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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Hunky Nostradamus
Oh man, the entire Lands of Ice and Fire leaked...I'm not gonna look at the pictures though. I'll wait until I get my copy. I don't want to spoil myself. lol


Just got some texts from my mate.

"Somethings going down at Edmures wedding I know it"




"Fuck this book."

I corrected him on Arya, but only because it's a cruel way to end the RW haha.


I still can't believe what happened to Cat and Rob.

Arya going with the dog? (Wofl and Dog pair)

Jon pretty much becoming the Commander of the Watch?

Same being pimp and shit, I was scared for him at first with that dude on the 10FT ELK
Still rereading Dance, just stumbled upon Jon's chapter where they discuss Hardhome, and the event that devastated the land there a few hundred years ago. It occurred to me that this was about the same time as the Valyrian Doom, and descriptions of both feature intense fires that could be seen from hundreds of leagues away, death of just about everyone present, and rumors of the area being demon-haunted in the aftermath.

Allegedly, every ship that sails over the smoking sea is doomed; Cotter Pyke arrives at Hardhome and is almost immediately trapped.
I just finished A Dance With Death, and I felt as though I needed to give me impressions on the book (and series as a whole) in this thread. Let me preface this post by saying that I enjoy this series very much (otherwise I wouldn't have read all five books), but there are things I have problems with.

First and foremost, GRRM really needs an editor. I never thought books ~1000 pages long could have such little progress within them. This applies to all the books in the series, but especially AFFC and ADWD. So often, chapters are meandering and unfocused, and when I finish them I'm left with a sense of "okay, that was neat, I guess. Nothing really happened, though." A BIG problem I have with these books is that almost ALL of the important events or character-defining actions happen within the last 200 pages or so, leaving the rest of the book to be a slog I must get through in order to get to the good parts. And even then, there's hardly any resolution to be found at the end. I get that this is a seven-book series, but I'd like some things to be wrapped up every once in awhile. For example, ADWD begins with a possible war between Yunkai and Mereen. It ends with the war between Yunkai and Mereen possibly beginning. 1000 pages with hardly any forward momentum. I'm not some philistine who needs explosions, sex, and war to be happening 24/7, but I would enjoy thinking that my time is being well invested while reading certain chapters.

Secondly, the introduction of magic and resurrection destroyed any sense of tension I have for characters. When Jon died, I was definitely surprised, but I couldn't care less after the fact. The permanence of death has been trashed in this series, so I can't stop myself from thinking that we'll see Jon again at some point in the future, whether it's through Melisandre's magic or something else. It doesn't hurt that readers have been exposed to multiple red herrings in the past regarding death, so the impact is totally gone at this point (Bran and Rickon, Catelyn, Arya, Davos, Theon, Gregor, and more).

Should I care that Ramsey says that he killed Stannis? I probably should, but I feel as though I can't trust anything written in these books, which really sucks. It's a feeling of "oh, I've heard this before. Time to wait another couple hundred pages to find out the real answer."

That's all I can think of for now. Like I said, I enjoy the series but I have some problems with it. At least now I can start the television show, which has been sitting on my shelf for five month now.


Secondly, the introduction of magic and resurrection destroyed any sense of tension I have for characters. When Jon died, I was definitely surprised, but I couldn't care less after the fact. The permanence of death has been trashed in this series, so I can't stop myself from thinking that we'll see Jon again at some point in the future, whether it's through Melisandre's magic or something else.
Hm? I don't think there was ever any confirmation (or even allusion) that he was dead. He was just stabbed a bunch of times.

As a reply to your whole argument, I do agree to an extent. Although, I do think the books are at their strongest when nothing is happening. I love the detail of everything and the picture it paints in my mind. I used to care about the plot, but as you point out ... the real plot is rarely the one presented, so there's not much reason to get emotionally invested.


May contain jokes =>
Yeah since now we know that Joffrey won't die this season, I imagine the ending will be Cat being resurrected by the Brotherhood.
So according to that interview, the original title for the final book in the series was 'A Time for Wolves'...

The chances that this series with some fuckin glorious Stark bad-assery has just shot up a bit, I reckon.
Martin certainly needs a non-fangirl editor but I still don't accept the "nothing happens" argument. A lot of stuff happens in the beginning of ADWD, same with AFFC. The middle of ADWD gets a bit slow due to Dany, but every character makes progress. I think a lot of the problem is that some people didn't like what was happening, so they have decided "nothing" happened. Theon's arc is quite extensive, as is Jon's. And while I didn't like Dany's arc, there's no denying she made progress

My problem with ADWD is that I feel like the Essos chapters could have used some major editing. It seems like this thread and most fans generally agree the northern story was great, and the few southern chapters were good (Jaime, Brienne, Cersei, etc). But Dany's story seemed like it was being stretched in multiple areas. Martin seems to have taken the AFFC criticism too literally by just deciding to give Dany a bunch of chapters since fans wanted more of her. I think the book would have been a lot better if Dany's chapters were cut by 5-6, perhaps more; GOT and ACOK barely have any Dany chapters, remember, and skipped large periods of time. Instead Martin presents a very focused political look at her rule, every decree and decision. I feel like two chapters of the guy asking for the fighting pits to be re-opened would be fine - instead there were multiple instances of him asking for the exact same thing before Dany finally relented.

I loved Tyrion's chapters although I also feel like his progress was stalled towards the end, just to ensure he didn't reach Dany. Same with Quentyn although he made it to her eventually. Martin has said the sequencing of these various arrivals was what delayed his progress, and it really shows.

Martin seems to trust the opinions of Elio and Linda, and hopefully they have shared some of their complaints with him; I know Linda had some problems with Dany's progress.


The Headey hate is so ridiculously overblown.

She has been great, and will only get better as the material she is given improves. (As we all know it will.)

Not really. She's been pretty awful especially in season 1. She's definitely gotten better though but she's one of the weaker leads. Weakest probably going to Jon but that might be because Jon's material is such shit in the show.
Not really. She's been pretty awful especially in season 1. She's definitely gotten better though but she's one of the weaker leads. Weakest probably going to Jon but that might be because Jon's material is such shit in the show.

I really don't know what more people wanted from her in Season 1. It perplexes me.


They wanted her to be some sort of seductress or some shit. I've always thought she was fine for how they've written her. It's different than how she is in the books, but I wouldn't call it better or worse.

That doesn't even make sense in the context of the book. In GoT, Cersei's only attempt at seduction onscreen was with Ned, which the TV show did. She couldn't try to whore herself out to others because Robert was still alive and would have beheaded her for it.
How are you supposed to pronounce Arya?

Phonetically, is it ARE-yuh, like "are ya going out tonight?" Or is it like the word "aria"? For the longest time I pronounced it the first way, but it seems as though Y's are frequently pronounced as I's in ASOIAF.

I haven't watched the show yet, so I don't know how they say it there.
How are you supposed to pronounce Arya?

Phonetically, is it ARE-yuh, like "are ya going out tonight?" Or is it like the word "aria"? For the longest time I pronounced it the first way, but it seems as though Y's are frequently pronounced as I's in ASOIAF.

I haven't watched the show yet, so I don't know how they say it there.

Depends how high class you are.
How are you supposed to pronounce Arya?

Phonetically, is it ARE-yuh, like "are ya going out tonight?" Or is it like the word "aria"? For the longest time I pronounced it the first way, but it seems as though Y's are frequently pronounced as I's in ASOIAF.

I haven't watched the show yet, so I don't know how they say it there.

I say "Ar-ee-ah" or "Aria" I guess.
How are you supposed to pronounce Arya?

Phonetically, is it ARE-yuh, like "are ya going out tonight?" Or is it like the word "aria"? For the longest time I pronounced it the first way, but it seems as though Y's are frequently pronounced as I's in ASOIAF.

I haven't watched the show yet, so I don't know how they say it there.

i have always said it like aria. ah ree ah
Yeah, even though I called her Ar-ya for the first three books, I think it's supposed to be Ar-ee-uh. It's a name that sounds more feminine, which explains why she chooses Arry (like Harry) as her name when travelling as a boy with Yoren. And like I said before, a lot of Y's are treated as I's in this series (Harys Swift is Harris Swift, Targaryen, Slynt is Slint, Brynden is Brinden, etc.).


Wait what exlpain

Well, I was disappointed because I thought we are getting the written stories of a history of Westeros on top of the maps, but instead all I got is a bunch of maps.

The maps themselves were very cool to me, if a bit redundant at points (I don't see the point of having a world map if your going to give us the entire world map except bigger in 4 different parts), but I wanted the Dance of the Dragons story :(


Hunky Nostradamus
Well, I was disappointed because I thought we are getting the written stories of a history of Westeros on top of the maps, but instead all I got is a bunch of maps.

I think you had it confused with the World of Ice and Fire encyclopedia. That's the one that GRRM is writing extensive histories for. The Lands of Ice and Fire was always just a set of maps.


Well, I was disappointed because I thought we are getting the written stories of a history of Westeros on top of the maps, but instead all I got is a bunch of maps.

The maps themselves were very cool to me, if a bit redundant at points (I don't see the point of having a world map if your going to give us the entire world map except bigger in 4 different parts), but I wanted the Dance of the Dragons story :(

That would be The World of Ice and Fire. It confused me at first too.


Unconfirmed Member
Well, I was disappointed because I thought we are getting the written stories of a history of Westeros on top of the maps, but instead all I got is a bunch of maps.

The maps themselves were very cool to me, if a bit redundant at points (I don't see the point of having a world map if your going to give us the entire world map except bigger in 4 different parts), but I wanted the Dance of the Dragons story :(

They're only made redundant by the fact that you can probably find them, uncompressed, on the internet.

Still, I find it a bit sad that they're release canon maps before the series finishes. Trying to riddle out the distances between points and places not explicitly labeled on those tiny maps was part of the fun for me, especially in Essos.


Hunky Nostradamus
Still, I find it a bit sad that they're release canon maps before the series finishes. Trying to riddle out the distances between points and places not explicitly labeled on those tiny maps was part of the fun for me, especially in Essos.

No one is forcing you to look at them! :p


Unconfirmed Member
No one is forcing you to look at them! :p

I've only ever corrupted myself with that huge composite fan-made map, but even that didn't look right to me.

At least I haven't seen anything past Slavers Bay. I don't want to see the end of the world until we're shown it in the books.
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