt that.
I'm looking to replace my klipsch s5i's with new IEM's and i've been looking around but i need some guidance before i spend my kroners.
- budget is 200 USD
- preferably with a remote for volume control/play button, but not a must
- i took a look at the jaybirds bluebuds X, they look pretty sweet
- needs to be a bit rugged / solid build quality as they will be used partially in the gym and they might get ripped out of my ears
Thanks in advance
I'm looking for some advice on buying a headset for my Astro Mixamp Pro (2011 edition or something?).
I was using the Astro 40s with it, but it seems I broke one of the cables as the left speaker is dead apart from getting sound when twisting the cable of the headphone itself to a certain angle.
I'm from Germany, so shipping + the repair (expired warranty) is probably not that cheap.
But I was thinking I could use the opportunity to upgrade to a better sound quality. I felt the Astro 40s were quite nice, even in bass area, but in some moments sound quality was lacking (could also be from the Dolby Headphone conversion?).
Basically, are there any better options than the Sennheiser HD 558 in that price range? Are those even considerably better than the Astro 40s? Is the higher price of the (imo ugly) HD 598 worth it?
I'm looking for:
- good quality surround sound in games and movies (the latter was really lacking with the Astros, but maybe it's actually because of the Mixamp, is it outdated by now?)
I'm not using them for anything else like listening to music.
- sound good with the Mixamp Pro and have preferably a stronger bass than the Astros
- good outside noise blocking in case of loud neighbors etc.
- I'm using it mainly on PS4&PS3 and only some usage with my laptop.
- I don't need a mic as I'm using the PS camera for chat/voice commands
- <170€
Any input welcome, thanks.
X1s are serving me well for gaming with a regular DAC/Amp
I still think the Panasonic HTF600 are a greater steal and better value at only around 10 bucks moreI decided to try out those Monoprice 8323 and they sound damn good for the money. I'm sure if they had a better casing they'd probably sound better. For 30 bucks I can't complain, I am rough with headphones.
Damn it!
I accidently bought the Fiio E7 instead of the E07k :/ I'm just going to keep it and the get the X3 down the line.
MOST DEFINITELY spring for the Zero Audio Tenore:
I got a pair coming in tomorrow. I got a buncha friends over at Headfi who've got experience with lots of expensive gear that really sing its praises. One in particular seems to prefer them to sets that cost in the kilobuck range if you can believe that. It's a more linear phone that serves as a really good all a rounder if you're searching for a versatile phone.The build quality seems to be really good as well, which is something you don't come across as often in the lower price brackets
The Ostry KC06 is another great alternative if you prefer a sound that focuses on lows and lower mids. It's supposed to be excellent for vocals
I don't think you'll be dissappointed by any of those sets really.
Also consider the Vsonic VSD1 if you can get them in your budget.
Oh no!!!!
Speaking of Fiios products, how is the X5? Is it a good improvement over the X3?
Still haven't bought the earphones yet haha.
With the VDS1, these are about the same price as the Crystal. Are they better? Looking around there seems to be comparisons made with the Fidue, which you claimed were a great set of earphones (along with the other 2).
I can't get those Carbon Zeros shipped at a reasonable price to the UK unfortunately, and there is nowhere I can get those Ostry or the Fidue.
EDIT: What's the differnece between the VDS1 and the VDS1S . The VDS1S are out of stock but I'm just curious.