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60% of Britons want to keep EU citizenship


The UK & the US both voted to destroy themselves for reasons.

Now, they got regrets because they are about to lose everything.

But the electorate in both countries keeps putting the corrupt & incompetent into power, so all those regrets mean jack shit. So, let's just keep going down this path of national suicide. Hey, at least those dirty immigrants won't keep stealing all the jobs while also being lazy and sucking on the government's tit, right?

Thanks, White people.


The Birthday Skeleton
40 percent don't? Are they simply troglodytes? Why wouldn't you? Do they like filling out visa's after traveling a hundred miles south east? It makes no sense not to want this and the fact this poll is lower than rationally believable is astounding and speaks volumes to the mind set of Brexit.

Why travel elsewhere when you have everything you want in the British Empire.


40 percent don't? Are they simply troglodytes? Why wouldn't you? Do they like filling out visa's after traveling a hundred miles south east? It makes no sense not to want this and the fact this poll is lower than rationally believable is astounding and speaks volumes to the mind set of Brexit.

They just don't want to ever move away from the country, or don't realise what EU citizenship means

That or they're the rabid "whats wrong with a holiday in the UK" Daily Mail comments-section posters, the true loons who will never leave England and think going to Wales is a bit too exotic for them


not tag worthy
They just don't want to ever move away from the country, or don't realise what EU citizenship means

That or they're the rabid "whats wrong with a holiday in the UK" Daily Mail comments-section posters, the true loons who will never leave England and think going to Wales is a bit too exotic for them
Lol this is true.

All goes according to my plans I'm out of here (UK) anyway.


not tag worthy
Blackpool is just as hip as Berlin.

Y'all crazy if you try to suggest otherwise.
Margate is also the top destination for family's in Europe. No spoiler needed .. no it's not.

why go to the mediterranean when skegness is right there
Yeah after we leave the EU I'm sure our beaches will still be as clean and the water as clear. Clean up duties with private company I bet


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
Let's be real, the reason is basically racism.

Ain't nobody want those immigrants and refugees!/s

Some of it, sure.But I reckon a lot of it is ignorance of the facts. Well...not just the facts, but the details of the facts.

I reckon a great many leave voters aren't actually racist, but see that the UK is a net contributor to the EU and therefore think we'd be better off out of it.

I mean, if that's all I understood of our relationship with the EU then I would have voted to leave as well.


not tag worthy
Some of it, sure. But I reckon a lot of it is ignorance of the facts. I reckon a great many leave voters aren't actually racist, but see that the UK is a net contributor to the EU and therefore think we'd be better off out of it.
You know we get sweet rebates,some sensible laws in favour of better living standards, freedoms etc and our tax we pay towards it is pretty small to what we gain from it.
Once the older generation go. I am sure we will become more pro EU


The 40% that don't?

Are they spiteful to themselves or something?

This is one of the main reasons why I just don't understand some Brexiters (sadly there are probably a big number who voted Leave with the hope of retaining free travel etc).

Like, what could someone, as a British citizen, possibly have to lose by being able to move freely around Europe? Literally mind-boggling why someone wouldn't want this for themselves. I guess people enjoy filling in visa forms and paying fees???


Maybe those Britons shouldn't have given Theresa May's party that many votes in the latest election then.

Sorry, but anything that happens is well deserved.


lol too bad. y'all fucked yourselves just like us. At least our fuck-up can potentially end in 4 years.
You know we get sweet rebates and our tax we pay towards it is pretty small to what we gain from it.
Once the older generation go. I am sure we will become more pro EU

I want you to realize In the states we've been saying this for ages....

It doesn't work. Racist and pro-isolationist parents tend to raise racist and pro-isolationist children. There is a deeper seeded issue that isn't being addressed. I simply don't know enough about the everyday life of a U.K. citizen to explain it.


The Birthday Skeleton
Maybe those Britons shouldn't have given Theresa May's party that many votes in the latest election then.

May will obtain strong and stable European citizenship for all while kicking out all the pesky Europeans. Art of the deal.
Another vote would be fair I guess.

Fuck it up again -> Your problem, enjoy your Mad Max-style island kingdom.

Vote for remain -> Come back and have a beer. We'll need to have a chat 'though.


Lol I love all these people being like bye bye Felicia, when of argue it's in the best interest of the EU for Britian to stay. People really want to be vindictive that badly?

The UK had vetoed a lot of stuff some of us want. And while doing that they have vilified the EU. When they voted for this they gleefully hoped the EU would go down with others following.

They jeopardised my economy and my sons future to calm party politics.

It has nothing to do with being vindictive. The UK has proven itself a bad partner who does not care about greater consequences. Who is to say this won't happen again in ten years if they stop the process now?

Maybe at a point when the EU is weaker and the consequences are fat greater. No thanks. Let the UK leave and if they want to come back they can come back without special status.


The majority voted for less, they should accept the consequences of their actions.

It's high time we stopped covering for people's stupidity, they need to feel the pain of their actions.

That's it! Fuck over everyone, so we can teach a few people a lesson! That'll learn 'em.


Most people voted for Brexit because they wanted to get rid of the four pillars, mainly free movement. (Note: They obviously thought about the free movement foreigners have, they didn't think being against that would also mean that they will their own lose free movement
within the EU, too.)

Leaving the EU but keeping the four pillars would be a middle ground that would leave Leavers and Remainers unhappy.

It would basically just means that Britain would have to pay a lot of money, loses its influence on EU regulations, but still has to abide by it and has to negotiate new trade deals with the entire world.

All that while still not getting any of the things the Brexiters campaigned with.

Bottom line is... Brexit was incredibly stupid. No one who voted for it actually thought it through.

The smartest thing the UK could do right now is to



I want you to realize In the states we've been saying this for ages....

It doesn't work. Racist and pro-isolationist parents tend to raise racist and pro-isolationist children. There is a deeper seeded issue that isn't being addressed. I simply don't know enough about the everyday life of a U.K. citizen to explain it.

Well as a European married to a British person I lived in the UK for a long time.

I have been to a lot of countries within the EU and when people talk about Europe they also mean their own country. In the UK Europe means everyone but them.

They still believe they are a world power. In school I got taught a lot about the atrocities the Dutch committed but my husband only het the best bits about the empire.

Add in a toxic press and an island mentality and it was a disaster waiting to happen.


Let's be real, the reason is basically racism.

Ain't nobody want those immigrants and refugees!/s

Not all is racism.

The low skilled jobs most of these people had moved away to developing countries and they got nothing in return. This destroyed their communities. When companies move away, there's often no replacement. It's often not easy for some of these people to move to cities where the jobs are. You cannot just move your family around, it's expensive as well and many other things.

Putting it all on racism is just being lazy ;p


Still something I don't understand.
Such an important decision and a bare majority is enough?

A lot of mistakes were made but this is the in my opinion the biggest one.

It is ridiculous to make such a huge change on a slim majority.

There is a reason why most major referendum require a bigger majority.
Not all is racism.

The low skilled jobs most of these people had moved away to developing countries and they got nothing in return. This destroyed their communities. When companies move away, there's often no replacement. It's often not easy for some of these people to move to cities where the jobs are. You cannot just move your family around, it's expensive as well and many other things.

Putting it all on racism is just being lazy ;p

And what does that have to do with the EU? Companies will relocate their production centres to wherever is cheapest no matter if the UK is in the EU or not. But... being out of the EU will certainly accelerate the destruction of agriculture in the UK given that the EU was subsidising our farmers.

And now we won't even have free trade within Europe so industries will be hit even harder.


These threads are always depressing, with the incessant lazy comments cast about like;

All leavers are racist
Or stupid
No one who voted Leave thought it through

I mean really, it's the internet and all, and everyone's generalising, but the inability to appreciate wider motives than the above displays a lack of intelligence IMO.

Even just a cursory trawl round the internet would find you coherent arguments against the EU, whether you subscribe to them or not.


There is no such think as 'EU Citizenship' you are a citizen of an EU country and get some rights as a result of the EU treaties.

It's polls like this that baffle me why Theresa is ploughing forward with a hard Brexit, especially when she herself was/is a Remainer. Why be so stubborn in forcing something forward that you don't even yourself believe in?
Theresa May kept silent behind her boss for the whole campaign but she's been trying to fuck over EU nationals for 6 years prior to that. It is hard to imagine her doing any less now when she can do as she pleases. She's a terrible human being and willing to sink the UK on that point alone.

But there is more decent argument on a hard brexit over a soft brexit since single market membership requires the UK to stay in the EU in all but name and even for many remainers keeping rights while losing representation in the EU is not really what they want. Now what these polls tell us is 1) People may have not thought Brexit through 2) People have different priorities overall. 3) Brexiteers are literally dying of old age.

One shouldn't look at these and assume a second referendum held today would be for remain. It wouldn't be in all likelihood. Opinions do tend to re-align after campaigning.


Should of gone out and voted like the rest of us did then /shrug

I voted for remain and still can't believe we are going through with Brexit. It is a stupid idea. It won't work hard Brexit maybe to costly. soft Brexit won't appease the leavers.

Either way we are fucked.

If the UK is to rejoin the EU I think a new Refrundum should need a majority (60%) to prove we can/will be a good partner. Also the question can't be remain/leave the EU as leave we will in march 2019. Instead it should be.

Should the UK rescind Article.50 of the Lisbon Treaty?

Not all is racism.

The low skilled jobs most of these people had moved away to developing countries and they got nothing in return. This destroyed their communities. When companies move away, there's often no replacement. It's often not easy for some of these people to move to cities where the jobs are. You cannot just move your family around, it's expensive as well and many other things.

Putting it all on racism is just being lazy ;p

What you're talking about has barely anything to do with the EU.

Ironically, whenever people DO talk about low skilled workers, Labour how upset they are that foreigners "took their jobs" or "priced them out" of work.


And what does that have to do with the EU? Companies will relocate their production centres to wherever is cheapest no matter if the UK is in the EU or not. But... being out of the EU will certainly accelerate the destruction of agriculture in the UK given that the EU was subsidising our farmers.

And now we won't even have free trade within Europe so industries will be hit even harder.

I was pointing out they the leavers voted for all the wrong reasons. Voting to leave was just an outlet for them to screw the rest without knowing all the consequences.

I have a friend who for some weird reason doesn't like Polish people and would vote for the Netherlands to leave the EU, it doesn't matter what I tell him or providing him with all the facts that the EU is a good thing. Do you even know how many of these people are out there?

Eastern Europeans look more favorable to the EU while Western Europeans are sceptical at best. It's something that we need to work on by explaining to such people all the benefits of the EU. Who says Le Pen or Wilders won't be able to sneak into power a few years from now? The EU is still fragile.

So in the end when the jobs are gone and these people cannot go to media markt to buy their 120 inch TVs to watch football they are going to be upset and a slick politician is going to tell them it's the EUs fault their jobs went to a developing country while said politician plays golf with the CEO who moved the company away.
That's it! Fuck over everyone, so we can teach a few people a lesson! That'll learn 'em.

The people who didn't vote deserve to suffer just as much, maybe it'll teach them not to ignore the voting process and be more educated on political matters in general.

It goes without saying that I feel deep sympathy for those who voted remain and are now stuck.

Even just a cursory trawl round the internet would find you coherent arguments against the EU, whether you subscribe to them or not.

Link them my dude. Let's see 'em.
Not all is racism.

The low skilled jobs most of these people had moved away to developing countries and they got nothing in return. This destroyed their communities. When companies move away, there's often no replacement. It's often not easy for some of these people to move to cities where the jobs are. You cannot just move your family around, it's expensive as well and many other things.

Putting it all on racism is just being lazy ;p

That literally has nothing to do with the EU and ignores the fact that the EU was pumping money into some of these deprived areas to try and help them out of their miserable existence.


That literally has nothing to do with the EU and ignores the fact that the EU was pumping money into some of these deprived areas to try and help them out of their miserable existence.

It does, because essentially, their leaders or law makers failed to inform them how the EU has actually been good to them or trying to improve their lives and standard of living.


not tag worthy
It does, because essentially, their leaders or law makers failed to inform them how the EU has actually been good to them or trying to improve their lives and standard of living.
Plus the sun and mail hammering home fear xenophobia jingoism. the older generation live in fear.

The UKs island mentality plus the way some of the press and politicians painted the EU in a boogie man . With crazy laws that the will let the worst of the worst illegal immigrant rapists into the UK to claim benefits and form street gangs and steal our jobs claim all the benefits. God save the queen. Diana spinning on her grave. If it weren't for Blighty ze Germans. Undertone of it all.
Meant loads missinforned people scared into voting leave. With false hopes and promises.

Let's be fare. The Remain campaigners didn't offer any hope or way of letting those who felt ignored of feeling they had a voice project fear and all that. Remains campaign boiled down to remain things are good as they are let's leave it as it is. Business is good let's not rock the boat.

All the pro EU voters agreed already to vote remain and were clued up about why.

those undecided that fell for the leave campaign made the difference. Leave made it feel like an us versus them argument.

this country is dumb we voted to leave. Everyone told shits gonna get harder etc Collective meh from the majority of the country. England went out at euro 2016 more half the country loses its shit.


Maybe the root causes for some people voting leave weren't inherently racist, but I don't think anyone can deny that the rhetoric pedaled by pro leave parties and the media surrounded these non racist issues with a thick veneer of racism.


The people who didn't vote deserve to suffer just as much, maybe it'll teach them not to ignore the voting process and be more educated on political matters in general.

It goes without saying that I feel deep sympathy for those who voted remain and are now stuck.

Link them my dude. Let's see 'em.

I would start with the book that this is a review of - by Roger Bootle. It's nuanced, it's written by someone with a brain, it's somewhat balanced rather than a polemic.



40 percent don't? Are they simply troglodytes? Why wouldn't you? Do they like filling out visa's after traveling a hundred miles south east? It makes no sense not to want this and the fact this poll is lower than rationally believable is astounding and speaks volumes to the mind set of Brexit.

Have you seen people who vote for conservatives and right in general, the people who hate minorities and immigrants are pretty much people who have never left the place they are from, most of them don't know any other countries, hell I even imagine some of them haven't even get a foot in an airplane, so why would they want that if they will never leave?.
This seems kinda obvious. Obviously most people would wanna keep their EU citizenship and the rights it offers. The real question, though, is whether that citizenship and those rights are worth actually staying in the EU for, and we have our answer for what the people think when that's the question.

(It's kinda like Labour's "stay in the single market, but only if we don't have free movement of people." It's basically a pointless position, because it isn't one that actually exists).

Interestingly, the EU does not agree with that assessment, nor do other legal counselors within the UK. It is the British government's position that Article 50 is irreversible once invoked, but that sounds like a matter of policy and not law. We already saw Emmanuel Macron say 'the door is not necessarily shut' not long after the general election.

Considering how discombobulated British opinion is on this subject, I wonder if there's an outside chance that the referendum could be reversed. And for what it's worth, the referendum itself was not legally binding on its own. I think any government that does it is denying itself re-election, but it isn't totally impossible. Just nearly. :p

Basically everything's just being made up on the hoof re: this. It's unprecedented, with no legal... precedent.


not tag worthy
Have you seen people who vote for conservatives and right in general, the people who hate minorities and immigrants are pretty much people who have never left the place they are from, most of them don't know any other countries, hell I even imagine some of them haven't even get a foot in an airplane, so why would they want that if they will never leave?.
No most have been elsewhere l, they just complain and tut noisily when they can't get English food and how dare they not understand them and their "TALK SLOWLY REPEATING THE SAME THING LOUDLY , WHY YOU NO MAKE THE EFFORT TO SPEAK ENGLISH MATE" attitude.

Also don't forget this:
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