Happy birthday owly
np I can teach you ;3
Calling her a cameo character is really selling her short, though I get what you mean.
Seems that for Kazzy being the bass player of Wakaba girls isn't enough
What I like about Jun is that she chose the same instrument as Mio and she wills she can play as good as her (^_^)
Even discounting the later manga, she has a pretty substantial presence in season 2. She's like Azusa's Nodoka, but more of an asshole.
"a small character part that stands out from the other minor parts".
Mugi probably went on to marry a rich prince in Europe.
Sip Venezuelaspanish
/deadDon't know about prince but Mike fits the description.
Using Nadoka doesn't really support your claim, because she's most definitely a side character
But lets be real, here's what I mean when I say cameo...
So it's not a slight against the characters, because if anything, it's a compliment!
The Czech Republic will now be refered to as "Czechia" in the English speaking world. Weird. guess I'm a Czechian now? I'll Czechiaz laterz.
It's kinda how we tend to call it in the Netherlands now.
So we did it earlier.
You're already Tsjekkia to us here in Norway ;P
y thoThe Czech Republic will now be refered to as "Czechia" in the English speaking world. Weird. guess I'm a Czechian now? I'll Czechiaz laterz.
The Czech Republic will now be refered to as "Czechia" in the English speaking world. Weird. guess I'm a Czechian now? I'll Czechiaz laterz.
isn't there a GAF OT about Mike's Japan travels?
isn't there a GAF OT about Mike's Japan travels?
I ain't no gaijin.
Then are you japanese?...XD
Plot twist: Mike is asian actually (NO, I'm not kidding srlsly bacause I met him in Japan!!!!)
Ok but how do Koreans feel about Koreaboos.
I have not seen season 2 yet.
I'd get on that. :3