I already did! :3
It's coming back for second season someday, right? ;_;
it should!
I already did! :3
It's coming back for second season someday, right? ;_;
I wonder if Mio cheers for the Tokyo Swallows
There's like a fake k-on motorcycle anime now. It's crazy.
EDIT: the moonrunes is spelled: Yakyu ga na no ka?
Probably, I just put "Do I like Baseball?" through Google translate.
Which is about as much effort as other artists have put in their translations...
u know jap is a SLUR right???Does anyone know if SK Estival Versus has less censorship in the JAP release than in the NA one?
IDK if the least amount of censhorship are the light beams in the JAP version. The most you can sneak is through a bug.
I hope anyone can confirm thisProbably Chet can confirm this since it matches his tastes
Now now. He's using the capitalized version.
wait am i the only girl in this thread
but im a lesbian
why do you think my last avatar was sailor uranus?
why do you think my last avatar was sailor uranus?
it ought to be "Yakyu ga suki nano?"
also luna was a senshi in it it this is canon
UM「野球が好きなの?」 それとも「野球が好きなのかな?」
Man these "anime locations" are always so cool. How do find out about them anyways?
Man these "anime locations" are always so cool. How do find out about them anyways?
you should visit one of their HOMES
By being a rich weeaboo.
Maybe...I'm not rich!
Baloney!Oh, and not a weeaboo.
no i mean people that worked on the shows homes
Yeah, and I'm not Koreaboo trash.Oh, and not a weeaboo.
no i mean people that worked on the shows homes
stalk them
get restraining order
I'm not rich!
Oh, and not a weeaboo.
And you're not lewd either right?