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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Wh0 N0se

Being a Westerosi peasant is far from a better alternative. You're just as likely to get killed, but even if you don't, you still have a shitty life.

You're probably going to get raped along the way as well!

Let's be honest, in Westeros everyone suffers no matter who they are.


So not worth it
Being a Westerosi peasant is far from a better alternative. You're just as likely to get killed, but even if you don't, you still have a shitty life.

Just live a bit further away, it'll be fine.

As long as you don't live along the kingsroad, you should be fine.


Also, a peasants primary fare would consist of plain porridge, flat ale, and a stew of onions and turnips ( and whatever else you might happen to have ). Yum.

So I'd rather be a lord or in a lords service, than a peasant. I might die in battle or some other treachery, but rather that than a dull and tedious life as a peasant.

Of course, as a peasant, you are like to get dragged off to war and die anyway.


Has anyone cooked some of the recipes from A Feast of Ice and Fire?

My wife and I made Black Bread and Sister's Stew a couple weeks back, and it was really good.

If I make it again I'll get lower-cost seafood (bought the stuff at Whole Foods and it cost me a fortune), but it was very satisfying.

Gonna make some different dishes for the season 3 premiere. :)


Rapid Response Threadmaker
You guys are all picking main houses lol.

I most likely see myself being a Stark because I can take the cold and as we know the Castle itself isn't cold, well what was the castle. Plus they have the greenhouse. Being a Tyrell would be nice too. Being a lord bannerman in the Vale would probably be the easiest though. The lands are fertile, abundant, and not touched much by the war.

It really depends on whether we are talking about present day Westeros or any time. The Stark lords in the past really weren't known as the nicest in the land, but from what I've seen they are the most reasonable and loyal.


Has anyone cooked some of the recipes from A Feast of Ice and Fire?

My wife and I made Black Bread and Sister's Stew a couple weeks back, and it was really good.

If I make it again I'll get lower-cost seafood (bought the stuff at Whole Foods and it cost me a fortune), but it was very satisfying.

Gonna make some different dishes for the season 3 premiere. :)

Not yet, but I did buy my wife the cookbook for Christmas. We have already looked it over and picked out some recipes to try.


Not yet, but I did buy my wife the cookbook for Christmas. We have already looked it over and picked out some recipes to try.
I was pretty happy with the results for the stew and bread.

I'll definitely make the bread again, the stew is more of a once-per-year kind of dish.


Ironborns have some awesome characters and cool names but they're mostly reavers so I'll go with the Starks. I prefer cold weather to hot summers and shit.


Hightower here, though primarily because they're the house I played as in Crusader Kings II, and things got epic...

This mod is probably one of the best I've ever played. My House Hightower are currently the Kings of the Reach (encompassing the Reach, the Vale and the North) and I wrote out my "rags to riches" (well, riches to kingly riches) story of House Hightower.

It was surprising how quickly I managed to recover House Hightower after what was essentially an inter-family civil war lasting 3 generations. I'd falsified claims and married off children to make us High Lords of Oldtown and the Westmarch, but I'd installed Hightower family members as the lords in each county. Retrospectively, this was rather foolish of me, as now all my vassals had claims on my main titles.

All was actually going fine and dandy, until one of my grandsons (aptly named Rorge) made a foolish matrilineal marriage, which I didn't realise until I was playing as his father. So then I had to assassinate both his wife and his sole heir, which due to some weird succession law on his wife's side, meant he was now skipped over in the succession and my second son Denys was now my heir.

So I died in a trial by combat (most of my Hightowers have died in some form of combat or were murdered) and then Denys inherited my titles. Unfortunately, Rorge wasn't too happy about this and declared war on me. He was promptly joined by nearly all of my Hightower vassals and quickly won the war then imprisoned me (Denys). By some twist of fate, I had managed to have a son, Preston Hightower, just before I was captured. This turned out to be key since suddenly my aunt Aglantine Hightower claimed the High Lordship of Oldtown and declared war on my brother Rorge. He lost this war, and became known as the rather menacing sounding Ser Rorge Hightower, holder of some ill-begotten castle.

Now I'm not sure what happened here, but my Aunt died of old age, and then suddenly my son Preston became the Lord of Oldtown by some weird result of succession laws that I have yet to fully understand. I was still imprisoned by Ser Rorge in his keep, but as Preston was my son was my only chlid I was also now his heir.

Ser Rorge then assassinated Preston, which made me the High Lord of Oldtown again even though I had been in prison for the last few years. He then became my heir and when I died in his dungeons and he became, for the second time, Lord Rorge Hightower. Now after this, Rorge had both a son and a daugher who died of pneumonia when they were young, which meant that his second daugher Ermesande became his heir. Ermesande had been betrothed matrilineally to some young Tyrell lordling who was leftover from a previous plot to acquire the Reach (the Tyrells were no longer Lords of the Reach at this point, it was the Rowans).

Rorge was then killed and at the age of 6, Lady Ermesande Hightower became the ruler of Oldtown and the Westmarch. During the Hightower Civil Wars, it turned out that we had lost a sizeable chunk of land from our demense. Ermesande through her regent, instigated several quick wars to retake these provinces and then began a plot to acquire the Reach once she was of age.

As it turned out, most of our fellow Lords and Ladies did not like the Rowans being Lords Paramount, especially the young girl we had as our liege at the moment. We garnered over 400% support on the plot and then sent a threatening letter to our liege lord, and quick as you know it, she abdicates the Reach (she was also Lady Paramount of the Stormlands as well, so not all was lost) to Lady Ermesande.

Ermesande managed to have one son, Balon, before dying a natural death at the age of 33. Lord Balon took no time at all in declaring House Hightower as Kings of the Reach, outside of the realm of the Iron Throne and the Targaryen king. This was in the midst of some civil war, so we quickly subdued any armies against us and won independence.

King Balon I was not so clever though and he was murdered by a vassal fairly young, leaving only his two sons behind. The first son married off his brother, also called Balon, to the Queen of the Kingdom of Mountain and Vale (the Vale and the North) to secure an alliance. It's also good to point out that for around 100 years, the Lannisters have ruled the smallish Kingdom of the Rock (which was actually established by House Crakehall originally) independently, as have the Arryns as the Kings of Mountain and Vale.

Anyway, Balon's brother King passed away fairly young as well, leaving King Balon II on the throne of the Reach. Balon II murdered his wife, leaving his only son King Gilwood of the Vale, whose heir then happened to be Balon II. Thus King Balon II murdered his son as well, unifying the North, the Vale and the Reach under one banner in his 20s.

That's where the story ends, though it turned out Balon II was a pretty massive badass even in his 50s, as demonstrated in this screenshot during the period we were invaded by the Iron Throne over their claim on the Westmarch.


Yes, he slew the Targaryen king in combat during a massive battle. He nearly slew his son King Haegon as well a few weeks later, but was maimed and never recovered from his injuries.

tl;dr CKII is awesome, House Hightower rocks


Has anyone cooked some of the recipes from A Feast of Ice and Fire?

My wife and I made Black Bread and Sister's Stew a couple weeks back, and it was really good.

If I make it again I'll get lower-cost seafood (bought the stuff at Whole Foods and it cost me a fortune), but it was very satisfying.

Gonna make some different dishes for the season 3 premiere. :)

I'm planning on having a season 3 premiere potluck with some friends, but I'm not sure if I should pick up the book. How do the recipes in the book compare with what's on the site? I saw that there's an improved version of lemon cakes, and that's one of the things I was considering making.


I'm planning on having a season 3 premiere potluck with some friends, but I'm not sure if I should pick up the book. How do the recipes in the book compare with what's on the site? I saw that there's an improved version of lemon cakes, and that's one of the things I was considering making.
I honestly haven't visited the site. The book is really nice though, and the recipes look excellent and relatively easy for the most part.

For $20 I think it's a nice addition to a cookbook collection.


GRRM just announced the latest short story anthology he was working on is complete. There will be a novella set in the world of ASOIAF included in the book, called THE PRINCESS AND THE QUEEN. It is the story behind the period of history in Westeros known as the Dance of the Dragons.


Interestingly, it is not a new Dunk & Egg tale, which was what was originally going to be included. No word on when or where that short story may show up.
GRRM just announced the latest short story anthology he was working on is complete. There will be a novella set in the world of ASOIAF included in the book, called THE PRINCESS AND THE QUEEN. It is the story behind the period of history in Westeros known as the Dance of the Dragons.


Interestingly, it is not a new Dunk & Egg tale, which was what was originally going to be included. No word on when or where that short story may show up.

Interesting. I've always been fascinated by the Dance of the Dragons, so this story should be pretty neat. Just the kind of thing I want to read.


May contain jokes =>
GRRM just announced the latest short story anthology he was working on is complete. There will be a novella set in the world of ASOIAF included in the book, called THE PRINCESS AND THE QUEEN. It is the story behind the period of history in Westeros known as the Dance of the Dragons.


Interestingly, it is not a new Dunk & Egg tale, which was what was originally going to be included. No word on when or where that short story may show up.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised, since he on multiple occasions mentioned writing that specific history section in the compendium and how it could be its own story.


Is GRRM too burned out to even finish a Dunk & Egg novella these days? This Princess and the Queen sounds suspiciously like material pulled from the unfinished World book.
GRRM just announced the latest short story anthology he was working on is complete. There will be a novella set in the world of ASOIAF included in the book, called THE PRINCESS AND THE QUEEN. It is the story behind the period of history in Westeros known as the Dance of the Dragons.


Interestingly, it is not a new Dunk & Egg tale, which was what was originally going to be included. No word on when or where that short story may show up.

Wow that should be quite interesting, especially in light of the revelations of the last TWOW sample chapter.

I agree this was probably moved from the World book, meaning he's still writing the Dunk & Egg Winterfell story. I doubt he scrapped it, just isn't finished.
People don't like Victarion chapters? Damn, that was some of the best stuff in ADWD.

I hope Snow stays dead. His chapters were getting boring to me.


Hmm... does that mean The Princess and the Queen is going to be collected with existing Dunk & Egg stories?

I doubt it. It will likely only be available in this anthology.

My hope with the Dunk & Egg tale is that they just go ahead and publish the D&E collection and package the new story with the previous three.


It's not coming out until 2016. Sometime this year he'll talk about how he ran into some structural difficulties and how he had to revise the entire manuscript.

2014 will pass with little news.

In 2015 he'll have a change of mind and go back and rehaul half of what he's written up to that point. His editors will then get on his back and it'll release near Christmas, 2016, rushed and without substantial editing. The afterword will contain a note from Mr. Martin stating that, due to the demands of the story ("I go where it takes me"), the series will now be nine books long.


It's not coming out until 2016. Sometime this year he'll talk about how he ran into some structural difficulties and how he had to revise the entire manuscript.

2014 will pass with little news.

In 2015 he'll have a change of mind and go back and rehaul half of what he's written up to that point. His editors will then get on his back and it'll release near Christmas, 2016, rushed and without substantial editing. The afterword will contain a note from Mr. Martin stating that, due to the demands of the story ("I go where it takes me"), the series will now be nine books long.
This is a very scary thought because it probably will happen. Oh Martin, where did you go so wrong :(


If you lived in Westeros who would be choice of your Family?

I like the Starks but I think it'd probably be too cold for me up there, I think I'd probably be a Tyrell down in Highgarden, it seems a nice place to live!

I was going to answer Lannister, but it's a surprisingly dangerous family to be a part of. Ideally you want a family that's rich, out of the way, and powerful enough to stay safe but without the dangerous commitments that 'honor' or ambition requires.

I'd want to be a Martell. The sort that makes bastards.
Assuming we're limiting it to the major houses, it would be Tyrell. Probably the wealthiest house currently, without all of the political drama and backstabbing of the Lannisters. Or some kind of Arryn relative so I wouldn't be involved in the war.


Hightower would also be a good house to be in IIRC. Extremely wealthy, not too troubled by the war, live in awesome Oldtown, very strong ties to Tyrell and the Reach, access to a large military.


Just finished ADWD, I prefer the majority characters of that one over the previous book. GRRM really enjoys giving the
the shittiest end of the stick I find.

Great series, before these books I hadn't read a novel in close to 15 years, I read these 5 over the last 6 months and now you guys are saying I have to wait a couple years before the next one. That sucks.

So here's a surprise: the next Dunk and Egg tale will not be part of George R. R. Martin's upcoming Dangerous Women cross-genre anthology, as long anticipated. Instead, the anthology will feature an original novella called "The Princess and the Queen," which GRRM says tells "the true (mostly) story of the origins of the Dance of the Dragons." "The Princess and the Queen"-- along with twenty other cross-genre short stories from various celebrated authors-- has now been delivered to his editors at Tor. While no publication date has been set yet for Dangerous Women, we can probably expect it before the fourth Dunk and Egg tale (re: the She-Wolves of Winterfell), which is suddenly without an announced publication.


Seems like this kind of came out of nowhere. I hope this doesn't push the fourth Dunk & Egg back too far, but this new story could end up being pretty interesting anyway


sparkle this bitch
It's not coming out until 2016. Sometime this year he'll talk about how he ran into some structural difficulties and how he had to revise the entire manuscript.

2014 will pass with little news.

In 2015 he'll have a change of mind and go back and rehaul half of what he's written up to that point. His editors will then get on his back and it'll release near Christmas, 2016, rushed and without substantial editing. The afterword will contain a note from Mr. Martin stating that, due to the demands of the story ("I go where it takes me"), the series will now be nine books long.

Once people realize he is full of shit. It becomes easier to bare. We ain't getting this for years and when we do, it's going to be the same as Dance and Feast.
Once people realize he is full of shit. It becomes easier to bare. We ain't getting this for years and when we do, it's going to be the same as Dance and Feast.

At least he isn't pretending it's going to get done any time soon this time.

Summer 2015 was my guess after ADWD came out and we learned he was taking the rest of the year off from writing. Though I'm not sure he's even going to make that anymore.


So, when can we expect TWOW to be released? This year?

It won't be released this year, period, but I think that people fears about Martin's slugginess are overblown. Most fans fail to understand that writting is not a constant, mathematically predictable process: there are books and plot parts which are harder to resolve than others. I am pretty sure that TWOW will not be delayed as much as Dance was because:

- The amorphous 2 year ellipsis that was originally planned has already been covered by the AFFC and ADWTD, the "second trilogy" that comes now is far more defined

- The Meerense knot is already solved (which was the biggest headache, plot-wise)

- Every piece has already been placed (no more additional characters, according to Martin)

- The resolution of the pending history arcs has already been written (Stannis & Daenery's respective battles)

I would put my bets on the editing process beggining at the late 2014, with the book published some time along 2015.
It won't be released this year, period, but I think that people fears about Martin's slugginess are overblown. Most fans fail to understand that writting is not a constant, mathematically predictable process: there are books and plot parts which are harder to resolve than others. I am pretty sure that TWOW will not be delayed as much as Dance was because:

- The amorphous 2 year ellipsis that was originally planned has already been covered by the AFFC and ADWTD, the "second trilogy" that comes now is far more defined

- The Meerense knot is already solved (which was the biggest headache, plot-wise)

- Every piece has already been placed (no more additional characters, according to Martin)

- The resolution of the pending history arcs has already been written (Stannis & Daenery's respective battles)

I would put my bets on the editing process beggining at the late 2014, with the book published some time along 2015.

Agreed. We know why ADWD/AFFC were so heavily delayed, and it had nothing to do with football or laziness: he was mainly struggling with the 5 year gap issue, and later the Meerenese Knot. With both out the way it's not particularly outlandish to suggest the final books will be released in a more timely manner. Late 2014 at the earliest imo, perhaps early 2015; sometime in 2015 seems like a safe bet.
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