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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Thanks a lot for this explanation. It sounds like he passed a hump. So hopefully the next book comes quicker. The last two sound like they had a lot of development trouble.

Thankfully, you can't really tell reading. Or at least, I can't. Feast was good, but slow, but I think that had to do with the way they split it. ADWD is so much better so far (300 pages in, don't really care about spoilers).

I think the quality of all the books is pretty high. I know GRRM has gotten some hate for Feast and Dance... is that because people think the quality of the story has dropped (Which I disagree with), or just because they took forever to come out and didn't answer many questions (More reasonable to me)?

I enjoyed Feast and Dance, I think the main problem is that it is not the story people want to read. Fans are much more interested in having the books be plot driven, have story arcs reach their conclusions, battles be completed. We get the sense that the end of the books are near but the story still has such a long way to go.
Is it set in stone that the RW is this season or are people just speculating that it may be? I'd hate for the producers to rush to that, they've skipped so many great storylines already :(

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Unconfirmed Member
Is it set in stone that the RW is this season or are people just speculating that it may be? I'd hate for the producers to rush to that, they've skipped so many great storylines already :(

next season


man you know how much they'd have to skip to fit the RW in the next three episodes?

would be the most fucked up condensed three hours of tv ever conceived
next season

Thanks, I was reading backwards and missed that it was a season 3 discussion. That scared me a bit, the last thing the producers should be doing is rushing to catch up with GRRM.
man you know how much they'd have to skip to fit the RW in the next three episodes?

would be the most fucked up condensed three hours of tv ever conceived
They turned Arya's entire journey to Harrenhal into an episode and a half, was it really wrong for me to be concerned?
well, sure. the difference in type of gap is massive

No, you're right but it's felt all season like the producers have been rushing through the story.

I thought last night's Catelyn/Robb scenes were taking place at Riverrun yet no Tullys were introduced and they skipped over a ton of stuff that happened leading to Jamie's escape and recapture so I wasn't sure what else might be skipped.

Also, ACOK's last Catelyn chapter was what we saw near the end of the episode so I thought some of ASOS might be bleeding into season two.


If they decide to reboot the story at some point in the future they could have 80 percent of the scenes be completely different.

The place for this whining is over here -> http://www.iswintercoming.com/

(Just found it the other day, can't believe it exists)

Quoting this again but damn you SmZA. I never wanted to know this much about Elio and Linda, I don't think I will be able to look at them the same. Is this seriously Linda's blog?
Someone please tell me I am being trolled hard or am not getting something.


Going through this was almost as interesting as that thread about Denko.


If they decide to reboot the story at some point in the future they could have 80 percent of the scenes be completely different.

Quoting this again but damn you SmZA. I never wanted to know this much about Elio and Linda, I don't think I will be able to look at them the same. Is this seriously Linda's blog?
Someone please tell me I am being trolled hard or am not getting something.


Going through this was almost as interesting as that thread about Denko.

Yup. That is Linda of Westeros.org's Tumblr. Her website contains much of the same thoughts, only expressed much more tactfully. Not really sure what she is trying to accomplish with her Tumblr, but if the goal is to ensure huge portions of the fanbase never visit her site, she is doing a bang-up job.

My favorite quote of hers, illustrating perfectly her outlook on the TV series:

As far as I am concerned, when it comes to casting only closeness to described appearance in the books matter. I don’t give a fuck about the actor’s background if they look reasonably right.
Amusingly enough, Linda hasn't read A Storm of Swords because someone spoiled the Red Wedding and she couldn't bear to read it. She's a fanatical purist who hasn't even read the most important book in the series.


Amusingly enough, Linda hasn't read A Storm of Swords because someone spoiled the Red Wedding and she couldn't bear to read it. She's a fanatical purist who hasn't even read the most important book in the series.

Actually, I believe she has read all but the chapter with the Red Wedding. But yeah, she is certainly a book purist. I can't even fathom being that dedicated to the source material.


Catelyn hasn't had a new POV chapter

A Catelyn chapter with the Brotherhood Without Banners HHHUUURGH

also, it kind of sucks not having anymore of this to read. Since roughly February, reading some ASOIAF has been part of my nightly ritual.

Zombie Catelyn is one of the worst things in the books. No POV plzkthnx.


May contain jokes =>
Yup. That is Linda of Westeros.org's Tumblr. Her website contains much of the same thoughts, only expressed much more tactfully. Not really sure what she is trying to accomplish with her Tumblr, but if the goal is to ensure huge portions of the fanbase never visit her site, she is doing a bang-up job.

My favorite quote of hers, illustrating perfectly her outlook on the TV series:

I'm not really tuned into the fan community, but who is this woman and why do people seem to care about her opinions? She seems like a psycho.


I'm not really tuned into the fan community, but who is this woman and why do people seem to care about her opinions? She seems like a psycho.

She, along with her partner Elio, run Westeros.org, which is the largest ASOIAF site on the web. Both of them assisted in editing A Dance with Dragons and have also been "continuity checkers" for GRRM in the past (he would email them with questions about minor details, to make sure he got them right across each book). They are also writing an ASOIAF encyclopedia called The World of Ice and Fire. They have also consulted on various ASOIAF/GoT projects over the past few years. So they are pretty well-connected and important members of the fandom.
Actually, I believe she has read all but the chapter with the Red Wedding. But yeah, she is certainly a book purist. I can't even fathom being that dedicated to the source material.

She hasn't read many of the most violent chapters, which is hilarious. The series is basically her life, as well as Elio's. I enjoy their thoughts on prophesies, predictions, and other book related content but I couldn't care less about their show reviews. It's clear both have no interest in what makes a show good, when it applies to GoT at least


May contain jokes =>
She, along with her partner Elio, run Westeros.org, which is the largest ASOIAF site on the web. Both of them assisted in editing A Dance with Dragons and have also been "continuity checkers" for GRRM in the past (he would email them with questions about minor details, to make sure he got them right across each book). They are also writing an ASOIAF encyclopedia called The World of Ice and Fire. They have also consulted on various ASOIAF/GoT projects over the past few years. So they are pretty well-connected and important members of the fandom.

Ok, that's what I thought. I guess they serve an important purpose as George forgets half his details, but looking at her blog I still think she sounds like an insane person.


I thought GRRM already told the show's producers the ending plot of the saga, in abbreviated form. Just in case he'd die or anything else should happen to him.

Or is that just a rumor? I'd love to see it. A Dream of Spring sounds soooo far away ;_;


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
I'm re-reading AFFC. Every "Iron" chapter, every "sand" chapter and every "lion" chapter is great. Every Brienne chapter is so painful.


Really? I loved the Brienne chapters. They were a bit slow paced, but I didn't mind them. I like the characters she interacts with.

There's a lot of hate concerning the Brienne POV in AFFC, but I never quite got that.
Ok, that's what I thought. I guess they serve an important purpose as George forgets half his details, but looking at her blog I still think she sounds like an insane person.

Linda is a bit unhinged and has cultivated a reputation for going off on people and stirring up trouble. The people at iswintercoming linked above particularly have it out for her because she had their site taken down.


I'm re-reading AFFC. Every "Iron" chapter, every "sand" chapter and every "lion" chapter is great. Every Brienne chapter is so painful.

The Cersei chapters were pissing me off by the end. Not because they were bad, but because it just felt like there were so many.

She had 10 chapters out of 46.


Ok, that's what I thought. I guess they serve an important purpose as George forgets half his details, but looking at her blog I still think she sounds like an insane person.

Yes, but you asked why people cared about her opinion and that is why. :)
There's a lot of hate concerning the Brienne POV in AFFC, but I never quite got that.

It's likely because even on a first time read you know her search is pointless and that these are wasted chapters. There's no drama or tension involved because we also get viewpoints from Sansa and Arya in the novel...and she's heading the wrong way. In the end it's just an excuse for Martin to offer more information regarding the common-folk [at an excruciatingly slow pace] and we saw more than enough of them in Arya's POV last novel.


Ok, that's what I thought. I guess they serve an important purpose as George forgets half his details, but looking at her blog I still think she sounds like an insane person.

Insane person, where did you get that impression? You must clearly be a feminazi and/or social justice freak.


Doesn't know that "You" is used in both the singular and plural
It's likely because even on a first time read you know her search is pointless and that these are wasted chapters. There's no drama or tension involved because we also get viewpoints from Sansa and Arya in the novel...and she's heading the wrong way. In the end it's just an excuse for Martin to offer more information regarding the common-folk [at an excruciatingly slow pace] and we saw more than enough of them in Arya's POV last novel.

Indeed. Like Cersei, it's also constantly awful. You know it's heading nowhere and her situation is shit no matter what. Life will never be good to Brienne. She will always be in fear of rape, no one will take her seriously and she's headed the wrong way!
Yes, but you asked why people cared about her opinion and that is why. :)

Reading through this tumblr, I'm really kind of disappointed more than anything. I always feel like in these communities, the erm..."leaders" as it were, should really be ambassadors for the story to the fan (in this case both book and tv) communities.

"Fuckwit"? Seriously? Sigh..


I really like Brienne's chapters. It didn't bother me that her quest was in vain because I knew she was headed for a meetup/confrontation with fake Hound, the BwB or unCat who were all hanging out in the river lands with her. I think it comes down to whether or not you like the character or not. She's one of my favourites so I enjoy reading about her escapades, and I think her chapters are some of the best written in the series. Septon Meribald's monologue is probably my favourite extended passage from the entire series. Plus you get more Podrick Payne, who doesn't enjoy that?! Hope Jaime doesn't end up having to kill her in Winds, although it might be good for the story if he did.


How are the Wheel of Time books? Would you recommend those to an ASOIF fan?

There are like 13 WoT books. Enough to keep me busy for a few months...
The problem with Brienne's chapters is that they occur too often. If the book came out as originally intended there would be more space between them and you wouldn't constantly be bombarded by her and her fruitless search. Her chapters do get really good towards the end though.


How are the Wheel of Time books? Would you recommend those to an ASOIF fan?

There are like 13 WoT books. Enough to keep me busy for a few months...

the first four or five books are pretty damn good, then they go into a longgggg lull where barely anything happens, then books 10 - 12 pick up the pace again. I've read them all, so I'd recommend it to anyone, and Mat is my favorite character in any book series ever.
Insane person, where did you get that impression? You must clearly be a feminazi and/or social justice freak.

Dunno about insane, but she suffers from the typical issue that plagues all purists of anything that gets adapted: obsession over details no one else gives a shit about. What does it matter to a tv viewer that "Talisa" claims she is from Volantis? The area had never been mentioned before, and probably won't be mentioned again after Talisa's true identity is revealed (I'm assuming next ep, at the Crag).

Obsession over characters not looking 100% like the book counterparts should have gone out the window when the writers announced everyone would be aged up. I can understand being disappointed Cersei is not as beautiful as she is in the books, but if the writers were slaves to the books Dinklage wouldn't be Tyrion.


Quoting this again but damn you SmZA. I never wanted to know this much about Elio and Linda, I don't think I will be able to look at them the same. Is this seriously Linda's blog?
Someone please tell me I am being trolled hard or am not getting something.


Going through this was almost as interesting as that thread about Denko.

Wow, this girl is mad. She's basically saying that you can't like some of the changes but not others. It's all or nothing with her, and that kind of inflexible attitude is why they don't put purists in charge of adaptations. The fact that she says she'd cast characters based on visual appearance before acting ability and background just confirms this. She knows nothing.


Wow, this girl is mad. She's basically saying that you can't like some of the changes but not others. It's all or nothing with her, and that kind of inflexible attitude is why they don't put purists in charge of adaptations. The fact that she says she'd cast characters based on visual appearance before acting ability and background just confirms this. She knows nothing.
It is known.
Quoting this again but damn you SmZA. I never wanted to know this much about Elio and Linda, I don't think I will be able to look at them the same. Is this seriously Linda's blog?
Someone please tell me I am being trolled hard or am not getting something.


Going through this was almost as interesting as that thread about Denko.

Wow, I started reading a bit of that, and just wow.

I thought GRRM already told the show's producers the ending plot of the saga, in abbreviated form. Just in case he'd die or anything else should happen to him.

Or is that just a rumor? I'd love to see it. A Dream of Spring sounds soooo far away ;_;

I think they have been told some stuff, to what extent no one knows of course.
From Linda's blog:

If I look just to my own enjoyment and what my personal preference would have been, I would rather have had just one or two faithful seasons that failed to capture the wider audience and ultimately was cancelled pretty quickly than a less faithful show with more mass-appeal. I have no interest in watching mangled characters or new characters, I have no interest in being surprised.

Seriously? I enjoy having the show around, it gives me something to look forward to every year, instead of waiting 5 years for a book. I don't expect the show to last much longer but I'm having a blast discussing and anticipating it


Wow, this girl is mad. She's basically saying that you can't like some of the changes but not others. It's all or nothing with her, and that kind of inflexible attitude is why they don't put purists in charge of adaptations. The fact that she says she'd cast characters based on visual appearance before acting ability and background just confirms this. She knows nothing.

She seems to only get mad when the cast change means you have someone with slightly darker skin taking the role, she acts like the racial authority on Westeros and pretends it is something hugely important to the show and story. Not only that but she insults people and accuses them of having an agenda when they don't freak out over the smallest changes. She even goes out of her way to prove that certain characters are white when it is kind of ambigous in the books, like in the case of the Dornish. Here is a quote from her.

If we’re going to keep the distinction between the salty and the sandy Dornish (a pipe dream, I know, but just for the sake of this discussion) they shouldn’t cast too dark because then he’d look sandy and not salty.

Who cares? I'm not saying she is racist or anything like that, I just find it curious that she is so fixated on stuff like this and the fact that George consults Elio and Linda troubles me.
She even freaked out because Talisa is slightly brown and claimed, key word claimed, she was from Volantis.


Yeah, I think what rubbed me the wrong way wasn't that she got caught up in details no one but her cares about, but the overall tone she takes with people who disagree.


How did George green-lit the murder of Alto? Totally ruins Jaime's character development in book 3 and 4 after that...

How so? His character arc in SOS and involves him being maimed and having the one thing he's good at taken away from him. How does killing a distant relative who he didn't know take away from that?


Some conspiracy theories me and some friends came up with:

1. Jon is really the son of Lyanna and Rhaegar. Consequently, he's half Targaryan. Eventually he'll blow on the Horn of Joramun and not die. He'll also marry Danny and ride a dragon (probably Viserion who is white).

2. If Jon is truly dead he'll merge with Ghost. Alternatively, he'll become an Other like Benjen (?). Meera and Jojen will also become Others.

3. Jon is "Ice" and Danny is "Fire"

4. The next book will take place largely in Valyria

5. Griff is gay and was in love with Rhaegar (I didn't "get" this when I read it, but a friend explained it to me and I totally saw how it could be true).

6. There will be two more books comprising the "third act". First act (books 1,2,3), second act (4,5) and third act (6,7).

7. Others are like the vampires in I Am Legend...


Hugo Award Winning Author and Editor
1. Jon is really the son of Lyanna and Rhaegar. Consequently, he's half Targaryan. Eventually he'll blow on the Horn of Joramun and not die. He'll also marry Danny and ride a dragon (probably Viserion who is white).

2. If Jon is truly dead he'll merge with Ghost. Alternatively, he'll become an Other like Benjen (?). Meera and Jojen will also become Others.

3. Jon is "Ice" and Danny is "Fire"

4. The next book will take place largely in Valyria

5. Griff is gay and was in love with Rhaegar (I didn't "get" this when I read it, but a friend explained it to me and I totally saw how it could be true).

6. There will be two more books comprising the "third act". First act (books 1,2,3), second act (4,5) and third act (6,7).

7. Others are like the vampires in I Am Legend...

Huh. I've never heard this one before. Care to explain?
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