I wish. Xbox wouldn't be trailing far behind the PS4 in terms of exclusives it that was the case (and I count PC/Anywhere games as exclusives).
I prefer the Xbox ecosystem, interface, network, controller, customer service, pretty much everything compared to PS4, except their approach to the games portfolio. It infuriates me how small, riskless and homogeneous Microsoft's exclusive games are compared to Sony. From first/second-party, to indie games, to japanese games that won't touch Xbox One with a 10 feet pole. And there's nothing indicating this will change in the short, medium or long term.
It seriously drives me mad how complacent and conformed they've been under Phil Spencer in this regard. Even during Mattrick's final year, DRM debacle aside, Xbox was showing way more promise to the future in terms of what actually matters to me: the games library.
We are sadly a long way from OG Xbox. MechAssault, Crimson Skies, OG Halo, JSRF, Jade Empire, DOA, Ninja Gaiden.
They play passive in the market so I expect they shouldn't be surprised they get spurned. Maybe they don't care and are content being second place, I don't even know what to think anymore.
One bullet point on that one post's list: Microsoft should learn that small victories win the war. That's something Microsoft in the games arena hasn't understood for "decades" and that is not changing anytime soon.
That's something Microsoft and Xbox just don't understand anymore, that content is king and that the way to get content is a long-term project, building relationships, fostering developers, etc etc, not just the home run ball during one month in the holidays with a big sale.
If people would have gone for the always-on-camera thing, the payoff would have been huge. Maybe they knew it was risky to rush it like that. Maybe they thought it was in the bag. Somewhere in there tho I can see that the gamble was worth it. A camera that could literally see who gets excited at which commercial.
I think the gamble was worth it.
Or at least would've been more worth it had they not fucked up their messaging soooo badly lol
I don't think even MS gave themselves a proper chance with that strategy, this is another mistake they really make a lot, they just assume people will like what they are doing by default. But they need to understand they are not Apple and it doesn't work that way for them. They need to get messaging out properly.