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A Song of Ice and Fire -- **Unmarked Spoilers For All Books including ADWD**

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Is there a reason why Sansa as herself gets a POV and her other identity Alayne Stone also gets a POV? I've just come to Alayne now in the book. A simple yes or no answer please, without spoiling.

The chapter naming standards start going all over the place in book 4. Characters taking on other identities and other names seems to be a bit of a theme of the Feast/Dance megabook. I wouldn't read anything too much into it. It just means that she's living as Alayne right now and that she's gotten more comfortable thinking of herself as Alayne than as Sansa at the moment.


Is there a reason why Sansa as herself gets a POV and her other identity Alayne Stone also gets a POV? I've just come to Alayne now in the book. A simple yes or no answer please, without spoiling.

Martin played around a lot with naming the chapters. I think they're meant so signify the theme of the chapter. I just leafed through and by the end only 1 of 8 chapters was named directly after the POV character.
He started that with guest POV characters in AFFC, and then just started to expand everywhere because he liked that chapter naming convention. I think he overused it too much and it's lost whatever impact it once had.


He started that with guest POV characters in AFFC, and then just started to expand everywhere because he liked that chapter naming convention. I think he overused it too much and it's lost whatever impact it once had.

I wouldn't mind the naming convention at all if the entire series had been done that way. It's the sudden shift from book 3 to book 4 that calls attention to it and makes it feel like there should be more meaning to it than there really is.
Yeah, but the moment when you turn the page in Dance and see 'Theon' written at the top of the page as opposed to 'Reek' or 'The Turncloak' or all of those other things, and what that signifies, is such a great moment, and it completely justifies the whole thing.


He started that with guest POV characters in AFFC, and then just started to expand everywhere because he liked that chapter naming convention. I think he overused it too much and it's lost whatever impact it once had.
What if they named the chapters 'Theon Greyjoy' instead of 'Reek?'


There are two different things going on with the chapter titles.

In one group, you have the characters who have multiple personality disorder or are changing their actual internal identity (Theon/Reek, Arya/Cat of the Canals).

In the other, you have the names that are given to add description and flavor, like Arys Oakheart being introduced as The Soiled Knight, or whatever it was.

The former serve a significant narrative purpose, but the latter just seem like window dressing.
I got really annoyed when GRRM started using nicknames for the chapter titles. I found it needlessly confusing.

Sansa/Alayne and Theon/Reek, however, I was cool with. If they've adopted a new identity, I think it's appropriate to adopt their new names for the chapter titles.


sparkle this bitch
Ikael: the main issue with the Knot was the issue of so many characters journeying to visit Dany, and how it would sequence. He needed certain characters (Quentyn) to arrive first when she was in Mereen, and had to set up a way to get her out of the city and still have a compelling narrative there during the siege. I didn't like most of Dany's chapters in ADWD but all of Barriston's were great, and Martin has said that character is who helped him cut the Knot.

So now you have Dany away from the city, presumably about to conquer another khalasar and march back to Mereen. Meanwhile Tyrion is outside the city gates and Victarion is about to break the naval siege in the city's bay. Perhaps Marwyn will show up after the battle.

I actually like the general story arc, although I don't like the painstaking way he got there; many of Dany's chapters were extremely repetitive and could have been cut, perhaps in half. Dany will likely go back to the city and save it from the siege, but not before the "pale horse" overtakes much of the slaves she freed. Perhaps you're right about the pyramid being breached, thus further releasing the disease. Either way I think Mereen is fucked, and Dany may have to scorch the city in order to stop the spread. Which of course would only serve to make her seem even more dangerous to Westerosi lords, and would be an interesting parallel to what happened with the Mad King; in that case Jaime saved the city by preventing a Targaryen from burning a city, whereas Dany will have saved a city by burning it.

The knot will be solved once Dany realizes that she is the conquer, not the ruler. I think that is how its going to end and how she gets back to Westeros.


Isn't the knot already solved? I thought he said so. The problem was getting all the different characters to converge on Dany, which has happened in dance.
I hope the new chapter will be from sansa's pov. Her story arc was starting to get really interesting in Feast, and she wasn't one of the extra inclusions in Dance so it's been about 8 years since we've had an update on her.

Lol Grrm troll, lol


When do you all believe we'll see the winds of winter? 2014? 2015? I'm guessing summer 2015 with a pleasant surprise of a summer 2014 release =)

I'm thinking summer 2014, if only because he doesn't have the problems he did with the previous ones. The first three books were released over a period of 4 years, so it's not a stretch to assume he could write TWOW in 3 if everything goes smoothly.
I'm thinking summer 2014, if only because he doesn't have the problems he did with the previous ones. The first three books were released over a period of 4 years, so it's not a stretch to assume he could write TWOW in 3 if everything goes smoothly.

He didn't start writing until 2012, so that date would require him to write it in less than 2.5 years. It's not happening.
Didn't he move a substantial amount from ADWD? He must be sitting on quite the amount of material at the moment.

A few chapters, which is not really that much considering the book will likely need to be another 400k word doorstopper. It's best not to have unrealistic expectations, this book coming out in 2014 would be a shocklng twist.


Latest update from Martin had him at 400 manuscript pages; 200 of which are finished and do not need revision.

For comparison, Dance was over 1400 manuscript pages, so be prepared to wait. And perhaps even take up writing as a personal hobby in the meantime. :p

Wh0 N0se

Latest update from Martin had him at 400 manuscript pages; 200 of which are finished and do not need revision.

For comparison, Dance was over 1400 manuscript pages, so be prepared to wait. And perhaps even take up writing as a personal hobby in the meantime. :p

When was this last update? Could've sworn that this was an old estimate?

Yeah, but the moment when you turn the page in Dance and see 'Theon' written at the top of the page as opposed to 'Reek' or 'The Turncloak' or all of those other things, and what that signifies, is such a great moment, and it completely justifies the whole thing.

That moment was so good when I saw it, I'm probably in the minority but I'd really like Theon to go on and redeem himself


Over a year of work in this case, it seems.


The TV show will catch up with the books before this one is released for sure. Wonder what will happen then.

It will turn into a DBZ episode where the characters spend 75% of the episode to power up so they can wait for the Manga.
It will turn into a DBZ episode where the characters spend 75% of the episode to power up so they can wait for the Manga.
If they follow the DBZ method Dany will spend an entire season flying Drogon back to Westeros while talking to herself and doing pushups and situps on his back.

Meanwhile Jon and Tyrion will team up and somehow waste all of their time searching for the pieces of the Horn of Winter on the wrong continent.

Wh0 N0se

Why would you be in a minority?

Sorry, I didn't mean minority for wanting him to redeem himself, meant in the minority in that I actually like Theon. I know a lot of people didn't like him before what happened with Winterfell and hated him afterward.
For the GURM 200 pages is about 6 months of work.

2012 was arguably the biggest year of his career, and perhaps the most busy. He barely spent any time at home consistently due to all the awards, tours, cons, etc; which is understandable because late 2011 saw the release of ADWD and 2012 was basically a giant victory lap (plus the ratings success of GoT season 2). Just a casual glimpse at his 2013 calendar shows less activity, and he has already turned down many invitations

I'm not saying the book will be done this year, far from it. But IMO 2013 will be the real "beginning" of the writing process of TWOW. 2012 was mainly him moving around already written chapters and adding some new stuff.
Over a year of work in this case, it seems.


The TV show will catch up with the books before this one is released for sure. Wonder what will happen then.
I dunno about that. 2014 will be part two of SoS; the whole AFFC/ADWD complex will take either two or three seasons. That puts us at having the existing books all shown by summer 2016/2017. Assume they need to shoot during the summer and fall, and that they need to write the new season during winter and spring, and basically if the new book comes out by fall 2015 there'll be a healthy lead time for any scenario.

Also don't forget that the HBO writers will likely get every version of his manuscript and already have access to plot outlines.


2012 was arguably the biggest year of his career, and perhaps the most busy. He barely spent any time at home consistently due to all the awards, tours, cons, etc; which is understandable because late 2011 saw the release of ADWD and 2012 was basically a giant victory lap (plus the ratings success of GoT season 2). Just a casual glimpse at his 2013 calendar shows less activity, and he has already turned down many invitations

I'm not saying the book will be done this year, far from it. But IMO 2013 will be the real "beginning" of the writing process of TWOW. 2012 was mainly him moving around already written chapters and adding some new stuff.

I think he's done more than we think, heck, he's managed to write an entire ASOIAF novella full of fake history in that time period.
I think he's done more than we think, heck, he's managed to write an entire ASOIAF novella full of fake history in that time period.

Very good point. It's pretty massive according to Elio. I'd imagine that type of world building is easier to write for him, especially since he's working alongside two people who know the world's details better than he does.
2012 was arguably the biggest year of his career, and perhaps the most busy. He barely spent any time at home consistently due to all the awards, tours, cons, etc; which is understandable because late 2011 saw the release of ADWD and 2012 was basically a giant victory lap (plus the ratings success of GoT season 2). Just a casual glimpse at his 2013 calendar shows less activity, and he has already turned down many invitations

I'm not saying the book will be done this year, far from it. But IMO 2013 will be the real "beginning" of the writing process of TWOW. 2012 was mainly him moving around already written chapters and adding some new stuff.

Based on his plan for a 2014 release, I think his plan is to write the core chunk of the book this year, with refinements, revisions, etc next year hopefully in time to release the book sometime next year.


Almost finished AFFC. Arya, Brienne, and Samwells story are just so pointless. I just don't know what he intends to do with them. Does book 5 make it more clear?

I have my theory about Arya, that she will become a Hitman and kill all the people on her list, that's it.


Almost finished AFFC. Arya, Brienne, and Samwells story are just so pointless. I just don't know what he intends to do with them. Does book 5 make it more clear?

I have my theory about Arya, that she will become a Hitman and kill all the people on her list, that's it.

All 3 of those plotlines do pick up. They just take a little longer to get going, especially Arya's.


I am a bit confused about the faceless men, what are their goals?

I guess to serve their god (The Many-Faced God, aka Death) by killing people.

I was under the impression that they were just a guild of (very expensive and highly trained) assassins. Right?


I guess to serve their god (The Many-Faced God, aka Death) by killing people.

I was under the impression that they were just a guild of (very expensive and highly trained) assassins. Right?

I wouldn't say just a guild of assassins. Like you said, they serve a god of Death and they take as payment whatever would be the most expensive for the client, which differs wildly from client to client.
Then there's their history and how they hate the Valyrians. There's something going on and it's speculated that they're in the possession of a dragons egg that they received from Euron. Then there's that one member who's infiltrating the Maesters and whether he's there on his own business or for the guilds agenda.
I wouldn't say just a guild of assassins. Like you said, they serve a god of Death and they take as payment whatever would be the most expensive for the client, which differs wildly from client to client.
Then there's their history and how they hate the Valyrians. There's something going on and it's speculated that they're in the possession of a dragons egg that they received from Euron. Then there's that one member who's infiltrating the Maesters and whether he's there on his own business or for the guilds agenda.
I remember one of the main theories being that he stole a book detailing how to kill dragons
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