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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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The last Davos chapter in ADWD was one of the best in the novel. I'm looking forward to him searching for Rickon, although I'm sure it won't be as simple as just finding him/Osha, getting back on the boat, and getting the hell off the island back to Manderly.

So as Davos is searching for the "liege lord" of the North. Maege Mormont is in possession of Robb's letter which names his heir. Meanwhile Sansa will soon reveal herself as a Stark and claim Winterfell for herself. Then there's the issue of the Northern tribes, who certainly know Bran is alive. Oh and Jon, who may or may not be named Robb's heir.
Chuck Cunningham did that in Happy Days, too. And so did Donna's sister on That 70's Show, although she might have been an homage to Chuck, since the whole show owed a lot to Happy Days.



Normally I'd just wait for the author to finish his stuff.

I kid, or not...

On a serious note, at this moment I see Rickon's part only as a male version of Sansa's roll. Bring him home and have him marry Wylla Manderly. Or something along those lines.
The North remembers.


The last Davos chapter in ADWD was one of the best in the novel. I'm looking forward to him searching for Rickon, although I'm sure it won't be as simple as just finding him/Osha, getting back on the boat, and getting the hell off the island back to Manderly.

So as Davos is searching for the "liege lord" of the North, Maege Mormont is in possession of Robb's letter which names his heir. Meanwhile Sansa will soon reveal herself as a Stark and claim Winterfell for herself. Then there's the issue of the Northern tribes, who certainly know Bran is alive. Oh and Jon, who may or may not be named Robb's heir.

Yeah, it's going to be very interesting to see what happens. It's awesome though, as going into Dance, there was nothing going for the Starks/north. They were dead, it was over, but now we have some seedings for some awesome North revenge in the final two books.

Also, Ayra has to come back to Westeros at some point.
Yea the North could potentially make quite a comeback. If Stannis routs the Bolton forces through whatever ruse he's planning, all of a sudden the North will essentially be freed. The Lannisters won't be able to send another army, given the problems with the Tyrells and the threat of Aegon.

I'm very interested in Littlefinger's plans though. He has one of the only fresh armies in the realm, and we know he doesn't like Stannis. If Rickon actually does show up in one piece (and not, you know, a dead kid in Shaggydog's body), I could see Littlefinger attempting to deceive Sansa and convince her it's an imposter; I really think she's heading towards being a smarter, more dangerous Cersei. But how will he convince her that she deserves Winterfell more than whoever Robb decreed his heir?
Yea the North could potentially make quite a comeback. If Stannis routs the Bolton forces through whatever ruse he's planning, all of a sudden the North will essentially be freed. The Lannisters won't be able to send another army, given the problems with the Tyrells and the threat of Aegon.

I'm very interested in Littlefinger's plans though. He has one of the only fresh armies in the realm, and we know he doesn't like Stannis. If Rickon actually does show up in one piece (and not, you know, a dead kid in Shaggydog's body), I could see Littlefinger attempting to deceive Sansa and convince her it's an imposter; I really think she's heading towards being a smarter, more dangerous Cersei. But how will he convince her that she deserves Winterfell more than whoever Robb decreed his heir?

Does Robb decree Job as his heir as King in the North, or just lord of Winterfell?


If Arya comes back with a claim, and not like a "ninja", a badass hitman, then fuck it all. Assuming she is not the only left of Ned's children. I think neither Arya nor Bran should have a plot where they are coming back with a claim. Also I hope Jon survives but not inside of his direwolf or something like that.

EDIT: Additionally i wish to see/read more about the Others. The Winds of Winter just has to involve them as a great threat.

EDIT2: In ADWD I hated that nobody besides John thought of the wildlings as undead servants of the Others. I mean it is a huge threat, thousands of possible undead attacking the realm, and nobody is willing to support him at least partially.
What I like about Rickon being alive is that it just adds to the clusterfuck I see coming where everyone starts shouting out how they have the true heir to Winterfell and all the others are imposters. I'm hoping it gets as nasty as I think it might.

Then Arya shows up and kills everyone. Queen Horseface of the North.


The last Davos chapter in ADWD was one of the best in the novel. I'm looking forward to him searching for Rickon, although I'm sure it won't be as simple as just finding him/Osha, getting back on the boat, and getting the hell off the island back to Manderly.

So as Davos is searching for the "liege lord" of the North. Maege Mormont is in possession of Robb's letter which names his heir. Meanwhile Sansa will soon reveal herself as a Stark and claim Winterfell for herself. Then there's the issue of the Northern tribes, who certainly know Bran is alive. Oh and Jon, who may or may not be named Robb's heir.

Such a good series.. hopefully the series is finished.


What I like about Rickon being alive is that it just adds to the clusterfuck I see coming where everyone starts shouting out how they have the true heir to Winterfell and all the others are imposters. I'm hoping it gets as nasty as I think it might.

Then Arya shows up and kills everyone. Queen Horseface of the North.

Could agree with the first part, but the second????
Yeah I know you are just kidding.


And there is Stannis who thinks Davos was killed by WM.


First off, damn you guys for getting me excited about the next book when it's still probably 4-5 years away.

I really hope the Starks make a comeback in the last two books. And I think Rickon will be the one to do it too. Jon is dead or mostly dead (h/t Miracle Max). Sansa's death has been foreshadowed since the very beginning of book one (poor Lady). Arya is going to be a Faceless Man assassin (with a whole hit list of people to kill). Bran is a tree (and may just end up being the ultimate baddie). Rickon is our only hope.


Bran is far from a tree. Sorry if I misunderstood your point, that he'll soon become like Brynden or whats his name.

EDIT:As for J. Connington, somehow I'd expect him to try to cut of the ends of his fingers before giving in to hiding his disease. I think it would make a nice addition to the grim GRRM story telling.


Bran is far from a tree. Sorry if I misunderstood your point.

I mean he is learning to warg into the heart trees and his mentor is a man who has been doing it so long he has now become one with a tree. Maybe Bran isn't a tree now, but he's on his way to becoming one. I just don't see Bran's storyline suddenly changing course from this mystical journey to becoming Lord of Winterfell.


My guess, although a far-fetched one, would be that Tyrion dies before the series is over. That leaves Sansa free. Shortly after it's revealed that Jon isn't dead, and in fact, NOT a bastard of Stark but from another royal family line with no Stark blood. This news prompts Jon and Sansa to marry thus becoming King and Queen in the North.

Fat chance that will happen though.


I mean he is learning to warg into the heart trees and his mentor is a man who has been doing it so long he has now become one with a tree. Maybe Bran isn't a tree now, but he's on his way to becoming one. I just don't see Bran's storyline suddenly changing course from this mystical journey to becoming Lord of Winterfell.

I agree with the most of your post. I don't want him becoming lord of Winterfell as well. I understood that one becomes a "tree" when one is to old or has given up. Or at least I like to think so. Then again it is stated that when one lives inside an other creature he soon forgets his own origins and becomes one with it (if I am not mistaking, it was in the prologue of DWD). Maybe it is a much slower process with trees. Not to mention that a practiced greenseer can witness stuff through the trees.

I'd like to see Bran as a warlock on the north side of the wall, helping John.


I agree with the most of your post. I don't want him becoming lord of Winterfell as well. I understood that one becomes a "tree" when one is to old or has given up. Or at least I like to think so. Then again it is stated that when one lives inside an other creature he soon forgets his own origins and becomes one with it (if I am not mistaking, it was in the prologue of DWD). Maybe it is a much slower process with trees. Not to mention that a practiced greenseer can witness stuff through the trees.

Yeah, it will be interesting to see how exactly that process occurs. I mean Bloodraven is like 150 years old now and he's still only partly a tree, so it probably is a very slow transformation, like you say.


For me it boggles the mind, because in a way we can even see the "battle" of different gods. For example there is the god of the red priestess who in someway shows the future in fire, and there are the old gods. Their faces are carved in trees and the greenseer's can use them to see current and past events.

It is fucked up because of the author still being alive. It makes you wonder whether he is the ultimate troll or the ultimate genius. Or he is just drawing inspiration from the fans.
Does Robb decree Job as his heir as King in the North, or just lord of Winterfell?

We don't know who he decreed. He told Catelyn he planned on ruling Jon his heir, but it's done off screen so we don't know for sure. And it's worth remembering Catelyn managed to get Robb to change his mind on issues in ASOS, as compared to ACOK when he kind of did what he wanted to do (to his own doom); they privately argued/disagreed only for Robb to publicly side with her positions.

The only problem is that I don't possibly see who he could name heir outside of Jon; I could see him naming the Blackfish his reagent until the heir is in place though. It would be hilarious if he named Harry The Heir as the heir lol

edit: one of the most disappointing things about the lack of a 5 year gap is that Rickon will still be a child when he's found. It would have been awesome if he spent 5 years on Skagos becoming a young Conan/Drogo...


After a whole list of other people though. She is basically last in line.

True but she still has the claim I could see her with the dreadfort since we know ramsay and roose wont survive. Winterfell will probably go to bran or rickon and sansa is going to get the vale and riverlands.


Reading the last few books I've begun to feel like Arya is a red herring. She obviously isn't, but it just hurts to see so little progression due to the time period not jumping.
Everytime she has been close to figuring something out, she finds out she was a step too slow. She better have a super high note.


True but she still has the claim I could see her with the dreadfort since we know ramsay and roose wont survive. Winterfell will probably go to bran or rickon and sansa is going to get the vale and riverlands.

But whats the point of training her if she comes back a queen? I just can't see her as a queen, she needs to be an assassin.


But whats the point of training her if she comes back a queen? I just can't see her as a queen, she needs to be an assassin.

Well she isn't going to rule right now and I do believe she will settle down at some point I don't expect her to be a full time assassin. If anything I could see her play a master of whispers type role like varys but I think once she is done with her list and once the others come into play she is going to stop with the assassin bullshit and help her family.

I don't see her finishing her training with the faceless men and I don't think she evens likes them or wants to stay I could see her killing the ones that know her after they teach her how to get her face back.


^I hope not.

While I can acknowledge her giving up the fm part, i would like to see Arya as a hitman, rather then a queen.


it's 4th of July in my asshole
Nearly Headless Ned would be a kick ass character. I can see him just walking into a door over and over and over again....... then he will piece everything together and walk into the door again.


I'm of the opinion that GRRM should have just "forgotten" about Rickon entirely. No one would actually notice, and it would save pages.

He did forget for a few books, but Rickon came back into the plot in Dance when Davos went for him.

I think it's kind of interesting, the "Ned" replacement possibly being like a replacement father for Rickon. Davos already lost some of his sons, so I can see him adopting the boy or at least helping him be lord of Winterfell, maybe as his castellan. Because Rickon's probably going to end up with it in the end.

My guess, although a far-fetched one, would be that Tyrion dies before the series is over. That leaves Sansa free. Shortly after it's revealed that Jon isn't dead, and in fact, NOT a bastard of Stark but from another royal family line with no Stark blood. This news prompts Jon and Sansa to marry thus becoming King and Queen in the North.

Fat chance that will happen though.

I actually had this theory a few threads back. I noticed that Sansa and Jon rarely mention each other in their chapters. Jon barely registers she's alive and Sansa mentions him as the little bastard boy, essentially. So it would be interesting with them not really being bonded as family to be forced into that situation.

Remember: redheads really love Jon.

Well technically she has claim to winterfell, the dreadfort, and the riverlands if edmure and the blackfish don't survive.

Hm, that's interesting. I could see her being set up by GRRM as the Lady of the Dreadfort after she comes back and murders the Bastard of Bolton. Maybe the Bastard survives Stannis and ends up capturing her as she's returned. "Now I have the true Arya" or some such thing. And then she cuts his balls off.

Plus with her new, darker attitude she would fit the "dread" notion.
this thread usually barely moves, but i go to class for the day and come back to all this good stuff!


Because Theon's squire followed them and it was clearly described in a Davos chapter at Wyman Manderly's castle. Whether they are still there is a different matter.

Yes, Wex throws the dagger into the map and although it doesn't say in the text where it lands Davos thinks he doesn't want to journey to where "men break fast on human flesh." Skagos is the only location in the books that has been referred to as being inhabited by cannibals.

thanks guys. i wasnt sure if it was something i "knew" of if it was speculation i read somewhere, possibly this thread. i am also dumb and often miss those indirect references like gutshot mentioned.

I'm of the opinion that GRRM should have just "forgotten" about Rickon entirely. No one would actually notice, and it would save pages.

i would remember. im still "rooting" for a stark comeback so i care about all stark characters.

The North remembers.


What I like about Rickon being alive is that it just adds to the clusterfuck I see coming where everyone starts shouting out how they have the true heir to Winterfell and all the others are imposters. I'm hoping it gets as nasty as I think it might.

Then Arya shows up and kills everyone. Queen Horseface of the North.

i already professed my love for the starks above, and much of my hope has been pinned on arya for a while now.

I actually had this theory a few threads back. I noticed that Sansa and Jon rarely mention each other in their chapters. Jon barely registers she's alive and Sansa mentions him as the little bastard boy, essentially. So it would be interesting with them not really being bonded as family to be forced into that situation.

Remember: redheads really love Jon.

Hm, that's interesting. I could see her being set up by GRRM as the Lady of the Dreadfort after she comes back and murders the Bastard of Bolton. Maybe the Bastard survives Stannis and ends up capturing her as she's returned. "Now I have the true Arya" or some such thing. And then she cuts his balls off.

Plus with her new, darker attitude she would fit the "dread" notion.

i always sorta imagined sansa as generally "her mothers daughter" (as opposed to arya who was more like ned) in that she was fairer, more of a gentlewoman, and disregarded jon.

arya ending ramsay would probably be one of my top moments of the series, were that to happen.

what do we think it means that arya's wolf is still around somewhere (presumably). i was surprised at times they were never reunited while she was traveling through the riverlands and so on. do we think they meet up again and...do something?


Arya and Nymeria have to meet up or Nymeria has to do something important GRRM wouldn't keep her alive for nothing. Arya and Sansa also have to meet up and settle their differences. Remember the promise not to kill her sister and the pack survives and all that.

I also think she is going to meet up with Gendry eventually.
I had figured Arya would be sent to kill Jon, in order to fully shed her past but perhaps that's not likely anymore; and if the theories about the Faceless Men being tied to The Others are true, perhaps she'll wind up there anyway


I actually had this theory a few threads back. I noticed that Sansa and Jon rarely mention each other in their chapters. Jon barely registers she's alive and Sansa mentions him as the little bastard boy, essentially. So it would be interesting with them not really being bonded as family to be forced into that situation.

Remember: redheads really love Jon.

Great minds think alike. As much as it would be a fitting scenario, I think we're in for a surprise with what happens with the Stark family. GRRM loves to troll fan theories.

Arya and Nymeria meeting up is one of my most anticipated moments, so I expect GRMM to troll me and it never happens.

I'm anticipating this moment as well (if it ever comes). Arya finishes with her assassin training and heads to Westeros to kill the ones she promised to. She avoids the roads and sticks to the forests as not to be seen when she's taken by surprise by a pack of wolves. They surround her and start showing their teeth just as their leader approaches..........
Fuck yes. I hope this happens so hard.

Arya's chapters in the later books are going to be so great. So many people to kill.

this is exciting to think about, though absurdly unlikely considering the tone of the series. rickon tearing shit up in the north, arya assassinating her way through kings landing and other areas, then sansa showing up from the vale, looking all regal. reuniting the remaining wolves would feel nice, but grrm doesnt give us the feel good stories, so im not counting on it.


Apparently George has started work on The Winds of Winter. He thinks he can get it out before HBO catches up to him, which he estimates to be about 4 years from now. Famous last words.
Apparently George has started work on The Winds of Winter. He thinks he can get it out before HBO catches up to him, which he estimates to be about 4 years from now. Famous last words.

It would be awfully nice if he could just focus on the series and get the book out by the end of 2013 like the old days
Apparently George has started work on The Winds of Winter. He thinks he can get it out before HBO catches up to him, which he estimates to be about 4 years from now. Famous last words.

I can see book 6 being out before the show catches up, but book 7... that will be interesting to see what they do when and if they get there.


Apparently George has started work on The Winds of Winter. He thinks he can get it out before HBO catches up to him, which he estimates to be about 4 years from now. Famous last words.


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