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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Logically, I would have guessed Aegon and Jon if we're basing it on dragon's blood. GRRM loves throwing out red herrings though so I'm betting Aegon dies fairly quickly and readers will be apathetic about his death (kind of like Quentyn). Anything can go on these books, though, so maybe GRRM swill switch things up and have Penny and Nymeria fly the other two dragons.

Direwolf flying a dragon? That's fucking brilliant!

Wh0 N0se

With the amount of complaints about Jon's 'death' I think it would be a wise idea, if he does come back, to kill off some POV characters permanently in the upcoming battles.

We all know, including GRRM, that he has too many at the moment, he's going to have to get rid of a few to make people feel like anyone could die and the non-death of Jon would make it feel less of a cheat. These battles coming up are a good way of getting rid of these excess characters (They know who they are!)

I don't know about anyone else but with all the leftover plot and what was probably already planned for TWoW, I can't help but think that this book is gonna be the complete opposite of ADWD and be closer to ASOS!!

Just need it to come out in 2014 at worst!! (Please?)


Logically, I would have guessed Aegon and Jon if we're basing it on dragon's blood. GRRM loves throwing out red herrings though so I'm betting Aegon dies fairly quickly and readers will be apathetic about his death (kind of like Quentyn). Anything can go on these books, though, so maybe GRRM swill switch things up and have Penny and Nymeria fly the other two dragons.

Penny flying a Dragon? BWAHAHAHAHA Penny is (hopefully) going to die, probably at the hands of Tyrion since he has seem to accept the monstruous role that the world assigned to him (you can already spot some of that development in ADWD, like when he treatened Illirio's maid). Penny's character, in the other hand, is past her shelf life. She seemed that she was going to develope her character, yet nope, she falls back into her shitty self. Off with her head, I say.
If I could pick the Christmas (or New Years) chapter, I'd probably go with Davos. Speaking of which, what do you guys think about the theory that Ned's mother is on Skagos? Such a move could be rather ridiculous (ie having such a potentially pivotal character never mentioned, and waiting on an island to be somewhat of a deus ex machina), it would also be interesting.

Perhaps a better way to handle it would be for Ned's mother to be dead and buried on Skagos, and for the island to hold some reverence for the Starks.
If I could pick the Christmas (or New Years) chapter, I'd probably go with Davos. Speaking of which, what do you guys think about the theory that Ned's mother is on Skagos? Such a move could be rather ridiculous (ie having such a potentially pivotal character never mentioned, and waiting on an island to be somewhat of a deus ex machina), it would also be interesting.

Perhaps a better way to handle it would be for Ned's mother to be dead and buried on Skagos, and for the island to hold some reverence for the Starks.

Whaaaa? I've never heard this. Crazy. Although I guess I've never even really thought about Ned's mother before.


Is this series leading up to one huge battle against the whitewalkers? it seemed that way in the beginning, now Im not so sure. The non westeros world wouldnt be involved and seems like 1 dragon destroy them all.

Wh0 N0se

Is this series leading up to one huge battle against the whitewalkers? it seemed that way in the beginning, now Im not so sure. The non westeros world wouldnt be involved and seems like 1 dragon destroy them all.

I would hope so, it would make them completely pointless if for 6 1/2 books it's all politics and 'omg whitewalkers' and then suddenly the whitewalkers are defeated.


So not worth it
Is this series leading up to one huge battle against the whitewalkers? it seemed that way in the beginning, now Im not so sure. The non westeros world wouldnt be involved and seems like 1 dragon destroy them all.

I reckon the next book and maybe the beginning of book 7 will wrap up the battle for Westeros and the Iron Throne and the majority of book 7 handling how the realm unites to face the White Walkers.
I don't think it would be pointless. It shows how they set him up to be Lord Commander and he failed. There's lots of discussion to be had, there.

Well, technically anything can be up for discussion no matter how mundane...and John's permanent death would be entirely mundane....no matter what people might think of the value of "shock factor" and "type" characters, I think Jon definitely has value from a narrative perspective in the plot...just because he is a decent bloke doesn't make him any less "realistic" than say the shallow, callous, vindictive, harridan that is Cersie. Anyway, I don't think he is dead. From a narrative perspective, Rob made far more sense that Jon.


I would hope so, it would make them completely pointless if for 6 1/2 books it's all politics and 'omg whitewalkers' and then suddenly the whitewalkers are defeated.

It's been discussed here and mentioned by me before, that one of the main points in the series is that all the politics and game of thrones business will turn out to be a grave lollygag leaving Westeros vulnerable against its true threat. I'm predicting this is where Dany will face her last challenge; the question of whether to be queen or help the people of the realm by sacrificing her title in some way.


One of the coolest little pieces of lore in the series. Imagine if that guy actually found another continent analogous to the Americas and just stayed there. An entirely new line of Starks could be prospering over there. They could even come back with an army

That exact plotline happens in another popular fantasy series with 700+ page books.

Which series is that?

Another (less well known than
Wheel of Time
) series that does this is Paul Kearney's Monarchies of God.

Wh0 N0se

It's been discussed here and mentioned by me before, that one of the main points in the series is that all the politics and game of thrones business will turn out to be a grave lollygag leaving Westeros vulnerable against its true threat. I'm predicting this is where Dany will face her last challenge; the question of whether to be queen or help the people of the realm by sacrificing her title in some way.

I can see that happening, Westeros is being destroyed by weak ruling and this will make the danger that much greater. I can't see Dany ending up being ruler after the series is done though, just seems too obvious.

What's everyones thoughts on the Dragons against the Whitewalkers/others/whatever their main name is, to me they seem to overpowered against them and I reckon that something will have to happen to 1 or all of them to make it seem like this is going to be hard to stop the whitewalkers. It would be pretty boring if the whitewalkers invaded and Dany came with her Dragons and defeated them easily.

Has it been explained why they disappeared all those years ago?
If I could pick the Christmas (or New Years) chapter, I'd probably go with Davos. Speaking of which, what do you guys think about the theory that Ned's mother is on Skagos? Such a move could be rather ridiculous (ie having such a potentially pivotal character never mentioned, and waiting on an island to be somewhat of a deus ex machina), it would also be interesting.

Perhaps a better way to handle it would be for Ned's mother to be dead and buried on Skagos, and for the island to hold some reverence for the Starks.

What is the basis of this theory and its significance?

I suppose it's odd now I think of it that we don't really know anything about Ned's mother (apart from being a Flint or something) but why would she be on Skagos?


I can see that happening, Westeros is being destroyed by weak ruling and this will make the danger that much greater. I can't see Dany ending up being ruler after the series is done though, just seems too obvious.

What's everyones thoughts on the Dragons against the Whitewalkers/others/whatever their main name is, to me they seem to overpowered against them and I reckon that something will have to happen to 1 or all of them to make it seem like this is going to be hard to stop the whitewalkers. It would be pretty boring if the whitewalkers invaded and Dany came with her Dragons and defeated them easily.

Has it been explained why they disappeared all those years ago?

Well we know the Maesters of oldtown spent many centuries finding ways to eliminate the dragons. And after the doom of Valyria there weren't as many dragons left and since Westeros was conquered the dragons eventually were kept in basically cages, that made them smaller and weaker and they eventually died out before more eggs could be hatched.
That sounds familiar. Could be why I've always ignored her. Do we even know her name?

Then again, maybe that's just what he wants us to think.

Here's what I was thinking of, from So Spake Martin:
4. Who was Ned's mother and what happened to her?

Lady Stark. She died.
3) Speaking about women there's is a hidden figure: Ned's mother, you only say "she was Lady Stark and she died". Nothing more? Nothing important or something too important? (please at least choose one hypothesis).

If there is anything important, I will reveal it in due time.

(Did Tolkien ever get letters asking about Aragorn's mother, I wonder?)

That sounds pretty dismissive to me. I doubt she will be relevant. We would at least know her name and house by now if she was going to factor into anything.


What is the basis of this theory and its significance?

I suppose it's odd now I think of it that we don't really know anything about Ned's mother (apart from being a Flint or something) but why would she be on Skagos?

From what I get off the theory, it's used to explain why Rickon and Osha went to Skagos.


Seems pretty simple. Where else is accessible to them where they're not risking discovery by Boltons/Freys/Lannisters/Greyjoys while at the same time not crossing the wall and putting them at risk of running into Others? It's the least dangerous option.
It wouldn't even make sense for Ned's mother to be from Skagos. Skagos is remote and apparently not friendly to outsiders. They sent no troops to fight with Robb. They are even rumored to be cannibals.

Wh0 N0se

Well we know the Maesters of oldtown spent many centuries finding ways to eliminate the dragons. And after the doom of Valyria there weren't as many dragons left and since Westeros was conquered the dragons eventually were kept in basically cages, that made them smaller and weaker and they eventually died out before more eggs could be hatched.
Sorry, I meant the Whitewalkers, should've been clearer, Do we know why the Whitewalkers disappeared?

I'm still waiting for Howland Reed to do something. I wouldn't be surprised if he is Jojen.

Howland Reed shall never enter the books haha


I finished ADWD the other day after putting it off for awhile not wanting to face the wait for a new book afterwards. I folded and now find myself regretting it. This wait is going to drag on for so long, ugh.

Wh0 N0se

I finished ADWD the other day after putting it off for awhile not wanting to face the wait for a new book afterwards. I folded and now find myself regretting it. This wait is going to drag on for so long, ugh.

As long as the book is the good then I'm not too bothered by the length of time it'll take as long as it does arrive!


Just read the part where Tyrion kills Tywin, masterfully done. The best scene in the entire series, with the build up etc, it wouldn't surprise me if it stays the best either.


As long as the book is the good then I'm not too bothered by the length of time it'll take as long as it does arrive!

Yeah, this series is likely Martin's legacy, and he knows it. How people felt about the time between releases won't matter a whit in the years after they're all out.


Just read the part where Tyrion kills Tywin, masterfully done. The best scene in the entire series, with the build up etc, it wouldn't surprise me if it stays the best either.
It is a great scene.

A Storm of Swords as a whole is masterful. Just a wonderful book all around, with so many memorable high points in the series.


OK I'm all caught up. So when realistically can we expect the next one? Like, in 3 years?
I'm hoping 2014, but yeah, 2015 sounds like a safer bet.

Summer 2015 is probably the earliest possible. Realistically? Who knows anymore. GRRM himself probably doesn't.
Why is it the earliest possible? I thought Feast and Dance had outrageous times in the oven because of the difficulty Martin had getting the plot to work (not to mention scrapping several years of writing). Winds of Winter is being written with the story more fleshed out in Martin's mind, and he already had several chapters completed going in.

I'm not saying it will for sure come out earlier than everyone expects or anything, I just don't see why 2015 is for sure the minimum.

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
Read through the whole damn series again. Definitely helps to go through such an enormous story again. Ended this run appreciating the Dorne subplots a lot more. Still don't give a fuck about the ironborn. Daario still sucks.
I'm hoping 2014, but yeah, 2015 sounds like a safer bet.

Why is it the earliest possible? I thought Feast and Dance had outrageous times in the oven because of the difficulty Martin had getting the plot to work (not to mention scrapping several years of writing). Winds of Winter is being written with the story more fleshed out in Martin's mind, and he already had several chapters completed going in.

I'm not saying it will for sure come out earlier than everyone expects or anything, I just don't see why 2015 is for sure the minimum.

You expect him to write a 400k+ word book in under three years? Because that's what it would take to see it sooner than that. He'd have to finish it by Summer 2014 for a Fall 2014 release, and...that's incredibly unlikely.
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