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A group of teenagers likely started fire in Oregon by lighting fireworks in forest

I think we need to ban personal fireworks in the Pacific NW. Every person I've ever been around using them turns into a cheap thrill obsessed blithering idiot. People can go to shows if they want to see them.

We can't afford fires like this caused directly by human stupidity when climate change is already increasing the number we have each year.

I don't disagree. Its too easy for shit to get out of hand when personal fireworks get into the hands of stupid peope.



But in all seriousness, people that don't respect their habitat and animal abusers frustrate me the most. It's like they don't believe these things are real crimes since they aren't directly harming humans. Even if caught, they don't face serious enough penalties to deter people in the future from doing stupid shit like this. Fuck them, and I hope karma comes back to them some day in the worst way possible.
This is so infuriating. Especially knowing the parents had to have dropped the group off and came back to pick them up. They're liable. We should bankrupt the family and shame them out of the region.
Classic millenials.

(Millenials are responsible for all the bad things in the world, right?)
15 year olds aren't millennials. They're whatever the fuck were calling the next generation that were raised by Gen Xers. So really this is all Gen X's fault for raising such terrible children.

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a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
15 year olds aren't millennials. They're whatever the fuck were calling the next generation that were raised by Gen Xers. So really this is all Gen X's fault for raising such terrible children.

Finally, Gen-X gets some flak.



Side note. It drives me fucking BONKERS how many Millennials post articles about how Millennials suck, thinking it's about teenagers/kids and not themselves. Fucking idiots. My generation does suck.
I'm near spokane, and over the last few days it feels like I've smoked a Marlboro factory, my eyes itch like crazy and i have a constant headache. And everything stinks.

This is the worst i can remember in recent years
The trail end was closed due to a raging wildfire.

What if that was the fire?

Unlikely. That was the Indian Creek fire, which was miles away and burning slowly. They never would have let hikers on that trail in the first place if the existing fire was that close. The fireworks started a new fire in a more heavily-trafficked area, which has since merged with the Indian Creek fire, as well as jumping the river into Washington State.


"I felt like I was in a nightmare because they didn't react normally"...that sounds so stupid and overdramatic.

Sounds like kids being stupid, probably didn't know how to react to a stranger who was yelling at them.

That said their actions had terrible consequences, even if unintended. They should be educated and probably punished too, but not in a way that's gonna ruin their lives.
I mean, here's the deal. They were teenagers, yeah? Teenagers do some stupid shit. It wasn't too long ago that I was one, so I remember pretty clearly.

But most teenagers don't go around actively causing pain and sorrow to thousands of people over a fucking prank or dare or whatever it was here. They're ~15, which is old enough to understand the obvious consequences of something as big and stupid as this. It would be one thing if it was an accident, but this seems to have been done on purpose.

These teenagers need the book thrown at them. I know they're still kids and all but that doesn't absolve them of the havoc and destruction they've knowingly and purposely caused.


what... intentionally lighting an entire forest on fire is just "having fun teenage years"?

That's kind of fucked up... I would have said kids being kids too but the fact they went out there to intentionally burn the forest down... they must be a group of sociopaths.

I'm with you, they need to make an example out of these kids. Anyone know the youngest person so far to get the death penalty?


Well at least they have an identity. Start splitting the cost of the fire between them; that'll probably start to make them care a bit.

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a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
I may have missed this but where did it say the kids started the fire intentionally? If they were just out in the bush lighting fireworks I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt that they probably didn't start a gigantic forest fire on purpose or with malicious intent.

Sure, it was dumb as fuck and they should certainly face some consequence, but from what I gather it's not like they went out there with the sole intention of starting a forest fire.

And before anyone starts chirping me with some armchair bullshit about "not being there", I've spent many years in parts of BC that were literally being evacuated and have several friends who are firefighters. I'm well aware on a personal level of the kind of impact these kinds of fires have.
It's fucking crazy how susceptible our forests are to widespread destruction by mere individuals. Imagine if they weren't just stupid teenagers but people with actual malicious intent. What happens when ISIS or some other terrorist group realizes they can fuck up the country way worse by having homegrown recruits constantly lighting forest fires as opposed to having them try to build explosives or go on a shooting spree?


Today I learned that starting forest fires is a typical activity of teenagers…gotta be one of those color restricted pasttimes.

My neighbor caught me playing with fire as a kid and told my Pops. For an entire summer I was grounded and had to fill a 5 subject notebook with "I will not play with fire" front to back all pages. I was good on fire after that.
I may have missed this but where did it say the kids started the fire intentionally?

In the Reddit thread, there were very long comment chains about this question. Answers ranging anywhere from who would bring fireworks to a trail to tons of signage about warnings of forest fire and any natives commenting on how anyone would know the consequences of such actions if they lived in the area so they likely knew what they were doing. Many think these teens just ambivalently didn't care.

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a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
In the Reddit thread, there were very long comment chains about this question. Answers ranging anywhere from who would bring fireworks to a trail to tons of signage about warnings of forest fire and any natives commenting on how anyone would know the consequences of such actions if they lived in the area so they likely knew what they were doing. Many think these teens just ambivalently didn't care.

Fair enough.
It was raining ash here on Vancouver Island in Canada.

My buddy out in the Rockies in Alberta had to evacuate his house because some dumbfuck tossed his cig butt out his car window.
Okay, I'm still not clear on how they're to blame if there was already "a raging wildfire".

I went up and saw the sign that said the trail was closed at 3 miles because of the fire.

When I came up to 1.5 miles up the trail, I came upon a large group of teenagers. They were kind of flanking the trail and I walked right in between them. I was standing right next to one of them who was filming and about four people away from me I saw a young boy lob a smoke bomb down into the ravine.

I said 'Do you realize how dangerous it is what you just did? They have the trail closed up ahead because of a raging wildfire.' I wanted to underscore the severity of what they just did. I said 'This whole area is so dry.'

They didn't say anything. And after he lobbed it I thought I heard a couple of girls giggle and the guy just filmed it like it was no big deal. And then they just continued down the trail.


-There was already a huge raging wildfire.
-They (possibly) started another fire right next to it with some fireworks.
-Then said fire (either the large original fire, or the new fire they started nearby, or some combo) spread over the next week to encapsulate 10,000 acres.
-The kids are being blamed for the whole thing.

What sense does that make? They're clearly idiots, but well... I think Billy Joel may have written a song about them.

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a lot of my threads involve me fucking up somehow. Perhaps I'm a moron?
It was raining ash here on Vancouver Island in Canada.

My buddy out in the Rockies in Alberta had to evacuate his house because some dumbfuck tossed his cig butt out his car window.

When I was in Nelson having beers on a patio near the river there was ash floating serenely down onto the tables.

You could see the fires across the water and the sun looked like something out of Bloodborne.

First fire was at Indian creek. The teens started the eagle creek fire. They both merged to form a 32k acre blaze last night.
First fire was at Indian creek. The teens started the eagle creek fire. They both merged to form a 32k acre blaze last night.

Correct, the Indian Creek fire was small and burning since mid-august. It was basically confined on its own about 650 acres.

The kids started this fire over the weekend and it has exploded. For everyone chiming in, the two fires weren't connected. One didn't start the other. These dumb as fuck kids started it and their dumb as fuck parents dropped them off.


It is not typical teenage behavior, I hope if you have kids you teach them better than their parents did.

Seems fairly typical to me. Several small local fires in the hills where I grew up were started in the same way. So many things I did as a child I wouldn't do as an adult. Including lighting off illicit fireworks in areas that I shouldn't be lighting fireworks off in. Fuck we used to cover tennis balls in acetone, light them on fire and kick em down the street. My parent's had no clue and my mom is a typical helicopter mom. Fuck, I literally jumped of a 50-60' bridge cause my friends did. (my mother couldn't use that saying anymore after I told her).

Obviously the kids fucked up majorly here, but I wouldn't put this out the standard youth irresponsibility range.
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