I'm really liking these cans. Bass is nice and deep, but the mids and highs come in nicely. Unfortunately, sony is going to sony and the 3.5mm cable is proprietary *sigh*.
For $98, I think this is a no-brainer for anyone looking for a wireless headphone.
Not sure if anyone has any opinions on this but I am looking to upgrade my Creative Aurvana Live! and saw these posted over at head-fi:
Is this going to be the best upgrade for the money or is it going to have a radically different soundstage and there are other sets to consider in the same price range?
I thought we figured out a while ago that the Mixamp doesn't actually power anything. You need to update your soundcard.
Does the Mixamp have an internal DAC?Console -> mixamp -> amp -> headphones. That setup works wonderfully. The Mixamp on its own won't power HD700s though that's for sure.
If you like the sound of the CALs I'd definitely stay away from those AKGs, which have pretty much the opposite sound signature.
You might like them then. They are absurdly clear, yet the bass is quite light on them especially unamped. Also the AKG K70X series are completely open headphones. Just something else to take note of and consider. I'd recommend the Audio Technica TAD500 as a safer bet since they're a bit easier to drive and are more mid centric than the CALs.Interesting thanks. It's not that I love the CALS but I liked them better than the Vmodas I had previously. I am just looking for something that will really bring classical/rock and electric through with a bit more clarity.
I thought we figured out a while ago that the Mixamp doesn't actually power anything. You need to update your soundcard.
Does the Mixamp have an internal DAC?
I had to resort to double-amping my Mixamp, the internal amp really isn't very good by audiophile standards. My setup = Consoles-> M-stage amp/DAC -> Mixamp ->Headphones
Oops I mixed it up, the TOSlink out from the consoles goes into the MixAmp first then out to the M-Stage.Wouldn't that be feeding the Mixamp a stereo signal?
Yeah, that!
(That's some list of equipment!)
Audioquest, the company behind the Dragonfly DAC are making their own headphones
If you look at it in the whole scheme of things - they really are not THAT expensive.
If you want a decent stereo audiophile stereo system you are looking at $15K to $20K for speakers alone - then you need something like a Devialet to run it ($10K) and cables ($3K) plus your laptop as a source.
To get some seriously high end headphones - you can get an oppo set for $2000USD....which i think is pretty damn reasonable all things considered.
I live in an apartment so i dont have room or would not be able to have a GREAT stereo setup, however i can have a great headphone setup for a relatively decent price and still listen to music loudly.
Any feedback on Razer Kraken 7.1? It's on sale at Amazon for 75 and I was looking for a surround headset (5 or 7.1) to use on PC and PS4.
Audioquest, the company behind the Dragonfly DAC are making their own headphones
Just curious: Are you getting your idea that it takes $15k/pair for "decent" loudspeakers from demoing them or from reading hifi magazines?
Just curious: Are you getting your idea that it takes $15k/pair for "decent" loudspeakers from demoing them or from reading hifi magazines?
These are the speakers i want: the Raidho's in the link below.
Semi Affordable @ around $15K per pair
They're seriously demoing their 15k speakers in a room with zero room treatment. That's the thing that always gets me: 99% of them don't bother with any form of room treatment or equipment that actually help, like crossovers.
Guys, can anyone recommend me a Dac/Amp combo (or separate components) that will be appropriate for a smallish work desk to pair with my cans (and run out of a laptop 100% of the time)? I currently have:
- Denon D7000
- Fidelio X1
- Mad Dogs w/ Dog Pads
- UE Triple-Fi 10vi
- Hi-Fi Man HE-5LE
- ATH M50
Been using a NuForce Icon HDP for the last few years, and am just naturally assuming something better is available at a size smaller than a PlayStation 4. My ideal footprint is something no better than 7"x 7", width and breath. Height is negotiable. < $600 is preferable. The lower the better, but it's gotta sound better than my Icon or there's no point.
Guys, can anyone recommend me a Dac/Amp combo (or separate components) that will be appropriate for a smallish work desk to pair with my cans (and run out of a laptop 100% of the time)? I currently have:
- Denon D7000
- Fidelio X1
- Mad Dogs w/ Dog Pads
- UE Triple-Fi 10vi
- Hi-Fi Man HE-5LE
- ATH M50
Been using a NuForce Icon HDP for the last few years, and am just naturally assuming something better is available at a size smaller than a PlayStation 4. My ideal footprint is something no better than 7"x 7", width and breath. Height is negotiable. < $600 is preferable. The lower the better, but it's gotta sound better than my Icon or there's no point.
Seems there will be a lightning deal on the X-1s tomorrow on Amazon.
curious has anyone here actually used one of the DragonFly USB DAC's? are they actually good?
Take note the X1 are open headphones...I listen to them or my Rockets daily so if you want impressions just ask.
Not an audiophile at all so looking for some advice on some headphones. I'm honestly looking to get some awesome headphones for around $200 ($300 at the max). I saw the Studio Beats are on sale for $199 but I hear they are overrated so what would you guys recommend in that price range?