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9/11 conspiracy theories, anyone?

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Setec Astronomer
Oh, you mean that brightness on the fuselage itself. You do know that buildings are reflective surfaces, right?


Hitokage said:
Oh, you mean that brightness on the fuselage itself. You do know that buildings are reflective surfaces, right?

1) That is not a reflection; and 2) even if it WAS a reflection, it is being produced on the fuselage, and not the building....and it would be pretty hard for the building to reflect the sun while also being in a shadow.

That side of the building is NOT facing the sun.


Gold Member
Mimic had better watch out for the Men in Black. He's discovered that 9/11 was just a massive government conspiracy to draw public attention away from the Grand Deception, which will also allow for MJ-12 to implement Alternative 2 when the Zeti Reticulian Greys and Draco Reptilians come to fight over their human "containers". Where are the giant rolleyes when you need them? :D


MIMIC said:
What the fuck is that?


:: looks around nervously ::


Christ, you people...Is it THAT hard to believe that about 20 lunatics who got politics mixed into their figurative Kool-Aid got on board 4 planes and decided to slam them into U.S. landmarks? It's pretty easy for me to believe, and I'm about as cynical as they come. Move on, there's nothing to see here.

Also, a postscript:
Stop hinging conspiracy theories on grainy, VHS-caliber footage of aircraft moving at arguably a few hundred miles per hour.


Setec Astronomer
MIMIC said:
1) That is not a reflection; and 2) even if it WAS a reflection, it is being produced on the fuselage, and not the building....and it would be pretty hard for the building to reflect the sun while also being in a shadow.

That side of the building is NOT facing the sun.


Gold Member
xsarien said:

:: looks around nervously ::


Christ, you people...Is it THAT hard to believe that about 20 lunatics who got politics mixed into their figurative Kool-Aid got on board about 3 planes and decided to slam them into U.S. landmarks? It's pretty easy for me to believe, and I'm about as cynical as they come. Move on, there's nothing to see here.

SHHHHHH! This is too much fun to be spoiled by logic :D
I like how the government was supposedly so smart to pull the wool over everyone's eyes by faking the 9/11 attacks, yet they were too dumb to provide any credible links to Iraq or, at the very least, plant some WMD after they got in there.


Hitokage said:

So a side of a building, not facing the sun, managed to produce a reflection of the sun?


Gold Member
MIMIC said:
So a side of a building, not facing the sun, managed to produce a reflection of the sun?

It was reflecting one of the UFOs that were there controlling the planes with Bush mind controlling the action from the Florida classroom.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
in fairness to Mimic, this "evidence" is more convincing then what was offered for the Moon landings being faked.


ManaByte said:
It was reflecting one of the UFOs that were there controlling the planes with Bush mind controlling the action from the Florida classroom.

I think somebody said that one.


Setec Astronomer
MIMIC said:
So a side of a building, not facing the sun, managed to produce a reflection of the sun?
Curved surfaces, bright light. Haven't you ever played with a wristwatch and a sunlit window?


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
ManaByte said:
It was reflecting one of the UFOs that were there controlling the planes with Bush mind controlling the action from the Florida classroom.
Oh shit! That's why Bush stayed in the classroom! He had to continue concentrating on guiding the remaining planes! And the brief interruption by his aide caused him to lose control of the Pennsylvania flight! OMG!


Setec Astronomer
Dan said:
Oh shit! That's why Bush stayed in the classroom! He had to continue concentrating on guiding the remaining planes! And the brief interruption by his aide caused him to lose control of the Pennsylvania flight! OMG!
You may be on to something!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
MIMIC said:
So a side of a building, not facing the sun, managed to produce a reflection of the sun?

Sweet jesus man, you realise you linked to a site that said that this plane was carrying a missile and the genius that put the missile on the plane fired the missile 1/3 of a second before he drove the plane into the tower? What purpose did the missile and it's "POD" serve?

You realise that a fuel loaded airliner is in a sense already a missile right? Which is the brilliance of the plan in the first place. What possible purpose does strapping a missile to the Plane serve? AT ALL NO PURPOSE AT ALL AT ALL. Honestly, how much harder would that be to organise than just jacking a plane.

What is the conclusion to your theory anyway? That the government did it? That there was no plane? That the plane was remote controlled? Why did they need a "Missile Pod" strapped to its underbelly for any of these scenarios?

As for the reflection thing, High rise buildings all around would be spitting reflections in every direction, and buildings would be reflecting other reflections.

This is very reaching and I feel dumber from having read this thread.


Hitokage said:
Curved surfaces, bright light. Haven't you ever played with a wristwatch and a sunlit window?

So how do you explain the fact that this "reflected image" manages to remain with the fuselage even as it continues to travel?

Was this building following the plane or something?

One would think that you would AT SOME POINT move out of the line of projection of the reflection, but this does not happen in this situation.


Setec Astronomer
MIMIC said:
Your conclusion has been thoroughly debunked.
LOL, do I need to post this 757 image again?



And BTW, I'm willing to admit that the LA Times video WAS a reflection of the sun (I've since managed to watch a close-up of the entire video).

But that still doesn't explain the flash just before the plane impacts.


MIMIC said:
Your conclusion has been thoroughly debunked.

Oh, right, because the sun wasn't facing the plane, right? Except, you know, for that nasty pest "ambient light," you may be on to something.


Hitokage said:
LOL, do I need to post this 757 image again?


Flight 175 was a Boeing 767, not a 757.

(If I've conceded to some of the things you guys have been saying, how am I a sufferer of True Believers Syndrome? I, unlike many, still try to keep an open mind).


Ok so the government bombed the building with a truck bomb and covered it up by saying a plane had landed into the Pentagon? The evidence of this is some missing tape and twisted peice of airplane metal that doesn't have burn marks?

Ok, so the government set the truck bomb up, secured a plane and its people, stored them or killed them. Faked the radar reports of a plane flying over the no-flight zones from multiple radar stations, faked all the 911 calls that came in from that very plane saying it had been hijacked. secured and brainwashed all the people involved with the 911 calls, radar stations, family, etc etc to make sure they say the right thing. Orchestrated a huge number of variables, either one going wrong, and doing it flawlessly in a matter of seconds.....

Don't you think it would have been easier to bypass all this and just fly a plane into it?


Why would it need to launch a missle when the it was going into it in the first place

That's like shooting someone with a pistol before i shoot my shotgun in his face

missle pods

shit, wtf will they think of next.


ManaByte said:
Ok, if there was a missile pod on the plane how the FUCK did it get off the runway in the first place?

The terrorists distracted the ground crew with a massive, chocolate donut that they rolled down the runway.

And just as they'd planned, they confused it for a tire and spent their time trying to catch it instead of noticing the retrofitted missile launcher.


Tenguman said:
Ok so the government bombed the building with a truck bomb and covered it up by saying a plane had landed into the Pentagon? The evidence of this is some missing tape and twisted peice of airplane metal that doesn't have burn marks?

Ok, so the government set the truck bomb up, secured a plane and its people, stored them or killed them. Faked the radar reports of a plane flying over the no-flight zones from multiple radar stations, faked all the 911 calls that came in from that very plane saying it had been hijacked. secured and brainwashed all the people involved with the 911 calls, radar stations, family, etc etc to make sure they say the right thing. Orchestrated a huge number of variables, either one going wrong, and doing it flawlessly in a matter of seconds.....

Don't you think it would have been easier to bypass all this and just fly a plane into it?

I've already SAID that I now believe that a plane went into a building. (BTW, I didn't say anything about a truck).

ManaByte said:
Ok, if there was a missile pod on the plane how the FUCK did it get off the runway in the first place?

And I know this how?
catfish said:
What purpose did the missile and it's "POD" serve?

Maybe it was a contest to see how many passengers would blindly board a plane without noticing the strange missile pod on it. I guess, for the purposes of this thread, the answer is all of them.


MIMIC said:
I've already SAID that I now believe that a plane went into a building.


Spare me from reading this entire thread again and tell me what you thought happened to the plane before you conceded that little point?


MIMIC said:
First of all, I didn't, at any time, claim that a missile hit the building.

So they decided to fly a plane into the building when they had a perfectly good missle pod in the first place?

Oh so maybe the missle pod broke. Then I guess the first plane's missle pod fucked up to

never mind it would look PRETTY SUSPICIOUS if a commericial airliner launched a damned missle over new york


In all honesty, I suggest that you guys watch the documentary "911 in Plane Site." Granted, there are a few things in there that even I question, but it will make you consider your staunch positions about what happened that day.


Gold Member
Tenguman said:
oh man, you're hopeless. have fun sitting in your shack with your aluminum hat.

It's people like him that the government will round up when they implement Alternative-2.


Tenguman said:
oh man, you're hopeless. have fun sitting in your shack with your aluminum hat.

I don't shout your opinion from the highest mountain top and I'm hopeless?

Good job, man.


MIMIC said:
That more happened than just a mere suicide attack.

Yes, two very tall buildings fell in New York, the Pentagon sustained heavy damage, and a field in Pennsylvania was the unlikely recipient of a commercial airliner.

The old maxim of "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar," applies here. Nothing more complex than a few wackjobs hijacking some planes "happened."


xsarien said:
Yes, two very tall buildings fell in New York, the Pentagon sustained heavy damage, and a field in Pennsylvania was the unlikely recipient of a commercial airliner.

The old maxim of "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar," applies here. Nothing more complex than a few wackjobs hijacking some planes "happened."

The product of good ol' repetition.

(and you forgot about WTC 7).


MIMIC said:
I don't shout your opinion from the highest mountain top and I'm hopeless?
Good job, man.
I'm hopeless?

DAMN MAN! You think the govt attached a missle pod to a commercial jet airliner and your piece of evidence is a flash of light on the plane


Tenguman said:
I'm hopeless?

DAMN MAN! You think the govt attached a missle pod to a commercial jet airliner and your piece of evidence is a flash of light on the plane

1) I didn't call you hopeless (you called ME that, remember?); and 2) I never called that object a "missile pod."

Three strikes and you're out.


MIMIC said:
The product of good ol' repetition.

(and you forgot about WTC 7).

WTC 7 was on fire, plus it suffered damage from falling debris from the towers. Even if the firefighters were able to save it, the structure would've inevitably been deemed unsafe and it would've had a wrecking ball taken to it if it didn't collapse under its own damage beforehand.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
You're just desperate to find a conspiracy here. You have no 'who', you have no 'why', you have no 'how' and you have some make-believe 'whats' that don't really make sense. So what's your point?
xsarien said:
WTC 7 was on fire, plus it suffered damage from falling debris from the towers. Even if the firefighters were able to save it, the structure would've inevitably been deemed unsafe and it would've had a wrecking ball taken to it if it didn't collapse under its own damage beforehand.

In the video plane site, there's news footage of a big ol' black cloud emerging from where wtc 7 would be. Also wtc 6 stands between wtc7 and one of the towers. Yet it remained standing with less damage.


Setec Astronomer
767 isn't too much different from the 757 in that the 767 also has a bulge in the fuselage between the wings, but what KIND of bulge depends on the specific 767 model.

On this plane the bulge is only to the sides (767-300):

On this plane the bulge is more 757-like (767-200):


muncheese said:
In the video plane site, there's news footage of a big ol' black cloud emerging from where wtc 7 would be. Also wtc 6 stands between wtc7 and one of the towers. Yet it remained standing with less damage.

And there were buildings flanking the Twin Towers that also suffered zero or minimal damage. Debris exploding outward from the towers can fly in nearly any direction, skipping close buildings, hitting others, and vice versa.

This thread needs a solid injection of facts that aren't from conspiracy nut sites.
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