I can assure you none of your beloved characters are safe. I have a few in the works as I type this. Who will survive a hundred Deathstrokes? Who will have their only remaining eye poked out? Will Tommy finally make his move on Thea?
First of all, I agree there should be more Asian casting.
However, I absolutely disagree with the notion that a half Asian person can't be considered full representation. Maltese Jow is Asian. Full stop.
Also, as I mentioned Arrow had two fully Asian supporting characters in season 3, along with Nyssa who is half Taiwanese since S2 and regular cast member Slade who is Polynesian if you want to stretch that far.
How do you even define "full" representation? If you mean that she's Asian? Yes, she is! However, the distinction that she's half Asian is important to me because I am not half Asian. So yeah, in essence I don't feel she's representing me as a fully Asian person which is why I am disappointed that there aren't more Asian characters in the Berlantiverse. And by saying she's "full representation" it almost feels like you are telling me that they've checked their Asian quota and I should be content with that. Well, I'm not.
I haven't watched enough of Arrow to know about these characters, but looking over their character profiles I'm glad that they're there and seem to be somewhat prominent! Tell me they're not just in Season 3 however.
No, you're putting words in my mouth. I've specifically said multiple times I think there should be more Asian representation. So don't accuse me of saying they're meeting some imagined quota. But we're going to have to agree to disagree on multiracial here. I'm never going to think of a multiracial actor as representation with an asterisk.
Katana has an appearance in S4, but their family storyline starts and finishes in S3. Nyssa has very consistent appearances in S3 and S4.
I saw that you stated there should be more Asian representation, it's just that I felt your following sentence did not jive with that sentiment. I mean, I guess you could think of a multiracial actor as not being a representation with an asterisk but it definitely matters. It's why the Olivia Munns of the world will make it up top while everyone else is still struggling. I'm not saying things aren't progressing, I'm just saying it's not happening fast enough and I would love the Berlantiverse to step it up a notch.
Ollie was marooned on Fire Island.
I can assure you none of your beloved characters are safe. I have a few in the works as I type this. Who will survive a hundred Deathstrokes? Who will have their only remaining eye poked out? Will Tommy finally make his move on Thea?
I really don't want to go too deep down this rabbit hole, but if you think multiracial people suddenly have all the advantages over others, you're very much mistaken. Especially in Asia, and the Asian film and television market. Anthony Wong didn't spend decades playing villains because he wanted to. Whenever you single out a multiracial person with an asterisk, there's always a subtle tinge "not X enough" or "not a real X". There's an exclusionary undercurrent to being multiracial that people ignore. That's why it's matters when people feel compelled to put the asterisk in.
Racially diverse? Where my Asians at?
Alex would be nice. The alternative is Winn and I need him to be Supergirl's Cisco-Barry hybrid.
Arrow had Celina Jade, Byron Mann, Rila Fukushima, Karl Yune, Kelly Hu and Katrina Law in major roles. Six people of varying Asian descent. Six people that have all one thing in common: they go to kick major ass on the show. Five of them are of course Asian-American but that is to be expected. For the half-Asian versus full-Asian debate, more than half of the Asian-Americans are of mixed descent, with Asian-Americans already not being a big group.
My mistake, I misread the Census data. It is 14 million Asian-American, 17 million including those with multiracial. I thought it was 17 million separate.As stated before, I don't watch Arrow so I'll have to concede that if they are as prominent as you and Zero say they are then I'll give it to them. However, they sure as hell still need work then in their other three shows if Arrow is pulling all the weight outside of Jow.
Also, I'm gonna need a citation on that more than half Americans are of mixed descent considering this Pew paper states 74% of Asian Americans are foreign born and 62% state they identify with their country of origin which although doesn't explicitly state that they aren't of mixed descent, it heavily implies they are not. And by mixed descent I mean half-Asian specifically. Will concede the Asian Americans do make up only about 6% of the country.
I am also wondering if someone in the alternate Flashpoint universe is gay. Like maybe on their world Barry is gay. That would be cheap though considering it would be a one off and not fully explore their sexuality like they stated they would in the OP.
As cool as that would be, my moneys on someone from the Legends crew, perhaps Rory or Ray Palmer finding comfort in Sara
It is at this point that I realize I have zero memory of what happened to Thea or Malcolm Meryln at the end of last season.
It is at this point that I realize I have zero memory of what happened to Thea or Malcolm Meryln at the end of last season.
This never gets old.Ollie:
"I learnt something else on the island Diggle".
What if it's Wally?!
He didn't have a father figure growing up so he's looking for one....
A gay Kid Flash would be great.
All this talk about Asian representation and no signs of latinos except for Cisco and family.
I would say she's bisexual, knowing her interactions with women and Oliver.Isn't Sara Lance already gay? Assuming it's not her.
Most embarrassing part is all these shows are filmed in Vancouver. You telling me you can't find any Asians in Vancouver?I brought it up because we cannot even get a fully Asian supporting actor or actress across a 4 shows with a combined 8 seasons across all of them. That distinction IS important, but it does not discredit Malese Jow at all. Its to discredit any claims to trying to promote diversity across races when we have a distinct lack of multiple races within Asia. Me, as a South East Asian (specifically Indonesian), can't really hope to see a fully South East Asian actor or actress representing myself if we can't even have fully Asian actors and actresses on this show, and that is disappointing to me. That's why I brought up her half ethnicity.
I'm not going to get into Ciara Renee since I have no idea what that is all about, and skimming through it, the race issue they're speaking about is a whole other discussion and isn't really relevant to the issue I'm bringing up.
How would this be gay? I didn't watch Legends, did I miss some secret about Sara? Also did we know that Pied Piper was gay? I can't remember him having any relationships in the show
All this talk about Asian representation and no signs of latinos except for Cisco and family.
Well Hawkgirl was a latinx, no?
Oh one of those sites
Arrow just cast Josh Segarra and Supergirl cast Floriana Lima, both as series regulars. Every show except Legends will have a Latino regular, and every show has three or more POC going into this season.
And if you want to branch out into other Berlanti products, the upcoming Riverdale has black, Latino, Asian regulars and a Polynesian lead.
How many times has this man been told one of his daughters is dead? I'm not being cute, I've seriously lost track.
How many times has this man been told one of his daughters is dead? I'm not being cute, I've seriously lost track.
Three times.