How's it going guys?
I figure you can use a break, so I started playing 4 for the first time (I've watched it, almost in its entirety before, so not exactly new) and... it's better than people give it credit for, at least the campaign.
I feel like there's a polish missing here that Bungie had. Their gameplay was more exciting, the levels better designed (the lack of cover here is obnoxious and damaging to making players constantly push the fight forward), and their enemies didn't seem to frequently appear out of nowhere (again, always making you hang back and play it safe).
All the same though, it's so much better than the reputation that precedes it. The visuals are absolutely gorgeous, like almost modern standards, in 4K and HDR, and this game should fundamentally not have existed on 360. The story is a different direction but actually cool. The new enemies are interesting and freshen things up (a little uncertain about them, though). The shooting feels as good as ever. And the Mammoth mission is a must-play for any Halo fan.
This certainly won't end up my favorite Halo, or remotely in the category, but I don't think I'm going to regret playing it either. It's a fun B-Halo experience, with some cool highlights and things to show you, especially on GamePass.