ShadowRed said:WTF are you people's problem. He just said go out and vote. He didn't say "Vote for Kerry or youre a bunch of racist right wingers." Yeah it's obvious that he leans more to the left but so fucking what he has the right to voice his opinion as much as the guy next to me at work has the right to say "Hey I think Bush is just great." Do you have to be a politician to make a statement about the goings on of the government? If that's the case then we would get told jack shit most of the time and just shit when they did say something.
To illustrate my point: I wish that Martin Luther King would have just shut the fuck up and preached the bible rather than spouting all his crap about dream in and shit. He's a preacher for Christ sake why should I listen to him about how we should treat the blacks. FUCKING MORON!!!! Also I can't stand that rich plantation owner Benjamin Franklin that decided to write that fucking Declaration of Independence crap. I don't need him to tell me about why I shouldn't like England? What gave him the nerve to think anyone wanted to hear what he had to say? He should stick with doing what he knows best running slaves and shut up about politics. .
At no point did I state that he didn't have a right to voice his opinion. I merely stated that I found cases such as this to be annoying. I didn't firebomb a Starbucks as a result of it. He has his opinion. I have mine. You have yours. And somewhere between all that exists a off-topic forum consisting of 99% opinion. It'll be alright.