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60% of Britons want to keep EU citizenship


It's nothing against you. You did what was right for you.
But the maths here says that 1 in 5 people who want to keep those EU privileges voted to get rid of them (or more likely didn't bother voting at all).
And it is the same for all those republican voters who want their AHCA but voted to get rid of their Obamacare despite them being the same thing.

Actually not necessarily. Turnout for the EU referendum was 70%, so in theory the disparity might come not from people who voted to leave, but from people who didn't vote at all. Not that that's any better really.

And I agree that it's the same thing with the republicans who want healthcare. But I think especially on GAF broadly speaking you aren't getting through to leave voters and republicans. So I think pointing out how other people should've voted better isn't the kindest way to interact with people who know that and are frustrated. But I'm sleep deprived and tired so I'm probably being oversensitive.
Actually not necessarily. Turnout for the EU referendum was 70%, so in theory the disparity might come not from people who voted to leave, but from people who didn't vote at all. Not that that's any better really.

And I agree that it's the same thing with the republicans who want healthcare. But I think especially on GAF broadly speaking you aren't getting through to leave voters and republicans. So I think pointing out how other people should've voted better isn't the kindest way to interact with people who know that and are frustrated. But I'm sleep deprived and tired so I'm probably being oversensitive.

I understand. You're getting fucked over because some dumb fucks thought they'd stick the finger up to Cameron and the EU. Problem is they stuck that finger up their own arses.

The point here is don't take what you have for granted including your vote. Or as Bruce Springsteen said back in the 80s:
Blind faith in your leaders, or in anything, will get you killed.
Not sure if it changed in the meanwhile, but a leaked document from the European Parliament (albeit from March) absolutely stated the possibility of allowing the UK to revoke, subject to some conditions - https://www.theguardian.com/politic...icle-50-takes-tough-line-on-transitional-deal

Interestingly, the EU does not agree with that assessment, nor do other legal counselors within the UK. It is the British government's position that Article 50 is irreversible once invoked, but that sounds like a matter of policy and not law. We already saw Emmanuel Macron say 'the door is not necessarily shut' not long after the general election.

Considering how discombobulated British opinion is on this subject, I wonder if there's an outside chance that the referendum could be reversed. And for what it's worth, the referendum itself was not legally binding on its own. I think any government that does it is denying itself re-election, but it isn't totally impossible. Just nearly. :p

My understanding is that article 50 is so vague that there really isn't anything that says we can't just stop it. Might cause some issues and rumbling in the EU, but at the end of the day we are still one of the largest economies in the world and I don't think the rest of th EU are spiteful enough to stop us from remaining and contributing to the polical union.

Sadly, the UK is spiteful enough that despite us obviously heading into a collision course, our MPs won't hit the breaks.

Oh OK, thanks for clarifying that.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
I did.

Should I now not want to keep the citizenship I've had since I was born because 52% of people are idiots who disagreed?
It's unfair, but similarly, someone from the EU born and raised in the UK has now lost their right to live where they have lived all their lives.

I feel sorry for UK remainers, having lost such a precious thing. You were robbed of your future.
Lol I love all these people being like bye bye Felicia, when of argue it's in the best interest of the EU for Britian to stay. People really want to be vindictive that badly?

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Lol I love all these people being like bye bye Felicia, when of argue it's in the best interest of the EU for Britian to stay. People really want to be vindictive that badly?
Best interest is not the same as vital.

Even your best interest notion is debatable from a long term perspective. Many leaders in the EU are happy Britain is leaving. Because now they have more power (Macron) , and the EU can become more cohesive and united.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Lol I love all these people being like bye bye Felicia, when of argue it's in the best interest of the EU for Britian to stay. People really want to be vindictive that badly?

I think the ideal for "told you so" folks , apart from being obviously and now statistically right, would be some sort of face saving amended revote
Like, guarantee pounds sterling forever or no square bananas or some other symbolic shit.

Then everyone can shake hands and agree in the morning.

Good for the nation too at this point.


I don't see how anything other than a hard brexit is possible at this point. A soft brexit would be a very complicated deal that would take years to negotiate, but now they have less than two. Meanwhile the UK really doesn't seem to have made up it's mind and the process of doing so continues to eat into the time they have to negotiate.


Lol I love all these people being like bye bye Felicia, when of argue it's in the best interest of the EU for Britian to stay. People really want to be vindictive that badly?
The UK wanted to leave.

It will be a third country like Canada.
Not sure why it should have any special treatment compared to others.
Lol I love all these people being like bye bye Felicia, when of argue it's in the best interest of the EU for Britian to stay. People really want to be vindictive that badly?

The British will soon discover just how irrelevant to the world economy they really are.

The EU will continue on without Britain. How Britain fares without the EU, well, I don't think it will be as rosy as the Leavers think it will be.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Lol I love all these people being like bye bye Felicia, when of argue it's in the best interest of the EU for Britian to stay. People really want to be vindictive that badly?


Yes it's shit for the UK, but as a net contributor it will suck for the EU to lose them. "Bye, bitch" just seems like a needlessly bitter thing to say, especially when UKGAF is overwhelmingly pro-remain.

Dead Man

So how long until someone (with the power to influence the process) has the balls to point out the whole process is a shambles and there should be a do over starting with a fresh more detailed referendum?

You mean 12% as 48% did

Not voting is still expressing your preference for having no preference.


So how long until someone (with the power to influence the process) has the balls to point out the whole process is a shambles and there should be a do over starting with a fresh more detailed referendum?

It's not enough of a shambles. Unlike Trump who leaves a trail of destruction wherever he goes, Brexit will just affect the poor who have already been hardened by a decade of austerity. What's another 20 years of homelessness and food banks? It's practically everyday life now, and British people accept things very easily.


not tag worthy
I am one of the 48% I want to keep my EU membership and rights. Not just for me but for my son from a previous relationship. My two other kids have french passports and eu rights as does my wife.

I think a majority the 52% didn't think things through and voted out of protest as a was to shake things up with the uk government now that people are realising what a mistake the leave vote and hard Brexit would be my hope is that it puts enough pressure on the government and we have a soft Brexit deal.
I'd pay a fairly significant amount of money to be able to do this. I can't understate how much of a positive impact the EU has had on my life. I will miss it tremendously and will always feel angry towards people who got duped into thinking it wasn't in their interest.


My understanding is that article 50 is so vague that there really isn't anything that says we can't just stop it.

It specifies that you have two years to get your affairs in order and then you're out unless all the others agree you get a bit more time to negotiate. Logically, if you want to stay in permanently, the others will all have to agree as well. This is what EU officials have implied as well.


It specifies that you have two years to get your affairs in order and then you're out unless all the others agree you get a bit more time to negotiate. Logically, if you want to stay in permanently, the others will all have to agree as well. This is what EU officials have implied as well.
Well Juncker seems to think we can change our mind. Once Teresa gets ousted for doing a shit negotiating job maybe we can have Brexit 2 vote? The "you guys sure about this?" Vote, where the morons that voted for this get a chance at redemption.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
There will not be another vote on this, no matter how much it is needed.

This isn't even a binding referendum, they could have just ignored the result or used it to point out how ridiculous it is to have a referendum on something like this in the first place.


Well Juncker seems to think we can change our mind. Once Teresa gets ousted for doing a shit negotiating job maybe we can have Brexit 2 vote? The "you guys sure about this?" Vote, where the morons that voted for this get a chance at redemption.

Yes, you can change your minds. And then you can convince the EU that you are a reliable partner.


Well Juncker seems to think we can change our mind. Once Teresa gets ousted for doing a shit negotiating job maybe we can have Brexit 2 vote? The "you guys sure about this?" Vote, where the morons that voted for this get a chance at redemption.

The Tories all seem to refer to Thatcher or want to be like her, except Margaret lived in a different time, the political landscape was very different.


The Birthday Skeleton
You mean 12% as 48% did

I think this 60% is calculated out of the whole (adult?) population not just the ones voting, so it would be quite some more than 12%.

On the other hand, keeping EU citizenship is not the same with staying in EU, means keeping the benefits while not having obligations in exchange on country level, so I think there are a number of people in this sample who would still vote Leave.


EU will make an example out of the U.K., as sad as it is for those who wanted to stay the dumb asses voted you out.
I would make fun of Britain for this, and the whole Brexit fiasco, but my country has a man baby for president.
Seems like English speaking countries have a... weird thing going on lately.


EU will make an example out of the U.K., as sad as it is for those who wanted to stay the dumb asses voted you out.

Seems like English speaking countries have a... weird thing going on lately.

No one is making an example out of anyone, that's not how negotiations work and this is not a mother and a child thing. The fallout how ever could not only harm the UK but some EU countries as well which is why the negotiations should benefit all.


not tag worthy
Tough shit hopefully. You made your bed.
52% made the bed because a lot because of lies (NHS bus)

48% didn't if it was a 70/30 or 80/20 I would gladly accept the made your bed argument. It was close enough not to be the all encompassing Brexit landslide May and co we're trying to dress is up as after the election.

Now it is less of an excuse for May and her cohorts to let ther egos run rampant.


To be fair a lot of Brits are now allowed to vote that couldn't last year and are overwhelmingly pro-EU. They never had a chance.

But we'll take you back with open arms UK, don't worry. We'll strip your veto power and special deals, though :p


No one is making an example out of anyone, that's not how negotiations work and this is not a mother and a child thing. The fallout how ever could not only harm the UK but some EU countries as well which is why the negotiations should benefit all.
Of course they will, if they give them an easy time what's stopping the rest. There won't be some easy negotiations at the table.


not tag worthy
To be fair a lot of Brits are now allowed to vote that couldn't last year and are overwhelmingly pro-EU. They never had a chance.

But we'll take you back with open arms UK, don't worry. We'll strip your veto power and special deals, though :p
Deal. Hopefully we Will stop our stupid we are the best, empire,Britannia, saved ww2, plucky brits attitude.
Ffs if only they were like, ok we voted sorry guys people wanted this a lot didn't so let's make a fair deal. Not the shit show we have been having.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
This poll is stupid, anyway.

Why would I willingly pay for something that doesn't exist?
You cannot have it both ways brits. Having the benefits with none of the obligations is unfair to the rest of us and certainly isn't a possibility in the real world.

Enjoy your brexit.
To go along with this poll there have been others that show most people want to Remain now as well. No one has the guts to do anything about it though for fear of upsetting the Daily Mail and Rupert Murdoch.


No real sympathy for to anyone over 18 they should have voted.

What they can do now is organise and protest and make it trend on social media.

They can make things more unstable and chaotic and do for long enough you might be able to push for another referendum.

Parliament is going on summer break so now is a good time to write or meet your representative.

Colleges and schools are finished up for summer so make use of this time.

Europe should troll and say if you have a referendum before the end of the year the original benefits and Cameron's negotiations will remain intact if you vote to remain. Give May a lifeline.
40 percent don't? Are they simply troglodytes? Why wouldn't you? Do they like filling out visa's after traveling a hundred miles south east? It makes no sense not to want this and the fact this poll is lower than rationally believable is astounding and speaks volumes to the mind set of Brexit.
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