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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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First of all, nobody said he is dead. Second, and this is my reasoning, he needed this to pull his shit together. To once and for all dismiss the idea that a lord commander can have friends. I honestly wouldn't like him brought back as a warg. I'd like to see him survive his wounds and come back as a hardened lord commander who is suspicious of everyone and not letting anyone undermine his authority.

Him coming back as the 1000th Lord Commander sounds too happy for George RR Martin, I'd prefer him being trapped in Ghost and travelling past the wall to discover The Great Other and then getting depressed about everything and making Ghost kill himself. That way the reader can find out about the main villain and Jon's arc can conclude at the same time.


First of all, nobody said he is dead. Second, and this is my reasoning, he needed this to pull his shit together. To once and for all dismiss the idea that a lord commander can have friends. I honestly wouldn't like him brought back as a warg. I'd like to see him survive his wounds and come back as a hardened lord commander who is suspicious of everyone and not letting anyone undermine his authority.
I want this as well. I like Jon too much and his role to have him just up and die.


During the first two books of the series I took a very linear "Hell yeah Starks!" and "Boo Lannisters!" approach. But over the course of the third book and through the fourth and fifth, I've come to think the Lannisters are entirely logical, practical and strong people, with the exception of Cersei. Sure, they may be selfish, but who isn't when they already fund half the realm? Then you've got Jamie evolving through this whole period of disruption (seriously, losing your hand? To a piece of shit like Vargo?) and becoming the better for it. Tywin had a badass vision for his family; to never fall into obscurity, to become powerful and rule, because honestly they had the resources to.

Martin put some real ass strife into inter-family conflict within the Lannisters. Cersei fucked the family by being psychotic and short-minded. Jamie's severed hand cost himself and the family not only a military advantage, but an advantage of image. Who wants to be ruled by a man with no main sword hand? Unless Jamie becomes just as good a fighter with his left, people will never view him the same. And Tyrion, the most cunning, aware, and knowledgeable of them all, was disowned by his father and thought to have killed his own mom. So pretty much, they're a powerful, dysfunctional, failing from the inside family.

The Starks were an equally powerful family in their region of Westeros, but were screwed from the outside world. Its a cool contrast seeing these two families fall apart from different circumstances.

The Targaryens also changed for me, at first I thought they were all just nuts. Inbreeding, history of madness, thats really all you know for the first few novels. But then the history is fleshed out a little more and they become a lot more interesting, enough to make me want to root for Danerys much more. She seems to have the only key to stopping the incoming invasion of the Others too, so house Targaryen has as a whole more interesting characters to me.

I liked the Lannisters more as characters as the book went forward but I never thought of them as the good guys. Tywin was a pretty horrible guy in my view eventhough there were parts of him I admired, especially since the first impression I had of him was through Charles Dance. The Lannisters aren't bad as a rule but Tywin, Cersei, and Joffrey were. The Starks aren't always good either but Ned was really good and so was his family. Politically I have no idea who I would support if this was real life. There are some aspects to Dany that I like, maybe Aegon, or even Tonmen if he could be properly raised. Sansa could make a great queen one day.

edit: As for the question of Jon's current state, I don't think he is dead either. It would be really shitty of George to release book six and be like, "well he was dead all along". George would have just told us right now. I think maybe he will meet Bran or rescue him as a direwolf, I don't exactly trust Bloodraven. I have a good feeling George wants to put a twist on the traditional Guru-disciple relationship we see in fantasy stories and make Bloodraven into some kind of anti-wise man figure, like a Dumbledore who lost his mind. I think Meera and Jojen will die. :(

Jon could also be alive due to some kind of automatic spell. Remember the wall is infused with magic.
Somewhat related, but has there been any word on the "World of Westeros" book that is supposedly coming out? The compendium written from the two people from Westeros.org

Would love to get my hands on something like that...no idea if it's been scrapped, delayed, or what.

Elio was on the latest Podcast Of Ice and Fire and mentioned the tentative date is October 2012. He also mentioned George recently sent him a large amount of material that blew him away, and confirmed to him that the idea that George is losing interest in ASOIAF couldn't be more false. He obviously didn't want to give away many details or spoilers, but he did mention there will be a full breakdown of the Targaryen line

I'd definitely recommend the Podcast of Ice and Fire, plus the All Leather Must Be Boiled one. The Ice/Fire one is more laid back as the hosts forget a lot, plus they nit pick the show to ridiculous levels at times...BUT it's still good and they have many great guests. The most recent one was very plot and theory based, and included Elio and the guy who runs Tower Of The Hand.

All Leather Must Be Boiled is a more serious discussion of the series and various themes and theories


Just finished ADWD. Much better read then AFFC. Couple thoughts:

I reaaally hope Jon isn't dead. It would be awesome if all the wildlings who'd just cheered for Jon would kill the crows and be the new Night's Watch. Jon said the people around hem were worthless. Giantsbane and Leathers are more useful already. They should become part of the Watch. With Mance being a First Ranger again. Oh, and Wun Wun as Master of Arms.

After all her training Arya is on her way to becoming a one woman army. I hope she doesn't really become no one, and does indeed end up killing Cersei.

About who gets to ride Viserion and Rheagal: Have there been other characters in the books who couldn't be burned? Quentyn burned his hand on the flame, Viserys died from the golden crown, obviously they weren't real dragons. Dany could touch the hot eggs in...GoT? Anyone else who had fireproof hands, I don't recall.

And I think the Targaryen names are confusing. I still have trouble organizing who Aegon, Aerys, Rheagon etc. are. For Pete's sake, change it up a little and throw in a John, Dick or Bob.


Pretty cool speculative world map. Not perfect, but GRRM says it is pretty close. An official world map is coming at the end of this year, but this is the best we have so far.

Click the image for a HUGE version

More info about the map, plus a Google Earth version, at the artist's website.
Pretty cool speculative world map. Not perfect, but GRRM says it is pretty close. An official world map is coming at the end of this year, but this is the best we have so far.

Click the image for a HUGE version

More info about the map, plus a Google Earth version, at the artist's website.

What an amazing map! I never realized just how far away Qarth was. I also don't recall the books mentioning "The Red Waste."


The most surprising thing to me is how close Mole Town is to the wall, lol. That's makes it look like it's not even a ride.


I also don't recall the books mentioning "The Red Waste."

that's probably because no one remembers Dany's boring travels during ACOK


The most surprising thing to me is how close Mole Town is to the wall, lol. That's makes it look like it's not even a ride.

Is it supposed to be further away? I always thought it was like a one or two hour horse ride away. Don't the books talk about rangers going down for the day to "dig up some buried treasure"?


Is it supposed to be further away? I always thought it was like a one or two hour horse ride away. Don't the books talk about rangers going down for the day to "dig up some buried treasure"?

an hour or two sounds right, it just seems so close on the map is all

finding and looking at the scale, I'd say they have it in the 25mile range, so that's probably about right. I guess it just looks so close due to the size of the map.


an hour or two sounds right, it just seems so close on the map is all

finding and looking at the scale, I'd say they have it in the 25mile range, so that's probably about right. I guess it just looks so close due to the size of the map.

Yeah. And because Westeros is so huge. 25 miles on the map is like a half an inch.


lol. So I recently turned another one of my friends onto the series, and he's part way through Clash of Kings right now. I was just texting him about it and regarding Joffrey, he says
"He's such a DICK! I hope Robb murders his bitch ass."

lol. So I recently turned another one of my friends onto the series, and he's part way through Clash of Kings right now. I was just texting him about it and regarding Joffrey, he says
"He's such a DICK! I hope Robb murders his bitch ass."


I commute via the DC Metro system to and from work. I see people reading one of the books of the series all the time.


I am not so happy about the barren Icelandic landscape I saw in the trailers. It makes sense, it's just i imagined it a bit differently. More uneven and mountainous. Fjords etc.

I'll go mad until the next book...
lol. So I recently turned another one of my friends onto the series, and he's part way through Clash of Kings right now. I was just texting him about it and regarding Joffrey, he says
"He's such a DICK! I hope Robb murders his bitch ass."


It's like you just want to reach out and hug those that think it will go well for the Starks.


I really love Arya's story arc in A Feast For Crows.

Also fuckin a. Jon Snow better not be dead.

I hope he is.

He can be warging around in Ghost and talk to Bran, sure. But his human body should be (un)dead. Just to spite the whole "Na, that character is not really dead!" trend. But we all know that you have to be beheaded and burned "onscreen" as a POV character to be NOT returning after your "death".


I am not so happy about the barren Icelandic landscape I saw in the trailers. It makes sense, it's just i imagined it a bit differently. More uneven and mountainous. Fjords etc.

I'll go mad until the next book...

True, we discussed this a lot in the other thread. My vote was always for Yosemite in the winter but it probably wasn't feasible to film there considering the size of the production and all the rules Yosemite has.



True, we discussed this a lot in the other thread. My vote was always for Yosemite in the winter but it probably wasn't feasible to film there considering the size of the production and all the rules Yosemite has.


That looks nice, but also I can imagine that they are charging significantly more for shooting. Plus the majority of the scenes are shot in Europe. But at least we agree about the (to) barren landscape. I hope they pull out with some cgi magic.


That looks nice, but also I can imagine that they are charging significantly more for shooting. Plus the majority of the scenes are shot in Europe. But at least we agree about the (to) barren landscape. I hope they pull out with some cgi magic.

There won't be any CGI additions according to them. Probably just some camera tricks to make the area look even more expansive than it already is. The Craster's keep stuff is still filmed in Northern Ireland and on some beautiful sets they created and so that part of the story will still have trees and foresty areas. I think the final product will be great, just not how we imagined.


ahhh...I dont like the landscape I saw in the trailer showing Ygritte and Jon. That said, i dont like the Ygritte cast either.


ahhh...I dont like the landscape I saw in the trailer showing Ygritte and Jon. That said, i dont like the Ygritte cast either.

Yeah that will be the stuff after Craster's keep. When they are camped out and then Jon goes off with Qhorin Halfhand. It will be the last five or six episodes of the season. Ygritte seems good to me, have to wait to see her performance.


The ygritte they cast is too pretty. They don't need someone ugly, but maybe someone thats less model looking.

Depends on how dirty/disheveled they make her up to be. Natalia Tena (Osha) is quite a looker if seen in normal situations, but the show does a good job of making her look like a wildling.
I dunno, she doesn't look like a model to me.


That's an unflattering pic of her, she looks much better on the show. She's not "hot" but definitely an attractive woman, and a good actress.

Shows do not cast unattractive women for the most part, it's futile to complain that someone isn't "novel ugly" in a Hollywood or television adaption.


That's an unflattering pic of her, she looks much better on the show. She's not "hot" but definitely an attractive woman, and a good actress.

Shows do not cast unattractive women for the most part, it's futile to complain that someone isn't "novel ugly" in a Hollywood or television adaption.

Yeah, she's cute on the show (just watching Downton S1 now). I think "cute" is about right for Ygritte.


I'm kind of hoping that Azor Ahai turns out to be a crock of shit.

After twisting so many fantasy tropes completely around, it would feel like a huge cop-out if the climax of the story was dependent on a main character being some legendary hero reborn.

Plus, you know, Wheel of Time comparisons. :(


The ygritte they cast is too pretty. They don't need someone ugly, but maybe someone thats less model looking.

That seems pretty trivial. Ygritte's looks have no actual bearing on the plot. If they were going to be concerned with such things, they might have started with Tyrion, whose looks are important.
Wat? Dear god no. George RR Martin would really have lost it for something like that to happen.

The old faceless man says she needs to leave the temple for the next phase of her training. Says she needs a pretty face next.

and from the wiki: The city is also renown for its courtesans, which are famed throughout the world. Every courtesan has her own barge and servants to work them. Every courtesan is very beautiful of which the singers sing of. They are showered with gifts from goldsmiths and craftsmen beg for their custom. Nobility and rich merchants pay the courtesans large amounts of money to appear alongside them at events, and bravos are known to kill each other in their names.

She's in Braavos right now. I'm just guessing its a sex school. They should be able to train her in everything else. Swordplay, sneaking, magic, poisons, etc.


Asha should have been Lily Allen!

Oh and I don't think the kids will see each other again. The Starks will be dead by the end except for maybe Sansa and Rickon. My guess is that Jon and Bran will meet each other at some point. Remember Bran's vision about a wall of light covering the land of always winter? I think someone will have to help him get there and beyond it is the source of the Others. I hope there is a explanation for the others beyond just being bad ice demons. They are aliens!

Oh and don't expect some kind of afterlife scene for the Starks. It was already done in both Harry Potter and
so George won't want to do it again.
Oh and I don't think the kids will see each other again.

I think they will. Martin spoke of the series following a pattern in which all the 'core' cast are introduced together [The feast at Winterfell], before spreading out across the world. At some point the process is reversed.

Maybe not at once, but I can't imagine the Starks won't at least see each other given that structure. We may not like it when they do meet, given this set-up appears to be indicating they are all taking new identities [bar Rickon whom we know little about], but they'll likely meet.


Maybe not at once, but I can't imagine the Starks won't at least see each other given that structure. We may not like it when they do meet, given this set-up appears to be indicating they are all taking new identities [bar Rickon whom we know little about], but they'll likely meet.

Considering Rickon barely knew his parents*, he's in the care of a wildling now and (presumably) living in Skagos (with cannibals!)... I think his inherent "wildness" has been or could be amplified. I don't think it's a very, um, "healthy" upbringing to be honest :p

*: I'm obviously referring to the fact he was like, what, 4 years old when Ned was beheaded... and then Catelyn went away, so he spent the rest of the time without any of his parents.


I think they will. Martin spoke of the series following a pattern in which all the 'core' cast are together [The feast at Winterfell], before spreading out across the world, at some point the process is reversed.

Maybe not at once, but I can't imagine the Starks won't at least see each other given that structure. We may not like it when they do meet, given this set-up appears to be indicating they are all taking new identities [bar Rickon whom we know little about], but they'll likely meet.

He actually said those words, the process of them spreading out is reversed? At least three of them are dead and one has just been stabbed multiple times so whether he is just injured or kept alive through magic he will be slowed down in some ways. Besides Jon can't move much because he needs to be looking after the wall. Oh and Bran doesn't have legs.

I suppose they could all meet at the Wall or perhaps Bran can reach all of them through the trees like a five way call. Of course they could all meet at the great hall of winterfell in the afterlife. :)

Ned: Hey kiddo.

Jon:[Shocked] Dad?

Ned: Hello, Jon.

Jon: ...I don't understand. You died.

Ned: Yeah I did.

Jon: Then how are you here right now?

Ned: How are you here?

Jon: [Pauses] I died too.


He actually said those words, the process of them spreading out is reversed? At least three of them are dead and one has just been stabbed multiple times so whether he is just injured or kept alive through magic he will be slowed down in some ways. Besides Jon can't move much because he needs to be looking after the wall. Oh and Bran doesn't have legs.

From this interview:

With the HBO show, book two presents a lot of challenges to an adaptation, since it's much more dispersed. Can we expect to see more liberties being taken?

This is the ongoing problem with all of the books. The story starts fairly close in, with all the characters in the same place. But as the books go on, the characters spread apart into smaller and smaller groups, that break apart. You get more and more locations, more and more secondary characters. It sort of deltas out. Eventually, they will turn around and start delta-ing in again, but we haven't quite reached that point in the books. This is something the show is going to have to deal with, which is going to be a challenge.
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