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A Dance with Dragons |OT| - Read the rules or Melisandre casts magic missile


Aliens ate my babysitter
I'm kinda sad that I got it a week early and can't be a part of the general excitement here! :/

Not a book spoiler:
no, not really!

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
got my kindle copy, was too late for my train ride to work, but I'm eagerly looking forward to tonight. It's a real shame that I'm at 85% of the magicians by lev grossman, don't think that's getting finished. hah.
I don't want to read any of the thread but I'm hoping that isn't a character or ability spoiler in the thread title. I'm only on the first book and I'd rather not know about a magic wielding character at this point.


Gawd, I just checked at my local bookstore, but it wasn't there yet. "Maybe this afternoon" Aargh!

I knew I should have ordered it from the internet.


I'm still a ways from starting A Dance with Dragons as I am only half way through A Game of Thrones, but I'm curious if I'll be able to skip A Feast for Crows and be okay. I heard a Feast for Crows was absolutely terrible and I don't want to read 1,000 pages of tripe if I can skip it. If necessary, maybe I'll just read a summary on wikipedia or something.


LM4sure said:
I'm still a ways from starting A Dance with Dragons as I am only half way through A Game of Thrones, but I'm curious if I'll be able to skip A Feast for Crows and be okay. I heard a Feast for Crows was absolutely terrible and I don't want to read 1,000 pages of tripe if I can skip it. If necessary, maybe I'll just read a summary on wikipedia or something.
Feast for Crows wasn't that bad. I enjoyed it. Sure there's few annoying chapters, but other than that it's pretty good read, altho not as good as the 3 former books.

Sotha Sil

LM4sure said:
I'm still a ways from starting A Dance with Dragons as I am only half way through A Game of Thrones, but I'm curious if I'll be able to skip A Feast for Crows and be okay. I heard a Feast for Crows was absolutely terrible and I don't want to read 1,000 pages of tripe if I can skip it. If necessary, maybe I'll just read a summary on wikipedia or something.

You heard wrong. It's an amazing book, and you should absolutely read the series in order.


LM4sure said:
I'm still a ways from starting A Dance with Dragons as I am only half way through A Game of Thrones, but I'm curious if I'll be able to skip A Feast for Crows and be okay. I heard a Feast for Crows was absolutely terrible and I don't want to read 1,000 pages of tripe if I can skip it. If necessary, maybe I'll just read a summary on wikipedia or something.
Do not skip it.

It's not terrible, I actually enjoyed it quite a lot (and I think the fact that I knew I'd be able to read ADWD immediately after helped).

There are crucial POVs, a broader view of the war, some really interesting moments and some MAJOR story devleopments that are pulled off well. Also the writing in AFFC is probably the best of the series... In short: DO NOT SKIP IT.


LM4sure said:
I'm still a ways from starting A Dance with Dragons as I am only half way through A Game of Thrones, but I'm curious if I'll be able to skip A Feast for Crows and be okay. I heard a Feast for Crows was absolutely terrible and I don't want to read 1,000 pages of tripe if I can skip it. If necessary, maybe I'll just read a summary on wikipedia or something.

Skipping a book in a series... what the fuck.

Sotha Sil

KingGondo said:
Do not skip it.

It's not terrible, I actually enjoyed it quite a lot (and I think the fact that I knew I'd be able to read ADWD immediately after helped).

There are crucial POVs, a broader view of the war, some really interesting moments and some MAJOR story devleopments that are pulled off well. Also the writing in AFFC is probably the best of the series... In short: DO NOT SKIP IT.

Just reread the book, and I have to agree. Once you sit back and stop caring about what happens next, you soon realize the slow-paced chapters are often the best written. The "broken men" monologue, especially, is a beautiful piece of writing.

Palette Swap said:
Wow, my wife actually got me a copy of the book this morning (in fucking Paris of all places), can't wait to get home.

Damn. I'm in France, and I'm getting it tomorrow at best. I really hate you right now.


ColonialRaptor said:
Chapter 5 spoiler
Bran on the other side of the wall oh my fucking god wait until you read this shit wholly fucking shit!!!!!


golem said:
<Jon II>
FINALLY. That sure shut him up LOL

Yeah, that chapter was changed from the preview too. Originally
Jon just hung him from the top of the Wall. George decided something more poetic would be the decapitation, so it's funny to see that line where he's like "no, I cannot hang you".


Just go to read the Prologue before going to work this morning. I liked it.

Also read the first line of Chapter 1. I loved it.

Chapter 1 First Line Spoiler:
"Tyrion drank his way across the Narrow Sea." He's back bitches!


Can't wait to get home from work. Got it delivered to my kindle this morning, but I'm actually thinking of getting the hardcover anyway just because it looks so freakishly huge :p


MAJOR SPOILER. Tyrion V (I think) Location 5949 on my kindle
Holy shit! Aegon Targ and Jon Connington are alive! That puts him ahead of Dany inline for the throne I think?


How much is this at Barnes and Noble, in store? Might pick it up now instead of waiting for Amazon.


Sotha Sil said:
Just reread the book, and I have to agree. Once you sit back and stop caring about what happens next, you soon realize the slow-paced chapters are often the best written. The "broken men" monologue, especially, is a beautiful piece of writing.
It was probably for the best that I went in with my expectations lowered, it allowed me to enjoy what's good about AFFC much more.

I really enjoyed Brienne's story as a whole, between her encounters with the remnants of the Brave Companions, the various hedge knights we get to meet, and more fun with Pod Payne and the levity brought by the Septon she meets, one of the few incorruptible characters in GRRM's world.

I also thought that GRRM did a nice job getting inside the mind of a paranoid, delusional character (Cersei) as well as that of a religious fanatic in Damphair.

Wonderful stuff. Not to mention the fun chapters in the Eyrie as Littlefinger bends the Vale to his will.
anyone have pics of the maps in the front of the book up yet? I can't really make them out on my kindle and was wondering if they were online etc yet?


ultron87 said:
Just go to read the Prologue before going to work this morning. I liked it.

Also read the first line of Chapter 1. I loved it.

Chapter 1 First Line Spoiler:
"Tyrion drank his way across the Narrow Sea." He's back bitches!
Ahahah. That's my man!

John Harker

Definitely doesn't make things up as he goes along.
LM4sure said:
I'm still a ways from starting A Dance with Dragons as I am only half way through A Game of Thrones, but I'm curious if I'll be able to skip A Feast for Crows and be okay. I heard a Feast for Crows was absolutely terrible and I don't want to read 1,000 pages of tripe if I can skip it. If necessary, maybe I'll just read a summary on wikipedia or something.

I kind of wish I was capable of skipping it. It left a bad taste in my mouth all these years. What a chore to churn through!

I'm pretty stoked about Dance though (mainly because the show rekindled my affection for the series) so will be heading to B&N at lunch to grab it.


I am reading it now. I can't believe after so long I am finally reading it. I'm going to take this nice and slow to absorb everything. No rush, no rush.

Thing is, adwd's timeline goes past affc's, so you cannot skip it for some charas.

Btw, this shit came to my kindle at 12:05 or something. WTF amazon?
I think the long wait for AFFC and ADWD, and the negativity it engendered lead a lot of people to be unfairly critical of Feast. In terms of plot advancement and character dynamics it was certainly a let down in comparison with Swords. That said however, in terms of world building and setting description Feast is the best of the series in my opinion. I strongly feel that if people who were disappointed with the book made an effort to read it again with an open mind their opinions concerning its quality would change.
Jarmel said:
So anyone finish? Any general impressions?

no real spoilers, but spoilered it just to be sure.

- Tyrions chapters are the weakest.
- Wait no, Daenerys chapters are. Ugh, i didnt really care for her before but apparently i could care less! Except for Barristan, he's a cool bro.
- fuck GURM for the last chapter. They killed one of my nigga's. :'(
- the Boltons are really fucked up.
- bit too many cliffhanger-style "is he dead or not?" endings.

It's a good book, probably rank it third after ASOS and ACFK.


Bull on a Donut
Grrrr, amazon says my copy shipped Sunday night through Fedex from a CA warehouse 1 hour away from my house. Yet, it's been in transit from the original mail place for two days!!! I hope my book isn't lost...

Can anyone that has used amazon before give me some assurance? Is this standard or something until an hour before delivery?


Aliens ate my babysitter
HarryHengst said:
no real spoilers, but spoilered it just to be sure.

- Tyrions chapters are the weakest.
- Wait no, Daenerys chapters are. Ugh, i didnt really care for her before but apparently i could care less! Except for Barristan, he's a cool bro.
- fuck GURM for the last chapter. They killed one of my nigga's. :'(
- the Boltons are really fucked up.
- bit too many cliffhanger-style "is he dead or not?" endings.

It's a good book, probably rank it third after ASOS and ACFK.

In general it's pretty spoilery, wouldn't read if I hadn't read the book. Still, no specifics though.


HarryHengst said:
no real spoilers, but spoilered it just to be sure.

- Tyrions chapters are the weakest.
- Wait no, Daenerys chapters are. Ugh, i didnt really care for her before but apparently i could care less! Except for Barristan, he's a cool bro.
- fuck GURM for the last chapter. They killed one of my nigga's. :'(
- the Boltons are really fucked up.
- bit too many cliffhanger-style "is he dead or not?" endings.

It's a good book, probably rank it third after ASOS and ACFK.
Wow so it sounds like the chapters everyone wanted turned out to be the opposite.


How long do you guys think it will take for a paperback version? I'd like to match it with the paperbacks of the others.


G-Pink said:
How long do you guys think it will take for a paperback version? I'd like to match it with the paperbacks of the others.
I would guess at least several months if not over a year.

Maybe they'll put out the paperback to coincide with the premiere of season 2 of the show in spring 2012, but that would likely be the soonest.
KingGondo said:
I would guess at least several months if not over a year.

Maybe they'll put out the paperback to coincide with the premiere of season 2 of the show in spring 2012, but that would likely be the soonest.

Probably. I'll most likely buy it again once the paperback hits, to match it with my collection. I need to re-by the other paperbacks considering they're falling apart (that's what I get for loaning books to my brothers...)


Bull on a Donut
Wow, well I just checked the actual Fedex website using Amazon's tracking number, and the estimated delivery date is set as tomorrow, not today (but amazon still shows July 12). I cannot wait one more day for this book lol! Think I'm going to buy it from borders and return the amazon book; they said they will pay for shipping because I got first day shipping and it didn't get here the first day.


PhoenixDark said:
Probably. I'll most likely buy it again once the paperback hits, to match it with my collection. I need to re-by the other paperbacks considering they're falling apart (that's what I get for loaning books to my brothers...)
My old copies of ACOK and ASOS are falling apart because I read them by the pool, and the binding glue started to melt (yay Oklahoma heat). :(

I'll probably cave and buy the new paperbacks eventually as well. And the eventual Mega-Premium-Hardback edition when the series is complete
in 2022. :-/


you speak so well
I can't believe after all this time and waiting I finally have ADWD in my hands, ready to read the new adventures of my favorite characters (sorry AFFC, you were good but I miss Tyrion and Dany).

I haven't been this excited about a book in a long, long time.
Jarmel said:
Wow so it sounds like the chapters everyone wanted turned out to be the opposite.
Whole book spoilers, really do not read unless you've finished the book:

Tyrion ends up doing a Grande Tour through the nations of the Free cities and doesnt even reach Daenerys. HE does meet Aegon, son of Rhaegar, who was saved by Viserys. But yeah, Tyrion ends up being some kind of goddamn gladiator riding on a pig, together with another dwarf (sounds familiar?), for a while.

And Daenerys ends up being in Meereen the whole book, without even getting a mile closer to Westeros, because she goes back to a Dothraki khalasar in her final chapter ("i have to go back to move forward" was quite the kick in the balls after reading so many chapters of her bumming around Meereen). Thank god Aegon is a smart Targaryen who manages to conquer a few castle's in Westeros because he had no intention of fucking around in the Free Cities.

In the end their plots felt pretty useless, except for the Aegon bit, but make up about 1/3 of the book. The plot really isnt advanced at all, and you'll have to wait for the next book for that. Dont get me wrong: they're not bad chapters to read, its just really frustrating that, after so many years of waiting, it all leads to, well, not much. I know that a big part of the book is all moving the pieces around for next part of the play, so i have high hopes that the next book can be another ASOS, but it will be years before that book is released. :(

Also, with GURM doing the whole "is he dead or not!"-cliffhanger with both Jon ánd Stannis in one chapter i couldnt help but roll my eyes a bit. So i hope that both are dead for real, because that would really surpise me.

And i'm still pissed he killed Kevan. Fuck you GURM.
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