no i want to flirt with a robot
Maybe you wanna learn some programming language them and compile into her a sexy flirting algorithm
To each their own, we have our waifus, you have your fem-bots, no need for drama
no i want to flirt with a robot
robots already EXISTYeah but fem bots are close to being a real thing. Waifus are only relegated to comfort pillows. The drama is very real. We can't let these degenerates build pleasure robots!
shhhMaybe you wanna learn some programming language them and compile into her a sexy flirting algorithm
To each their own, we have our waifus, you have your fem-bots, no need for drama![]()
robots already EXIST
Yeah but fem bots are close to being a real thing. Waifus are only relegated to comfort pillows. The drama is very real. We can't let these degenerates build pleasure robots!
robots already EXIST
Yeah but they aren't quite human-like. They sure ain't no Aigis yet.
You may start practicing with chat bots over there...shhh
robots already EXIST
By the way, she is holding a nice little latte with a heart in it, and also there is some coffee stuff in the background because Azusa switched to coffee since she's an adult now.
Hey guys. Any free program that you know of that can resize an image?
What I want to do is simply add a boarder on the sides of a headshot image. It is currently whatever aspect ratio is typical for like a photo booth image you would use for ID or something. Basically it's more vertical than horizontal so I guess it's something like 3:4.
I want to keep the image the same (not mess with the ratio of the image) but I want to add boarders to the side to make the image 4:3. I hope I'm clear about this.
tl;dr I have an image which is more vertical and want to add boarders to it to make the final aspect ratio 4:3. Do you have any tips on how to do this? I don't have photoshop. Irfanview is a no go. I tried.
EDIT: In other words. The opposite of cropping an image. Man I'm bad at explaining this.
Or... How about starting with a canvas that is in the aspect ration of 4:3 and then pasting my original image into it?
I was able to do what I needed. No more help needed from you Keions.
Mike has a very distinct laugh. I could figure out it was Mike just by listening to it![]()
Hey guys... So I was digging through some old files, and realized that I did this drawing of Azusa like a couple years ago. I never got around to coloring it, but I figured some people in here might like to see it anyways. Also, if anyone wants to take a crack at coloring it please be my guest.
By the way, she is holding a nice little latte with a heart in it, and also there is some coffee stuff in the background because Azusa switched to coffee since she's an adult now.
How incredibly, not lewd.
I'm surprised.But it's really good!
Hey, I think about things other than sex sometimes! I'm a person... not just some sex machine, you know.
Would bang Azusa first, followed by Sawako. Rest of the Keions are useless
Wow, some friend you are!The Mio you drew is still one of my favorite things ever!
I'm quite aware that I'm older than Sawako if it makes you feel better.I just realized I'm as old as Sawako...
The DOAX3 threads just seem to be big debates on Marie Rose though.Geeze, that drawing is so old now, it might be older than Loldsfan.
And no posting bikinis?? The Neogaf war on lewd continues... and yet, threads like DOAX3 are allowed with more cake on display than a 14 year old's birthday... Jesus.
No, I'm pretty sure the mods just don't like me.
I do sometimes wander outside of K-On GAFI only browse K-On GAF, rest of GAF is scary :3
tbh i'd be fine with gaf banning all anime discussion
there i said it
tbh i'd be fine with gaf banning all anime discussion
there i said it
but you're an anime
Now we all can be anime:
You and your hate
at least toku is real
Now we all can be anime:
Now we all can be anime:
:O But why would I want to be animu