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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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One of my general gripes with the series is as it goes on travel time gets longer and longer in terms of page count.

Imagine if the first three novels had been written in the same style, we'd only now have reached the Red Wedding due to the number of chapters it took for Cat to travel in order to meet Renly. Arya would have a novel all to herself.


At the very least he's right about the Jon thing. The people who "killed" him had their reasons, but at the same time they're surrounded by wildlings and the only thing keeping the wildlings in check was Jon.

Keep in mind that most of the wildlings are weak, old, tired and hungry, while they're better armed. They also might have worked out a strategy while the wildlings are still unawares. There is going to be a bloody battle, no doubt, but they might very well have the upper hand despite the numbers agaionst them if they planned it out well. The entire 'for the night's watch" scene seemed a bit too scripted to be impromptu.

If not, then yeah, they didn't think it through, but that's not the first time this has happened in this series.

I spent the past 4 months reading all the books one after the other, i think my opinions are valid.
I see from your posts that you are one of "those" people.
You could have spent 4 years or 4 days reading them, the problem is that your not substantiating your criticism with anything. Your just bitching about stuff that makes you angry for no given reason. You can make ANY complaint by this logic. Watch:



See? You want to put forth real criticism, you have to explain yourself. Otherwise, your just babbling.
I thought the saddest scene was when arya left the hound to die, and was debating whether or not to kill him, and he was begging for her to finish him.

The man has had a horrible life, feel so much pity for him. His whole life is just hatred, and the scene with sansa in ACOK is so good, how he has these emotions but can't express them in the right way because he's so twisted.

I thought catelynn seeing her son killed before her is a pretty sad scene as well.
I just bought this poster for the living room of my new apartment.


I feel like a huge nerd, but it actually goes really well with the new coffee table and end table I just bought. Now I just need to find a nice frame to put it in.


I think my biggest problem personally with Feast and Dance is that Arya is my favorite character in the series. She had a total of 5 chapters throughout both books combined, while a character such as Brienne, for example, had 8.

I understand that this is probably just a result of Arya being one of the characters hit hardest by the decision to ditch the 5 year gap, but it still hurts :(

Well Brienne is my favorite character, so you just shut up. :(

Seriously though, everyone is right in that Arya and Tyrion have both kind of gotten the shaft in later books, but I feel that maybe that's slightly deliberate. Maybe it's me over rationalizing but it really feels as if all the characters that were set up as clear fan favorites in the first few books have been brought low -- either through stupid decisions, losing at the game, journeying astray or straight up death -- to allow for the new characters he keeps introducing to shine just a little more and maybe take center stage in some fans' hearts. (Brienne started making her way up the list in ASOS but it was when she completely went off after so much build up in AFFC that she topped everyone else for me.) Ned got death while Tyrion got debasement, which was basically inevitable after he rose so high early on. And Arya, who has arguably the best arc of ACoK, has to nearly disappear for a while.

Give her the time to come back more badass than ever and it will hopefully be worth the wait.

Brienne was only good with Jaime.

Um, no. Brienne brought back Pod.

Shagwell tried to crawl away. “I yield,” the fool cried, “I yield. You mustn’t hurt sweet Shagwell, I’m too droll to die.”

“You are no better than the rest of them. You have robbed and raped and murdered.”

“Oh, I have, I have, I shan’t deny it … but I’m amusing, with all my japes and capers. I make men laugh.”

“And women weep.”

“Is that my fault? Women have no sense of humor.”

Brienne lowered Oathkeeper. “Dig a grave. There, beneath the weirwood.” She pointed with her blade.

“I have no spade.”

“You have two hands.”


She knocked aside his arm and punched the steel into his bowels. “Laugh,” she snarled at him. He moaned instead. “Laugh,” she repeated, grabbing his throat with one hand and stabbing at his belly with the other. “Laugh!” She kept saying it, over and over, until her hand was red up to the wrist and the stink of the fool’s dying was like to choke her. But Shagwell never laughed. The sobs that Brienne heard were all her own. When she realized that, she threw down her knife and shuddered.

Come on.


I'm pinning my hopes on that but fuck.

There aren't a lot of times where you see the character's death from their own point of view and when you do it is usually VERY certain -- like the moment Catelyn describes her throat being slit. Otherwise they generally end up still alive.

What would be even more fucked up is if everyone continues to assume Jon is alive and five years later it's revealed in page 15 of the next book that his head is mounted on the wall.


Neo Member
This literally just popped into my head while reading all of this, but what if that Jon Snow was a Melisandre illusion just as we saw with Mance? Perhaps the real Jon Snow has already made his move and we'll discover that in the next book.
This literally just popped into my head while reading all of this, but what if that Jon Snow was a Melisandre illusion just as we saw with Mance? Perhaps the real Jon Snow has already made his move and we'll discover that in the next book.

I don't think even GRRM would pull something like that unless it were told from the perspective of a different character.

Since it was told from Jon's POV, I doubt it.


Bran had a vision early on of him freezing at the Wall. I think that's what will happen. He has been stabbed multiple times but he will survive because of magical freezing. In the meantime he will warg into Ghost.
Bran had a vision early on of him freezing at the Wall. I think that's what will happen. He has been stabbed multiple times but he will survive because of magical freezing. In the meantime he will warg into Ghost.

I'd buy this theory. It occurred to me as well.


Melisandre looked into her fires and saw Jon go from a man to a wolf and then back to a man. Pretty sure that means he's warged into Ghost, will chill there until Melisandre either heals his wounds Victarion style or, if he's actually "dead," revives him Beric style and then Jon goes back into his body.

Also, Tormund and the Wildlings are going to fucking murder Bowen Marsh and the Night's Watch.


I was really careful to try and avoid ADWD spoilers and the only thing I was spoiled on was Jon getting stabbed lol. The problem is that I imagined it to be much more dramatic and exciting then it actually was so I was a little disappointed when I read that chapter. Bowen Marsh just shows up and stabs him, a bit strange.
I just read a few TWOW spoiler chapter summaries. I won't post them here for those who don't want to be spoiled, but just wanted u guys to know they're out there. The wait begins anew sigh.


Melisandre looked into her fires and saw Jon go from a man to a wolf and then back to a man. Pretty sure that means he's warged into Ghost, will chill there until Melisandre either heals his wounds Victarion style or, if he's actually "dead," revives him Beric style and then Jon goes back into his body.

This has always been a strong possibility, but it does seems like it would be a bit too literal of an outcome for Mel's vision. I can't help but feel that there'll be some significant twist to the process.
I never understood the Davos love. I like him well enough and he's never done anything terrible to piss me off, which is more than I can say for a lot of characters in this series, but he always just seemed like a pair of eyes to witness events rather than an interesting character. Kinda like Doran Martell's bodyguard with the axe but not quite as boring.

Whoa, Steady on there. Areo Hotah is NOT boring.
Melisandre looked into her fires and saw Jon go from a man to a wolf and then back to a man. Pretty sure that means he's warged into Ghost, will chill there until Melisandre either heals his wounds Victarion style or, if he's actually "dead," revives him Beric style and then Jon goes back into his body.

Also, Tormund and the Wildlings are going to fucking murder Bowen Marsh and the Night's Watch.

So, I finally finished the book. Long story. But that is also basically what I think about Jon. I don't know that he will die, but I imagine Melisandre will play a part in saving him either way. This is George Martin, so he certainly could be dead, but I don't see that, especially after like 3 other cliffhanger- they are dead! chapters already in the book.

And I don't even get how it makes sense to kill him. There are literally thousands of wildlings that are only being held in check by Jon, versus a few hundred Night's Watch. It is suicide, assuming the Wildlings don't just bail and ravage the North, which again, kind of defeats the purpose.

Also, why was Wun Wun turning the knight into goo? Obviously he had been attacked, so the Queen was in on the plan maybe, and had the guy was to start a diversion? Not a diversion I would volunteer for. Maybe that is how he got Val, agreeing to do it? I need to give it more thought.

The book caught a lot of flack for not being that interesting when it came out. I found Dany to be almost intolerable, but otherwise I really liked the book. But I also had months to simmer down my expectations. I was disappointed in Feast first run through, but came to like it my next time through. I liked this on my first read.

I liked Barristan, especially when he shed a bit of light on the history, and did some badass things that were difficult choices for him. Still too stuck in his old ways to effectively general the war, but it seems like he was breaking out of them toward the end. Also will probably have some help from Victarion. Potentially the Khalasar as well? I don't remember who Jhaqo is, I assume he doesn't like Dany, but the Dothraki seemed to piss their pants at the sight of the dragon. I assume the corpses are to spread pestilence, and not actually the hostages?

I was surprised that Quentyn turned out to be such a dumb ass. He should have taken more after his father.

Tyrion was a bit dull, and I kind of wished he would just get it over with at a certain point, and join up with Dany or something. Or at least get into the city. Still, he gave some culture to Essos and served as a necessary plot device.

I liked the Connington/Aegon twist. That seems like it could go places, especially if there is an eventually Dany/Aegon conflict. Interesting to see how it will play out with Dorne. Hopefully the take Higharden first. The Tyrells are shits.

I like that the Dragons are hard to deal with.

Victarion seems like a complete idiot, but I assume he will be nice and bring the horn to get the dragon's under control, probably dying in the process. Because he is dumb.

I assume Ramsay is full of shit about Stannis. I don't understand how Mors Umber was at Winterfell, and Tycho went there, and then found Stannis before the Boltons could if they were marching on him. Bolton's host split up to find "Arya" maybe? Bolton certainly could have heard of Stannis' shiny sword, and Mance was obviously suspicious when his women helped Theon escape. So lies salted with truth.
edit: Apparently it was Mors Umber, who is with Stannis? I confused him with Whoresbane. Which I also found confusing. Now I understand what happened. Could still be full of shit, or it could be something that happened offscreen, and they will just go back in time in the next book to show how things play out.

I don't know why they though Mance's capture would bring Jon running, though. Or why he felt the need to let them know that "Arya" had escaped. Unless he intended that to be his lure.

Wyman Manderly was stone cold. Shame about most of his chins.

Theon was fantastic. Asha was a complete waste.

Bran feels like a waste. I get he needs to get set up, but it seems it would take a while to grow into a tree. Also seems like a shitty fate. I guess I will see where it is going. Bloodraven is cool, but I think a lot of people called that. Or that Bloodraven would be Coldhands, I can't recall now.

I loved Arya's chapters, but again, the whole training aspect seems difficult to achieve unless he does a time gap or has events start to take longer. We are still only like 3 years in from book one, right?

Jaime was a waste, but I guess they need to set him up for something. I can't see how he wouldn't be dead, so I assume that means they were some distances from Stoneheard and something happens along the way.

Tyrells are still shits. Kevan Lannister seems pretty cool. I am not even sure his death was necessary. He was holding it together, but just barely. Obviously his death makes things even worse, but I imagine shit would have hit the fan pretty soon anyways, especially with no money, Ungregor, and all the other events swirling around.

Just some barely considered thoughts, will browse the thread tomorrow and see what others have thought about.

edit: Holy shit long post!

edit 2: Just stumbled upon the Frey pies theories. Wyman Manderly is stone coldier if true. I imagine that is one that won't ever be confirmed or denied.

Suite Pee

Willing to learn
I'm still holding out hope that Jaime gets a sword attached to his stub. Add into that dual-wielding proficiency and you've got a great chapter or two on your hand(s).

edit: Damn Westeros forums, dashing my hopes.
I can't believe somebody else had the same idea. You created that thread, didn't you?

I don't see why he couldn't put a dagger on it, though, or a mechanical hook that would actually be useful. Not a hand, but allows manipulation.

Also, one final thought- The Green Grace is probably the Harpy. I felt that throughout the book, and apparently it is one of those theories that people are speculating on, with some evidence here and there. I think that is probably a Barristan problem. Dany wouldn't know what to do even if she found out.

bart jr

Neo Member
I bought these earlier in the week. The pre-order was only up for 24 hours I think before it was completely taken off the page. These are only the first 3 in a set of 6. I can't wait to see what the other three are.



Melisandre looked into her fires and saw Jon go from a man to a wolf and then back to a man. Pretty sure that means he's warged into Ghost, will chill there until Melisandre either heals his wounds Victarion style or, if he's actually "dead," revives him Beric style and then Jon goes back into his body.

Yeah, I'm sure of this. When Jon dies, he is relieved of his oath (until death...) and free to do other stuff.

Also, Tormund and the Wildlings are going to fucking murder Bowen Marsh and the Night's Watch.

Hah, no. The Night's Watch has all the Wildling children locked up, remember?
I'm pretty sure they will be forced to go with the original plan of evacuating Hardhome. If only because that weird plot needs to go somewhere. I wonder who will be the POV over there.


Yeah, I'm sure of this. When Jon dies, he is relieved of his oath (until death...) and free to do other stuff.

Since it's on my mind...I'm beginning to think that the letter from the Bolton bastard was never from him at all (has this been discussed? I've been banned for a bit so I'm a bit out of touch). The letter seemed like such a ridiculous thing to do especially in his case...Why write the letter at all and why invite Jon's wrath and help to strengthen Stannis at Winterfell?

The more I think of it, I think it was Melisandre that wrote it...She was the most aware of both his devotion to his sister and his brothers at the wall as well as the details of Mance and his mission. She also knew the buttons that had to be hit to get him to act. She also insisted that he keep Ghost nearby before he was stabbed in an attempt to allow him to warg into him (with her help?). She also possesses a certain amount of control over the queen and could easily have enlisted her help because the Lord Of Light says so. With the queen's assistance and the already general unease concerning the wildlings, the mutiny could more easily be coordinated.

Has this been conjectured?
The guy who's doing the interviewing seems really nervous and insecure.

Hm? It's Adam Whitehead, a respected sci fi/fantasy reviewer and perhaps the second biggest Martin authority behind Elio. Seemed more like he was trying his hardest not to steer things into spoiler territory

I really want to know what was Elio's question, which Whitehead didn't read due to spoilers

Kud Dukan

Hm? It's Adam Whitehead, a respected sci fi/fantasy reviewer and perhaps the second biggest Martin authority behind Elio. Seemed more like he was trying his hardest not to steer things into spoiler territory

I really want to know what was Elio's question, which Whitehead didn't read due to spoilers

Same. I really wish we could have an interview with Martin where they were not concerned about saying spoilers. It's gotten worse now that there are a ton of fans of the television series that he wants to avoid spoiling (with good reason, of course). I'd love for someone to be able to just ask him questions about the events of the later books without fearing spoilers.


What would be even more fucked up is if everyone continues to assume Jon is alive and five years later it's revealed in page 15 of the next book that his head is mounted on the wall.

I remember the years of debate whether Arya was blinded after AFFC.


I remember the years of debate whether Arya was blinded after AFFC.

Who the hell thought Arya was permanently blind? I thought they had made it pretty clear (what with the blind waif and shit) that it was just a stage of the training that she was moving on to. I didn't even think of that as a cliffhanger.


Hm? It's Adam Whitehead, a respected sci fi/fantasy reviewer and perhaps the second biggest Martin authority behind Elio. Seemed more like he was trying his hardest not to steer things into spoiler territory

I really want to know what was Elio's question, which Whitehead didn't read due to spoilers

*Tries really hard not to laugh*


Who the hell thought Arya was permanently blind? I thought they had made it pretty clear (what with the blind waif and shit) that it was just a stage of the training that she was moving on to. I didn't even think of that as a cliffhanger.

There was no blind waif. There was a reference to a blind apprentice and that was it. It was more of speculation on how Arya will survive being blind and it then getting waved away nearly instantly in ADWD.


I am Korean.
There was no blind waif. There was a reference to a blind apprentice and that was it. It was more of speculation on how Arya will survive being blind and it then getting waved away nearly instantly in ADWD.
Not that surprising. She's a warg. No.... Really?
Also, why was Wun Wun turning the knight into goo? Obviously he had been attacked, so the Queen was in on the plan maybe, and had the guy was to start a diversion? Not a diversion I would volunteer for. Maybe that is how he got Val, agreeing to do it? I need to give it more thought.

Part of the reason is because GRRM is a big fan of the New York Giants and was amusing himself by writing a part were a giant ripped apart somebody whose banner was "a silver field with a blue star".

Part of the reason is because GRRM is a big fan of the New York Giants and was amusing himself by writing a part were a giant ripped apart somebody whose banner was "a silver field with a blue star".


I discovered that a few minutes after I made my post. I thought it was fucking hilarious, but somebody on Westeros was getting all butt hurt about it.

Still doesn't explain the why of it, I assume tied to Val and Wun Wun (Phill Simms! #11) being her bodyguard.


I discovered that a few minutes after I made my post. I thought it was fucking hilarious, but somebody on Westeros was getting all butt hurt about it.

Still doesn't explain the why of it, I assume tied to Val and Wun Wun (Phill Simms! #11) being her bodyguard.

It could also be a reference to the Azor Ahai prophecy. When the red star bleeds, and darkness gathers... blah blah blah

The red star bleeding is Ser Patrek's sigil turning red with his blood.

ETA: Oh, you asked why... I guess because he's a giant and he turns a little crazed when he gets the blood lust? HULK SMASH!


Wait GRRM is a Giants fan? I thought he was a Jets fan? Or does he just jump on whatever bandwagon is available at the time?
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